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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:08 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeitung
Kingdom's role in the "Luthori Question"
May 4850

Dorvish Foreign Minister speaks during the Foreign Office's weekly press conference.

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Dorvish Foreign Minister Klaus Straussler announced earlier this week that the Kingdom's government had formally reached out to the government of the Holy Luthori Empire regarding its lean towards autocracy. A spokeswoman for the Main Office of the State Chancellor noted that the State Chancellor is involved in "high-level" discussions with notables across the globe regarding the issue. At the Ministry of Foreign Affair's weekly briefing the Foreign Minister spoke about the need for diplomatic solutions and to avoid "...kinetic action." The State Chancellor and the Foreign Minister have been in close discussion and the Coordinator for State Security and Defense Alexandra Röhr, the first woman to hold the post, have regularly met to keep the situation up to date. According to sources within the Kingdom's government, the Kingdom is likely to refrain from kinetic action right away but has not ruled out options to enforce regime change within Luthori if necessary. The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, noted that the Kingdom was eager to flex its somewhat deteriorated muscles across Artania. The Main Office of the State Chancellor stated that it was seeking to build a "coalition" of Artanian nations to handle a decisively "Artanian issue" hoping to avoid outside continental influence from the so-called "Luthori Question".
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:39 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeitung
BREAKING: Kingdom agrees to sanction Luthori
June 4850

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Following a somewhat brief discussion by FKP Deputies in the State Council's Committee on Foreign Policy, the State Council placed an international effort to sanction Luthori on the State Council's floor for a vote and unanimously voted to approve sanctions on Luthori. This was joined by a resolution that condemned the Luthorian slide into autocracy and an illiberal society. State Chancellor Anton Reinhold, also a member of the State Council, went to cast his vote in favor of the sanctions and the resolution. The State Chancellor, who has frequently been spotted in the State Council building, was caught by the press and noted that the Kingdom would not accept such actions that have sunken Luthori to the bottom of the proverbial "pool" of nations through their actions. "We believe in democracy and freedom, Luthori has united the continent against autocratic illiberal actions and we stand with others, notably our allies in Aloria in supporting sanctions against Luthori. While these actions might be joined internationally, we believe that Artanian's can work together to solve this issue and we can maintain our continental sovereignty and independence without the so-called "assistance" from others."

The Foreign Office confirmed that an Alorian delegation would be arriving in Haldor for bilateral talks and further discussion on the "Luthori Question" according to the Main Office of the Foreign Minister, it will be one of the first major state visits for the State Chancellor and could be a shifting point in Alorian-Dorvish relations. Aloria and Dorvik have long been allies but recent decades have seen small diplomatic rows erupt, notably when ethnic Dundorfian citizens were discriminated against and the Dorvish embassy was attacked several years earlier.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Fri Nov 27, 2020 5:14 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeitung
Multi-party election, continued "New Order"
November 4852

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Dorvish State Chancellor Anton Reinhold announced that Dorvik and Aloria had resolved a number of discussions related to the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) that was discussed at a bilateral meeting in Haldor several years prior. The State Chancellor was eager to cooperate with Aloria on several issues. Representatives from the Dorvish Defense Export, the state arms control board, noted that they were going to approach Aloria about bolstering their armed forces with a large-scale sale from Dorvish defense industries. A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defense announced that as a part of the SPA that the Alorian and Dorvish governments had agree to begin defense and security cooperation, the agreement which will take several years to implement and ensure that it is a "...smooth transition." will see better cooperation between the Dorvish and Alorian armed forces. In the past several years since the ascension of State Chancellor Reinhold and his "New Order", the Dorvish Armed Forces have undergone a significant "revival" a number of exercises that had fallen to the way-side have been resumed and regular naval patrols around Artania have resumed. The decision to resume regional patrols was largely based in the tensions in Luthori, which the Dorvish and their allies are closely monitoring.

The State Chancellor also congratulated the Social Kingdom Party for winning 144 seats in the State Council in one of the first multi-party elections in the recent electoral history of the Kingdom. The Free Conservative Party won a stunning super majority, capturing 606 seats in the State Council. Cyprian Husen, the incumbent President of the State Council and a Deputy of the State Council, noted that the election was a real testament to the new State Chancellor and his efforts to rebuild Dorvik. The FKP is expected to launch a bevy of legislative efforts aimed to "...rebuilding Sacred Dorvik." Husen announced that the Committee on the State Budget would be meeting to discuss the next 5 to 10 year budgets that are commonplace within the Kingdom and that he was in high-level discussions on "...important legislation." Some have speculated that the aging King and Kaiser would be abdicating within the coming years in favor of his younger and more active son, the Crown Prince. While this was discussed when Anton Reinhold took office, none are really sure the inner machinations of the King and Kaiser and the Faust-Essen dynasty.

-- Dorvish exports increase in the first quarter of 4852
-- Defense and security stocks boosted on announcement of Dorvish-Alorian SPA
-- State Security Service conducts raids on leftist stronghold with ties to left-wing terror groups
-- Dorvish Union Council announces that worker and laborer happiness at highest levels in a decade
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:51 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeitung
State Chancellor continues to lead "New Order" pragmatism across the world
November, 4853

Dorvish Panzer units conduct live fire exercises at an unknown location in Dorvik

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Dorvish leadership on Artania has partially been restored with the creation of a strategic pact with Aloria, signalling the shift from a "Quiet Dorvik" to a return to normalcy. When the "Luthori Question" arose many within the Kingdom were skeptical that Dorvik would waste the breath on such a minor crisis, but the "New Order" that was created by State Chancellor Anton Reinhold and his supporters, notably Foreign Minister Klaus Straussler, has prevailed. This "New Order" sees a re-envisioned place for the Kingdom in world affairs but largely returning its world view to a more pragmatic, less alliance based approach. This, according to foreign affairs experts, can be seen by not immediately looking to ancestral allies such as Kazulia, Hutori or Lourenne for options but approaching new allies and building a network that works both for Dorvik and its allies, a mutually beneficial foreign affairs structure. The recent signing of the Dorvish-Alorian Strategic Partnership Agreement restores Dorvish leadership to a continent that is struggling at best for leadership, nascent leadership comes from Endralon and Kundrati in certain issues but their focus is wholly their own. It is likely that Foreign Minister Straussler will not abandon the new pragmatism that the Dorvish are approaching the world with.

The signing of the SPA with Aloria has already provided a boon for the Dorvish and Alorian economies according to the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Dorvish Trade Commission. There is greater uptick in trade has began crossing the border and Dorvish products are finding their ways to Alorian shelves across the country and visa versa. Dorvik remains one of the world leaders in timber and wood product exports, largely due to the massive swathes of forest that are well maintained and cared for by the Dorvish government; a boon for the construction industry that continues to use lumber for construction due to increased economic profits for both nations. While timber and other products, such as automobiles and consumer goods are increasingly traded between Dorvik and Aloria, the Dorvish government has signaled that they are going to approach Aloria about increasing security cooperation and building mutual defense and security ties.

Delays and issues have plagued the development of the unknown class of Dorvish frigates that are being developed by Dorvische Werft. Representatives from Dorvische Werft have stated that the economic slowdown had significantly halted progress but with the uptick in support from the Dorvish government things were back on track. The Dorvish have also given renewed efforts to the International Multi-Purpose Frigate, a project developed by members of the Artanian Defense Group and several of its subsidiaries, notably Lourenne Defense Systems (sometimes called Canrillaise Defense Systems). The renewed efforts will likely lead to an increased sale of these multi-role, modular frigates and will continue to boost Dorvish defense diplomacy across the world.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:36 pm

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
Artania: A State of Confusion
May, 4854

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Dorvish Foreign Minister Klaus Straussler was questioned today regarding recent news about Endralon and Kundrati; namely their preparation for Dorvik’s alleged “New Order” foreign policy. The Foreign Minister was confused regarding the allegation and the question. “The term “New Order” doesn’t apply to Dorvish foreign policy at all. The concept of the “New Order” was the State Chancellor [Anton Reinhold] expressing that the dormant Dorvik, or “Quiet Dorvik” as we called it, is over.” The Foreign Minister went on to say: “The misconception by Kundrati and Endralon have regarding this “New Order” further displays a selfish view of foreign and world affairs. The Kingdom has placed pragmatic, mutually beneficial partnerships above self-serving “Me Diplomacy” that Kundrati and Endralon have engaged in.”

The Dorvish Foreign Ministry has been critical of Endralon in recent decades. The Foreign Minister said: “Endralon is beholden to 3M and corporate interests. It’s plain and simple. Endralon was a free nation temporarily but the unfortunate return of the Direct Democrats signals yet another return to rule by corporations. They are drive solely by selling their people out and improving corporate profits.” Reporters questioned Dorvik’s lack of interest in a Security Council seat, the FM remained critical of the World Congress as a whole. “It’s no secret that Endralon and it’s corporate partners want them on the Security Council, I am sure that their efforts will undermine sovereignty and democracy across the world in pursuit of profits.” The Dorvish Foreign Policy according to the Foreign Offices website has remained largely the same due to the pervasive efforts of the Social Nationalist Party, the All-Dorvish League and the Free Conservative Party.

According to the Foreign Office the Dorvish government is entertaining nearly a half dozen strategic partnership agreements across the world, especially with partners in Artania. Dorvish investment in foreign businesses has increased 25% over the past 5 years and according to reports by the Dorvish Trade Commission and the Ministry of Trade and Industry, a number that has benefited the Dorvish people and government. An upstart Dorvik increased a number of exports in various sectors, notably energy where Dorvik produces a steady but small amount of oil and natural gas. Increased exports of timber and timber products has also boosted regional economics in Largonia and Miktar, increased tourism efforts from Westmark has yielded improvements to the local economy and growing trade between Aloria and Dorvik have overall boosted the Dorvish economy.

It is likely that the new strategic partnerships will improve the Dorvish political and economic standing, notably in rebuilding foreign ties across the world.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:28 am

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
Dorvish in Dovani
July, 4854

Yamabiro, Liore - The Dorvish Foreign Office announced that the Dorvish Foreign Minister and a bevy of delegates returned from a low-key state visit to Liore in June, 4854. The delegation, headed by Foreign Minister Klaus Straussler, included a number of prominent Dorvish trade, defense and business officials. According to a press release by the Foreign Office, the Dorvish delegation signed a number of deals with the Liori government. The Liori delegation was lead by President Thimba Hami, Foreign Minister Chuma Jang and Trade Minister Tendaji Nnamani. The Dorvish delegation arrived at National Airport of Yamabiro aboard a Dorvish Air Force VIP jet and after a receiving ceremony, the two delegations got down to business. In somewhat typical Dorvish fashion the Dorvish announced a multi-billion dollar infrastructure investment deal. This deal is largely focused around bolstering transportation to and from areas that will be important for Dorvish corporations in rare earth mineral exploration. Representatives from the State Railways were also present and announced they would be working with Liori railroad representatives to expand railway transporation.

The chief deal among them was significant rights for Dorvish companies and corporations to explore mountainous areas and known rare earth metal sites to begin mining. Liore, a well known producer of rare earth metals, has given Dorvik a free hand to invest in a number of large swathes of its land to explore and mine rare earth metals. Several Dorvish companies and corporations have announced that they have signed onto the accord governing the rare earth mineral exploration and mining, including All-Dundorfische Bergbau AG, one of the worlds leading rare earth material corporations. The company was founded in the early 19th century and became a world leader in rare earth metals, including being one of the first companies in the world to mine uranium and other special rare earth metals. The accord is estimated to be worth several billion dollars, a boon for both the Dorvish and Liori economies. A spokesman for the Dorvish Trade Commission stated that the investment would work with local companies and labor organizations to ensure the development of Liori workers, engineers and managers. It is likely that the Liori government will declare these areas "Special Economic Zones" to better enhance cooperation between the Dorvish and Liori governments.

Representatives from the Foreign Defense Office of the Supreme General Staff were sighted in the delegation. Deputy Chief of the Foreign Defense Office Major General (Panzer) Johann Pollmächer was the highest ranking official on site. According to sources within the Foreign Defense Office and within the Liori government, a component of the visit included the sale of small arms, munitions and a number of military vehicles. One source stated that the Dorvish government agreed to the sale of a number of small arms, mostly handguns, machine guns and assault rifles to outfit Liori defense units. The source also cited an agreement for a number of utility vehicles and Fennek reconnaissance vehicles, and a handful of older model Puma IFVs. It is unlikely that the Dorvish government will confirm the sale as it generally has avoided public confirmations of such "minor" arms deals with nations.

Dorvish business representatives from across a number of industries were present, perhaps most interestingly enough the Chief Medical Officer of Ebner Pharma AG, a subsidiary of Ebner AG that specializes in pharmaceutical manufacturing. In a somewhat surprise announcement the Dorvish and Liori governments announced the formation of a new conglomerate to develop and produce low-cost pharmaceuticals which will be first marketed to Dovani nations. Lidor Pharmaceutical's, a combination of "Liore Dorvik Pharmaceuticals" will be headed by a number of prominent Dorvish and Liori scientist. Lidor Pharmaceuticals represents a new shift for Dorvish health diplomacy efforts in Dovani and it presents Liore a chance to lead the continent in sharing its impressive knowledge. The marketing of low-cost, high end pharmaceuticals across Dovani will be the first step according to Dr. Fabian Brecher, the Dorvish lead in the joint project. Dr. Brecher noted that a facility had been secured and that within "...a few months time..." the facility would begin manufacturing its first low-cost, high end pharmaceuticals across the nation and within the year would begin deployment across Dovani.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby DueWizard70 » Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:40 am

People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
Institutional Reform Party Baltusia-INACTIVE (4889-4896)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Rogue » Wed Dec 02, 2020 8:51 pm

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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:04 am

Verteidigung wöchentlich
A publication by Gath Defense Collective
Dorvish white paper on defense
July 4855

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - The Ministry of Defense announced the new State Security and Defense Report had been released. The report, which is issued on a non-fixed basis by the State Security and Defense Council, discusses the overall of Dorvish security and defense policy. One of the leading elements is the retrofitting of the 3 Dorvish Kaiser-class aircraft carriers, a plan likely to take 6 to 10 years according to the report. It is likely that each carrier will be assigned a 2 year maintenance and upgrade period with a 3rd year possible if necessary. Dorvish naval experts suggest that this is a very conservative estimate and that it’s likely to take 3 to 5 years due to the relatively well kept state of the Dorvish Navy.

The Dorvish Navy’s fleet have resumed wide-scale patrols of the continent and have conducted a number of naval exercises. These exercises are largely aimed at flexing their muscles and displaying strength and its ability to project its power. The rotations for the Dorvish Navy’s fleets will largely provide it with the logistical and supply training needed to bolster the potential for a blue water navy it is. The security and defense program also calls for a renewed effort to develop more u-boats to continue Dorvish dominance in naval sea power. Sources close to the Supreme General Staff have noted that some within the Dorvish Armed Forces wanted to build a fourth Kaiser-class in order to bolster sea power but the Dorvish government shyed away from such proposals.

Another notable element is the inclusion of the “Adaptation of War” concept that has lead the charge in some security and defense circles in Dorvik. The concept which is being actively taught in Dorvish military academies focuses on the development of capable combat leaders who can think on their feet. This tactic goes hand in hand with the traditional concept of “Aufstragtaktik” or mission-type tactics that were largely developed by Dorvish and Dundorfian military thinkers. While the concept has long been taught by Dorvish military academies and remains a staple of Dorvish grand strategy, the new focus on adaptation to war is certainly different.

While the Dorvish Navy focuses on building sea power, the Dorvish Air Force continues to modernize its fleet of Unionfighters to Tranche 3A and the special ECR variants. The new ECR variants announced by Artanian Defense Group focus on the suppression of enemy air defenses commonly known as SEAD operations. The Air Force has also called for an expansion, or at least a focus, on the elite Fallschirmjager, the Dorvish airborne infantry. The Dorvish Army on the other hand looks to continue its modernization and restoration of a modified brigade combat system that was started under Colonel-General Michael Fuchs. The system, coined the “Regiment Combat System” focuses on smaller, more agile and quick response regiments (brigade size but using historical terms) to respond to situations across the world.

The continued interest in defense diplomacy remains heavily involved in the white paper. It is likely that the Dorvish defense industry will arm the Alorian military in the coming years. This will further solidify ties between Aloria and Dorvik and make the two countries far more interoperable. This is noted in the recent sale of Unionfighter Tranche 3A to Kundrati. While Kundrati has been closer to Endralon, the Dorvish still see Kundrati as a “weak link” in the attempt for Endralon to “dominate” the continent. A restoration of Dorvish hegemony is certain but when it occurs is unknown.

There is some concern among the Dorvish policy makers and experts that the recent rise of the “Social Kingdom Party” is another attempt to undermine Dorvish sovereignty. While the Free Conservative Party has remained aloof of its opponent, the Dorvish security services have not.
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