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Re: Hutori

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:45 pm

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Re: Hutori

Postby Conser » Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:50 pm

Tom Vence Roberts elected leader fo the National Progress Party

After most of the expected candiate to the leadership of the party have withdrawn, only two candidate actually ran to became leader of the NPP. Tom Vence Roberts, son of former Prime Minsiter Sarah Vence, and Jeff Oldman, famous actor. After gathering all votes from the mebers of the National Progress Party all across Hutori, here are the official result:

Tom Vence Roberts: 75,24% (128 301 votes)
Jeff Oldman: 24,76% (42 222 votes)

The party overwhelmingly choose to gave the irleadership to a member of the Vence family. After the annouce of his victory, the young leader, who is 34 years old, annouce that he would in the next few months propose a serie of reform in front of the parliament to show the hutorian public what he propose for the country. If the content of these reforms are not yet known, Vence Roberts specified that he would revisit a lot fo the traditional proposition of the NPP. It's well know that the supporters of the NPP are growing angrier lately concerning the recent legislation passed by the Liberal-Conservative governement. The Mp and former minsiter Jeff Acton explained it as follow:

''Many hutorian in the different province are very displease with what the current governement is doing. The liquidation of Energy Hutori to the private sector and to the province was a terrible idea. It's quite clear that that unified nationalised energy service all across Hutori works better for everyone. This is one of the policy we intend to change in if we get to governement. Not to mention their pretty much botched gestion of the post-war negotiation. It's hard to understand what exactly is the plan of the Prime Minister concerning Davostan, if he has one.''

(Jeff Acton, MP for the NPP)

In the other hand, the new leader also said that foreign and millitary policy would be in main priority. He has shown himself to be quite critic of what the current governement is doing with these issue. He state during the leadership campaign that ''the cowardice of O'Reilly is killing our reputation as a strong nation that stand for peace and democracy. We need to step up our game if we want to remain an infuent country in Terra.''
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Re: Hutori

Postby RileyHP » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:12 am

PM Responds to Vence Roberts

In a recent interview with HBC after winning his party's leadership, Tom Vence Roberts took aim at the Prime Minister and his handling of the post-war situation in Davostan. During a recent press scrum, the Prime Minister was asked about the comments made by Mr. Vence Roberts, and this is what he had to say.

"Our plan is working, and Hutorians see that. Over the last three years our government has achieved many things. We negotiated a peaceful resolution to the Macon War, which sets a clear path forward for our continent as we rebuild post-war. We have honoured those who went above and beyond the call of duty for their country during the war. We denationalized the energy industry, saving hardworking Hutorians hundreds of Lira every year on their energy bills. And we know there is more to do. While the opposition grandstands and criticizes, we will continue to work hard to get results for Hutorians. I look forward to earning their trust again next spring."
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:41 pm

Field Marshal Berrigan Arrives in Kivonia to Begin Term as Governor General

Field Marshal Mason Berrigan

Newly promoted Field Marshal Mason Berrigan, commander of Army Groups South and Centre, during the Macon War, has arrived in the occupied Davostani capital to begin his term as the Governor General of the Commonwealth Occupation Commission. Field Marshal Berrigan is one of four officers who received promotion to the highest ranks within the Commonwealth's Armed Forces, and only the fourth Officer in Hutorian history to hold the rank of Field Marshal. Berrigan, who commanded Hutorian forces from the first day of the war to last, is notable for having conquered more provinces of Davostan that any other, and was the Officer directly responsible for the cutting off of Kivonian forces in Adelia and later liberating the city of Kivonia personally.

Berrigan's mandate, as the highest ranking Hutorian Officer in Davostan is multi-fold in duty. As Governor General of the Commonwealth Occupation Commission he serves as de-facto head of state of the regions of Davostan directly occupied and adminstered by the Hutorian military, which encompasses the three mainland provinces. He also serves as the Co-Commander in Chief of the Allied Military Occupation Authority, along with his Telamonic counter-part over the jointly occupied island of Dovmark. He also served as General-Plenipotentiary of Davostan, giving him supreme authority over the nation that the Commonwealth Occupation Commission administers and veto power over anything the Hutorian back Civillian Advisory Assembly passes.

Field Marshal Berrigan has stated that his initial purpose is to ensure the rebuilding of Davostan goes as according to plan to get it up and running as quickly as possible. With this in mind The COC has both begun the work of rebuilding critical infasture throughout Davostan, including hospitals and schools, but also in time, to reopen and reinvigorate the Davostani economy.

As General-Plenipotentiary of Davostan, Berrigan has ultimate say on which corporate entites are allowed to operate within Davostan and foreign firms require a waiver signed directly by him to operate. Thus far only the Hutorian Sovereign Wealth Fund, which is pouring billions into Davostan's reconstruction and the Hutorian International Development Corporation have thus far applied and been accepted, but it's noted that major Hutorian firms Carter Energy Group, Horizon Technology and Gold Lion Capital have taken a keen interest in Davostan and are expected to make bids on various parts of the Davostani economy and reconstruction in the following days. Outside of the HIDC and HSWF, no other firms outside of the COC are currently operating or even legally allowed to exist inside of Davostan, though there is a rumor that Field Marshal Berrigan has reached out to Kalistani drug giant, ODEN, to operate within Davostan, though nothing would be confirmed by the Governor General Office.
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Re: Hutori

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:13 pm

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Re: Hutori

Postby RileyHP » Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:07 pm

As Election Draws Near, PM Reflects On Term


As the election this spring draws near, HBC National News Anchor Mario Tremblay sat down with Prime Minister Eric O'Reilly to reflect on his first four years in office. We've included some of the highlights below.

Q: Over the course of this term, your government has made some pretty substantial changes. Could you pinpoint what you believe was the single biggest accomplishment of your government?

Well, its hard to choose just one. Our coalition has worked together to tackle a wide range of issues facing Hutorians. I'll have to break it up into two key achievements, one foreign policy, one domestic. On the foreign policy side, it would have to be the successful negotiation of a treaty to restore peace to the continent of Macon. After years of fighting, now is the time for peace and rebuilding. I look forward to continuing to work with our partners across the continent to ensure a strong, stable, united continent should Hutorians give us another term. Domestically, it would have to be the denationalization of the energy industry. Allowing the provinces to have complete control over their energy grids will allow good local decision making based off of their own needs, rather than a one size fits all system that a nationalized grid delivers. Allowing private companies to provide power service also takes a significant load off of the federal government, while allowing provincial governments and private entities to create a competitive market and keep power rates low for all Hutorians.

Q: What has been the single greatest day of your term in office, in your opinion?

That's an easy one for me. It has to be the day we honoured the four generals who saw our nation through the first war on our soil in more than a millennium. Their hard work, dedication to the cause, and strategic genius ensured the fewest Hutorian casualties and the quickest victory possible. To all the brave men and women who put on the uniform and fought for our country during the war, especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives for our freedom, I offer my sincerest thank you. Our government will always have your back, just as you had ours.

Q: If you could have done one thing differently over the last three and a half years, what would it have been?

I would have liked to made significant changes to the tax code, which of course is something Hutorians have been asking for for quite some time. However during the course of this term there were priorities that had to be taken care of first, and here tonight I will pledge that should our government be re-elected, we will bring forward a comprehensive overhaul of the tax code and a new budget within the first two years.
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:04 pm

Hutori to Support Erica Secord for FOMAT

Hutorian Pop Singer Erica Secord

Hutorian Minister of Education & Culture Troy Clayon announced that pop singer Erica Secord would be representing Hutori at the Festival of Musical Arts of Terra in Deltaria next year. Secord is the award winning singer of extremely popular songs such "Wonderful Time" & "Call Me". Secord rose to the top of the charts a few years ago as youngest winner of the prestigous Acton Music Award, and her hit single "Call Me" was at the top of the Macon charts for seven straight weeks. Secord has stated that her song for FOMAT would be about "female empowerment and bringing Terrans together as one people". She's been working tirelessly on the song since she heard the news from the Department of Culture.
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Re: Hutori

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:55 am

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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:43 am

Secord Signs on With ARC as Hutori Celebrates Victory at FOMAT

Erica Secord Performing at the 1st Edition of FOMAT

Crowds went wild across Hutori as it was announced that Hutorian pop star Erica Secord had come out on top at Festival of Musical Arts of Terra, beating out 9 other international acts from across the world and securing Hutori as the next hosts of FOMAT in five years. Hutorian Prime Minister Andrew Wells personally congratulated Secord on her win, noting this was a great victory not just for the Commonwealth but for Hutorian cultural and music.

Secord herself has reportedly already agreed to sign on with the Kalistani based Artists Recording Collective, with plans to work with other independent Kalistani artists to crack into the music rich and hungry market. Secord's music is widely heard in Hutori, with her brand having picked up immensely since the end of the Macon War, with most Hutorian listening to her as a symbol of hope and love in the time of rebuilding that Macon is doing.

The Hutorian Ministry of Culture has already stated that three Hutorian cities were currently bidding to host the FOMAT in four and a half years time, with Acton, home of the largest Hutorian music festivals every where, St. Anslem and Carter City all throwing in bids.


Hutorian Firms Pouring Money into Davostan

Governor General's Compound in Kivonia

Field Marshal Mason Berrigan, the Hutorian Governor General and Plenipotentiary has stated that mass investments have been pouring into Hutorian occupied areas of Davostan with numerous firms having stepped up to fill gaps inside of the Davostani economy and rapidly getting it back up to snuff.

The Hutorian Sovereign Wealth Fund has stepped in with tens of Billions of Lira in direct investment in mainland infrastructure, rebuilding roads, government facilities, hospitals and schools, and coming in with loans to help local governments fight off the pinch. The Hutorian International Development Corporation meanwhile has focused on getting Davostani local firms back up and running, with short term loans and grants for small scale businesses to get local Davostani citizens back to work.

The Carter Energy Group, which prior to the Macon War had a de-facto monopoly over the Davostani mainland's power grid, has stepped in rapidly rebuilding the power grid, with focuses on power generation and transmission lines, rapidly getting the entire mainland power grid entirely back up. It is currently a point of pride for Carter Energy, and apparently privately to the Governor General, that the Hutorian occupied mainland, appears to be progressing in it's rebuilding efforts significantly faster then the Telamon occupied Bindeborg. The island of Dovmark, which is jointly occupied by Telamon, Dorvik and Hutori, the Commonwealth Occupation Commission appears to be giving their Dorvische allies a wide berth to rebuild it on their terms, while Hutori has mostly been left to rebuild the mainland.

Horizon Technology Corporation has been focusing on rebuilding the telecommunications infrastructure in Davostan, rebuilding it's internet and connectivity with the outside world, and expanding the already massive 5G and FibreOP network already existing in Hutori, to all of Davostan, giving them just as much inter-connectivity as their neighbors to the east enjoy.

Most importantly was the exclusive 5 year contract that the Commonwealth Occupation Commission signed with ODEN-K to provide Davostan with medical supplies and drugs. The Commonwealth Occupation Commission takes immediate custody of all medical goods coming in from Kalistan before disturbing them to the needed provincial and local hospitals and clinics as on an needed basis.

Field Marshal Berrigan has stated that Phase One of the Reconstruction is going as planned and if there is nothing to worry about, that moves to open the mainland to further international investment could occur, though was very firm in stating, "The Commonwealth will not allow Davostan to be preyed upon by vultures looking to come in here and make a quick buck. Only those firms we trust will be given Corporate Waivers, plain and simple."
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Re: Hutori

Postby Doc » Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:21 am

Last edited by Doc on Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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