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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:58 pm

Verteidigung wöchentlich
A publication by Gath Defense Collective
Dorvish defense industry delegation to head to Endralon
December, 4772

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - A Dorvish defense industry delegation lead by Dorvish Defense Export officials is expected to arrive in Endralon in January or Feburary 4773 according to sources within the organization. Dorvik and Endralon have begun a blossoming new relationship over the past several years. The once tense relationship has been met with increased trade between the two nations, notably in diverse fields. The Dorvish have found yet another trading partner in agricultural exports, many Dorvish banks and financial institutions have found their way to Endralon by way of opening up branches and Dorvish "hard infrastructure" companies have found themselves with no shortage of work as Endralon continues to develop. The Endralonese have imported fabulous new restaurants, cinema and shows to Dorvik and have increased the number of sporting good stores, notably deals with major Dorvish sports franchises such as the Staatsliga; while the new trade between the nations has bolstered both economies, the Dorvish have not forgotten where their strength lies.

According to sources within Dorvish Defense Export the Dorvish delegation to Endralon will seek to shore up the Endralonian defense apparatus. It is likely that the Dorvish defense industry will be responsible for the sale of Unionfighters, Leopard 2A7+ main battle tanks, the sale of munitions and a large sale of support vehicles including APCs and IFVs. While the deal hasn't been formalized yet, it is likely that the rising eastern power Endralon will want to begin to develop an effective, modernized armed forces. More details of the potential deal will be announced when the delegation formally visits in January or February of next year.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:23 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeuitung
Tale of Two State Chancellors
January 4773

Wolfsheim, Ostland - Dorvish State Chancellor Volker von Pölzl departed from Rohr-Mauss International Airport in the early morning hours on a trip to the Grand Duchy of Ostland, a close ally and friend in the Dovani region. The King and Kaiser, His Majestic Highness Wilhelm XII is vacationing in Ostland with the Grand Duke for the New Year. The Dorvish State Chancellor will be meeting his counter-part in Ostland, State Chancellor Konstantin Haneke. The visit will take place over a week and will continue to expand on trading relations with the Ostlandic government, notably in the field of oil and gas in which Ostland is a major continental producer of oil and gas. Dorvish companies have long considered Ostland a friendly government and a secondary home to the Dorvish, many Dorvish citizens frequently travel to Ostland and according to survey conducted by Artanian Business News, 17% of all Dorvish citizens posses an international home in Ostland of some sort. Dorvik has been careful to maintain a distance from Ostland, considered a regional power by Dovani standards from the Zardic Institute of International Studies, to ensure that it doesn't give the appearance that it has control over Ostland. Ostland and Dorvik, while close, have broken several times, most notably with the issue of the World Congress Mission in Bianjie.

The World Congress Mission in Bianjie was formulated by a resolution of the Security Council, of which Dorvik is a permanent member, and has for several years failed to materialize. Ostland offered assistance to Bianjie in the form of an independent investigation and Bianjie accepted, the Dorvish have announced that they would provide whatever resources that they could to support the mission. It is likely that the Dorvish will eventually join the investigation and make it apart of the World Congress mission if Ostland agrees. The two State Chancellors will visit the Eastern Land Council together where they will address a session of the ELC and will discuss future cooperation on the continued piracy in the Sea of Carina, relations between Dorvik and Dovani states as well as removing trade barriers and increasing the role of Dorvik in Dovani. The State Chancellor also hinted at future relations with countries back in Artania, notably Aloria and a potential "new alliance" with Hutori following the sudden and shocking collapse of long-time allies Kazulia and Lourenne.

The State Chancellor on the last leg of his trip will be meeting with Chief Minister Okabe Sai, the first female Chief Minister of the semi-independent Touryou State in southern Ostland. Sai and Pölzl will discuss direct Dorvish investment into the Touryou State separate and distinct from the investment into Ostland. Dorvish Ministry of Education and Culture officials have signed several agreements in the run up to the visit establishing exchange student programs from Dorvik and the Touryou State. The state visit to Ostland will conclude after several days with a visit to the island of Kamphon where the Dorvish and the Ostlandic militaries share a joint base.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:04 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeuitung
Haldor-Benekial to rekindle ties
February 4773

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - In the midst of rising tensions in the northern hemisphere the Dorvish State Chancellor has made his way to Benekial to meet with Foreign Minister Hon. Azim El Shafari and discuss the on-going tensions in the northern hemisphere as well as relations between Haldor-Benekial. The cadre of officials and officers that attended the meeting display that Haldor is serious about rebuilding close ties with Benekial, notably in the field of economic cooperation. Dorvish Trade Commissioner and Director-General of the Foreign Economic Council Franzek von Desidier spoke briefly to members of the Dorvish press, he noted that while the Dorvish-Hutorian trade was billions of dollars a year, they were seeking to expand that to several billion a year. As Dorvik looks to diversify their trading partners, they have worked hard to build new ties notably with continental partners Malivia and Endralon, the prospects for new relations with Aloria have granted a boon to the Dorvish economy. While Hutori would not be a "new" trading partner, the Dorvish have relied more heavily on trade with Lourenne and Kazulia over the past several years, notably with the Hutorian government undergoing some problematic issues which have now luckily passed for them. The State Chancellor spoke before getting on the plane underneath heavy air force escort stating that the Kingdom was eager to approach Hutori and begin brand new relations with Benekial.

Hutori-Dorvish trade has covered a number of goods and services, notably financial transaction, multi-national corporate business and trade of agricultural products. While both Hutori and Dorvik a worlds leaders in raw materials, Hutori is one of Dorvik's largest importers of Dorvish steel, it also benefits from a number of Dorvish development programs aimed at increasing cultural cooperation between the two nations. The Ministry of Education and Culture's "United World" program has been especially successful with Hutori graduates in Dorvik and Dorvish graduates in Hutori having some of the highest graduation rates in the program. The Dorvish military delegation also noted that the Hutorian Armed Forces and the Dorvish Armed Forces were likely to continue to increase NORDIC patrols in the event that Kazulia scales back some of its military operations which it likely will in the face of rising domestic issues related to its economy.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:21 pm

A publication by Gath Defense Collective
Dorvish Navy contracts with Dorvische Werft to build new multi-role frigate
March, 4773

Artistic render of the new, unnamed multi-role frigate

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Members of the Dorvish Navy have released a report that the Dorvish Navy have contracted with Dorvische Werft (Luthorian: Dorvish Shipyards) to construct a new multi-role frigate, the unknown class will continue to enhance Dorvish naval prestige and further build on the growing tradition of Dorvik as a blue-water navy. The ship will maintain a modular design to others built by the Dorvish defense industry, notably the Kordusian-class or the Kruthia-class. Representatives from Dorvische Werft note that the vessels will be focused on peacekeeping operations, maritime security and supporting state building operations while possessing a number of capabilities to protect and project power for the Dorvish Navy, something that the Dorvish Navy continues to rate as their highest concern in the near future. While the Dorvish government does not often make its national defense and national security directives public, they are often able to be discerned over time when they change. For instance, the focus on naval power and sea power is clear that the Dorvish are seeking to bolster their own projection across the world, considered to be "hard power". It is reported that the State Council will vote on expanding the Dorvish submarine fleet significantly, or at least the most significant expansion over the past several decades. Returning to the new unknown class, it will be be equipped with medium and short-range surface to air missile, long range anti ship missiles, outfitted with a 127mm naval gun, non-lethal options, CIWS, reconnaissance options as well as ASW helicopters. This will be one of the first domestic productions in several decades, a boon for the Dorvish shipbuilding industry that has rested heavily on its laurels for the past several decades, if the submarine legislation passes it will further boost the shipbuilding industry.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:49 pm

Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:02 pm

Wirtschaftsnachrichten für Artania
Artania's leading business news
DDE officials confirm deal with Endralon
May, 4773

A Theil-Hassel Leopard 2A7+ main battle tank.

Haldor, Kordusia - Birgit Krukenberg, the Dorvish Defense Export attache for Endralon confirmed that the Dorvish Defense Export had approved the sale of a number of defense systems to Endralon after a visit late last year. According to documentation filed with the Dorvish Defense Export the deal includes a number of modern main battle tanks, suspected to number around 250 Leopard 2A7+ MBTs, it includes an undisclosed number of "support vehicles" including the Theil-Hassel AMPVs, ATF Dingos as well as a number of Fennek reconnaissance vehicles and other lighter vehicles. The agreement also includes a number of the latest Block 3 Unionfighters that have become prevalent across the world, while they exclude the latest SEAD variant, the Unionfighters popularity across the world cannot be denied and the Artanian Defense Group lauded the deal. It is likely that a number of Dorvish small arms manufacturers such as Dorvische Waffenfabrik AG and Hofmeister & Kalkbrenner AG will provide Endralon with basic munitions, small arms and other material related to weapons. While not confirmed as a part of the package the Dorvish are likely to provide a training and support detachment from the Foreign Defense Office to train and provide support to the Endralonian military to understand their equipment. It has been reported that since December the Dorvish Defense Minister, Generaladmiral Florian Freytag who also serves as the Chief of the Supreme General Staff and the Inspector-General of the Dorvish Armed Forces has visited Endralon. The reports include a number of meetings with Endralonian President Króm Gyula to continue to build relations between the two countries.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:17 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeuitung
Dorvish operations continue in Northern Davostan

A Dorvish Unionfighter conducting aerial refueling over northern Dovanstan.

Northern Davostan - It was first reported in Der Globus in July, 4772 that the Lievenian Sea Fleet departed for the coasts of Davostan and reports have only recent came out about the Dorvish involvement with the Telamonese-Davostani conflict. Supreme General Staff officials briefed members of the press regarding Dorvish operations in Davostan, the focus was on the support and logistical operations provided to support both Telamonese and Hutorian forces following the egregious breach of Davostani vessels into sovereign Hutorian waters. According to the Chief of the Warfare Command Office, General (Panzer) Alfred Hölder the Lievenian Sea Fleet have provided a number of reconnaissance operations over northern Davostan and carried out a number of SEAD sorties with the newest variant of the Unionfighter known as the "Unionfighter ECR". Since the outbreak of Dorvish involvement in the conflict, Dorvish Naval Aviation has reportedly destroyed nearly 7 installations coordinating anti-air and anti-air communications along the northern coast of Davostan, the strikes were "surgical" in nature meant to reduce any collateral damage and were carried out largely at night, the operations also included a number of aerial refueling operations that the Dorvish, Telamonese and Hutorian governments were aware of. Dorvish Air Forces at home have stepped up NORDIC-related patrols and have increased awareness to the highest levels in the events of some sort of counter-attack or strike at the Dorvish homeland. While details were scarce, the Dorvish Air Force attache to the Warfare Command Office noted that a vast majority of ground operations were being conducted by Dorvish Fallschirmjäger, or paratroopers in Luthorian. Unconfirmed reports note that the shadowy, elusive but elite Dorvish Jäger are also on the ground but the Warfare Command Office briefing detailed nothing regarding their presence.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:36 pm

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
Dorvish delegation arrives in Beleco
Late May, 4773

Beleco, Zardugal - Vice State Chancellor Kaspar von und zu Raddatz, Foreign Minister Jannick Peukert, Defense Minister Generaladmiral Florian Freytag and Trade and Industry Minister Antonin zu Mohr announced a visit to Zardugal to discuss bilateral relations between the two nations. The delegation lead by the Vice State Chancellor is set to meet the new Augustan Emperor and the Foreign Minister Abramio Kamatero as well as a number of other Zardic officials, potentially including the Zardic Defense Minister. Dorvik over the past several months has proven its capabilities as a global power, some citing the "collapse" of allies Kazulia and Lourenne as the end of Dorvish influence and power in the world, however the Dorvish have proven that they are capable of standing on their own two feet without the assistance of stalwart allies. The Dorvish delegation in Zardugal is joined by the arrival of a number of Dorvish defense officials, chief among them investors from the Dorvish Development Bank, a privately owned bank that has business dealings across the world and has been involved in a number of high profile deals over the past several decades. Rumors have surfaced that the Dorvish are seeking to prop up the somewhat failing Zardic defense industry with an infusion of capital from the Foreign Economic Council and private investments, largely from Artanian Defense Group and others.

Dorvik is also seeking to expand its agricultural markets and build its raw material exports, notably in the field of exporting the famed Dorvish steel. The trade talks will focus on a number of topics including the development a high tech corridor in Beleco, the expansion of Konstandia Bay and Dorvish government support for rebuilding Zardic institutions of government. The Vice State Chancellor was questioned early on during the trip regarding tense relations between Deltaria and Zardugal, known now as the Augustan Empire, and the Vice State Chancellor shrugged off the comment. "The Augustan Empire is a sovereign nation and can do what it pleases, if other nations around them have issues or problems, they can attempt to solve these issues diplomatically. We've seen enough conflict in our time and I am sure that the temperate Deltarians will do their best to handle disputes diplomatically." When the Vice State Chancellor asked why the Dorvish interest in Majatra, the Dorvish Vice State Chancellor offered the response of: "We live in a global world, a global economy, nations across the world do business with nations of all continents, the Dorvish presence here is a matter of bilateral relations between the two nations whom respect each other very much." The Vice State Chancellor noted that the Dorvish would be directly a "...multi-billion dollar investment into Zardic industries..." the most notable being information technology companies and construction and construction management corporations. Absent was the alleged multi-billion dollar investment into swathes of the Zardic defense industry.

Some local news sources within Zardugal have cited an increasingly high number of Dorvish defense attaches assigned to the Dorvish embassy in Beleco but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offered no response to their comments.

Please note that this RP has been ret-conned.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Rogue » Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:51 pm

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