
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:05 am


During a press conference alongside Minister of Domestic Affairs Simen Christoffersen, Prime Minister Filip Brundtland stated
that the Kazulian Government had a "moral responsibility" to those attempting to flee Noth Dovani while doing all it can to end
the conflict there. Vulnerable children and orphans would be prioritised in what would be a "national effort", Mr Brundtland
said. But Independent members said the 30,000 figure was inadequate and secured an emergency Stortinget debate. House President
Jannik Vestergaard agreed to an Independent bench request for a three-hour debate about the wider crisis in North Dovani, with
the coordinator for the Independent Benches, Klara Markussen urging thee government to expand its social net to capture more
persons beyond the 30,000 limit as established by Domestic Affairs Minister Christoffersen. Ms Markussen insisted Kazulia must do
more to assist those fleeing uncertainty and instability in North Dovani, citing the fact that a previous National Labour Party
government had accepted and resettled around 1 million refugees in what was then labelled as the most wide-sweeping government
attempt at forming a national refugee policy. In his two hour statement to the Stortinget, Prime Minister Brundtland reiterated
the condemnations of the Kazulian Government as mentioned by Foreign Minister Astrid Knudsvig. Speaking to the debate, Domestic
Affairs Minister Christoffersen acknowledged that Kazulia cannot resettle every refugee that comes to its border although the
national refugee policy almost makes recommendations for the government to accept and properly integrated refugees.

Minister Christoffersen as the Line Minister responsible for instances related to immigration said that the government had every
intention of accepting refugees under the terms of economic refugee status. In speaking during his hour-long address in the
Stortinget Christoffersen said: "My wish is that we continue to increase levels in our immigration system for refugees. I'm very
open to saying that, and I will do whatever I can, in whatever position I am in, to continue to push for higher refugee numbers
every single year." One way to dramatically increase those levels would be to open up economic immigration streams to refugees in
addition to humanitarian programs, Christoffersen said. One refugee has already arrived in Kazulia this way, thanks to a pilot
program launched last year that aims to move skilled refugees in several Dovanian nations through economic streams like the
state-nominee program. Chhan Sopheaktra was living in Ostland after fleeing his home country of Xsampa before being recruited to
work for a tech firm earlier this year. This happened thanks to the pilot program being run by the Kazulian Refugee Committee, a
non-government organization that has partnered with the Kazulian Refugee Agency to match refugees with employers in Kazulia and
the wider WDEA. Christoffersen said he would like to "massively" ramp up this pilot as a way to bring more refugees to Kazulia.
The government, he said, would work with the state governments in Dreton, Hent, Agatha, Kelvon and Flindar to ensure the maximum
capacity was available and the commitment could be "properly delivered on the ground". "We will continue to show the world that
this country is a country of extra compassion, always standing up for our values and helping those in need," Prime Minister
Brundtland said.


The Prime Minister defended his response to the migrant crisis - which has been intensifying as the situation in North Dovani
intensifies - insisting Kazulia was setting aside 10 billion in integration aid to help integrate persons into society and
refusing to establish refugee camps on Kazulian soil, stated that the Kazulian Government has historically been open to the idea
of integrated refugees and against the idea of refugee camps. National Labour Party MPs welcomed the move and although Agathan
People's Party Leader Katariina Kettunen said the government was doing the "right thing" she said there was an urgent need for action
now and questioned whether there was scope to accept more than 4,000 this year. "Is being Kazulian to be narrow, inward looking,
fearful of the outside world, or is it about being strong and confident and proud to reach out to those seeking refuge on our
shores? It must be the latter." She also called on the government to reconsider its refusal to accept any refugees currently in
southern and central Europe. The Flindar People's Party leader Erna Hernberg said it was "concerning" that only 30,000 refugees
of the complete 100,000 would be integrated and resettled in Kazulia, noting that previous National Labour Governments had
resettled persons well-above the number of 100,000 before. The Kazulian Humanitarian Council urged the state governments to
become involved in the process, noting that although the Federal Government maintains responsibility for matters pertaining to
immigration through the Department of Domestic Affairs, State Governments reserved the power to partially legislate on areas of
immigration albeit said powers should however never contradict the mandate of the federal government. But Hent First leader Laust
Vilhelmsen said North Dovanian refugees should be considered as part of the Kazulian Government's annual asylum process and he
would be seeking assurances that no-one given refuge posed any threat to Kazulia's security.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:58 am


As the government prepares to unveil its Economic Transformation Programme known as the "New Start", it is important to note that
the government seeks to ensure that Kazulia maintains its position as the premier global economy. This ambition is demonstrated
strikingly by the government’s hosting on 20 January of the inaugural Kazulian-Narikaton/Darnussia Investment Summit, which aims
to bring together Kazulian and Narik/Darnussian leaders, businesses and entrepreneurs to help drive investment, jobs and growth.
The government is right in its steps towards expanding its trading capacity with Artania, recognising that previous
administrations have failed to secure a major trade agreement with Artania's largest economy, Dorvik. There are a huge variety of
complementary opportunities for Kazulian business and investors to build operations or invest in Artania, which has attractive
economic growth potential and a fast-growing emerging middle class. According to the Kazulian Credit Servicing Agency, the
attempts of the Dorvish government to establish a common trading area, similar to the WDEA has boosted the potential for trade
within the region. It is important to note that nearly 90% of Kazulian trade going to Artania arrive in Dorvish docks and trickle
down into other territories. Amidst Aloria's inaction as of recent, the Kazulian investors and businesses are searching for an
alternative path for heavy industry investment to enter the Artanian market. Narikaton and Darnussia could be the key to the
unanswered question. Telecommunications, infrastructure, renewable energy, financial services and fast-moving consumer goods are
sectors with the most potential for greater involvement from Kazulian firms. Separate from both Dorvik and Luthori, Narikaton and
Darnussia is about to undergo rapid expansion. As the government prepares to expand the nation's export potential, many domestic
businesses are in need of capital investment and provide many opportunities, particularly supporting Narikaton and Darnussia's
fast-growing heavy industry sector, to Kazulian businesses looking to expand their operations.

While multinational Kazulian-based firms with Artanian links are exploring more opportunities in Artania, so too are small and
medium-sized Kazulian firms that have never done business in Artania, with many of said businesses moving to expand into Artania
through Dorvik and Narikaton and Darnussia. Naturally, a lot of this interest is being driven by the Kazulian government trade
realignment, which geopolitical analysts say is Kazulia solidifying the foundation of its "trade core", meaning it preferential
trading partners. To many mid-sized Kazulian firms, Artanian trading partners may very likely wish to see a trade deal swiftly
put in place between the Kazulia and their respective nations, as they will see additional opportunities for business with
Kazulia. Both regions are looking at the realignment as an opportunity to transact more business. Sustainable finance solutions
will be an important component of expanding the Kazulian-Artanian investment corridor, as Artania looks to plug a massive funding
gap in key areas such as infrastructure, energy and agriculture. To attract capital from Kazulia and elsewhere, Artanian
governments should consider measures to improve the ease of doing business and should ensure cost-reflective tariffs to
strengthen the business case for investment. Providing funding for such large initiatives plays into a major strength of the
Kazulia– its large, diverse financial services ecosystem and preeminent financial centre. Although Haldor is expected to remain a
key financing hub for Artanian corporates and projects for the foreseeable future, Skalm (which does not recognise itself as a
global financial centre, but instead of king-maker), transforming many nations in competition and robust financial centres, is
moving to shift the dynamic. Through the efforts of Kazulian banking firms such as Fairisles, HKBC (Hutorian-Kazulian Banking
Corporation), FBBC and other banking conglomerates, Kazulia's banking sectors has grown to become the largest in the world.

It is important not to underestimate the asset that the City of Skalm represents. Skalm is such a vital financial services centre
(although it would rather not be recognised as one) and has the potential to increase rapidly its relationship with Artanian
corporates. It has liquid and mature financial markets trusted judicial systems and exists in a multi-lingual society. Further to
this, we know that there is a significant appetite amongst Kazulian investors to buy into Artania, as showcased by the recent
intentions of HKBC to expand into the Narikaton/Darnussian financial services industry by buying over and amalgamation
failing/failed banks throughout the confederation. The potential for stronger trade flows between the Kazulia and
Narikaton/Darnussia is not hyperbole. We can see significant opportunities for reciprocal growth, driving a deeper integration
between Narik/Darnussian markets and the Kazulian economy, linking Narik/Darnussian businesses to capital – both debt and equity
– and assisting Kazulian businesses as they expand into the Artanian region. Whilst Ministers of Trade and Industry Steinólfur
Vélaugsson and Minister of Foreign Astrid Knudsvig have stated that the idea of allowing for Narikaton/Darnussia to enter an
agreement akin to the Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (WDEA-Hutori Free Trade Agreement) between the WDEA and Hutori would not
be realistic as Narikaton/Darnussia is not an economy of size and there would be a clear trade imbalance between the two
entities. In striking out the idea of an agreement between the WDEA and Narikaton/Darnussia, Minister Vélaugsson stated that a
one-on-one agreement between the two respective governments was on the table for discussion and would be proposed once Prime
Minister Filip Brundtland travels to Narikaton and Darnussia in the near future.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:21 pm


Northern Airlines System today announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously concluded that the company's creditors, as
well as its other stakeholders, are best served by moving forward with the company's plan for reorganisation and restructuring.
Accordingly, the Company today filed its restructuring Plan and a related Disclosure Statement to the Department of
Infrastructure and Transport, the company's primary creditor and stakeholder. The Company intends to rebrand the entire image of
the airline towards expanding and modernising the plan after decades of complacent design, systems and operating procedures. The
Disclosure Statement includes an overview of the company's five-year business plan, which is intended to enable Northern Airlines
System to maintain and improve its competitive cost structure, to further strengthen its financial position and to achieve a
profitable, long-term future. In particular, the business plan projects that NAS will achieve significant increases in cash flow,
operating margin and net income, driven by the company’s success in increasing revenue, reducing costs and lowering debt. The
announcement to restricting and rebrand the airline comes amidst sentiments from both Federal Minister for Infrastructure and
Transport Dennis Søndergaard and Federal Minister of Finance and the Economy, Karoline Berrefjord stated the state has no
intentions on covering the net losses of the company anymore, thus forcing the company to restructure to ensure that it can be
independent of an annual government investment injection. For 10 decades, the Kazulian Government has been injecting cash flows
into Northern Airlines System to ensure that the company remains afloat despite its annual loss projections. According to the
annual financial statements of the company, government injections over the past one hundred (100) years has amounted to 40
billion krona.

NAS' business strategy touches all facets of NAS' operations – the destinations NAS will serve, the way NAS will serve its
customers, and the aircraft NAS will operate – in order to earn customer preference and continue to improve revenue
performance. Jonathan Tandberg, NAS' new Chief Financial Officer said, “Our business plan is designed to further build on the
momentum we have achieved through the successful implementation of our restructuring initiatives. The plan targets best-in-class
cost performance which, coupled with continued improvement in revenue performance, will generate the cash flow necessary to
reinvest in our operations. The strategy is also designed to enable the airline to generate the strong and stable operating
margins with a significantly improved balance sheet necessary to enable us to weather future volatility in the airline industry.”
Following the restricting, the board also will be looking for a new CEO to replace Patrick Kampen, who has said he plans to step
down once his successor is appointed. Finance Minister Berrefjord who represents the government on the Board of Directors of the
airline stated that the company had to find a young and excited Chief Executive Officer to pilot the airline towards an era of
growth and independence from government cash inflows. She stated that following discussions with Minister for Labour and
Industrial Relations Hilda Tollefsrud, following the airline's reconstruction cash inflows from the government will be strictly
limited towards saving employees should the company be found in a situation whereby it requires government assistance; meaning
the government will only rescue the company when it is satisfied that it has no other option for restructuring. According to the
airline, it intends on changing its livery and logo to represent the modernisation of the company.


“Let’s be upfront,” Anders Stava, NAS' new Chief Operating Officer. “We continue to represent a loss to the government because we
stopped focusing on the customer and our prescription is to refocus on the customer.” "This is an amazing day for an
extraordinary company, I can assure you we intend on emerging from this restructuring as a stronger, modern and competitively
driven airline," Stava explained. NAS has set aside $10 million for its rebranding effort, which could also include a new
advertising campaign. As the company receives cash flows from the federal government to account for its losses, the company has
become complacent towards competition. Amidst Minister Berrefjord's announcement, the airline's restructuring has been amended to
transform it into an airline built on the concept of competition to ensure better quality service. Becoming independent of
government cash flows, the airline will become party to the stringent regulations of the Kazulian Competition Commission, with
Commissioner Torgeir Sommerfeldt stating that competition would allow for the company to become more robust and capable of
withstanding external shocks without the government placing a pillow to soften its fall. Apart from this, the airline intends on
diversifying the aircraft it utilises for both passenger transportation and cargo.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:15 am


Prime Minister Filip Brundtland ordered the start of a war against Kyo North Dovani on Wednesday night, and Kazulian forces
poised on the country's eastern border and at sea began strikes to disarm the country, including an apparently unsuccessful
attempt to kill Rang Yong-Ho. Prime Minister Brundtland addressed the nation during a "Statement by Ministers" session in the
Stortinget. Wednesday night, about 45 minutes after the first attacks were reported against an installation in Enomoto-si where
American intelligence believed Mr. Yong-Ho and his top leadership were meeting. ''On the order of the government, Kazulian forces
have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Yong-Ho's ability to wage war,'' the Prime Minister
explained. Speaking deliberately, with Defence Minister Marcus Lagerlöf and Foreign Affairs Minister Astrid Knudsvig sitting next
to him, ''These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign.'' PM Brundtland sought to tamp down
expectations of a quick victory with few casualties by warning that the battles in the days ahead ''could be longer and more
difficult than some predict. The results of the strike on Enomoto-si were unclear. The Prime Minister's speech came about two
hours after the expiration of his 48-hour deadline for Rang Yong-Ho to dismantle his transitional government and leave North
Dovani, an ultimatum dismissed with disdain by the Kyo-North Dovanian dictator.

The first signs of the attack in Enomoto-si, which began just before first light there at 5:35 a.m., were an air raid siren
followed by antiaircraft fire and loud explosions over the city that appeared to be bombs. The antiaircraft fire appeared to be
ineffective. At least one impact was visible about a half mile from the Crown Imperial Hotel in central Enomoto-si, throwing a
great cloud of dust into the air. The initial round of explosions took place over a period of about 10 minutes and was followed
by a lull. The first traffic of the day racing down the highway appeared to be drivers fleeing the attack. It appeared that the
war started earlier than the Prime Minister and top Armed Forces officials had intended. During a nearly four-hour meeting at the
Prime Minister's Office late Wednesday night after the announcement in the Stortinget-- participants included Prime Minister
Filip Brundtland; Asle Nordrum, the Director of Kazulian Intelligence; Marcus Lagerlöf, the Minister of Defence; and Astrid
Knudsvig, Foreign Affairs Minister -- Mr. Brundtland decided to act on fresh intelligence indicating an opportunity to decapitate
the country's leadership early in the war. It was a chance Mr. Brundtland missed, to his regret. According to two senior military
officials, Kazulian forces launched about three dozen cruise missiles from four frigates and destroyers and two submarines
operating in the White Ocean as part of an effort to kill Mr. Yong-Ho, his two sons and other senior members of the leadership.
HF-35K Stealth fighters each dropped two one-ton satellite-guided bombs. But the initial attack was described as limited in scope
and fell short of the far more intense strikes to come.

Military officials said the more limited attack was intended to demonstrate that the Kazulia would act on timely intelligence to
strike what one official called ''targets of opportunity.'' ''This is not the start of the air campaign,'' one senior military
official said in Skalm. With his four-minute address to the nation, delivered after he finished a quiet dinner with his wife,
Julia, at the Prime Minister's private residence, Mr. Brundtland embarked on one of the country's most ambitious military
ventures since Kazulia's return to relative military strength, and on a war his administration began planning over a year ago.
Many of the hawks in his government had talked for years of a war like the one that opened tonight, hoping to rid the world of
Mr. Yong-Ho, is responsible for the current refugee situation on the border and the executing of an increasingly brutal
dictatorship. The Prime Minister had to act without the sanction of the World Congress Security Council, where he could not
assemble the votes necessary for a specific authorization to go to war. The Prime Minister noted the notable absence of the other
nations of the Security Council. In his speech, Mr. Brundtland said amidst the absence of the Security Council, the Stortinget
would take on the debate. ''Now that the conflict has come, the only way to limit its duration is to apply decisive force,'' Mr.
Brundtland said. ''And I assure you, this will not be a campaign of heal measures and we will accept no outcome but victory.''
Mr. Brundtland argued anew that Mr. Yong-Ho's oppressive dictatorship posed a grave threat to the security of Kazulia, and would
attack the country or its interests whenever he gained the weapons and the strength.

''We have no ambition in Norh Dovani,'' he declared, ''except to remove a threat and restore democratic governance in that
nation.'' In a seven-page message to the Embassies of the various nations in Skalm, he argued that force was now the only way to
''adequately protect the national security of the Kingdom of Kazulia'' and that toppling the Junta government was ''a vital
part'' of seeing a return of democracy and stability in North Dovani. Kazulian warplanes flew bombing missions today against a
dozen North Dovanian artillery and surface-to-surface missile positions in southern Western North Dovani, wiping out placements
that could threaten advancing troops. Roughly 17 North Dovanian border troops surrendered along the border and were taken into
custody by Kazulian forces. A few government officials seized on the defections as an early indicator of the mass defections they
hope to see when the fighting begins. But others in the government warned against overconfidence, cautioning that toppling the
Junta government and the protective apparatus that has kept it in power for more than half a decade is a risky enterprise.
Communications Minister Svenn Holmlund cautioned that ''Kazulian ought to be prepared for loss of life.'' He noted that while the
government sought ''as precise, short a conflict as possible,'' the unknowns -- from how Kazulian troops would be received to the
elements of weather, accident and so-called friendly fire -- were numerous. It has been stated that the invasion force entails
divisions underneath the Second Army and with armoured, mechanised and infantry divisions crossing into the North Dovani from
Kazulia, the battle has just begun.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:58 am


Although the Kazulian intervention into North Dovani has been limited to toppling the Junta Government, ethnic fighting between
the two dominant ethnic groups of the nation: the Keobi and the Huhoa, could become a potential problem for the advancing
Kazulian Armed Forces. To this end, around 50,000 Kazulian troops are being transferred from across the various divisions of the
Kazulian Army to form the Kazulian Army's counter-insurgency strategy in support of the much larger ground offensive against the
Junta Government with the intention of containing the spread of the Keobi and Huhoa clashes to various "Confliction Zones"
scattered through the country. It has been reported that Paratroopers, Mechanised Brigades and Special Operations forces are to
be deployed to North Dovani for the counter-insurgency strategy. Coined "Strike-Force", the counter-insurgency tactic utilises
the element of speed and intelligence to obtain its objective; crippling the enemy's capacity to wage an unconventional war.
Based on utilising around 5-8 helicopters and supporting aircraft, squads of paratroopers or special operations forces are
airlifted as near to the target as the terrain would allow. Prior to their landing, the attack helicopters would strafe the enemy
position to soften the assault for the paratroopers or special operations forces. Upon landing, helicopter-borne will begin their
sweep of the terrain whilst aircraft-born paratroopers will assault the position. By the time paratroopers leave their aircraft,
the helicopter-borne squads would have established blocking positions. The umbrella goal of the tactic is to strike the enemy
with overwhelming force and firepower and to prevent their escape through reserve forces capable of pursuit. Coordinating the
assault is either a reconnaissance vehicle pivoting on an observation point overlooking the target area or either a helicopter or
surveillance aircraft scanning the terrain below.

Prior to an assault, the enemy had to be located. This was the task of reconnaissance units who would infiltrate enemy villages
and gather intelligence. Once the intelligence had been gathering information would be relayed to command centres, whereby the
location, composition and disposition of the enemy, potential escape routes and potency of civilian contact would be assessed.
Once this is done, a strike force would be dispatched. Serving to disguise the sound of other helicopters and aircraft inbound.
Attack helicopters will be called in and corrections to their fire made by the reconnaissance teams. Upon completion, the attack
helicopters will maintain a holding pattern around the target area, prepared to be used against at any time. The helicopter
formations containing helicopter-borne troops would be sent in, flying the nap of the earth to minimise noise. Before ordering
squads to be dropped into the target areas and helicopter to dust off, the Strike Force Commander would order the attack
helicopters to cover their advance and order reserve units to conduct false insertions to confuse the enemy. The attack
helicopters will return to their holding positions on the flanks of the target area, preventing the enemy from utilising the
escape routes highlighted by the reconnaissance teams. Secondary objectives of the strike force are to display to local
villages/clans the power of the Kazulian Armed Forces and to deter villagers from joining the insurgency by resettlement and the
threat of being "hunted down" by a strike force. If an insurgent force is to escape through tunnels, a squad or squads would be
assigned to track them down and eliminate or capture them. This will require the attack helicopters and transport helicopters to
temporarily withdraw for refuelling and munitions. Upon the enemy retreat, reconnaissance units will mark the routes and tunnel
taken by the enemy whereby units are dropped in the path of the retreat, thus preventing their escape. Upon success, the strike
force would withdraw from the target area and in some cases move onto another with immediate effect.


As mentioned prior, to prevent civilians from both joining the forces of the Junta Government and the Keobi and Huhoa, the Royal
Engineer Corps has been brought into the mix. Commander of Kazulian Overseas Forces - North Dovani (KOF-ND) and leader of
Kazulian forces in Noth Dovani, General Vilhelm Hermansson stated that in following the lessons learned from previous
counter-insurgency conflicts and advice from the Home Guard, the idea of resettling displaced persons was a key pillar in the
containment of combatant forces, particularly the Keobi and Huhoa. He stated that Strike Forces aims to contain the
aforementioned militias of the aforementioned groups to the prescribed infliction zones, with Strike Force being used for keeping
them in the circles and prevent a spillover or an expansion of their territory whilst the Kazulian Army advances against Rang
Yong-Ho's forces. According to the plan as outlined by General Hermansson, the scale of Strike Force's operations would range
from Amber (lowest) to Red (highest) with Amber simply involving Paratroopers to be deployed to conflict zones and Red mandating
the involvement of Paratroopers, Mechanised Units and Special Operations Forces working in complete unison. Hermansson stated
that the COIN (counterinsurgency) strategy would be put to use once Kazulian Forces have captured key objections and begin to
move between the conflict zones in pursuit of Yong-Ho's forces.

Kazulian Overseas Forces - North Dovani (KOF-ND) Order of Battle
Second Army
I Corps
- 3rd Airborne Division
- 16th Mechanised Brigade
- 20th Mechanised Brigade
- 70th Mechanised Infantry Brigade
- 172nd Armoured Brigade
- 2nd Mechanised Infantry Brigade
- 6th Mechanised Infantry Brigade
- 107th Artillery Regiment

IV Corps
- 5th Armoured Brigade
- 39th Mechanised Infantry Brigade
- 106th Artillery Regiment
- 2nd Infantry Division
- 20th Armoured Brigade
- 172nd Armoured Brigade
- 108th Artillery Regiment

VI Corps
- Special Operations Regiment
- Army Special Operations Command
- Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Alpha)
- Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Bravo)
- Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Charlie)
- Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Delta)
- Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Echo)
- Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Foxtrot)
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:31 am


Speaking at the Department of Defence, Commander of Kazulian Overseas Forces - North Dovani (KOF-ND) and Commanding Officer of
the Kazulian Offensive into North Dovani in what the Department of Defence is now calling Operation Archer, General Vilhelm
Hermansson updated the population on the advances Kazulian Forces have been making since the initial announcement that
hostilities between the Kyo Junta and Kazulian Forces began. The Joint Forces Command announced that the Kazulian Army, through
the efforts of 2nd Army's I and IV Corps, had secured the western border region of North Dovani, thus granting them a crucial
foothold in the nation to reinforce units and make significant pushes to the east. With the western border regions secure, Joint
Forces Command ordered for the IV Corps to continue their push, leaving the I Corps to assist the VI Corps who have already been
utilised to destroy a pocket of Huhoa fighters. With Joint Forces Command in the picture, assets such as the Defence Intelligence
and Security Organisation and the National Observation Centre are now available; meaning geospatial intelligence satellites and
signals intelligence arrays can now be utilised to give the Army the technological edge. General Hermansson spoke to the fact
that Operation Archer and the Kazulian Army's movements across the expanse of North Dovani had to be broken down in Phases 1, 2
and 3. According to Hermansson, the Archer is still in Phase 1, recognising that the Army had not reached the marker which would
indicate that Phase 2 can begin. He explained that the reason why the Operation had been broken into phase was that moving across
North Dovani from West to East is extremely difficult recognising the diverse geography of the landscape. However, with increased
assets such as satellites and signals intelligence being worked into the coordinating of the Operation, it is expected that the
pressure on forces to expand could potentially be alleviated.


Major General Peder Stangeland of the Royal Kazulian Air Force spoke to its operations earlier this morning. Underneath the
banner of Operation Falcon, a coordinated and simultaneous strike at North Dovani aerospace infrastructure had been launched.
Some 300 aircraft from the Royal Kazulian Air-Force had taken the skies with pre-determined targets for destruction. According to
an official statement, of these over 1,000 targets, radar infrastructure, runways/airstrips and combatant aircraft were priority
targets, with command centres receiving the secondary status. ZHF-35 Joint Strike Fighters had partaken in the operation,
utilising their advanced stealth technology to target more advanced air defence systems potentially in the Kyo Junta's
possession. Maj.Gen Stangeland stated that the Joint Forces Command had confirmed casualties with some 5 aircraft lost in the
initial hours of the operation, with around 100 confirmed combatant aircraft kills under Operation Falcon in its initial hours.
Maj.Gen Stangeland during the first wave at 0430 hours, 200 flights were conducted; 11 airfields were attacked by 183 Royal
Kazulian Air-Force aircraft; 100 North Dovanian Air-Force aircraft and 8 radar stations were destroyed with five KAF pilots
killed and two held captive. Major General Stangeland noted that during the bombs raids on the airbases, the Kazulian Air-Force
had encountered hardened aircraft shelters forcing the spearhead striking forces to switch their cluster munitions for
bunker-busting bombs. The airstrikes against the hardened shelters, aircraft and radar infrastructure had been coordinated
through lazing from UAVs and the camera pods installed on the AV-13, HF-16 and ZHF-35s. In speaking on the initial phase of
Operation Falcon, General Hermansson, who is coordinated the operation alongside Stangeland as a campaign underneath Operation
Archer, stated that Operation Falcon was aimed at targeting aerospace assets of both the Kyo-Junta and Keobi and Huhoa militia's
who had reportedly stolen some aircraft and helicopters from overrun North Dovanian airfields.

Kazulian Overseas Forces - North Dovani (KOF-ND) Order of Battle
Second Army
I Corps
- 3rd Airborne Division
- 16th Mechanised Brigade
- 20th Mechanised Brigade
- 70th Mechanised Infantry Brigade
- 172nd Armoured Brigade
- 2nd Mechanised Infantry Brigade
- 6th Mechanised Infantry Brigade
- 107th Artillery Regiment

IV Corps
- 5th Armoured Brigade
- 39th Mechanised Infantry Brigade
- 106th Artillery Regiment
- 2nd Infantry Division
- 20th Armoured Brigade
- 172nd Armoured Brigade
- 108th Artillery Regiment

VI Corps
- Special Operations Regiment
- Army Special Operations Command
- Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Alpha)
- Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Bravo)
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:22 am


Commanding Officer of Operation Archer, General Vilhelm Hermansson declared that Kazulian Forces had completed Phase 1 of
Operation Archer. Addressing on overflow press conference at the Department of Defence, General Hermansson declared that from the
very onset it was one of Kazulia's objectives to repel Kyo-forces from the Kazulian border, hence granting breathing space of the
civilian population to escape tyranny without having to enter Kazulia. Urged to describe the kind of peace Kazulia would offer
the Huhoa and Keobi people, he said "Real Peace". General Hermansson stated that operations in relation to the Huhoa and Keobi
militias and operations relating to the Kyo-Junta were two completely different issues. When asked whether Kazulian Forces would
now stand firm on continuing its operations, to see through the entire plan to Phase 3, Hermansson elaborated: "It is our
intention to see the Operation through the end. We have achieved 1 of 3 goals, the most important being the ousting of the
Kyo-Junta regime." Hermansson during his visit to the frontlines said: "This morning we have liberated the western portions of
the country. We intend on resettling displaced persons through the efforts of the Royal Engineer Corps who are actively being
rotated into the country." General Hermansson has ordered a strategic pause to operations, moving into Phase 3. During the press
conference, it was revealed that General Hermansson would be replaced by Chief of Defence General Sven Christensen. General
Christensen's introduction to the commanding heights of the operation comes amidst a decision by Joint Forces Command (which is
chaired by the Chief of Defence) to take a more hands-on approach to the conflict.

General Christensen stated that General Hermansson had completed his contribution to the effort with extreme valour, and stated
that he intends on commanding the entire conflict from henceforth. General Christensen said: "We are witnessing the destruction
of Kyo-Junta forces in the west. Although rear actions are still in progress, it is a fact that Junta forces are now attempting
to withdraw their forces behind defensive lines established months prior." Kazulian Forces are now on the line stretching from
the Northern Coast to the Southern Border. General Christensen stated that the principle aim of the strategic pause was to allow
for Kazulian Forces to rest and recuperate and also for equipment to be refitted to continue operations. According to
Christensen, the Joint Forces Command had known that their mechanised and infantry brigades were exhausted and their machines
needed urgent repair. Although attempts to slow down the western offensive were futile, it did demonstrate how vulnerable
Kazulian troops, particularly the Kazulian Army, were to guerrilla tactics. This was the great weakness of General Hermansson's
plan, General Christensen said. Thus the decision was made to halt further advances and allow for equipment to be refitted and
troops to have some much-awarded R&R. Once the troops were rested and equipment had been refitted, the offensive with continue,
moving Operation Archer in Phase 2. In speaking to what Phase 2 would entail, Christensen offered little to no elaboration
beyond: "We intend continuing the offensive with a renew focus". When asked about whether a renewed offensive against hardened
defensive positions would be a suitable strategy for Kazulian Forces, General Christensen stated that the JFC had been working
tirelessly to craft a strategy around reducing projected casualties. According to the Personnel Ofice of the Department of
Defence, it had been estimated that casualties coming out of Phase 2 of Operation Archer would range from 10 to 20,000, ten times
the number coming out of Phase 1.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Astrid Knudsvig and State Secretary for Dovanian Affairs Farman Adelsköld are calling for the Huhoa
and Keobi militias to discuss a potential ceasefire/peace agreement between the two respective forces. Having recalled Kazulian
Ambassador to North Dovani, retired Admiral Christer Oddvarson, State Secretary Adelsköld stated that he had reached out to the
various ruling factions of the Keobi and Huhoa militias for a potential peaceful resolution. Since the inception of the Kyo
Junta, Keobi and Huhoa-backed militias have been in a vicious cycle of bloodshed, thus enabling the Junta to recover its efforts
solely on slowing down Kazulia's offensives. The Kazulian Government came into fire when Kazulian troops attacked the National
Salvation Army (the Huhoa militia) forces. “The time is now for the cessation of hostilities, including missile and artillery
strikes from Huhoa and Keobi controlled areas.” State Secretary Adelsköld said. The clashes between Huhoa and Keobi militias have
displaced millions from their homes and is nearly a crucial turning point whereby deaths are expected to spike as tensions mount.
"It is no secret that there are a considerable amount of war crimes being committed by both militias and their followers. When
asked whether the Kazulian Armed Forces' halt was tied to the ceasefire/peace agreement negotiations call, General Christensen
stated that he is focused on Junta Forces, not the forces of the National Salvation Army or the Keobi militias, concluding that
he intends on leaving the issue of the Keobi and Huhoa fighting to the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department for
International Development, but warned that the Kazulian Armed Forces can resume its operations against the Huhoa and Keobi should
they demonstrate "small talent for provocation".
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:39 pm


General Sven Christensen and Brigadier-General Alexander Drakenberg, who both devised the amphibious operation, inspected the
beaches earlier and directed the landings. Prior to the amphibious assault, the North Dovanian Navy frigate NNS Yong-Ho was hit
and subsequently sunk by an anti-ship missile fired from a Royal Kazulian Naval Aviation ZHF-35K. It is not clear how many of the
260 crew have perished. The sinking of North Dovani's only combatant vessel foils any possible diplomatic solution to hostilities
between Junta and Kazulian forces. The ship caught fire when an Asvald-Gruppen-made Dovani-3 missile penetrated deep into NNS
Yong-Ho's control room. The blaze caused a poisonous smoke and most of the crew abandoned ship. A major rescue operation has been
launched in the White Ocean by the Royal Kazulian Coast Guard to recover survivors who are expected to be arrested as prisoners
of war. The 4,500-ton frigate was struck as it carried out a scouting mission in the White Ocean. Announcing the news on
television, the spokesman for the Joint Forces Command, Commodore Marcus Norstoga (RKN) said the ship "attempted to hide in the
White Ocean between the islets front radar and patrol craft". Two missiles were fired by a ZHF-35K. One was struck down by
close-in weapons systems (CIWS) but the other scored a direct hit and ignited a fire. The Dovani 3 missile is designed to skim
the sea to avoid radar detection. It has its own radar that guides it to its intended target. The attack comes after Chief of
Defence General Sven Christensen announced that combat operations would recommence.


Attack on Jomi island proceeded the main landings at Jimeskum and Owornin. Recognising that communication remains an important
factor for the Junta regime's forces, electronic warfare aircraft were brought into the battlefield to jam radio communications
and radar systems around Jimeskum and Owornin. According to General Christensen, the electronic warfare aircraft had been flown
by the Royal Kazulian Air Force. The jamming of radio communications and radar allowed for Royal Kazulian Marines to assault the
island undetected and prevent information from slipping outside the island as to not alert the forces on the mainland. Marines
hit the beach at 6:30 am and at 7:00 am, a Kazulian flag was planted on the island 30 minutes later. From the bridge of a
destroyer, General Christensen and Brigadier-General Alexander Drakenberg, who devised the amphibious assault watched waves of
landing craft packed with members of the 1st Marine Division stormed towards Jimeskum. The 1st Marine Regiment, under the command
of Brigadier Henrik Södergren, landed on the Jimeskum Beach. Their mission, once the beach was secure, was to capture the suburb
of Wadougou, cross the Jaligos River, and form the right flank of the attack on N'gousaoua itself. As the 1st Marine Division
approached the coast, the combined fire from several gun emplacements damaged one of the main battle tanks, knocking its
commander optic off. Cruise missile launches from the nearby destroyers silenced the Junta defences. When the 1st Marine Division
forces finally arrived, the Junta forces at Jimeskum had already surrendered, so they met little opposition and suffered few
additional casualties. Without wasting a breath, the 1st Marine Division continued towards N'gousaoua to meet the 2nd Marine


The 2nd Marine Division forces who had embarked on their mission to capture Owornin and drive to N'gousaoua and to secure an
airfield some 25 km to the west of the city, used ladders to scale the sea walls. According to Brigadier Anders Enevoldsen, the
defences Owornin had been better prepared than those at Jimeskum. Close Air Support assistance from the Royal Kazulian Navy
Aviation and the Royal Kazulian Air Force aided Brigadier Enevoldsen's troops in securing the beached, sweeping Junta forces
aside and push to their primary objectives of Kimbo Airfield and N'gousaoua. In speaking to the importance of the Kimbo Airfield,
Chief of the Air Force, General Asmus Jacobsen (RKAF) highlighted that the capture of the base allowed for additional forces to
be flown in separate to the forces being disembarked from ships and also it brings the airforce additional range to launch
operations deep into Junta territory. The attack on Kimpo airfield was carried out by the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Marine
Division where it was captured after hours of bloody fighting. There had apparently been attempts to recapture the airfield by
Junta forces however the counterattacks were repelled by entrenched amphibious infantry, armour and close air support. Having
captured Kimbo Airfield, Kazulian forces moved towards N'gousaoua to rendezvous with forces of the 1st Marine Division. In
contrast to the quick victories at Owornin and Jimeskum, the advance on N'gousaoua was slow and bloody. The Junta forces launched
a relentless attack on the combined forces of the 1st and 2nd Marine Division. Due to the fact that the Kazulian Marines had not
possessed tank destroyers or main battle tanks of their own, they resorted to their anti-tank launchers and close air support.
According to the reports of some squad leaders, the fighting in the streets was intense and lead to large casualties as troops
struggled to both obtain lazes for close air support (as many of the tanks of the Junta forces had entrenched themselves within
buildings, thus preventing non-bunker busting bombs from being dropped on them). General Jacobsen stated that the tide was turned
when aircraft swapped their regular guided bombs for bunker-busting bombs. Chief Personnel Officer, Major General Kimmo
Mäkeläinen stated that around 800 soldiers had died during the entire operation with around 2,000 wounded.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:40 pm


Chief of Defence, General Sven Christensen held a press conference at the Department of Defence where he announced the Joint
Forces Command's largest offensive since the beginning of the conflict. He explained: "Recognising that a simple frontal assault
against the defensive line as established by the Junta forces would be a serious military miscalculation, the Joint Forces
Command came to a decision that a major airborne offensive would have to be launched to impose additional pressure on the Yong-Ho
line." He stated that having convened a meeting with Chief of the Army, General Arnfinn Sommerfeldt, who is responsible for
airborne operations alongside his primary objective of organising the major ground offensive along with General Christensen,
training for an airborne offensive begun months prior on the island of Arenheim. In recognising that 2 airborne divisions are
already in use in Strike Forces operations, 2 additional division (4th and 5th Airborne Division) have been rotated into the
general order of battle. According to General Sommerfeldt, many preparations were made ahead of the initial assault which took
place in the early hours of this morning. Sommerfeldt offered a detailed layout of the airborne assault, coined Operation Dragon

A coup-de-main force of the 2nd Battalion (5th Airborne Division) was the first to plan behind the Yong-Ho defensive line at the
town of Sassagnoa. Once on the ground, the troops emerged and assaulted the Junta positions. At a bridge to the eastern edge of
the town, troops assaulted Junta trench positions, attacked sentries, and threw grenades into a concrete bunker believed to hold
the triggering equipment for the bridge demolition charges. At the Abagbiji River bridge, a machine-gun nest was suppressed with
mortar fire but no other defenders were found, and the two platoons captured the bridge before radioing to other forces and
informing them of their success. Both bridges had been secured within fifteen minutes, at the cost of only a small number of
casualties. It was also discovered that the bridges had not been rigged with explosives as believed from intelligence sources.
The coup-de-main force had been followed closely by the Jaegers of the 2nd Parachute Battalion, tasked with marking out the
drop-zones and landing-zones to be used by the rest of the division. However, due to a combination of heavy cloud cover, only one
pathfinder team were dropped correctly. The aircraft carrying the remainder had to make between two and three runs over their
respective drop-zones before their teams jumped. Jaegers assigned to the northern portion of the town were dropped wide and did
not manage to get to the drop-zone for thirty minutes. One of the teams assigned to the southern side accidentally dropped onto
the western side without realising their error and set up radio beacons and markers that caused a number of airborne troops to
drop in the wrong area, hence sending the landings into slight confusion. A pathfinder team belonging to 3rd Battalion, assigned
to mark out the drop-zone area for the unit tasked with destroying an artillery battery inside of the town, was all but wiped out
when a surface to air missile battery unknown to the airborne forces shred through the aeroplane they were set to drop from.


According to General Sommerfeldt, the town of Sassagnoa was chosen due to the fact that the town was easily defendable and it
provided flat land for a makeshift runway to be constructed. Sommerfeldt noted that the aim was for the 20,000 airborne force to
launch hit-and-run raids against the eastern flank of the Yong-Ho line, using the town as a base of operations. The paratroopers
would be reinforced through airdrops by the Royal Kazulian Air Force. However, he noted that there is an additional complication.
In recognising that an airborne unit was brought down by an unknown SAM, General Sommerfeldt stated that it possesses a potential
risk to the ability for the airborne forces to remain supplied. Although the HSK and MSK accompanied the 20,000 airborne force,
Sommerfeldt noted that they too would have to be resupplied. Director of the Defence Intelligence and Security Organisation, Rear
Admiral Roland Malmgren spoke to his agency's response to the presence of unknown surface to air batteries. He said: "The Defence
Intelligence and Security Organisation has been actively monitoring the situations in North Dovani as they unfold. It is our
responsibility to analyse intelligence as it comes from the ground and work alongside the Joint Forces Command to adjust battle
plans and military operations as the intelligence dictates. We have positioned our Geospatial intelligence satellites above North
Dovani to collect image samples for analysis. From the said analysis, we have gathered that Junta forces have taken up advanced
mobile anti-air systems and are now positioning them to combat our complete air superiority. In recognising the importance of
airlift to the forces in Sassagnoa, we are bringing more electronic warfare aircraft online; concurrently, there is only one
however in recognising the clear and present threat posed by mobile anti-air systems, it is our intention to bring that number
from 1 to 6." Rear Admiral Malmgren stated that it was his intentions to use special operations teams to find the mobile anti-air
systems. General Asmus Jacobsen, Chief of the Air Force stated that having discussed the sentiment with the Joint Forces Command,
the air-force intends on reducing sorties by the HF-16s and Gripens, which do not possess stealth technology; with ZHF-35K
sorties set to increase tenfold.

On the western frontline, leading off from Phase 1 and Phase 2; The first assault against the established Yong-Ho Line was made.
The central thrust by the combined strength of the I and IV Corps, under the command of Major General Gustav Espeseth, commenced
three hours after sunset following artillery and close air support barrages resulting in negligible damage. After the barrage,
the 2nd Infantry Division was ordered to cross a river which separated the two forces, which began at 19:00. Two battalions of
the 2nd Infantry Division successfully crossed the river, but Junta return fire forced some of the forces to withdraw from their
advance across the river, and their foothold was abandoned. According to reports from the front, the defensive positions on the
central thrust had been erected on a hill, meaning that once troops had crossed the river they would have to climb over
artificial walls made of soil. On the next day, both regiments were ordered to perform another attack at 16:00. Although this
assault met with more success, the Kazulian foothold was unsustainable, as withering fire from entrenched tanks and anti-tank
guns prevented the movement of armoured vehicles across the river and also prevented bridges from being constructed by engineers.
It is important to note that Kazulian Forces possess lightly armoured vehicles such as mobile tank destroyers and infantry
fighting vehicles like the CV90 which can be easily knocked out by entrenched tanks and anti-tank guns. Without the bridges,
armour could not assist in the attack, and the infantry was left to fight on their own, resulting in devastating casualties.
After more than 20 hours of fruitless combat, both were ordered to withdraw. According to Major General Espeseth, it is very
clear that he will have to rethink his strategy before moving again. There are reports of Leopard 2a6KZ tanks being loaded onto
the trains and cargo aircraft with the intention of flying them into North Dovani. Espeseth stated that once "his order" had
arrived, he intends on launching a fresh offensive.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:43 pm


FirstBaltusian Bank of Commerce will move its headquarters from Baltusia to Kalistan to enable what could potentially become the
region's largest bank, to base itself inside of an established system of scrutiny and ease of doing business. FBBC said the move
to Kalistan, where it would be supervised by the Bank of Kalistan, would save about 1 billion dollars in the longer term despite
extra short-term costs. In a press release, the bank noted that it wanted to exist in an environment whereby it was easy to do
business with both the private and public sector and where clear fiscal planning remained a priority for the government of the
day. In recognising Kalistan's recent drive towards liberalism, the barriers that once held the nation up as one of the worse
places to do business are rapidly collapsing as the incumbent progressive government moves to reverse centuries of stringent
socialist economics. Analysts have been divided about how moving the HQ would affect FBBC, once owned by the Baltusian state, and
Baltusia. Some analysts had expected lower capital requirements in Kalistan would allow FBBC to lift dividend payouts. But FBBC
said it would keep capital and dividend policy unchanged, although it said it would make long-term savings. Baltusia's demand for
big capital buffers has acted as a stamp of quality for buyers of bank debt, lowering borrowing costs for Baltusian banks, which
partly explains why they are twice as profitable in terms of capital employed (ROCE) as Seleyan rivals. But the move could reduce
regulatory uncertainty for FBBC ahead of the company's headquarters shift. The bank has noted that it sees little to no issue
with taxation rates, however, it notes that the lack of real economic development/growth has become a defining factor in the
company's decision to move its headquarters. "Having offered little financial stability, we have decided to move our headquarters
out of Baltusia and into Kalistan where we can craft a stable financial services sector through our actions."

FirstBaltusian Bank of Commerce has undergone an extensive rebranding programme amidst its announcement to move its headquarters
to Kalistan. “We have been a bank of many firsts. As we take on our new identity, our customers should expect this innovative
spirit to carry on into the future” said CEO Margret Blackwood. The launch happened at the Kaliburg Securities Exchange. The
Chief Operations Officer of FBBC, Ryan Wiseman assured clients of the consistent service provision of the bank. “Our customers
can expect to experience a more forward-looking, digitally-led bank that is committed to offering world-class service,” he said.
“With a rebranded FBBC we are combining century-long experience in the region with new cutting-edge technologies, innovative
products, and a vibrant new brand.” Wiseman also said that the bank has been granted Asset Management Licence by the Bank of
Kalistan, which is the regulator overseeing the transition. "Only by being more customer-centric, fair and responsible in
pricing, transparent and ethical will FBBC breathe life into its transformation. The true affirmation of FBBC transformation can
only come from the changed lives of its customers through shared growth and prosperity of a broader segment of Kalistan's
populace and the wider region," read a press statement from Bank of Kalistan.


FBBC is also taking steps to open a digital bank in Kalistan by the end of the year. The banking firm has been talking with
Kaliburg regulators about the idea, according to The Market. The operation will likely include savings and lending products, and it
comes just two years after HKBC (the Hutorian-Kazulian Banking Corporation) launched a digital bank called HKBC Digital Bank in
Dorvik. HKBC's strategy is to lure Dorvish customers with high-interest rates for savings accounts and then lowering its group
funding costs that way. HKBC Digital Bank racked up $13 billion in the Dorvik using that method. The entrance of FBBC is a boon
for Kalistan, which is preparing to see an influx of banking firms as the progressive government moves to liberalise the economy.
FBBC has usually not done international operations, preferring to nurture its huge and profitable domestic market. But the bank
had no comments on the matter as of recent. FirstBaltusian Bank of Commerce tapped an ex-regulator, Danica Logan, to head up the
efforts to launch the digital bank. Logan was a former head of supervision at the luthorian-based Global Financial Conduct
Observatory (a global financial conduct watchdog). Since leaving that role a year ago, she has worked in other capacities for
HKBC (who owns FBBC), chairing its financial conduct team in and out. Currently, she works as a non-executive director at
FirstBaltusian Securities Company Limited, one of the bank’s primary Seleyan legal arms. Logan also has experience as a retail
lender, chairing the risk committee at HKBC Baltusia until last 4738. She stepped down from that position to take an unnamed
“external appointment.” Analysts at the Market stated that Kalistan has the potential to become a financial centre capable of
servicing the Seleyan continent, which currently lacks an established financial centre similar to Haldor in Artania.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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