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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Auditorii » Mon May 11, 2020 4:04 am

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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby RileyHP » Mon May 11, 2020 7:19 pm

Conservative Party Revivied

Jared Houston, the leader of the newly-revived Conservative Party, gives a speech in front of thousands of supporters.

Five years after Hutori's longest living party was dissolved, a descendant of its original founder has revived the party. Jared Houston was acclaimed as the first leader of the revived party at a convention in Acton, Adelia. More than 20,000 Hutorians attended the convention and according to Elections Hutori party financing records, they have raised more than 15 million Lira from over 385,000 individual donors in just 2 months. The party effectively used social media to announce its re-birth and a grassroots effort pushed the re-founder into the leaders office.

During his time at the University of Bekenial, Houston worked for a handful of MPs in their parliamentary offices. After graduation with a masters degree in public policy, Houston worked his way up into the role of Chief of Staff in the Office of the Leader of the Conservative Party, eventually managing the campaign that got Cecil MacDonald re-elected Prime Minister in 4739. After MacDonald's retirement in 4742, Houston moved to the private sector, taking over as President and CEO of Houston Strategies, the lobbying firm owned by his family. He retired from his post as CEO a year ago, and since then has been working on reforming the once mighty Conservative Party.

At the convention in Acton, Houston gave a rising speech, promising a new hope for right-leaning Hutorians.

"For the last five years, Conservative minded voters have had nowhere to turn to. No party that aligned with their values. Well today that changes. The Conservative Party is back! And Hutori needs a strong, principled Conservative Party to be the voice of change now more than ever. With the incredible amount of support we have already received I know we will defeat the National Progress Party and get Hutori back on track!"
Last edited by RileyHP on Tue May 19, 2020 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Pragma » Mon May 11, 2020 8:12 pm

Liberal MP Aurana Bonneau Forms New Party


St. Adrian North River MP Aurana Bonneau has left the Liberal Party after several months of speculation. The backbencher was first elected in April 4750, gaining the vacant seat after a tough internal selection. Bonneau had been considered a likely defector from the Liberals after a rift with party leadership became increasingly apparent, caused by a variety of policy disagreements on economic and environmental issues. It has only been this week, however, that she took the step towards forming a new political party.

Bonneau has attracted a number of supporters and detractors online with her outspoken hardline views on ecology, agriculture and direct democracy. Her ability to form this new party was based largely on a small but passionate base of university students across the nation with whom she has cultivated a strong rapport. The Liberal Party announced they were 'sad to see Ms Bonneau go', but they defended their ecological record and economic policies. She made the announcement officially on her website, stating that she hoped to field candidates in all ridings in four year's time.

I hope this is the beginning of a long and successful alliance between me and other friends of the environment throughout our nation. We need a party that stands up for our environment above all else, and fights for the economic rights of ordinary Hutorians. I believe me and my team are going to be the best representatives of those goals our constituents could want.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Luis1p » Wed May 13, 2020 3:25 am

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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Fri May 15, 2020 5:24 pm

Queen Sarah VI Visits Lourenne with Crown Prince

Her Imperial Majesty Queen Sarah VI

Her Imperial Majesty Queen VI, and her son and heir Crown Prince Charles, the Prince of Adelia, and Prince Charles' youngest son, Prince Lucas, the Duke of Glentingham have followed up from a royal visit from Lourenne's Royal Family with a visit to Eroncourt to visit with Queen Isabelle II and her family. This is apart of a renewed push for closer connections between the two Houses, both of whom are distantly related through Princess Victoria, the second daughter of King William VII. The Queen and her family stayed at the Lourennais Royal Family's summer retreat at the Palais Orleans in Carolleux, which was Princess Victoria's favorite home during her lifetime. The Queen and Crown Prince met with Queen Isabelle II, her consort King Consort Antonnie, Crown Prince Phillipe V and Prince Herbert. During the stay the two Queen expressed the desire for closer ties between and build upon the bond of their joint lineage. In light of that it was announced that Crown Prince Charles, himself a Colonel in the Royal Marine Corps, would be appointed as the new military attache to Lourenne along with the Commandant of the Marine Contingent at the Hutorian Embassy in Eroncourt. In addition Queen Sarah awarded Queen Isabelle with a new title in Hutori; alongside her title as Princess of Hutori she was made the Duchess of Weigand. Weigand County, outside of Saint Anslem, is the home of the largest concentration of Lourennais speakers in Hutori, and is the home of The Garrison, an ancient fortress built in Hutori's past that was made into an alternative home for the Royal Family after they acquired in the 38th century.


Newest model HF-35 roll of the Assembly Line

Hutorian HF-35 at General Matthew Donahoe Air Force Base

After three decades of work, and seventy Billion HLR spent, the Office of High Command has announced the end of the XF-35YZ Program, the longest anticipated modernization program of the vaunted Hutorian HF-35. The newest models of the HF-35A and C, known as the D and F, have been modernized with the best technology that Horizon Technology and Jetstream Aerospace could conceive to give them a marked edge over their older models. Currently there are plans to modernize the entire current fleet of HF-35s in the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy arsenals.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Conser » Sat May 16, 2020 3:34 pm

Prime Minister Announce Proposal to Abolish monarchy

Yesterday, the Prime Minister and the chairman of the National Progress Party, Jim Bokota, convene the press for an extraordinary announcement. Prime Minister announced that, after nearly 10 years in power, she would finaly go forward with one of the major priority of her party; abolishing monarchy and bringing back the Federal Republic. The chairman of the NPP, the last heir of a renoun political dynasty, assured the jounralists present that with the very probable support of the very republican Democratic Party of Hutori, the governement shall have the necessary vote require to change the constitution. Asked to justify her decision, the Prime Minister responded:

''This country is in need for more democracy. Even considering how symbolic the monarchy currently is, it's a symbol that has beocme toxic for our nation. How can we possibly use our diplomatic influence and our strenght to try to defend freedom and democracy all over Terra when we, at home, are govern by a symbol of tyranny, elitism and autoritarism. The Monarchist will always claim that the Queen is a non-partisan beacon of stability but, the partisan and divisive nature of the monarchy mean that she, or any of her successor, will never be that. How could a king or a queen ever be a symbol of unity when nearly half of the nation believe they should not have the crown in the first place?

As a former great Prime Minister of Hutori once said: ''In this new Hutori, no individual shall be considered sacred above everyone else. Blood shall never determinate your rank, your title or your power.'' These are the principles upon which Hutori have been built adn these are the principales that we want to bestow to our nation with this policy.''
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby RileyHP » Sat May 16, 2020 8:44 pm

Conservative Leader Gives Statement on SC R87


Conservative Party leader Jared Houston is the first prominent Hutorian politician to speak on World Congress Security Council resolution SC R87, the resolution that would see Hutori's current Prime Minister, and any politician sympathetic to the Republican cause "persona non grata" to the Security Council.

In an unsurprising move, Houston has come out in full support for the move, thanking Hutori's allies for standing up against the radical Republicans.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends in Yingdala and Lourenne for their support in our fight against the radical Republican movement. We must ensure Hutori's monarchy is upheld, and that we do not risk dividing this country. I hope the Democrat, Naval and Green Democrat Parties can do some soul searching, and think about what is at stake here. For the good of our nation, I hope they will block the tyrannical NPP from abolishing our monarchy."
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Pragma » Sat May 16, 2020 9:59 pm

Green Democrats In 'Bit Of A Sticky Situation' On Monarchy

The Green Democratic Party of Hutori has remained relatively silent on the issue of monarchism, even as the country is suddenly consumed with bitter division of the divisions between the two sides. Though arguments rage on both sides of the isle, the GDPH and its leader - Aurana Bonneau - have yet to articulate a full position on the subject. This is potentially the result of internal divisions, or a pragmatic belief that now is not the time to abolish the monarchy.

Bonneau herself is known to have republican sympathies, as do many of her college-age supporters. She is, however, reportedly weary of coming out in favour of abolishing the monarchy. People close to the Green leader say that she 'simply doesn't think now is the right time', and would rather Hutori transition to a republican model when the monarch is unpopular or controversial. Bonneau will also have to balance this instinct with the desires of very republican-leaning young voters she hopes to pry away from the NPP in the upcoming election, which some sources suggest is why she has so far not taken a definitive stand.

The Greens did, however, come out against the Security Council resolution that condemns Hutori's republican movement. In a press release, deputy party leader Eska Baptiste-Unnuk said that this 'constitutes a dangerous interference in our democracy', and said that while the Greens continue to discuss their position internally, 'this is a matter for Hutorians to decide, and opinions of foreign governments are not needed on this issue'.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Conser » Sat May 16, 2020 10:25 pm

Prime Minister condemn ''attack against national sovereignty from Yingdala''

After the governement of Yingdala proposed a resolution to condemne hutorian republicanism to the security counci, the Prime Minister of Hutori Sarah Vence call for yet another press conference to adress the situation.

''I think I can speak for the whole nation of Hutori, monarchist and republican alike, when I say that we are utterly furious against this unacceptable attempt to attack Hutori's sovereignty. Hutori know what is right for Hutori and it is certainly not the place of Yingdala to tell us that monarchy is part of our history, culture, and traditions. What does the Emperor of Yingdala know about our tradition, our history or our culture? I cannot explain myself why a once respected nation and long time ally of Hutori would degrade themselves to such an immature and childish resolution. How could they even justify to themselves such an unreasonable attack on a peacefull political movement in Hutori is beyond me.

I must also highlight the cowardice of the Conservative Party leader Jared Houston who, when faced against a direct attack against the sovereignty of his homeland, jumps in the arm of his monarchist savior to support the assailant of his country.

Above all, it must be noted that Hutori will defend itself. I have send an order to our Ambassdor to the World Congress William Rosencruz to veteo the resolution. It goes without saying that Hutori will no longer support Yingdala for the seat C of the security council. The minister of foreign affairs shall soon propose a bill to change our vote in favor of Likatonia. We will urge all true patriots in the parliament to support this bill. If this bill is to pass, we will openly campaing to all nations of Terra for them to support Likatonia. For being in the security council require maturity and credibility, Yingdala have forfeit both when they propose this resolution.''
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