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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:04 pm

Defiant 'Constitutional' Bishops Ordain Women
September 4795

Eight women were ordained as priests by schismatic bishops

With the official excommunication of Aurorian clergy who took the oath to the Republic prescribed by the controversial "Constitution of the Clergy", the schism within the Selucian Church seems to have become permanent. Almost a third of all parish priests and a small number of bishops have sworn loyalty to Selucia, leading to their excommunication by Arch-Patriarch Benedictus X as well as heavy criticism from the Patriarch of Istalia, Solentia, and Quanzar. The schismatic bishops, led by the Archbishop of Victoria Aemilius Maxentius, have decided to formalize the schism by ordaining new priests and bishops to replace those who, under the provisions of the Constitution of the Clergy, have lost their positions, in collaboration with the Duodecimvirate who organized new democratic elections to replace the removed clergy. In a clear statement of defiance towards the conservative hierarchy of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, eight of the newly ordained priests are women. This unprecedented and shocking act is probably a response to the secular and progressive movements, with a particularly strong presence in the Selucian population, which helped bring the Duodecimvirs to power, and is thus probably an attempt by the so-called "constitutional" clergy, i.e. those that took the oath to the Republic required by the Constitution of the Clergy, to forge their identity as a modern, progressive, and republican Church in full agreement with the values and virtues of the Selucian people.

Explaining the reasoning behind the schism and condemning statements from the Patriarch of Istalia and the Arch-Patriarch, Archbishop Maxentius appealed to Church tradition for precedent in the election of the clergy by the laity, transmitting this short official communique:

Where was Patriarch Gabriele when Order, Faith and Family imposed Church membership on the whole of Istalian population? Where was Arch-Patriarch Benedictus when Nova Harmonia forced Hosian values on Selucia and stigmatized the Pagans? It seems that the Church lately only cries "dictatorship" when its privileges are threatened. If they had bothered to look at the Sacred Tradition they would know that during the first centuries of the Church Bishops were not appointed by the Arch-Patriarch, they were elected by the Faithful themselves. Their authority comes not from the Arch-Patriarch, but from them having been ordained to the Episcopate. Even the Bishop of Auroria himself has often been elected by popular acclamation and not by a conclave. Patriarch Gabriele claims that the Supreme Watcher is elected only by the Will of God. But if the Will of God can speak through the College of Cardinals, then God can surely speak through the people, as He has done before. And now the Arch-Patriarch has excommunicated us, when our only sin was to swear loyalty to the democratic laws of the nation under whose rule we live. We swore loyalty to the Senate and People of Selucia, not to the Duodecimviri, and our civic oath is to serve the Republic in the interest of the common good, not to abandon or modify our faith as some have falsely accused us. Through their actions the non-jurors have shown themselves enemies of democracy and instigators of schism.

With the schism deepening, the military government has proceeded to replace non-juring clergy with new priests and bishops, democratically elected by their faithful. The replacement has not been uniform, and has so far only been carried over in places where Hosians constitute a minority. In most cases the majority of Aurorians refused to participate in the elections. In a few instances, the "constitutional" clergy were forcefully prevented from taking their office by their flocks, while in other, more secular municipalities the non-juring clergy were removed from office by the laity before the forces of the Duodecimvirate had arrived. Unevenly enforced, the Constitution of the Clergy has caused much chaos and triggered numerous protests, causing a sharp division among the Aurorian population of Selucia.

Gerajan Collegium Formed

Priests and priestesses of the Geraja Collegium

In a gesture of gratitude for the support that the Duodecimvirate and Religio Seluciana have received from the Malivian government and Gerajan faithful, the College of Pontiffs, the ruling body of the Selucian Religio, has authorized the formation of an autonomous collegium for the Gerajan faith within the Cultus Deorum. Reciprocating a three hundred year old gesture, the College of Pontiffs recognized Geraja as a well-established foreign cult within Selucia. Historically, many different polytheistic religions were practiced on Selucian territory, including the Religio, and while most of them had their gods reinterpreted as aspects of Selucian deities or were outright incorporated into the religion's pantheon, more firmly established foreign cults, particularly mystery cults, were granted their own autonomous leadership and the maintenance of their own foreign rites. This status has now been extended to Geraja, with the official establishment of a Collegium formed of priests and priestesses elected by the small Gerajan community in Selucia. Geraja will function as a religion separate and autonomous from Religio Seluciana, but it will be subject to Selucian laws and the decrees of the Religio's College of Pontiffs.

Regarding the Malivian government's offer of a union between the two nations, a spokesman of the Decemvirate declared that "while their power is absolute, it is temporary, and dedicated to nothing more and nothing less than the restoration of the Republic. Decisions of this caliber ought to be taken by the Senate and People of Selucia once democratic governance is restored, but the Duodecimviri have no a priori objections to future cooperation between the two peoples, up to full political union."
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Re: Selucia

Postby jamescfm » Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:51 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Aquinas » Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:52 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby jamescfm » Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:50 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:02 am

New Calendar Introduced
a.d. IV Non. Mart. MMCMLXXXV A.R.P.C.
(March 4, 4796)


Continuing the attempts at the de-Hosianization of Selucia and the "restoration of the Republic", the Committee of Public Safety, under the orders of the Duodecimvirate, has unveiled a new calendar designed to replace the Hosian Common Era calendar in use throughout Terra. The so-called Selucian calendar, also known as the Selucian Republican calendar, takes as its era the founding of the First Selucian Republic in 1811, a political rather than a religious event. The old names of the months, including Quintilis for July and Sextilis for August, are also restored, while the days will be inclusively counted towards one of the three main days in a given month, the Kalends, the Nones, and the Ides.

In spite of its origin in the First Republic, the Selucian Republican calendar was rarely used by it, years being more commonly named after the two ruling consuls, whose mandate was annual. The use of a calendar glorifying the First Republic is not without controversy. In addition to the military administration's obvious attempt at de-Hosianization, the calendar references an ancient regime known for its brutal persecution of Hosians and the destruction of the first international Hosian Church, whose legacy is claimed by the Aurorian Patriarchal Church. At the same time, the First Republic is widely revered by Pagans, who see it and the large colonial empire that it ruled over as a golden age for Selucian polytheism. The new calendar therefore also serves the purpose of emphasizing who is now in charge of the Republic and of pointing to a past era that the government will consciously try to emulate. The fact that in 15 years it will be year MMM (3000) according to the new calendar is also not without significance, granting an almost millenarian authority to the military government's restorationist project.

Duodecimvirate to Conclave: “Obey the Law!”
a.d. XIV Kal. Apr. MMCMLXXXV A.R.P.C.
March 19, 4796

The passing of Arch-Patriarch Benedictus X in the midst of the conflict with the military over the Constitution of the Clergy has further complicated an already volatile situation. As the College of Cardinals gathers in the Empyrean Temple to elect the next Arch-Patriarch, the Duodecimvirate has warned the leadership of the Church that it is not exempt from the Constitution of the Clergy, and that all ministers of religion are required to be democratically elected. Failure to comply with legislation will lead to legal sanctions.

As the conclave prepares to elect the Arch-Patriarch, the schismatic ‘Constitutional’ clergy announced they would not recognize any Arch-Patriarch not elected following the procedures of the Constitution of the Clergy. After considering several options, the schismatics announced that, according to Holy Tradition, the authority of the Arch-Patriarch derives from him being the Bishop of Auroria and the successor of Saint Michael the Apostle. As such the Arch-Patriarch ought to be elected by the people of Auroria, following the old tradition whereby a few Arch-Patriarchs were elected by popular acclamation. The Constitutional bishops also insist that it was the rest of the Church and not themselves that initiated the schism when Arch-Patriarch Benedictus X excommunicated clergy who took the oath. While consecrating bishops without the authorization of the Arch-Patriarch is indeed grounds for automatic excommunication, pledging loyalty to the people of one’s country is not, their claim goes. By groundlessly excommunicating the juring clergy the Arch-Patriarch abused his power, thereby placing himself outside the Church. When the new clergy were ordained, the See of Saint Michael was already in a state of sede vacante, and as such no canon laws of the Church were broken.

It is unlikely that the Conclave will bend to the pressures of the military administration and the schismatic new Church, though it is clear that the power of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church over the Selucian isles has been seriously weakened. Whoever emerges as the next Arch-Patriarch will have to contend with a government that considers him an unlawful usurper. Though the conflict has so far been non-lethal in spite of not infrequent outbursts of violence, unless a peaceful solution is found things could quickly get much worse.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Rogue » Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:27 am

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Re: Selucia

Postby jamescfm » Thu Aug 06, 2020 12:10 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:56 am

'Constitutional' Arch-Patriarch Elected
a.d. VII Kal. Oct. MMCMLXXXV a.R.P.c.
(September 25, 4796)

'Constitutional' Arch-Patriarch Angelicus III

With the election of Arch-Patriach Thomas Justus by the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, the Duodecimvirate's plans of bringing the entire Church within Selucia under government control seems to have failed so far. In reaction to this move, the government organized the democratic election of a rival Arch-Patriarch by the Patriarchal population of Auroria. Only around 10,000 ballots were cast in an election that most Hosians in Selucia consider illegitimate and an undue involvement of a Pagan government in the internal affairs of their Church. A few Aurorians did however enthusiastically participate in the election, in which none of the candidates in the "official" election participated, and which only included some of the more prominent 'constitutional' bishops in Selucia.

With the vast majority of the votes the Archbishop of Victoria Aemilius Maxentius was elected as the 'constitutional' Arch-Patriarch, claiming jurisdiction over the whole Aurorian Patriarchal Church. Taking on the name Angelicus III, the new Arch-Patriarch deliberately referenced Angelicus I, a 43rd century Arch-Patriarch famous for emphasizing the bishopal nature of the Arch-Patriarchy.

The recognition of the schismatic Arch-Patriarch by anyone outside Selucia is very unlikely, but in the eyes of the Selucian government Angelicus III is the legitimate Arch-Patriarch and Bishop of Auroria. Given the refusal of most Aurorian clergy and of the ruling hierarchy of the Church to bend the knee and accept the Constitution of the Clergy, the government announced that tougher measures will soon be implemented to deal with the "illegal" priests and bishops and with "Vanukean citizen Daníl Hnanja". Until now no legal penalties have been applied for nonjuring clergy, but that may soon change. The Duodecimviri stated, with visible frustration, that "all religions have accepted the requirements of the Constitution [of the Clergy], only some Aurorians think themselves above the law. If they don't accept the laws of the Republic then they will not be protected by the laws of the Republic".

Constituent Assembly to be Elected
a.d. IV Non. Oct. MMCMLXXXV a.R.P.c.
October 27, 4797

Candidates campaigning for the Constituent Assembly

With the first 5 year mandate of the Duodecimviri coming to an end in almost a year and with the government embarking on some rather controversial constitutional changes, the Duodecimvirate has realized that it needs some measure of democratic legitimacy to more successfully pursue its reforms. For this reason the military administration has convened a "People's Constituent Assembly" tasked with approving constitutional and legislative proposals introduced by the Duodecemvirs. The elections, scheduled for November next year, are to take place in first past the post elections in single member districts, and candidates affiliated with any political party are barred from the election. The Duodecemvirate itself has had its mandate extended for another five years, but its constitutional and legislative powers shall be transferred to the Constituent Assembly. They will retain their executive powers and shall have the exclusive right to introduce legislation to be voted on by the new Assembly. The Duodecemvirs have also been granted the right to nominate members to a new Senate.

With this measure the Duodecemviri aim to counter criticism that their rule is dictatorial and arbitrary and grant democratic legitimacy to their actions, while keeping control over the legislative and constitutional agenda. As Hosians constitute less than half of the population and are divided, albeit unevenly, between "constitutionalists" and "non-jurors", the Duodecemviri have no reason to fear that a democratic assembly would overturn their anti-Hosian policies.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:14 am

Constituent Assembly Convenes in Argona
a.d. XVI Kal. Apr. MMCMLXXXVII a.R.P.c.
(March 17, 4798)

The Occidentrian city of Argona is the new capital of Selucia, with the Temple of Hiatus clearly visible in the background

The "People's Constituent Assembly" called by the Duodecimviri last year has convened in November and has now started its session. Authorized to approve or reject constitutional and legislative proposals introduced by the Duodecimvirate, the Assembly lacks the power to propose legislation on its own. For this reason, most of the population has rejected the Assembly as little more than a democratic fig leaf to cover the authoritarian rule of the military administration, with only around 15% of the population casting its vote for the Constituent Assembly, most of them avid supporters of the Decemvirate policies. As such the military government enjoys a comfortable majority, so for the next five years the People's Constituent Assembly will function as a rubber stamp approving all of their legislative proposals.

Interestingly enough the Constituent Assembly was not convened in the Selucian capital city of Auroria. Instead, the Duodecimviri decided that the Assembly would gather in the small provincial capital of Argona, a port city in the province of Occidentria with a population of around 300,000. The choice of relocating the Selucian capital has taken many by surprise, but the new location of the legislative is a well calculated move. Argona serves a twofold purpose for the Decemvirate. Firstly, although the capital of Selucia has always been the city of Auroria, Argona is symbolically important as the "birthplace of the Republic", the city where 2999 years ago the Argonan Uprising started and would lead to the first unified Selucian state, an ancient regime that the Duodecemvirs openly try to emulate. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, Argona lacks the strong ties to the Aurorian Patriarchal Church and the large Hosian population of Auroria, keeping the new legislative and the executive insulated from the street pressure that will doubtlessly increase should the government continue its anti-Hosian policies, as indeed it has guaranteed it would do. As a majority Pagan city, where the Temple of Hiatus (OOC: Janus) features prominently on its skyline, the Duodecemvirs and their Assembly do not need to fear being overthrown by a Hosian uprising.

Bull before being sacrificed in the suovetaurilia

A more controversial decision by the Duodecemvirate was their performance of a lustrum ceremony to purify the Selucian people in front of a large crowd. During the First Republic the lustrum was carried by one of the Censors after his election every five years, and included the performance of a suovetaurilia, the sacrifice of a pig, a sheep, and a bull (sus, ovis, and taurus in Selucian) to Mamors. The suovetaurilia has already been implemented as a mandatory practice in the Armed Forces, but its performance by the government of Selucia has caused consternation. Of all Pagan rites and practices, the most objectionable to non-Pagans is blood sacrifice. Even many Cultores Deorum have questioned the wisdom of including such a controversial practice in the ceremonies for the inauguration of the Constituent Assembly and of Selucia's new capital city. The assembled crowd, however, was clearly emotional. Most of them had never even seen a suovetaurilia, while the lustrum has not been performed in over two thousand years. Seeing this ancient rite performed by the government of the very nation that only a few years ago treated them as outcasts and second-class citizens moved many of the onlookers to tears. For them, this lustrum was not just a religious ceremony performed by a military government with near-absolute power. It was a sign from the Gods that after so long they would once again look favorably on them, and that their days of hardship and discrimination would unexpectedly be over. That seems to have been the message transmitted by the Duodecemvirs as well. After a haruspex examined the entrails of the sacrificed animals he declared to the cheering crowd that Father Mamors was pleased by the offering and has received the sacrifice.

Apart from the restorationist meaning of the act, a second motive may lie behind the decision of the Duodecemvirs to perform an objectionable religious ritual. They appear to be daring Hosians to show their opposition openly, to perhaps even rise in arms against their government. Given the grip that the Duodecimvirs have on the armed forces and the divisions between Hosians themselves, such an uprising would be suicidal and would give the government a free hand to implement ever harsher anti-Hosian measures. If on the other hand Hosians remain too divided and complacent to openly oppose the government, the Duodecemvirate will continue to favor Paganism and make the practice of Hosianism increasingly difficult.
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Re: Selucia

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:11 am

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