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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon May 18, 2020 12:32 pm

Yingdala, Vanuku, and Jelbania Sign Treaties to Strengthen Ties, Mark Renewed Era with Majatran Defensive Military Exercises

Flotilla of Yingdalan, Vanukean, and Jelbek ships conduct defensive maneuvers off the coast of Vanuku

The Zoo Alliance is quickly becoming one of the most coordinated groupings of nations in recent history. Compared to many other Terran alliances that tend to fall by the wayside after a few decades, the Zoo Alliance members have consistently sought to deepen cooperation and expand their ties. Most recently, Yingdala has negotiated friendship, cooperation, and mutual development treaties with Vanuku, Jelbania, and Trigunia. While the treaties with Vanuku and Jelbania have been finalized, the treaty with Trigunia is close being approved by both sides.

These agreements contain articles pertaining to joint economic and military development to achieve levels of economies and defensive capacity second to none in Terra. Furthermore, the treaties stipulate that each country must provide economic assistance in times of need should the donor nation be economically able. Overall, the contents complement the defensive nature of the Zoo Alliance by transforming it into more of a real geopolitical bloc.

To signify the importance of the new treaties, His Majesty the Son of Heaven traveled with a Yingdalan delegation to Wiel, Vanuku, where he signed the treaties with His Majesty the King of Vanuku and His Exalted Highness the Khan of the Jelbeks. The three monarchs celebrated history and future of their relationships along with discussing important topics for collaboration. The Yingdalan side encouraged mutual investment and invited Vanuku and Jelbania to join Yingdala's military development projects, while also offering to join any development projects Vanuku and Jelbania have in the pipeline.

In addition to formal discussions and celebrations, the leaders of the three countries witnessed their first joint naval and special operations forces exercises. Using live rounds and engaging in vigorous drills, the combined naval forces of focused on defensive actions, both along the coast and at sea. Each side took turns practicing invasion and defensive interdiction scenarios. They also practiced anti-piracy drills to help ensure freedom of the seas for all. On the special forces side, the three nations collaborated in rescue operations and anti-terrorism exercises, as well as mock urban firefights.

After the exercises had completed, the three monarchs promised to hold the following years exercises in Yingdala and its coastal waters. At that time, hopefully Trigunia would be able to join them to make the exercises truly all encompassing.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon May 18, 2020 12:54 pm

LiuCaoSun New Management Style Rapidly Being Adopted by Yingdalan Firms

LiuCaoSun executive discusses business leadership with Yingdalan CEOs

After years of trying to rebuild itself, and thanks to some help from the Yingdalan government's Invest in Yingdala initiative, the consulting company LiuCaoSun - led by the former rival noble families - has created and implemented a new form of management that is sweeping Yingdala's companies. Inspired by a combination of Jienist and Guidao ethical principles, the management style has the possibility to revolutionize the way Yingdalan business is conducted, making it more efficient and effective.

The management style, named the Xue Model of Management, is composed of three pillars. The first is ethical leadership. According to LiuCaoSun, ethical leaders strive to not only hold their employees to the highest of ethical standards, but must also meet these standards. Ethical leaders can inspire their workforce, leading them to become more devoted to the goals of the business. These too must also be ethical. If a business lacks morality in its conduct, then it will lose consumers. Sustainable businesses are ethical on all fronts.

The second pillar is intense job training. LiuCaoSun maintain that university or vocational education is not enough. Business leaders must implement rigorous jobs trainings and skill building programs for all of their employees. These programs should not only fit the current needs of the business, but should also focus on the future. Furthermore, jobs training should take place throughout the life cycle of a worker, ensuring that they have the necessary skills at all times to do the job in the most efficient and effective way possible.

The third and final pillar is having robust benefits packages. Business leaders, in order to further endear their workers to the company and make them more productive and creative, should aspire to provide for their employees. Living wages should be a standard, along with child care, health, transportation, and retirement benefits. These may seem expensive, but they are sound investments that will always lead to returns. Happier employees are productive employees. If they are treated like family, the business will treat them like family.

Although not a pillar, LiuCaoSun advise companies to trust their employees and allow them to be creative. They argue that trust leads to reduced stressed and a friendly work environment that tends to increase productivity. Additionally, encouraging creative employees, especially as they embark on various skills training programs, can lead to innovative ideas, products, and methods that could expand a business' offerings or market share.

At a recent economic development event held by the Ministry of Works, LiuCaoSun polled attendees to see if they have or would adopt the Xue Model. 74% of attendees, leaders of Yingdala's major companies, said they have already begun implementing the new program, 12% said they were interested, while the remainder responded in the negative.

Productivity and effectiveness is the key to healthy and robust long-term economies. LiuCaoSun and other management consulting firms in Yingdala are endeavoring to enhance it for Yingdala.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon May 18, 2020 11:48 pm

Ministry of Rites and Education Holds Rally for Valruzia, Congratulates Hutorians for Rejecting the Elimination of Their Monarchy

Crowd in Tian'an listen to Minister Xue's speech

In an about face, Yingdala has dropped out of the World Congress Security Council Seat C election. Shocking though it may seem to the average Yingdalan, the government made a calculated decision based on a number of factors, especially Valruzia's valiant speeches defending state sovereignty and Likatonia's stated intentions. As it dropped out, Yingdala requested that all nations voting for it switch to Valruzia. To solidify their endorsement, the Ministry of Rites and Education held a campaign rally for Valruzia in Tian'an.

Speaking to a large crowd, Minister of Rites and Education Xue Zhen explained why Yingdala decided to endorse Valruzia.

A few countries at the World Congress criticized Yingdala for proposing a Security Council Resolution condemning the Hutorian Prime Minister and politicians who would vote to get rid of the Hutorian monarchy. Many claimed that it was a violation of Hutorian sovereignty. That was not our intention. We knew it would be vetoed in the Security Council, but also knew it would be stronger than a simple press release from my office or a statement in the General Assembly. Regardless, one nation made an ardent defense of state sovereignty. This nation actually engaged Yingdala in constructive and friendly debate. While other nations preferred to use insults, this nation genuinely desired to get to the bottom of things. This nation,Valruzia, I am happy to say, is the best candidate for Seat C of the World Congress Security Council. Their willingness to engage in diplomacy and debate, while using such passion to defend state sovereignty convinced us that we had to drop out in their favor. Besides, Terra should not allow Likatonia, a country that only recently reentered the World Congress, desires to make it a federal parliament with authority over other nations, and engages in blatant vote buying corruption (see purchasing shares of a company in another country to gain their vote), into the Security Council. Valruzia should be the choice of all nations because it will work to preserve all nations!

Also during the rally, many in the crowd received notifications that the Hutorian election returned a parliament that would reject the elimination of their monarchy. As the crowd emitted a loud cheer, Minister Xue said, "The Hutorian people made the sovereign decision to support their monarchy. They alone made the choice, a choice we already knew would be inevitable among the people. Heaven sees, hears, and acts through the people; and Heaven saved his chosen daughter in Hutori."

Despite the rally, what would a Likatonian victory really mean? There is no simple answer. A non-permanent member of the Security Council has very little power. It can debate and propose resolutions, but there is no guarantee of anything. However, a Likatonia represented by a Conservative Republican Party representative would heavily discredit the Security Council and possibly the World Congress. It would signify the trend of an interventionist first posture that is selective on its views of sovereignty. For now Likatonia is in the lead, but once the nations of Terra realize what a terrible choice it would be, they will surely support Valruzia.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Tue May 19, 2020 1:39 am

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue May 19, 2020 6:55 pm

New Yingdalan Military Equipment Enter Service, More on the Way

The new Huachong fighter

After a decade of development, two new pieces of Yingdalan military ingenuity have formally entered service after passing rigorous trials. The new defensive equipment, the Liyu-class destroyer, and the Huachong fighter, were presented to the Ministry of War by Dahai Shipbuilding and Gaofei Aerospace respectively. Grand Protector Quan Xiang and Minister of War Jia Guanyu attended the presentation ceremony. His Imperial and Royal Highness Yu Gong was also present, except he was manning the new Liyu-class destroyer as a newly promoted commander in the Yingdalan Navy, having also just graduated from the National University with a doctorate in Jienism sponsored by the navy.

Both Grand Protector Quan and Minister Jia noted the importance the two developments would have on Yingdala's ability to defend itself. Furthermore, with future purchases, Yingdala could donate or sell its old equipment to allies elsewhere.

In that vein, the Yingdalan government, as previous reports indicate, ordered 20 new destroyers and 100 new fighters. Over time, as modernization continues, Yingdala will likely order more to fully replace ageing ships and aircraft.

In addition to the development of new anti-air and anti-ship missile systems, the Ministry of War has put forth a concept for a new cruiser and a new dual-use helicopter that could engage in transportation and anti-submarine warfare missions. Like previous new technologies, they will take time to develop and test. Although the helicopter should take less time than the cruiser.

Given Yingdala's renewed partnerships with Trigunia, Vanuku, and Jelbania, Tian'an is said to have offered each nation the opportunity to jointly develop these defensive weapons. Joint cooperation would likely speed development, allowing them all to place orders sooner.

What can be said for sure is that Yingdala continues to focus its weapons development and procurement on defensive, as opposed to offensive equipment.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue May 19, 2020 8:15 pm

Taiyang Energy Announces Shencheng Nuclear Power Plant Online

The Shencheng Nuclear Power Plant

After nearly a decade of joint development with Dorvish engineering assistance, Yingdala has finally re-achieved nuclear power. The new power plant is owned and constructed by Taiyang Energy, a firm focusing on green energy. Their efforts would not have been possible without the essential help of Dorvik, who has agreed to assist Yingdala with all clean energy development.

Located in rural Shencheng, a smaller city in Han State, the nuclear power plant will safe, clean energy at low costs to hundreds of thousands of residents in Han. Furthermore, the power plant has been built according to Dorvish specifics - meaning it is of the highest quality - and located inland and away from any fault lines, securing it from natural disasters.

In addition to Dorvish assistance, Taiyang Energy constructed the plant with the help of the Strengthening the Nation campaign run by the Ministry of Works. The campaign continues through Invest in Yingdala, a major focus of which is green technology.

Further enhancing the green nature of the power plant and demonstrating the ability of Yingdalan companies to collaborate, is the use of dachi batteries, provided by Shangdian Engineering Corporation. These batteries will store more power, allowing Taiyang to provide cheaper power to customers, while reducing other costs.

Taiyang Energy plans to construct more nuclear power plants throughout Yingdala based on the Dorvish model. They, as good citizens of Yingdala, wish to see a cleaner, cost effective future for all.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue May 19, 2020 11:45 pm

Yingdala Expresses Shock at Lourenne-Kalistan Situation - Tempered by Kalistan's Request

Cabinet room at the Heavenly Palace

The Heavenly Palace was said to be abuzz late into the summer night. Upon learning from various reports and the Lourennais themselves, Grand Preceptor Long Huo and Prime Minister Xiao Tai called an emergency cabinet meeting attended by His Majesty the Son of Heaven himself to come up with a plan to address an impending Lourrene invasion of Kalistan.

Preceding these events, Yingdala privately discussed the issue with Lourenne, considered to be a good friend of Yingdala, offering to do whatever it could to ensure conflict does not break out. In a leaked letter from the government, Yingdala warned Lourenne that Kalistan has fierce fighters skilled in the art of guerilla warfare and defeating stronger opponents. Yingdala would know. Yingdala effectively lost the war against Kalistan over the issue Lourenne claims to be addressing.

In the same letter, Yingdala urged a rethink, arguing that there have been no indications that Kalistan would close down the Anantanese Ocean or that piracy was an issue. Officials even pointed to the fact that the Socialist Party of Kalistan can be constructive, as they took the lead in negotiating and implementing an agreement with Yingdala and other signatories to ensure freedom in the Anantanese Ocean.

Yingdala also sent diplomatic notes to Kalistan, also urging diplomacy.

However, during the very Cabinet meeting, the government learned of the Kalistani government's request for Lourenne to provide internal support. Upon hearing this, the government likely sighed in relief - as they action would have legitimacy and support from all sides involved.

Although Yingdala will stand by and be prepared to assist in any way possible, it is doubtful that Yingdala is ecstatic about the situation. It would be far preferable for Kalistan and the Anantanese Ocean go back to the old days of no foreign control where all were sovereign and not subject to another. Still, Lourenne is a friend, Yingdala should have nothing to fear. It is in everyone's interest for trade to flow freely. Surely, Lourenne will not endeavor to make the country and the region a colony.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed May 20, 2020 8:54 pm

Nong-Tian Agro Expands Product Line to Wheat and Maize, Strengthening Food Security for All

Wheat fields in Northern Yingdala

After nearly 20 years of research and development and support from the Yingdalan government's Strengthening the Nation campaign, the scientists at Nong-Tian Agro have modified wheat and maize seeds, two additional crops important in the Yingdalan diet, along the lines of their genetically modified rice seed, known as "super rice". Like super rice, the new "super wheat" and "super maize" will be able to withstand colder weather and winds, require less water and sunshine, and emit natural pesticides - reducing the need to use potentially harmful and expensive chemicals.

These super seeds are expected to increase yields and even allow farmers to add an additional crop cycle. Farmers will not have to lose sleep over the health of their crops or if they will be able to make ends meet. Additionally, the government will be able to stockpile more grain for the state granaries - institutions with a history as long as the Yingdalan people.

Through government purchases of surplus foodstuffs, Tian'an can increase strategic food reserves throughout the nation. According to Jienism, the second most important function of government is to feed the people. By preparing for future catastrophes, Yingdala can both feed its people and support the agricultural community.

With even more surplus grain, Yingdala can even set aside an "international granary", whereby Yingdala can donate food to other nations. Kalistan, Lodamun, Bianjie, Bazgharistan, and Hanzen could be at the top of the list.

According to Nong-Tian Agro, the new seeds will be available to export to all countries. Nong-Tian stands for the nutritional health of all people and wants to see an end to hunger.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu May 21, 2020 6:02 pm

A Return to Action Without Action: Wu Wei Economics Becomes Government Policy

Action without action - wu wei wu

Since returning to power around 30 years ago, the Jien Party maintained a stance to support a "mixed economy", where the state and private sector would work together to manage the economic affairs of the nation. This policy was undoubtedly an effort to direct Yingdala's economic development strategically. However, in the past few years, this has been gradually changing.

With the full independence of the Central Bank and the introduction of a digital currency, the Jien Party has been leading Yingdala back down the road of wu wei - without action - economics. The wu wei system, dominant under previous iterations of Jien Party governance, is directly linked to Jienism. According to the Classical Works, the government should not seek to profit from the people, instead allowing the people to reap the profits. While this does not necessarily mean government should be absent, one can interpret the maxim to mean allowing the people to maximize profit, which would become inefficient with government involvement - let alone a reduction in tax revenue.

Seeing as Yingdala's economic development is proceeding nicely, not without government support, the Jien Party has slowly introduced liberalizing measures. Most recently, the government has removed itself from partial ownership of airports and train operating companies, allowing the private sector to operate freely, reap more profits, and make the industries more efficient. On one hand, these policies are about upholding Jienism, but from a realistic point of view, they are about making the Yingdalan economy more efficient and productive.

Efficiency and productivity are important pillars of sustainable economic growth. With the largest population in Terra, Yingdala can leverage these pillars and reap rewards for its people, allowing them to never go hungry and be defended. Expect wu wei economics to come back in force.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu May 21, 2020 6:23 pm

Yingdala, the Honorary Seleyan Nation, Reaches Out to Seleya

An archery contest taking place on the outskirts of Tian'an

Before Lourenne's "stabilization operation" in Kalistan, Yingdala began focusing its outreach with Seleya. Although geographically and culturally not a Seleyan nation, Yingdala is often lumped with the nations of the Central Continent for convenience reasons. Historically, Tian'an has been known to embrace this grouping. There was once a time when Gaduridos was Yingdala's closest ally, even Baltusia and Gaduridos once share the same monarch as Yingdala. And one cannot forget that in ancient times, Yingdalans settled in Ananto, Kalistan, and Vintalli Island, Gaduridos, and established the first Anantanese Empire.

These historic links can explain why Tian'an has reached out to the capitals of Rildanor, Kanjor, Gaduridos, Baltusia, Lodamun, Tukarali, Mordusia, Saridan, and Aldegar to establish closer ties. So far, there has been much success. Thanks to His Majesty the Son of Heaven directly contacting the leaders of these states per the advice of his ministers, the nations understand Yingdala's sincerity. Treaties of friendship, trade, and defense have been negotiated with Rildanor, Baltusia, and Gaduridos, with Rildanorian treaty in the process of ratification. Kanjor has already agreed to a treaty with Yingdala, but they will handle arrangements. Mordusia and Yingdala are discussing ways to cooperation, with some in Lodamun also interested in principle.

One of the main features of these agreements are the mutual defense clauses. Given the activity in Kalistan, the nations of Seleya may be more eager to secure their sovereignty and protection of their people. Yingdala stands by to assist - which is will be able to do more effectively through joint defense bases throughout the region.

To commemorate the "renewal" of their friendship, Her Most Excellent Majesty Queen Aimée I of Rildanor, along with Bijoux Deschamps, President of the Government; Pierre C. Charpentier, Minister of Internal Affairs and Vice President of the Government; and Volodymyr Tymoshenko, OKR, Former President of the Government and current Royal Senator for Tiralouse, traveled to Yingdala to partake in a state visit. His Majesty the Son of Heaven, along with the rest of the members of the House of Yu, welcomed the Rildanorian delegation upon their arrival.

Son of Heaven Yu Li personally escorted Her Most Excellent Majesty the Queen throughout the duration of the visit. Yingdala held multiple banquets in Rildanor's honor, allowing the delegation to stay in the private guest residences at the Heavenly Palace.

The governments primarily discussed future areas of mutual cooperation, regular exchanges of government and legislative officials, and Terran affairs. On the less business and ceremonial side of things, the Son of Heaven led tours of various cultural sites in Tian'an, while the government organized a variety of cultural events, including traditional Yingdalan music and art exhibitions, Yingdalan opera, an archery contest, and a chariot race.

Both sides felt the warmth between them and parted knowing that a beautiful friendship was about to blossom.
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