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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:09 pm

Could New Yingdalan-developed Rice Seed Lead to Global Food Security?

Yingdalan rice patties in Shu State

Scientists at the University of Hazhou's College of Agriculture in the State of Shu made an extraordinary announcement that they have engineered a new form of rice seed that is more resilient and likely to lead to higher yields. This is a profound breakthrough for Yingdala's education and science sectors, demonstrating their prowess on an international scale.

Professors Nong Cun and Tian Mi led the project, starting in January 4742, the month they received a grant linked to the Strengthening the Nation campaign. This progress shows that government support for Yingdalan innovation is bearing fruit.

The professors, citing their desire to ensure Yingdala could always feed itself, credited the government for its support of the project, as well as inspiration from His Majesty the Son of Heaven and traditional Jienism. They noted that it was their duty to help the government feed the people.

The new rice seed, a genetically modified organism (GMO), although will be initially more expensive for farmers to purchase, will likely increase yields and, therefore, income for farmers. Through years of research and development, the seed will be able to withstand colder weather and winds, require less water and sunshine, and emit natural pesticides - reducing the need to use potentially harmful and expensive chemicals.

Professors Nong and Tian plan to use their research to expand to other cereal grains, like wheat and maize. Furthermore, they have turned their initial project into Nong-Tian Agro, an agricultural research and development company specializing in GMO seeds, natural pesticides, and comprehensive pest management systems. Nong-Tian Agro plans to increase research and development and eventual expand their services Terran-wide.

Companies such as Nong-Tian Agro will be hugely beneficial to an advanced Yingdalan economy, not only benefiting business owners, but also consumers, like farmers and the average person.

Yingdala has Professors Nong and Tian to thank for bringing the nation one step closer to food security and ending hunger across Terra.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:46 pm

Ministry of War Announces Plans to Develop New Attack Submarine

Artistic representation of the new submarine

With the Soaring Dragon program in full swing and focused on the navy first, he Ministry of War has announced Yingdala's intent to develop a new attack submarine. Enough background research, thanks to generous government grants and collaboration among Yingdalan academic institutions, has been conducted in the past two years to set the foundation for a complete design of a new sub.

According to the Ministry, the new submarine will be a diesel-electric attack submarine - quieter than a nuclear submarine, despite the need to regularly surface - to patrol Yingdalan national waters and nearby international waters. It will be armed with torpedoes, as well as anti-ship cruise missiles. The government intends to submit an initial order of five subs, with an option to purchase an additional three three should trials prove successful.

Further research, development, and design is expected to take an additional two years, with completed production expected by 4750. The government is open to receiving bids from foreign contractors, however, it is highly likely that the contract will go to one of Yingdala's native defense industries, such as Da Zhan Industries or Zhanzheng Defense and Aerospace Corporation.

Once built, these submarines will be among the cornerstone of Yingdala's naval defense - the key to national security.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:27 pm

Son of Heaven Gives Speech in Hope of Gao-Showa-Jelbo-Tukaric Unity

Son of Heaven Yu Li gives a speech from the Dragon Throne

Speaking from the Hall of Heavenly Peace, following the advice of the Cabinet, His Majesty Yu Li, Son of Heaven, King, Sovereign, and Emperor of Yingdala gave a diplomatic speech calling for greater unity of the Gao-Showa-Jelbo-Tukaric peoples. Flanked by the Grand Preceptor, Prime Minister, and Minister of Rites and Education, His Majesty spoke with grace and confidence, exhibiting true traits of a Jienist monarch.

Brothers and sisters of the Gao-Showa and Jelbo-Tukaric groups of people, in this age of great possibility, we must ask ourselves, why have we remained divided for so long? Each of us are developing in our own ways - culturally, economically, educationally, among others. We should work together to cultivate ourselves and show Terra our prowess as a people. And now is the time.

After many long years, the Kyo are returning as an equal partner in Drania-Dankuk. Hulstria now has an opportunity to return to its golden age of Hulstria and Gao-Soto. We encourage these efforts and see them as a sign that the unity of the Gao-Showa-Jelbo-Tukaric peoples is upon us. Together we are stronger, and history shows this.

In the past, the friendships between the these people were unbreakable. For example, Vankuku, Jelbania, Dankuk, and Yingdala were bound together by blood and honor. This relationship seemed unbreakable and accomplished a great deal. We should restore such bonds to realize our individual and collective potential.

Our cultures are inherently peaceful and have contributed a great deal to Terra. Let us grow together so that we may offer Terra the benefits of our societies. In the name of Heaven, we must do this.

I call upon all of the leaders of the Gao-Showan and Jelbo-Tukaric nations to meet to discuss further cooperation at all levels. Together, we will succeed!
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:27 pm

Green Materials Key to Environmental Sustainability According to Yingdalan Scientists

Life-cycle of green plastics

Scientists at the University of Jiaozhi have announced the development of what they are calling "green plastics." Green plastics, a biodegradable material that can be artificially produced in a lab, could be the essential ingredient to environmentally friendly waste management. According to the scholars, green plastics could be mass produced and used in all sorts of packaging, from food containers to storage boxes to mailing materials. The "plastic" is not a traditional plastic, typically made from petroleum. Instead, it is a plant-based substance strengthened by manipulating cells of agricultural waste. Unlike plastics made from oil, green plastics degrade in less than a decade, as opposed to the centuries it takes for stereotypical plastics to decompose. Not only do green plastics benefit the environment, but they are cheaper to produce than regular plastics.

"Once we fully develop this technology, green plastics will replace oil-based plastics. The environmental and cost benefits are immense. Not to mention, green plastics directly help farmers. Adopting green plastics really is a no-brainer.," said Dr. Lu You, one of the scientists working on the green plastic technology.

Given the potential benefits of green plastics, it makes sense that green products will become a cornerstone of Yingdala's industry. They benefit the environment, which benefits society. Green products, including green plastics, are Jienist.

It is also not surprising that the University of Jiaozhi scientists attribute their success to government funds from the Strengthening the Nation campaign. According to Dr. Lu, "[w]e couldn't have done this without government support. Their efforts to truly develop Yingdala and focus on emerging technology and industries will be key to our prosperity and scientific innovation."

Let it be known that innovation is not stifled by Jienism, rather, it is enhanced.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:54 pm

Da Zhan and Zhanzheng Jointly Granted Submarine Contract, Government Announces Two More Prospective Projects

Artistic rendition of proposed new destroyer

Da Zhan Industries and Zhanzheng Defense and Aerospace Corporation were jointly granted the contract for the new diesel-electric attack submarine, known as Qingyu or "Silent Fish", by the Ministry of War. Da Zhan will take the lead in the contract (51%), subcontracting the rest of the work to Zhanzheng (49%).

Work on the sub has been in full swing since the contract's award. Thanks to the prior research and development funded by the Soaring Dragon program, the two companies can focus on design. The design stage is expected to take two years in order to work out as many issues as possible prior to production in 4750. Sea trials are expected to take place in the latter half of 4750 with the first sub expected to be commissioned in early 4751.

Although the Qingyu-class submarine will be diesel-electric, requiring it to surface on a semi-regular basis, it will pave the way for future nuclear submarine technology and enhanced coastal defense.

Beyond the submarine, the Ministry of War, jointly with Grand Protector Yan Song, announced a two new, prospective projects that will be part of the Soaring Dragon program. The first, a new destroyer, and second, a new fighter aircraft. Many details are currently under wraps, but the clear focus is air and surface defense. Yet again, the projects exemplify the defensive nature of the Soaring Dragon program and Yingdala's overall Strengthening the Nation campaign.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:14 pm

Ministry of Rites and Education Urges Prudence in Xsampa

A Yingdalan-Xsampan delegation meet in Tian'an

Yingdalans were shocked, although not terribly surprised, upon hearing of the People's Democratic Party's success in Xsampa. The Xsampan government had been corrupt for too long. Their mismanagement was bound to lead to a drastic result and now it seems it had, albeit under yet another minority ruler - this time of both ethnicity and religion.

Although the former ruling class of Xsampa were of Yingdalan origin, many in Yingdala saw them as little less than swine, for they had forsook their Jienist ways, casting it aside for delusions of power and wealth. Not only that, but this class turned their back on the great Yingdalan liberation movement, which led the charge throughout Terra to end colonialism once and for all. Despite this, Xsampa remained in Yingdala's former sphere of influence. However, given the recent troubles, Yingdala failed in its duty.

In an attempt to alleviate the situation, but take a measured approach, the Ministry of Rites and Education released a statement on behalf of the Yingdalan government.

Yingdala applauds Xsampa's recent road to democracy. For too long, it lived in a virtual apartheid state where the people had little to no real representation. Let us be clear, Tao He, the former king, was no king, but a swine and a disease to the people. Overthrowing him was the will of Heaven and Heaven grants all the power to overthrow their leaders if no peaceful means is successful.

That said, Yingdala, His Majesty the Son of Heaven most of all, urges Xsampa to remain peaceful. Its Daenist religion, which has long influenced every aspect of Xsampan society, should be held in high regard and remembered for its benefits.

Yingdala stands beside its Xsampan brothers and sisters in peace and will be ready to help when asked. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Luis1p » Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:00 pm

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:36 pm

Infrastructure Revitalization Nearing Completion

Artistic rendition of an advanced Yingdalan port

With only three years left to go in Yingdala's first step of the Strengthening the Nation campaign, infrastructure projects appear to be back on track. Reorganizing the work to complete revitalization on time is largely thanks to technical expertise provided by Dorvik, and to a smaller extent Lourenne, Hutori, Istalia, and Kazulia. Yingdalan companies and engineers were able to directly learn from their Dorvish advisors, as well as draw from detailed government readouts of meeting with their Lourennais, Hutorian, Istalian, and Kazulian counterparts.

Thanks to the assistance, refurbishment of older Yingdalan infrastructure was completed a little less than a year in advance, allowing construction teams to gain an extra few months of work on building new infrastructure. Furthermore, the Ministry of Public Works has offered to pump an addition 75 billion INS into the various projects to ensure they are completed on time. Surely with the additional funding, Yingdala's goals will be completed as scheduled.

As important as it is to finish newer and better infrastructure, the benefits of refurbished roads, bridges, and railroads are already bearing fruit. Internal transportation times have decreased, allowing commerce to flow uninhibited. People are able to commute to their workplaces faster and spend more time at home, increasing their happiness and therefore productivity.

New and improved infrastructure will only exacerbate the economic benefits, both domestically and internally. A thoroughly modern and advanced infrastructure is necessary for domestic consumption, as well as external trade. Nations will be far more willing to increase trade with Yingdala, as their goods will be able to be quickly brought to market. The same goes for Yingdala. Our businesses will be able to more easily trade with other countries as goods will leave Yingdala faster. Thus, a strong Yingdalan infrastructure benefits all of Terra.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:36 pm

Yingdala Busy in Dovani as Clear Foreign Policy Strategy Emerges

An exasperated Gou Zexian contemplates Yingdala's foreign situation

The Ministry of Rites and Education has been busy of late. After an extremely successful state visit to Lourenne and likely negotiation of a comprehensive trade and investment agreement, Minister Gou Zexian returned to multiple crises brewing in Dovani. Although Yingdala has been seeing progress with negotiations in North Dovani, Southern Dovani issues have been brewing.

First, the changes in Xsampa hark back to Yingdala's colonial legacy. Yingdalan minority rule since relinquishing colonial status has clearly not led to benefiting the country. The Ministry has already called for calm in the country. Although likely lamenting the failure of Yingdalan culture to "stick" in the country, the Ministry is said to be livid with Xsampa's former minority rulers, with a few diplomats calling them no less than "barbarians who have betrayed their Yingdalan principles, making all Yingdalans look like greedy and power hungry pigs."

Yingdala's Ambassador to Xsampa, Qian Ju, is said to be meeting with the new Xsampan, now Bazgaristani, leadership to discuss rectifying the situation to ensure Yingdala's growing image of a modest and benevolent nation is secure. Details of discussions are murky, but there appear to be reports in both Yingdala and Bazgaristan that the Bazgaristan government will turn over the former Bazgaristani royal family to Yingdala and allow fair trials for Yingdalans accused of crimes in exchange for Yingdalan aid.

His Majesty the Son of Heaven is particularly concerned with events in the former Yingdalan colony. He is believed to be in favor of rectifying the situation in order to make up for Yingdalan imperialism. However, far-right critics are sure to oppose any Yingdalan assistance to Bazgaristan due to their Metzist leanings and overthrowing of the royal family. Despite this, true followers of history will likely argue that Yingdala is directly responsible for Bazgaristan's Metzist turn and that if the royal family of Xsampa had been more Jienist then Bazgaristan would not only be a better place, but that it would have kept its royal family.

Even more troubling news is coming out of Bianjie with the gassing of foreigners. The Ministry of Rites and Education has placed a travel ban on the fledgling nation and called for all Yingdalans to return to Yingdala and has even offered to take in all refugees until a resolution can be achieved. Furthermore, the Ministry has issued a statement denouncing the gassing and called for peace, with the best outcome resulting from dialogue as opposed to violence. A muted response to be sure given the severity, but the Ministry is likely attempting to address the gassing with the government of Bianjie privately first.

The Yingdalan Ambassador to Bianjie, Liao Bo, is said to have attempted to meet with the Khan, although reports of a meeting occurring are inconclusive. The Ministry of Rites and Education summoned the Bianjiean Ambassador to Yingdala to the Heavenly Palace for an audience with the Son of Heaven, the Three Dukes, the Prime Minister, and Minister of Rites and Education. The Yingdalan side is said to have again denounced the gassing and a peaceful resolution to the situation.

On the bright side, the Yingdalan-Hanzen relationship appears to be emerging from the ashes of inactivity. Yingdalan officials are said to be impressed with Hanzen's relative stability, desire to develop, as well as the successful leadership of the young Prince Khemkhaeng. In particular, Hanzen statements looking to the "Seko model of development" quite interesting. Yingdala has reached out to the Hanzen government to seek a rapprochement in ties with the ultimate aim of greater cooperation on development and culture.

All of this activity demonstrates that Yingdala is trying to take a Dovani-focused approach to its foreign policy. This makes sense given Yingdala's history and geographic placement. Time will only tell if it can make up for its imperialist past.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:24 pm

Yingdalan, Seko, and Hanzen Scholars Work Together to Advise Hulstrian Parties on Finding a New Heavenly Sovereign of Gao-Soto

Image of a pre-colonial Heavenly Sovereign of Gao-Soto

Upon the formation of a new monarchist party in Hulstria, professors from the National University of Yingdala, known for their Gao-Showan studies, joined together with scholars from the Jien Academy, a think tank affiliated with the Jien Party, to travel to Hulstria and Gao-Soto to find an heir to the throne of Gao-Soto. The team, led by the Okatori Chair in Kunihito Studies at the National University - named after the Okatori Clan that once held the position of Heavenly Sovereign - has sought to not only find the heir to Gao-Soto, but also to advise the monarchist parties in Hulstria to help reestablish the dual monarchy. Scholars from Seko and Hanzen also joined their Yingdalan friends in the spirit of Gao-Showan solidarity.

"The prospect of a restored dual monarchy is exciting," said one of the researchers. "If we can find an heir, we are sure the Hulstrians and Kunihito will rejoice and endeavor to honor their heritage."

The Inoue Clan were the former ruling clan of Gao-Soto. Their cadet branch, the extinct Okatori Clan, were the most recent Gao-Soton Heavenly Sovereigns under their Kurosawa branch. Members of the Inoue are believed to still be alive and, unlike in other Gao-Showan nations, are the only eligible clan to ascend to the position of Heavenly Sovereign.

His Majesty the Son of Heaven is also keen to discover a "long-lost cousins-in-law," as his male line cadet branch relatives had married into the Okatori Clan and Kurosawa Clan. Not to mention, the Son of Heaven called for greater unity among the Gao-Showan and Jelbo-Tukaric peoples.

Hopefully, the people of Hulstria and Gao-Soto will embrace their heritage, respect their traditions, and restore the dual monarchy.
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