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Re: Liore

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 05, 2020 10:08 am

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Re: Liore

Postby DueWizard70 » Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:34 am

People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
Institutional Reform Party Baltusia-INACTIVE (4889-4896)
Demokratische Hosianer von Dorvik Dorvik-INACTIVE (4908-4918)
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:11 pm

Defense Arch Ministry to Launch Modernization Program
January 4827
Kundrati Weapons Manufacturer's Arjun Main Battle Tank

Though Liore has made great progress in the modernization of it's armed forces in the past decades by modernizing and standardizing small arms, reorganizing existing military units and recruiting new ones, and by mechanizing various elements of the ground forces, and though these modernizations have turned the Liori armed forces into a significant power in the region, the Defense Arch Ministry (DAM) recognizes that there still exists large flaws in the military that could lead to devastating defeat against a capable foe or stressful situation. To cover these holes in the Liore armor, the DAM is reportedly working on a program to modernize Liore's defensive capabilities, as a response to "recent diplomatic circumstances" that the DAM has assured the public and international community "has nothing to do with the situation with Yingdala, and that the government is in no way concerned with their presence in the Red Bass Sea." The primary aims of this program (Unofficially referred to as the Lion, Crocodile, and Eagle Plan) have confirmed to prioritize the strengthening of Liore's navy and air force, with the ground forces receiving minor attention do to its prioritization in previous modernizations.

Despite the apparent prioritization of naval and air forces in this program, the only actions taken so far by the DAM have had the goal of strengthening ground forces and adding layers of protection to ground targets. The first of these actions was the purchasing of ten S-300 SAM anti missile systems from Deltaria, a purchase that was agreed upon during last year's visit between the Liori and Deltarian foreign ministers. While the small number of the SAMs may seem trivial, their long range combined with the relatively small corridor of threat (the Bakundu area) from which modern military's can threaten Liore work complementary to each other, greatly reducing the threat of missile attacks from the Red Bass Sea. The DAM was also able to negotiate the purchase of 250 Arjun main battle tanks from Kundrati Weapons Manufacturer and the Kundratian government, an order which will see the immediate delivery of 125 tanks and the gradual delivery of the additional 125 over a period of five to seven years. These tanks (along with Liore's reserve of 285 W-16 MBTs purchased from Valruzia) will be used to arm a planned eight new armored battalions to be assigned to each People's Revolutionary Guard division along with the Liori National People's Army's first, second, third, and fifth divisions.

In the future, the DAM plans to put a heavy focus on the navy and air force, both in improving and expanding military infrastructure and in purchasing new aircraft and vessels, as well as the acquisition of on modern warship schematics to be used by domestic shipbuilding industries. Already, the government has been pouring large amounts of funds into the construction of new air and sea ports and into the expansion of new ones, and it plans to continue this program into the near future. As for the expansion of air and sea forces, the DAM is currently in the process of searching for potential candidates of Liori business, putting especial interest into the securing of ship schematics. However, the DAM's most immediate plans are the direct purchasing of new air superiority and interceptor aircraft, and new coastal defense vessels.

Defense Arch Minister Jabali Bamgboshe released the following statement regarding the Lion, Crocodile, and Eagle Plan
Behind the mighty Liori Gorilla stands three loyal defenders. The Liori Lion stands proudly and firmly in the defense of his territory and brood. The Liori Crocodile rests vigilant in in his waters and on his shore, watching and waiting for an interloper to venture into his domain and fall prey. The Liori Eagle watches the skies and strikes down rival beasts who dare violate the beauty he watches. But though the Lion remains strong and well fed, the Crocodile and Eagle more and more seem to be weakened and emaciated compared to other beasts of the savanna. We cannot allow this to be. The Gorilla must ensure the equal strength of the Lion, Crocodile, and Eagle if he is to ensure the prosperity of them all. Like the Liori people and the Liori military, the animal kingdom must also remain united and strong in order to maintain the prosperity of the collective.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:10 pm

Liori Forces Mirror Minese Entrenchments
November 4839
PRV Yam Division Again Dispatched to Nefa Department

With reports of a buildup of Minese troops and a hardening of military positions across the border, a wave of concern has swept over the Liori government and people, with fears of Minese aggression and the possibility of bringing their internal strife to Liore becoming not uncommon. Adding fuel to this fire is the continued claim of the Minese Ba'athist to the rightful ownership of the Nefa Department, a majority Kitembo region that was liberated by Liori soldiers during the Minese Civil War and integrated into Liore in 4815, and has since been a prosperous and loyal Department within the Socialist State. Though Nefa lags behind most other Liori Departments economically, the region has made great strides in the decades following its incorporation. Benefitting from Liore's superior economic position in the region and her commercial relations, as well as Liore's social welfare systems and mixed economy, the region has made tremendous progress in recovering from years of mismanagement by Minese regimes and has seen booms in development and standards of living for its people.

In response to the perceived aggression from Mina, aging General Secretary Siwatu Aguda has made a rare response to Liore's issues by ordering more troops to the border regions and their entrenchment in the possibility of violent action from the Minese. Being dispatched to the area is the entirety of the People's Revolutionary Vanguard's Yam Division, one of Liore three elite partisan divisions and one of the units which liberated Nefa, along with elements of the Liori National People's Army's 5th Division. This wave of reinforcements brings with it more than 10,000 soldiers as well as much needed armored and mechanized support to the 16,000 strong LNPA 6th Division. Already forces present in Nefa have begun conducting surveys of the border area to determine the most strategically vital position while engineers have begun constructing defensive structures and entrenchments. Local authorities have also been ordered to place local militias on standby and prepare lists of military age men to be armed and bolster the ranks of the the LNPA and PRV if need be.

General Secretary Aguda's response to the tensions has been uncharacteristic of his rule. Over the past twenty years since he took office, Aguda had been characterized as a do-nothing dictator, not seeking any policy initiatives that would benefit the nation or following through on any of his promises, with only brief exceptions being his response to Yingdala's aggression in the Red Bass Ocean in 4825 and his implementation of the first stages of the Lion, Crocodile, and Eagle Plan in 4827 before ultimately refusing to approve any initiatives to further the Plan. Ironically, though these Minese provocations are concerning to the nation and most in the government and Party, there is no doubt that it is advantageous to Aguda who has recently seen in uptick in support among the population and the Party due to his adamant response. But there are those who remain unconvinced and wish to see Aguda sacked and replaced by more promising politicians, most notably Chui Afolayan, a member of the Politburo Standing Council from the Jamii Party and grandson of former President Ndidi Afolayan.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:48 pm

LNPA Returns Artillery Fire; Skirmishes at the Border
December 4840
Local Militia Partisans Mobilized to Assist Civilians in Nefese Cities

With the rogue regime in Mina ordering its troops to stand at the border and watch perversely as their artillery launches shells across the border to massacre and maim the innocent citizens of Liore and the nation's stalwart defenders, General Secretary Siwatu Aguda has quickly and decisively approved and commanded the use of lethal force against the Minese forces who wish to spread terror in and occupy the Liori Department of Nefa. So far, the casualties of this unprovoked attack by Mina remain low, with only a confirmed twenty-three civilian deaths and only one soldier killed during the barrage, with hundreds more civilians being wounded and one more soldier being hospitalized with serious injuries. A representative of the General Secretary and the Politburo Standing Council officially stated on the matter "The Party, State, and People of Liore will not stand for this attack on our people and sovereignty, and the murder of our citizens. The rogue state of MIna has chosen her actions carefully, and as such they will reap the consequences of their ignorance and hostility. Every drop of Liori blood that is spilled by a Minese blade, bullet, or shell and every Liori city that is damaged by a Minese barrage will be repaid in full. The ringleaders of Mina can count on the LNPA and the PRV to fulfill this promise."

Immediately following the attack, the Party approved measures to raise partisans and conscripts from the Minese citizenry to immediately begin assisting with providing aid to the civilians caught in artillery barrages and begin bolstering the defense of Liore's newest Department. The Party also approved the use of deadly force against "any Minese goon who wishes to harm the Liori people or undermine Liori sovereignty." Already, Liori artillery has begun firing on the entrenched Minese positions, attempting to dislodge their forces and destroy rival artillery installments. Reportedly, there have been a number of small scale skirmishes at the border between Liori and Minese forces resulting in very minor casualties and failure by both sides to dislodge one another. However, one skirmish in particular proved to be bloody compared to what has so far occurred. On the second of December, an errant Liori company from Infantry Regiment 6.3 has wandered across the border and come into contact with a superior number of Minese troops, becoming surrounded on a hill by the end of the day. Throughout the night, the company had been besieged at their positions by the Minese armies, inflicting casualties on the attacking militia forces while themselves dwindling in number. The skirmish ended the following morning when Liori air cavalry relieved the company and repelled the Minese long enough to allow a withdrawal. At the end, Liori forces took nearly thirty-eight KIA or MIA casualties with the Minese taking a not too much higher loss. It is currently unpredictable what may happen next or if the bloodshed will continue in Nefa, but what is known is that Liore and her people are more than ready to defend themselves from Minese aggression.

Tunasimama Kidete!
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:44 am

Chui Afolayan Forms Coalition in Politburo, Calls for Economic Emphasis
September 4841
Councilman Chui Afolayan Speaks Before the Politburo

With the conflict in Nefa continuing on with little conclusive breaking of the stalemate, General Secretary Siwatu Aguda and his supporters have had their influence in the Party and government and approval of the public siphoned to the lowest in Aguda's tenure. This decay in Aguda's already mediocre image is seemingly the prime factor in the rise of the influence and popularity of Councilman Chui Afolayan, a respected member of the Politburo Standing Council and grandson of the national hero and ex-President Ndidi Afolayan. Afolayan has made himself out to be a skilled politicians and devoted adherent to Jamii Socialism, beginning his career as a member of the tribal council of his home village and eventually making his way to a member of the Liori Communal Delegation, where he made a name for himself for his support for environmental protectionist policies and the diversification of Liore's economy away from reliance on mineral extraction. From the LCD, Afolayan caught the attention of the higher-ups in the Jamii Party, who appointed the young politician to the Politburo, and was soon chosen by Siwatu Aguda to be a member of the Standing Council, the position that he holds today.

Now a long-serving Party official and advisor to Siwatu Aguda, Chui Afolayan, who has also been gaining much support and influence throughout Aguda's rule, has made what is seemingly the first move in a power play for the position of General Secretary against Aguda. In the Politburo, Afolayan has called together his supporters to form an unofficial coalition within the Party, which has become the largest political bloc in the Politburo. Though this coalition is yet to grow to a majority in the Politburo, it is attracting more and more supporters from the Party, even receiving the support of two additional members of the Standing Council. Afolayan and his coalition have issued an official condemnation of numerous actions (or lack of actions) taken by Aguda and have called for a number of political and economic reforms, including further funding for the Defense Arch Ministry and the Environment and Wildlife Ministry, and an opening of negotiations with the Minese government to halt hostilities with at the status quo. Afolayan himself has further emphasized Liore's need to diversify the economy and lessen her dependence and growth of the mineral extraction sector for the sake of economic stability and environmental protection, a policy which Afolayan stated "current or future executives should make the primary priority." It is likely that Afolayan still sees hope in Aguda's rule and in the man's ability to enact policy, after all Aguda was once one of Liore most loud spoken political firebrands, which could be why Afolayan has not yet taken decisive steps to secure power from Aguda. However Aguda has not yet acknowledged Afolayan's coalition, and many in Liore do not remember the young firebrand Aguda but rather the old lazy General Secretary.
RP Controller of Liore
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sun Nov 08, 2020 6:04 pm

Chui Afolayan's Coup; Ceasefire Negotiated with Mina
January 4842
Liori Artillery Crews Allowed Much-Needed Rest After Year-Long Conflict

Chui Afolayan has made finally made his move on the lame-duck General Secretary Siwatu Aguda, who has ignored all demands and threats from the growing opposition movement. In an impromptu calling of the Politburo and the Standing Council, Chui Afolayan and his coalition (which has grown to encompass a majority of members of the Politburo) put through a motion to remove Aguda from the position of General Secretary of People's Front and demote him to a regular member of the Politburo. Immediately after, the Politburo voted unanimously to promote Afolayan to General Secretary, receiving no opposition from the Standing Council or even Aguda, who is reportedly preparing resign from the Party and retire from politics altogether. Afolayan's rise to power marks a historic moment in the People's Front Party, which since its formation has only been headed by members of the Metzist Worker's Power Party and with the Jamii Party playing a mostly supportive if not symbolic role in governance. Afolayan's rise also indicates the probability of a change the direction of Liore away from the more scientific socialist path of the MWPP in favor of the more traditional Kitembo path of Jamii socialism, though it is unexpected for Liore to see any major turn in national direction but more subtle shifts.

As one of Chui Afolayan's first actions as General Secretary, he along with the President and Foreign Affairs Arch Minister have met with a Minese delegation to discuss a cease to the hostilities that have been occurring in the Nefa Department for the past year. After an intense negotiation process that at times seemed to be hopeless with both parties claiming right to total control over Nefa, both parties eventually agreed that continued spilling of blood would not be in the interests of either nation their governments, with the Minese government still having to deal with small bands of guerrillas and Chui Afolayan wishing to enact new policy in Liore. Instead, both parties agreed to settle a status quo ceasefire and allow the exchange of prisoners and the deceased. Though this settlement allows the Minese to occupy and administer rightful Liori land and the two town, General Secretary Afolayan has justified the ceasefire by stating "Liore and Mina have bled enough in this conflict, hundreds lie dead in Nefa. I would be a failure of a leader if one hundred more Liore soldiers and civilians were to fall in Nefa."
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Nov 11, 2020 2:57 am

Politburo Approves Constitutional Reforms
February 4843
New "Decolonized" Department Borders

Though the establishment of the Socialist State has undoubtedly led to a lot of good for the Liori people in its economic reforms, many have criticized the regime established by the Constitution of 4772 as being needlessly complex and bureaucratic. Establishing a tricameral legislature where only one chamber consists of elected officials while the other two are made up of only party-appointed interest group representatives, the legislative branch of the Liori government has confounded members of the public and dissuaded participation in the political process, arguably making Liore a less democratic nation as a result. There has also been much criticism of the authors of the Constitution in vividly describing the role of Liore's Departments in governance, and in the choice of those authors to not change the borders and names of the existing Departments to better fit the locations and names of the regions and tribes of Liore, correcting many issues established during the colonial era. These issues have long been in the trunk of those decried by General Secretary Chui Afolayan, who has since his ascension to leadership of the Party been working with the Party Politburo as well as members of the government to rectify and improve the status of the state.

First among these improvements has been the abolition of the Liori Communal Delegation and Liori Industrial Union Delegation as chambers of the legislature and official organs of the state, two gatherings which have hade trouble justifying their existence to the Liori people. Next, the General Assembly has been renamed to "the People's Assembly" and given status as the sole chamber of the legislature. On the issue of the Departments, the constitutional reforms define Liore as a "centralized state," but delegate to the subdivisions certain privileges and responsibilities determined to be most efficiently handled by local government and Party officials. Each Department will be permitted to hold elections for seats in Departmental Assemblies and Directors to carry out the duties of local governance. Finally, the map of Liore's Departments has been dramatically altered to better fit natural and population barriers than those borders established during colonialism. The new (and in some cases old but reshaped) Departments have also been assigned more appropriate names after Liori tribes (i.e. Imyi), regions (i.e. Yrasema), and historical figures (i.e. Afolardhi).

The constitutional reforms are scheduled to take effect on January 4846, given a wide window of time to allow for the preparation for the reforms by local and national officials, and will be accompanied with nation-wide general elections, which General Secretary Afolayan has promised will be "more representative of the Liori people's will."
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:18 pm

Liore Sends Teams to Terra League
September 4846
The Imyi Gorillas, Champions of the Liore Football League

The championship game of the Liore Football League is concluded, and a winner apparent: The Imyi Gorillas have usurped the title of National Champion Team from the reigning Yama Hammers. In a game between a giant of Liori football and a not too long ago unknown up and coming team has resulted in the tribesmen from eastern Imyi beating their Yamabiro urbanite counterparts 3-1. This victory can in part be thanked to the redrawing of Liore's Departmental borders and the restructuring of the League around these new borders, allowing the Gorillas the chance to win the regional Imyi League (instead of being passed over by League officials in the previous Minaraha Leagues where team quotas would largely be filled by teams from the Jarha area rather than more rural parts of the Department) and advance to the national level. With this victory, the Imyi Gorillas claim the glory of National Champions and, along with the runner-up Yama Hammers, be sent to represent in the international Terra League. The Gorillas and Hammers have with them the skill, luck, strength, and trust of the Liori people to succeed in the League, and will no doubt offer Liore top representation.
RP Controller of Liore
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sun Nov 22, 2020 8:06 pm

Increased Funding for Environment and Wildlife, Tourism Ministries
June 4850
Scenic View of the Mountains in Vitafu Department

In the photo above, you'll see the picturesque Caltropic Highlands in Liore's Vitafu Department. Like much more of Liore, this photo paints an accurate picture of Vitafu as a beautiful land untouched by modern industrialism and urbanization, and has retained the beauty nature granted to it. But that beauty has long been at risk as Liore continues to advance economically, and Vitafu Department has become one of the epicenters of Liore's mineral extraction industry, which has sacrificed the natural beauty of much of Liore's mountainous highlands for the valuable metals that lie beneath the dirt. But Liore and her government have not been seeking the western policy of sacrificing nature and tradition for the sake of unbridled economic progress, and since the establishment of the Environment and Wildlife Ministry in 4787, the Party and the State have taken an active and ever more increasing role in the protection of Liore's countryside while allowing responsible economic development. In the most recent expansion of this presence, the People's Assembly included in the now passed Five Year Budget and Direction Plan For 4851-4856 (from this point will be referred to as the Five Year Plan) a sizeable increase in the budget of the E&W Ministry as well as guidelines to use the funding in the establishment and maintenance of six new nature preserves and four wildlife sanctuaries and an increase in the poaching prevention and policing operations. The E&W Ministry has also been instructed to adjust qualifications for what species are considered endangered to levels more inclusive than international standards.

Also receiving a significant budget increase is the Tourism Ministry, which has in recent years been working more and more closely with the E&W Ministry to market Liore's natural beauty to the world and allow for increased numbers of foreigners allowed to tour the Liori countryside. While some more nationalist critics have decried this new focus as "commodifying" Liore on the world stage, the majority opinion in the Party and State is that allowing westerners to come and see Liore and spend their money in Liore will offer a more environmentally friendly source of income for the nation than the expansion of strip mining in the highlands. With this increase, the Tourism Ministry has been instructed to double the number of tours and sightseeing opportunities it currently offers (and with it increase employment opportunities for Liori citizens who know the countryside) and increase marketing efforts in strong western consumer economies such as Deltaria and Endralon. This is seen as only the first step in skyrocketing Liore's tourism industry, with spokesmen for the Tourism Ministry publicly stating they have much more in store than safaris in the savanna or hikes in the highlands.
RP Controller of Liore
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