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Re: Deltaria

Postby Aquinas » Sat Aug 29, 2020 12:27 am

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Aug 29, 2020 6:57 am

OOC Source: BBC

Cahtice: The Conservative Democratic Union has held its 4th party congress in over 60 years this week. The congress, held in the capital of Cahtice, was called by the collective KDU leadership in the wake of both disastrous legislative election results as well as decisively losing the presidency. The result was a party in chaos. The recently elected leader Havel Žák was removed by the leadership and the previous collective interim leadership was appointed once more to lead the party. Now the party stands as the main oppossition party but has a historically low number of seats in the legislative, lost significant influence on a local level and isnt present in any regional or republican government, only holding control over one of the two federal districts. This immense loss of influence caused leadership to call for a new congress to, "Determine the future of the party and the direction we want to head in."

During the congress several prominent party figures such as Jandová and Tesarik held speeches. Despite calls by party members for Andrej Čuda to be allowed to speak he was not in the schedule, prompting some to boycott the congress. Čuda, who was unknown before the previous primary election, had gained popularity within the party for calling on a direct move to the center and moving away from the right wing dominance within the party. Čuda himself is described as a centrist liberal conservative with a pragmatic approach to certain issues. Since his primary run Čuda has become extremely popular in the party as he is seen as the change that the party desperately needs. Čuda has already announced that he will run in the next primary race as well, trying his luck this time. Jandová, who was orginally seen as the outsider that would move the party center, has herself joint the collective leadership and many of her former supporters have argued she "betrayed" the cause.

Besides prominent speakers party members could also propose motions to the congress, which would shape KDU policy in the current and next term. One such motion was proposed by a group of KDU members from Ushalande, with the motion calling for the KDU to, "Go back to its roots of a big-tent party, moving to the center and staying close to both our regular democratic as our hosian democratic values." As many expected this motion was adopted ith over 80% of party members present voting in favour. Even some traditional right wing conservatives in the party voted for the motion. The KDU used to be a big-tent party, uniting both centrist and right wing voters under its wing mostly thanks to its democratic principles and Hosian Democratic roots. Right wing members in the party, at least apparently a majority of them, now see the necessity of moving more to the center in order to recover from the devastating results in the last few years.

Another motion was also adopted, one more controversial amongst the veterans in the party. A motion from the Doron Akigan delegation called for, "A distancing of the party from the Koleno era and Koleno as a leader, decrying his authoritarian style of rule and reaffirming the KDU its believe in democracy." This motion was adopted with a much closer result, with only 55% voting in favour. It is clear that despite Koleno his authoritarian rule many party members still feel nostalgic for a return to his 20 year rule, a rule largely considered to have strengthened Deltaria and the KDU until it backfired after his death. The congress also discussed several pressing issues, such as the current standoff with Vascania, and decided to follow the general policy of the current government.

The last point on the congress agenda was scheduling new primary elections. It was determined that the new primary will commence a year before the presidential election, with the Ushalande contest held in december of 4810. The primary contest will once again pick both the KDU leader and the presidential candidate. While Čuda has announced he will run no other candidates have yet to announce themselves, likely happening in the coming years.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:39 pm

Solidarity Forever is the most popular newspaper among leftists of all colors
November 4807
LKPP wins early elections, internal turmoil erupts inside LKPP
Sebastian Jílek, prominent leftist and newly elected CHR, growing opponent against the Moderates in the LKPP


The newly formed LKPP, made up of all leftist major movements from Deltaria had success after success, be them in the presidential elections beating with over 80% of the votes in favor of Kral or be the party succeeding to pass important liberal and moderate bills into the Parliament. Whatever is, it looked without a stop. LKPP also succeeded to deal with external issues such as Vascania and maintained internal stability and economic growth. Though an internal division caused by the sheer differences between the many factions was coming to light. Leftists alike started to criticize the militaristic and non-pacifist actions of Ivan Kral along the compromises done with the KDU and conservatives of LKPP (below 5%) in bills, which annoyed in return over 50% of the party members and broke the alliance between the liberal progressives and social democrats. The gap that opened led to instability which was dealt in it's first phases. Everything seemed to fix, but with the dissolution of a party and the early elections, the LKPP won over 2/3 of legislature.

These new circumstances called for a Party Congress on deciding the agenda, despite it was done earlier. Many more moderate criticized this as unnecessary and as disguised coup attempt by the more radical leftists. The leftists accused back the moderates as undemocratic and uncaring of the coalition, pointing out to the sheer majority of progressives and pro regulation, and despite all these, the party is still working on a centrist with conservative aspects. In return, the moderates attacked by declaring that far left is a threat to the stability of LKPP and that these moderate policies are essential for winning elections and ensuring slow valuable reform in Deltaria. In exchange, the socialists and radicals have put pressure on the party, succeeding to convince most of progressives that moderates went too far, especially after these had tried to propose a bill with conservative nuances, leading to literal fist fights between the members. Following cooldown, some moderates proposed that the party should expel the more radical wings, which failed. Upon this the moderates threatened with the leaving of the party, up to 50% of moderates defecting thus to KDU. Over 10 seats had been lost as such as well this led to Progressives taking power and establishing Sebastian Jílek, activist and long time opponent of the Moderates as new party chairman of LKPP.

While the Cabinet had been kept under same formula, with some modifications and replacements, leaving moderates on board as well, as sign that the Progressives still rely on Moderates on large parts. The remaining moderates accepted with the compromise offered by the Progressives. The issue was that now there were no enough majority to support a Moderate-Progressive alliance inside the Coalition to rule, thus the Progressives appealed to some moderate Socialists and promised to compromise economically and move further to the left economically. These moves weren't unnoticed and some fear the LKPP may lose next elections thanks to the defections, scandals and party new agendas. The new chairman (CHR) Sebastian Jílek assured that the LKPP will still be centrist and based on liberal values, as well ensure that the party will remain under one piece.

Just as those words came out, over two days news struck LKPP and the government when Ivan Kral opposed the recent events in the LKPP and pushed for restoring "order" and reenacting the old agenda. This led to a VONC bill inside the LKPP to depose Kral and that what happened. The approval rate was of 67% and led to Ivan having to leave the President position, being replaced with Gabriel Podlezl, a convinced Progressive and ardent LGBT fighter. Despite best attempts by Kral to lead with an iron fist the party and the nation toward stability and moderation, he failed miserably, unable to acknowledge the complexity of the situation, being too rigid and too unaware of the existence of multiple factions who had eventually the final word. The scandal will be a great topic for the opponents now consider some Moderates ashamed of the recent events inside the LKPP.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:22 pm

OOC Source: Russian Defense Ministry

Dovani: Deltaria stands firm. Following attempts by Vascania to appease Deltaria by partially adhering to its demands the Deltarian government, led by Federal President Ivan Král, has ordered and executed a series of operations aimed at Vascanian targets in the region. Král, who was clear when handing out the ultimatum, stated in a partial public adress that, "Vascania cant shift the blame. Nor can it try to avoid the consequences of their actions by half handed actions aimed at putting the sovereign nations of Dovani in a bad spotlight. The Vascanian blockade is unjustified and we made it clear that we do not accept anything besides a total end to the blockade and removal of military assets from forward positions."
Upon making the statement the State Directorate of Intelligence, OKOB and the Aerospace Forces launched "Operation Lingering Storm" targetting several defensive military sites as well as digital military infrastructure. According to the mostly blanked out report the SDI used both local assets and actual specialized ground teams to eliminate high valued targets, one of which was presumably the Vascanian commander of its missile defense forces. Besides eliminating HVT's the SDI teams also sabotaged a unknown number of military sites, likely mostly missile defense systems and AA units. While the SDI states these operations as succesfull reports from within the directorate seem to suggest that at least one of the dozen of agents send on the mission has been killed in action.

The OKOB, the cyber department of the Armed Forces, executed a number of cyber attacks on critical military infrastructure, mostly software systems and communication networks mostly concerning Vascanian airspace and AA command. While the Vascanians had prepared for such a cyber attack and most of the attacks were intercepted several did manage to hamper communications, further strengthening the sense of chaos on the field during the targetted operation. The role of the aerospace forces was a small but important one. According to witness reports and fragments from declassified documents at least one of the T-20 strategic bombers stationed in Medina took off during the timeframe of the operations, reportedly flying two missions targetted at Vascanian Anti Air defense systems. The T-20 was supported by several R-33M multirole fighters, using their electronic warfare systems to jam enemy radar and communications both in the air and on the ground. The mission was likely executed from a significant distance, with the T-20 capable of firing its missile weaponry from at least 1500 kilometers away. Likely striking Vascanian targets a long way from Vascanian radar and AA systems.
At the end of the operation several Vascanian high ranking officials had been killed, with estimates ranging from 2 to over 10 individuals. Over 5 AA sites were reported to be destroyed with a unknown number of missile defense systems sabotaged by either OKOB or the SDI. While this strike was limited in scale many experts believe that was the intention, with Deltaria showing Vascania its willing to use force to break the blockade. No Vascanian naval assets were targetted by the operation.

President Král, after the completion of the operation, extended the ultimatum deadline by two days saying, "Vascania's unlawfull actions will not be tolerated. They either abide by international law and lift the blockade, retreating their military assets back into their own territory. Or Deltaria will not hesitate to further enforce the mandate given by the ultimatum. We will not talk until the Vascanian government seizes its illegal activities."
Reports from Malivia seem to suggest that the Deltarian navy has send additional ships in the form of Premsyl-class destroyers and Gorshkov-frigates to Dovani, likely as a means to further show the seriousness of the situation to Vascania and, if it comes to it, prepare for a possible confrontation.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:15 am

OOC Source: Den of Geek

Cahtice: Deltaria's most prestigious film studio Hvezda Productions has revealed the trailer for their first ever streaming series called "Homefront". Until now Hvezda had focussed on blockbuster movies, investing most of their revenue into creating new and groundbreaking movies. But now the company is venturing into the streaming services, inspired by their first cooperation with evFilm. The new series, consisting of a initial two seasons, follows the life of Andrea Kovaříková, a SDI (State Directorate for Intelligence) officer who is tasked with a variety of daring challenges as she is send both overseas to work for the directorate as well as returning home, only to find out that a former Deltarian ZNZS officer has been turned by Yingdalan intelligence, posing a threat to the national security of the Federation.

The new series has received a series of praising reviews, with some less praising ones. Some reviewers found the series hard to dive into, thanks to the secretive nature of the SDI. The series mostly follows general intellegence knowledge as a majority of SDI methods are highly classified and can thus not be used in the series. It is not clear on what streaming platforms the new title will be available but many expect the evFilm platform to be one of them. It is likely that the series will be released on most major platforms. The trailer has been viewed less then previous works of Hvezda but still resulted in a few million views, a decent result. Many wonder how well the series will do once released at the start of next year.

The trailer on the first season of "Homefront"
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:13 pm

OOC Source: Yahoo News

Dovani: Its clear, Deltaria will defend its allies of Medina and Liore even if its own military has to take risks to achieve this goal. Following calls within Vascania to declare war and with the Vascanian Navy laying mines within a multitude of seas the Deltarian government has now decided that its time to extend initial operations in the region and actively defend its allies. Newly inaugurated president Gabriel Podlezl is thus following the same policy and stance as his predecessor, Ivan Kral. The first action following the decision was the repositioning of the Nemec Carrier Strike Group and the 1st Dovani Battle Group to take on a defensive position near the Liore and Medinian coasts. This repositioning meant that the two groups had to traverse Vascanian waters to avoid the main naval fleet of Vascania.

This operation, dubbed Operation Moving Seas, resulting in the sinking of a Vascanian destroyer and the damaging of one of the Deltarian cruisers in the strike group. A single destroyer was patrolling the waters the group was passing through, despite several warnings from the strike group the destroyers stayed in its way, prompting the DNS Voitech, the ship in front of the formation, to launch 2 Pancar-1 anti ship missiles towards the destroyer. One of the missiles was intercepted with the second missile hitting the middle of the Vascanian destroyer, splitting the ship in two following an explosion of its ammunition deposits. While the strike group passed the destroyer the DNS Voitech was however suddenly hit, with severe damage on its engine and the partial destruction of its helicopter platform. It was later determined that the cruiser was hit by a mine layed by the previously sunk destroyer.

In the end the operation was a success, with the 1st Dovani Battle Group consisting of 3 Gorshkov frigates, 1 Gepard frigate, 3 Premsyl destroyers and a unknown number of submarines arriving near Liore and setting up a defensive cordon while the Nemec Carrier Strike group did so near the Medinian coast. It seems the conflict many tried to avoid has now commenced. Prompting spectators to wonder where and how it will end. The damaged DNS Voitech has been brought into a undisclosed port in Liore, likely being repaired as much as is possible in the small Liore shipyards while awaiting a possible end to the conflict. The Deltarian Aerial Forces have also launched a operation to secure Medinian and Liore airspace, having created a system of permanent patrols and authorizing its aircraft in these airspaces to intercept any Vascanian military aircraft. The operation is likely to ease the pressure on Liore and Medina posed from the air, allowing them to bring in supplies without the danger of Vascanian air units intercepting the cargo.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 30, 2020 8:45 pm

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Aquinas » Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:28 am

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 02, 2020 8:19 am

OOC Source: Wikipedia

Dovani: In the seas near Vascania a civilian freighter flying under the Istalian flag has reportedly sunk after hitting a mine layed by Vascanian naval forces. The ship, transporting humanitarian goods to Liore, hit the mine near former Rapa Pala and sunk within 45 minutes. Around 20 of the 120 crew survived with the rest either dying instantly or going under with the sinking ship. This is the first incident that directly strikes at a civilian target. While likely not the intention by Vascania international observers have warned about mining sea lanes, saying it could have affects on the little shipping that still goes on. This week that was thus the case, sparking outrage in the region and in Istalia, with 16 Istalian citizens declared dead in the mining of the ship.

The Deltarian government immediately put out a statement, saying that Vascanian mining in the region and subsequent hostile acts against civilian targets, "violate international law and further the believe that Vascania has a total disregard for human life as well as the rules of war." Deltaria subsequently announced that it will attend the peace conference called by the Malivian government but did emphasize that it will demand the honouring of the initial ultimatum as well as a monetary compensation for the damage done during the war. "Vascanian recklessness is now directly causing innocent life's to be spilled. Deltaria will attend the Malivian peace conference but will demand nothing less then the honouring of our initial ultimatum and a monetary compensation to be payed to Istalia, Liore and Medina. These demands are justified and frankly even less then we could press. But we believe achieving peace and stability is the most important at this moment."

Despite the Deltarians now attending the peace conference small scale fighting continues. Several Vascanian jets were taken down by Deltarian R-37 stealth fighters after trying to enter Medinian airspace and several small vascanian ships were turned back by fire from a deltarian Presmyl-class stealth destroyer. It is unclear how the situation will develop, Deltaria seeminlgy does not want a confrontation with Yingdala and thus attends the peace conference, with more facts turning against the Vascanians however its unclear how they will respond. As some philosophers may state, a cat backed into a corner will jump in unpredictable ways. Deltaria has stated its forces remain in warmode within the region and any Vascanian attempts to escalate the conflict will be met with, "adequate responses." Will peace come to Dovani?
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