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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:04 pm

OOC Source: Pinterest

Kundrati: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a list of sanctions that, on noon tommorow, will be enacted on Kundrati. The list includes a travel ban for most of its diplomats and politicians to Deltaria, a closure of the Kundrati embassy in Deltaria, a ban on imports from important Kundrati industries. The list of sanctions was announced following several diplomatic failures for Deltaria internationally. The Deltarian Foreign Ministry had adressed the situation in Kundrati to both the World Congress and the MSO, hoping that they would themselves implement sanctions on Kundrati. To the suprise of many within the Foreign Ministry and reportedly to the suprise of President Petr the international community sillently sided with Kundrati on the matter in question, not pledging their support behind sanctions to pressure the Artanian nation into lifting its anti-religious laws.

According to Foreign Minister Jonáš Polák the, "situation in Kundrati is so dire, so anti freedom oriented, thats as Deltaria we cannot allow it. Supressing your populace by refusing them the right to freedom of worship is inhumane and simply against international law. Deltaria, as a foremost geopolitical power, sees it as its duty to act and put in place consequences for Kundrati its actions. We will make sure to apply pressure on the Kundrati regime and listen to their people in the streets demanding their rights restored."

In addition to the sanctions the Defense Ministry, under directions from the president himself, has dispatched the First Carrier Strike Group of the Deltarian navy to Artania, likely being positioned just outside Kundrati waters. While no official comment from the government has been released geopolitical strategists believe that Deltaria might try to put pressure on Kundrati one last time before taking more descisive action. In the streets of Cahtice, the Deltarian capital, several hundred protestors have gathered shouting "no war in Kundrati", fearing a possible military response from the Deltarian government. The situation remains tense as Deltaria seems prepared to act alone in protecting the freedom of religion in Terra.

(IC secretive info: The Deltarian State Directorate for Intelligence (SDI) has launched a infiltration operation into Kundrati, training oppossition groups, Deltaria is also indirectly funding oppossition groups, giving them the means to put more pressure on Kundrati from within)
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:37 pm

OOC Source: Malaysia

Kundrati: At 9:00 AM in the morning local time jets could be heard over some parts of Kundrati. The sound of engines roared through the skies and bright flashes of light could be seen. The Deltarian Federation, without much international support, has launched a series of targetted strikes on Kundrati military targets according to the Deltarian Ministry of Defense. The strikes, carried out within a timespan of 3 hours, centered around a dozen R-33C jets dispatched from the DNS Mrazek carrier just off the Kundrati coast. The jets launched strikes on military installations, them being radar stations, AA batteries, command posts and military infrastructure such as weapon depo's and fuel storage facilities. Besides the R-33C jets launching ground strikes and occasionally combatting the few Kundrati jets scrambling in a defense the Destroyers in the Nemec Carrier fleet launched several of their ground strike missiles as well, hitting communication lines and also destroying a Kundrati destroyer which layed in port, killing a estimated 100 Kundrati sailors by doing so. According to Defense Minister Vašíček that specific strike was an accident and should not have occured, especially since the ship was no real threat.

The missiles also hit several government complexes in a attempt to decapitate the Kundrati leadership. Only a few kundrati leaders have reportedly been killed with the most high profile ones still alive. President Petr gave a televized adress to the nation following the strikes:

My brave Deltarian citizens. At 3:00 AM this morning i gave the authorization to our fleet positioned near Kundrati to launch a operation to paralyze the Kundrati military and take away its capability of supressing its people. The Kundrati government, despite diplomatic and economic pressure from abroad and within, decided to maintain their ban on all religion. Deltaria has always vouched to protect freedom accross the globe. To protect our allies and the people of Terra from tyranny. As we know how important faith can be in this regard we have taken the action needed to protect the right to worship globally and stop those that would supress this human right. According to our intelligence Kundrati military infrastructure is now paralyzed. It is up to the Kundrati people themselves whether or not to utilize this opportunity and get rid of this regime. Thank you

Several nations have condemned the Deltarian strikes as "unlawfull" but have not taken concrete action, knowing that the damage is already done. At home the presidents actions have met sharp criticism with many believing it wasnt Deltaria's job to intervene. Despite this backlash the president and his government have received the support of his party, the Liberal Conservatives, meaning that electorally the President is in no danger. Public perception is mixed on the issue, with 42% supporting the intervention and 58% dissaproving of it.

Defense Minister Vašíček has stated that the 1st Carrier Strike Group will remain in the area to monitor the situation on the ground. A no fly zone has also been instituted over Kundrati by the fleet, with DNS Mrazek based jets patrolling the airspace and preventing Kundrati and other military jets from taking off or violating the no fly zone. It is unclear how the situation will develop. It is reported that two R-33C jets were taken down during the operation but were destroyed when crashing into the ground.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:52 am

OOC Source: Alma Mater Europaea

Cahtice: Federal President Matěj Petr is facing increasingly more backlash from both the Deltarian people, news outlets and international community following his decision to launch precision strikes on the Kundrati military. These strikes have now resulted in the violent overthrow of the Kundrati government by rebel forces. These forces have executed most senior leadership and have formed a transitional government which is so far struggling to gain a footing and legitimacy, leaving Kundrati without stable leadership as of now. While the government has continiously stated that the removal of the Kundrati regime is a step in the right direction it has failed to adequetly explain how it intends on stabilizing Kundrati and if Deltaria will help in this effort. Furthermore the Deltarian public is mostly outraged by the sinking of a Kundrati destroyer which killed 100 sailors despite the destroyer not being a strategic target or imminent threat. Defense minister Vašíček has already repeatedly stated that it was a unnaceptable misstep but it seems the Deltarian populace does not accept that explanation.

Furthermore internationally the attack is also being criticized, with many nations stating they would have preferred further diplomatic action that would have limited the damage and instability that follows. In a press release yesterday President Petr stated that he made, "The tactical decision to allow the strike in order to take away the regime its ability of using its armed military wing to further supress protests and people. We made sure the Kundrati military couldnt be used against the Kundrati people. Our agencies are watching the situation in Kundrati closely and will work with the new transitional government into ensuring a return of viable and stable government"

It is clear while internationally the attack has been condemned by some no real consequences will face Deltaria on the international stage. With Deltaria as one of the sole big military and economic powers in Terra it is likely no nation will take concrete action, only possibly on the diplomatic front. At home however Federal President Matěj Petr is facing a tricky situation. Recently conducted polls show the race between president Petr and his challenger Miriam Přibylová tightening. While Petr is still in front with around 55% Přibylová has drastically improved over a year ago with the poll estimating a vote of 45% for her, making the gap around 10%. While this thus means Petr would still win many within the Liberal Conservatives fear the long term and a possible continuation of this decline, leading to a potentially tight election. With just one year to go to the presidential elections many watch eagerly how this criticism and the other scandals of this second Petr term might turn out on election day.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:14 pm

OOC Source: Voice of America

Cahtice: Federal President Matěj Petr has won reelection in a stunning electoral victory for him and his party. With over 80% of the vote (36 million votes) he has been reelected to his 3rd term as president, putting him on course to serve over 15 years as the head executive of the nation. His rival, Miriam Přibylová of the Solidarity party, won a meager 19% of the vote, despite some polls putting her at 30%. It is clear that despite his controversial actions in Kundrati and the scandals within his party Petr is still a popular head of state and elevates his party with him. Petr has vouched to implement his electoral promises as soon as possible, with one of these promises being a further increase in military spending and a stronger emphasize on global partnership and diplomacy. Furthermore Petr his party, the Liberal Conservatives, maintained a strong majority within the Federal Assembly, winning over 417 of the 520 seats. This will allow the party as a whole to continue their hold on the federal government for at least another 5 years, clearing the way for a further downsize of the federal government and likely more deregulatory measures.

The opposition, in the form of the Solidarity party, has in its turn won 103 seats in the Federal Assembly. This is considered a win by the party despite early hopes of Solidarity possibly winning a majority. The 103 seats, though significant for the new upstart coalition, will likely not prevent the Liberal Conservative government from further implementing their right leaning legislation. Sources from within the party seem to suggest that its leadership was even somewhat dissapointed in the outcome, as they had expected a stronger showing mainly in Alazinder, a region considered to be more left leaning then others. Instead they had not won a single seat in Doron Akigo, Alazinder and Dissuwa. Instead the party won seats in Ushalande and Darali. Analysts seem to agree that the strong showing of the party in Ushalande and Darali has to do with the fact that both regions have a higher then average working class population mixed with a diverse electorate of blue-collar workers, minorities and poor which have now put their hopes into the Solidarity movement hoping they will turn the tide. This region, from Ushalande to Darali, is already being called the "Blue-Collar Belt" by some, with upcoming elections likely showing a continuation of strong Solidarity support here.

But while Solidarity enjoyed support amongst the poor the Liberal Conservatives managed to continue to tap into their traditional middle and upper class base which handed them the win. Furthermore conservative elements in society, such as the church and rural communities, also campaigned hard for the president and his party. The personal popularity of Petr, his campaign promises of further strengthening Deltarian power and the fear of the relatively unknown Solidarity movement possibly tipping the stability of Deltaria have thus played into this major election win for the president and his party. But, with rumours of this being Petr his last term, many wonder if a new face for the Liberal Conservatives could hurt its chances in the near future.

The electoral map with every district representing a seat. The Federal Assembly is elected using a FPTP system, with candidates running for a district in order to win a seat. As can clearly be seen Solidarity has gained a lot of traction in the Blue-collar belt while the Liberal Conservatives continue to dominate the middle/upper class as well as the rural/religious vote.
Last edited by Rogue on Thu Nov 12, 2020 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:06 pm

OOC Source: French Ministry of Defense

Cahtice: After 6 years of development and construction the first Delfín-class Amhibious Assault Ship has entered its sea trials with 3 more nearing the final stages of construction. The new AAS of the Deltarian Navy will supplement the two Nemec-class carriers, which are primarily used to project air power, and will instead fill a role of aiding in sea to ground operations and limited air support roles. The Delfín-class can carry up to 75 armoured vehicles and can carry over 1.000 men to be transported with the many transport vehicles on board. A additional 20 helicopters of various classes are also able to be carried on board providing the ship with limited air capabilities. According to Admiral Roland Horák the new class ship will, "Allow our forces another tool to adequately prepare and execute quick strike sea to land action or a full scale sea to land invasion if necessary. It will give our navy the ability to, besides projecting airpower, also project some ground strength at sea."

As the first Delfín-class is thus entering sea trials and another 3 are nearing their's the navy has also released a report which states that, on the request of the Ministry of Defense and Military Command Staff the navy has ordered a additional two Racek-class nuclear attack submarines and five Sumek-class diesel-electric attack submarines. The order is meant to, "further enhance the submersible capabilities of the Deltarian Navy and allow it to extend its reach if necessary." According to the report. The Sumek-class is seen as one of the most capable and silent submarines currently in service with this being largely attributed to its diesel-electric design, in contrast to the more noisy but long distance Racek-class nuclear submarines. Currently the Racek-class and its Darali-class predecessor are used for long distance missions of all kinds while the Sumek-class is mostly used for operations in either the Majatran Sea or the vicinity of Deltarian oversea bases. It is expected that the order of seven new submarines will be completed within the next 6 years.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby jamescfm » Thu Nov 12, 2020 4:48 pm

Adamache attacks government for failure to pass higher education reform
          3 May 4845

Čachtice, Darali: Florin Adamache, the parliamentary leader of Solidarity, has stepped up his criticism of the government in the wake of their repeated rejection of reforms that he described as "necessary and urgent for the future of Deltarian society". Adamache was one of over a hundred Solidarity candidates elected at the last election and was elected as the party's parliamentary leader at the beginning of the legislative term. Since then he has brought a number of key proposals to the Federal Assembly that have been firmly rejected by the Liberal Conservatives.

The most recent instance was the "Higher Education Reform" bill that would have subsidised tuition for university students from low-income families. In their original version of the legislation, Solidarity had proposed much wider reforms to the higher education sector by creating a fully-funded free system of universities and vocational colleges. Prior to bringing it to a vote, members of the party's moderate wing convinced their socialist counterparts to amend the bill so that it would be more acceptable to the government. Adamache emphasised this in his most recent comments, remarking that "the government has no interest in solving the problems faced by everyday Deltarians and would prefer to enrich their wealthy friends".

Despite some degree of frustration within the party that they were not able to capitalise on a strong position in the polls, the 4843 federal election was a breakthrough for the Solidarity movement as they cut the government's share of the national vote by almost 20 percentage points. In the federal election their support was highly concentrated in a region that has become known as the "blue-collar belt" that inclues the industrialised regions of Ushalande and Darali with large working-class populations.

Matěj Petr's Liberal Conservatives maintained a tight grip on their traditional strongholds though. In particular religious communities provided a disappointing result for the Solidarity movement, who had hoped their brand of Hosian socialism would appeal to middle-class families who might usually be spooked by the idea of left-wing politics. In the end President Petr's message of stability and experience proved to be more appealing. However figures from across the party leadership have remained optimistic, Adamache in particular told reporters that "voters were growing tired of the same old unfulfilled promises".
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Re: Deltaria

Postby jamescfm » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:39 pm

Přibylová launches second presidential campaign in Bălgrad
          30 November 4848

Bălgrad, Ushalande: Left-wing opposition party Solidarity have launched their official campaign for next year's federal election in the Ushalandan city of Bălgrad, nearly twelve months before polling day. At the centre of the campaign is the former academic Miriam Přibylová selected as the party's presidential candidate once again, having amassed about a fifth of the vote in the 4843 race. Despite some initial disappointment at the results four years ago, the party leadership has remained buoyant and this shows in the decision to begin campaigning early.

Unlike last time around Miriam Přibylová had to fight for her selection as the party's nominee earlier this year. In advance of the 4843 federal election, she was selected at a special conference involving the party's executive leadership however this year the party authorised a limited ballot of elected party officials. Although this excluded many party members it included an estimated six thousand individuals elected to various offices at the local party level. Přibylová did not face any significant challenge though and ended up netting over 70% of the overall vote.

At the launch event in Ushalande, the party announced the publication of their official "political agenda" which was titled "Power to the People" and focuses particularly on securing economic justice and worker's rights as a means to creating a more just and equitable society. Přibylová appeared alongside Solidarity's parliamentary leader Florin Adamache and both gave speeches offering fierce criticism of the government led by the Liberal Conservatives. Over the recent electoral term Solidarity has seen a bounce in the polls as President Petr's economic and international agenda have failed to meet the needs of ordinary working people.

The optimistic approach of many party members and leadership will be tested in the coming months however. If Solidarity stand a reasonable chance of entering government they will need to make significant gains among middle class and suburban voters, who overwhelmingly supported the President's party in 4843. In addition they will be facing the well organised and resourced campaign machinery of the Liberal Conservatives that has consistently delivered decisive electoral victories for the party over recent years.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Nov 25, 2020 7:07 pm

OOC Source: AP

Cahtice: President Petr has announced that he will not seek a fourth term as Federal President in the upcoming federal election. Petr, who has served for over 14 years as Federal President, stated that his work is done and its time for a new executive to take the lead. After the news was revealed party leadership announced a digital party election to be held. While at first many party members believed this to be an open election many were proven wrong when the Party Committee for Internal Affairs, the body in charge of vetting candidates, only allowed one candidate on the ballot. This was Zikmund Zukal, former personal assistant to President Petr and a party insider. His election was thus guarenteed, receiving 100% of the vote after the election. Afterwards thousands had cancelled their party membership and president Petr as well as the party leadership were accussed of hand picking his successor. Zukal, despite calling for party unity going into the upcoming election, has continiously received criticism for accepting the leadership position despite the controversy.

Despite the internal fight within the party Zukal has now officially been named the party leader and candidate for the presidency. With polls still showing the Liberal Conservatives with a comfortable lead on the oppossition it seems likely that Zukal will become president after the election, thus replacing Petr as president after 15 years.

Zikmund Zukal is seen by many as a copy of Petr, meaning that the party is likely to continue its right wing, small government approach to domestic issues and its hawkish approach internationally. Despite the continuation of the Petrist policies some rumblings within the major party seem to suggest that a new guard is on the rise, eager to move the party into a different direction. For now however it seems likely the Petrist wing of the Liberal Conservatives will remain their hold on the party as long as it continues to perform well on the national stage.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:31 pm

OOC Source: NATO

Cahtice: Early in the afternoon a series of attacks in the capital of Cahtice shocked the people of Deltaria. The attacks, 5 in total, have reportedly killed 321 people as of now with a additional 1.000 injured. At the central metro station of Cahtice, recently renovated, a series of bombs exploded, collapsing the central hub and killing over 100 people. Near the Federal Assembly the Federal Police killed two gunmen that were firing on pedestrians with assault rifles and were on their way to the parliament building. Two officers and 29 pedestrians have been killed in that attack as of now. On the Cahtice river a tourboat has sunk after two men, armed with knives, first stabbed several of the tourists on the boat and later detonated a makeshift bomb, killing all but 4 passengers. In the last attack the President himself was apparently targetted, with four gunmen trying to enter the protected zone around the presidential palace. They reportedly killed two checkpoint guards before 3 of them were shot dead and the last was severely injured by both Federal Police and SUVO agents.

The attack caused widespread panic in the Deltarian capital, one of the largest cities in Majatra, the panic caused another 10 deaths as car accidents and several incidents of looting escalated. As of now the internal security agency SUVO, Federal Police and intelligence elements of the military have put the capital on lockdown. Strategic, symbolic and vital locations have been secured and checkpoints have been put in place. Residents of Cahtice have been ordered to stay home and follow guidelines from local and national authorities.

The devastating attack has been claimed by the Dovani Liberation Organization or DLO. This organization, known to be extremely active in Dovani and sometimes on a wider scale, has made it its goal to create a Dovani superstate, denouncing all foreign influences in Dovani and adhering to a pan-dovani ideology. In their statement the organization has called the attack "a victory for the pan-dovani movement" and a "vital blow to the Deltarian invaders that keep interfering in Dovani matters".

Throughout the country people have reacted with disbelief. The #Deltaria has been trending throughout the day and many express their fears for further attacks on social media platforms. In response to the attack Federal President Zukal has announced a national emergency to take effect, allowing the security services more widespread authority to deal with and investigate threats as well as putting in place a nationwide curfew for after 9 PM in the evening, allowing security forces to better track suspicious movement. President Zukal stated that, "This is not an attack on Deltaria alone. Its an attack on democracy, a attack on decency and a attack on Terran solidarity. Let us come together and fight the evil that has today struck our federation. I will work tirelesly with the Federal Assembly, security services and my cabinet to find and and bring to justice those responsible for this attack."

As of now the situation remains tense and emergency services continue to look for survivors. The National Emergency has taken effect immediately and its unclear for how long it will stay in effect.

312 Deltarians killed
9 Istalians killed
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:11 pm

OOC Source: Navy Recognition

Cahtice: In the wake of the devastating attack on the nation's capital the government and by extend its ministries are trying to move on with the duties of governing as capably as possible. While many struggle to find the right mindsett to continue their work they do so despite the challenges. The Ministry of Finance has proposed its new budget for the year to the Federal Assembly which is likely to be approved rather soon. The new budget, drafted with both lawmakers, the presidents office and the Ministry of Finance, shows a big increase in defense expenditure despite the fact that the Deltarian military is already one of the largest and most modern defense forces in the world. Many analysts seem to agree that the increase in expenditure is a last minute addition following the attacks on Cahtice last month but the government disputes this claim, stating that "the Liberal Conservative government and the president have always been devoted to the defense and security of the Deltarian people and see the continued development and maintenance of the Deltarian Armed Forces as a necessary step to preserve out integrity and freedom."

Over 50 billion in extra funds is to be pledged to the military in this new budget with cuts in the Health, Education and Science ministries while additional investments in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Infrastructure have also been announced. Following the announcement the Deltarian Navy Command revealed its plan to order a additional 5 gorshkov class frigates and 10 Velryba-class destroyers to "enhance the navies ability to protect Majatran waters and strengthen its ability to achieve the goals layed out in the Four Branch Supremacy doctrine." The order of additional ships is expected to be approved by the Ministry of Defense in the coming month. Other branches, most notably the airforce, have also announced that they intend on embarking on new development and procurement projects.
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