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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:08 am

OOC Source: Popular Mechanics

Dovani: Its war. That much became clear after the dramatic televized speech from Federal President Shani el-Salam just one month ago. She made it clear that Deltaria would face one of its greatest challenges yet, "Our nation stands at the crossroads of what will become one of the greatest conflicts we have seen. Let us remember why we fight for causes like these. In our darkest times, when we had fallen to authoritarianism and opression, there were countless of nations that fought for us and our people to eventually achieve freedom. Let us think back at those times. Let us cherish our freedom and do what is right, protect the freedom of others. Because if we permit one nation to fall to darkness, we have surrendered all hope to what that darkness may bring. So i call upon all of you. Old, young, retired and working. To stand firm and let it be known that Deltaria does not accept unwarrented agression and expansion."

After the formal declaration of war was delivered the Deltarian military as put on DEFCON 1, better known as the highest threat alert. This alert automatically set in motion one of the largest mobilizations in recent Deltarian history. One that has not been seen since the Czarist era some 300 years ago. The first asset to mobilize was the taskforce at the newly inaugurated Ján Zima Military Base in Medina. The ships present there (2 frigates, 3 destroyers, 2 submarines) immediately set sail for the ocean surrounding Rapa Pile. This would be the first force to arrive in the area. The second force that set sail for the area was the First Carrier Strike Group, the best known and oldest carrier group in the Deltarian navy. This strike group, consisting of one nemec supercarrier, 3 frigates, 5 destroyers, 3 submarines, 2 cruisers and a amphibious assault ship, is one of the strongest Deltarian naval formations out there. The Second Carrier Strike Group, consisting of roughly the same amount of ships, had also been send out in the open sea, moving into the oppossite direction. While the movements of the two fleets have not been released by Military Command it is expected that the first strike group will move from Majatra, passed Seleya, to Medina while the second strike group will move through Majatra directly towards the eastern Vascanian coast. These movements mean that the vast bulk of the Deltarian fleet is on its way towards Vascania and Rapa Pile, while only the Kirov Battle Group, navy corvettes and several diesel-electric submarines are left behind to defend the Majatran sea. The reason for this massive movement of naval assets is likely the Deltarian hope of establishing quick naval and air dominance over Rapa Pile and possibly Vascania. With both Deltarian carriers now onroute to the region it will give the Deltarian military a strong 130 jet force to establish air superiority if needed while its escort ships and the expected submarine fleet likely onroute to the region as well will turn the tide in the naval battle.

While no official reports on ground assets seem to exist many believe that the two strike groups also contain a large amount of ground troops ready to set foot on Rapa Pile, with these reports being echoed thanks to the presence of the new Delfin-class AA Ships in both carrier fleets. The first naval skirmishes have already been reported, with two minor Vascanian gunboats reportedly being sunk a 100 kilometers from the Rapa Pile coast. Meanwhile reports are coming from Vascania of power outages in several military but also civilian areas as well as Vascanian authorities presumably discovering of a sattelite hack, dismantling it before it could come into fruition. These actions are likely the work of the Deltarian OKOB, its cyber warfare branch of the military. The OKOB has seemingly used the year before the conflict to try and infiltrate Vascanian cyber systems. So far only the power network seems succesfully affected while Vascanian authorities have narrowly prevented military networks from falling to the hack.

As Deltaria's full naval might is making its way towards Rapa Pile and Vascania many observers and civilians alike are watching anxiously as the battle for Rapa Pile is coming closer.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Pragma » Thu Dec 24, 2020 12:22 pm

Currently playing in: Cildania

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:41 pm

OOC Source: Brookings Institution

Rapa Pile: Vascanian preparations in the last few weeks could not prevent the Deltarian military from unleashing its might upon the Vascanian oppressor in Rapa Pile. Over the past week Deltarian naval forces, backed by the naval air wing of their carrier groups, have launched a series of targetted, precise and deadly strikes from both the air and the sea. It all started when the task force from the Ján Zima Military Base arrived near Rapa Pile some two weeks ago. With the First Carrier Strike Group just a day away it started early missions to scout the surrounding area and get a assesment of the situation. With anti submarine measures deployed and helicopters from the task force its frigates scouting the area the first real contact between the navies of both powers came just hours before the first strike group would join the fray. As the task force gathered its information its scout helicopters were shot down by Vascanian jets originating from the VIS Sagana just miles away. The jets, on their turn, tried to sink one of the destroyers in the task force but were forced to move back as one of them was shot down by AA measures originating from the DNS Feral, one of the two Gorshkov frigates from the taskforce. While the scouting mission was only a partial success it did give the taskforce time to assess the situation, resulting in them holding their position 100 kilometers of the Rapa Pile coast until the first strike group finally catched up with them.

When the strike group joined the large naval contingent now consisting of over 30 ships in total the real first combat operations, named "Operation Striking Thunder", could commence. R33-C multirole jets from the DNS Mrazek roared of its deck and set course for the first targets to strike. Together with a targetted sabotage campaign by the SDI and OKOB they managed to confuse the Vascanian radar systems and ground command, resulting in the wave of R33-C jets striking their first targets in Rapa Pile, notably Rapa city. The strikes, which went on fro a full day, targetted AA sites across the islands and, together with OKOB attacks on digital systems, on control centers on the ground. In addition to the strike group launching airstrikes the frigates in the fleet launched their sea-to-ground missiles on targets in both northern Vascania and Rapa Pile, mainly once again targetting AA sites and other defensive sites in the vicinity. During the operation Vascanian AA capabilities as well as some coastal defenses have been significantly weakened at the expense of around 8 Deltarian jets shot down. The Vascanian navy, not ready to simply stand by, tried to launch a counter attack on the combined Deltarian fleet but failed to do so, as a Deltarian Sumec-class diesel-electric attack submarine launched its torpedo's and managed to sink one Vascanian destroyer, ironically a destroyer Deltaria had sold to Vascania decades ago. The other destroyer was damaged when R-33C jets penetrated its hul with naval strike missiles, prompting it to fall back.

As the First Carrier Strike Group has now officially entered combat and the first signs of warfare are seen throughout the archipeligo many now anticipate the arrival of the Second Carrier Strike Group. The SCSG its location is currently unknown but is rumoured to be nearing the Rapa Pile and Vascanian coast from the east fairly soon, possibly pinning and surrounding Vascanian naval forces within Rapa Pile. The OKOB is continuing its cyber attacks on the Vascanian power grid as well. These attacks have become less effective as time progresses and analysts believe the OKOB is looking for other ways to influence the outcome of the war.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Pragma » Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:41 pm

Currently playing in: Cildania

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Re: Deltaria

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:00 am

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ImagePresident el-Salam attempts to strengthen Deltarian national resolve
Image20 July 4866

President of the Deltarian Federation Shani el-Salam has delivered a major address to the nation, the most significant since she announced that the country was at war with Vascania earlier in the year. In her latest speech she attempted to fortify the nation's spirit as the conflict in Rapa Pile begins to take its toll on the national consciousness. At the same time she criticised the international community for their unwillingness to respond to the "Vascanian annexation of Rapa Pile".

In her address, the President repeatedly rejected the claim that Deltaria has intervened in Rapa Pile for self-interested reasons. "As a nation we have already seen the devastating impact that this conflict has had on our society," she said, "this is why it is so despicable that any person or government would claim that we are fighting it for our own benefit. The people of Deltaria know too well how the dark cloud of tyranny destroys a nation and this is why we feel duty-bound to stand against it."

Since the formal declaration of war by Deltaria in January, there have been several months of naval skirmishes in the waters surrounding Rapa Pile and Vascania, as well as aerial strikes against military installations on the islands. No other country has been willing to defend Pilese sovereignty, something that has reportedly angered the Deltarian administration. Last month the government ordered the immediate expulsion of diplomats from a number of countries, notably including Cildania and Dolgava, for "potential threats to national security". Deltaria's Foreign Minister has also contacted various partners including Liore with threats of ending economic aid if they continue to attack the country diplomatically.

At the moment it is difficult to predict how the Deltarian public will respond to the long-term pressure of fighting a costly war in Rapa Pile. Opposition has been mainly from the right wing and those unconvinced of the need to defend a small, faraway country like Rapa Pile. Early signs show evidence of a "rally around the flag" effect which has boosted support for the President and the government though it is not likely this will last long. In recent weeks, el-Salam is reported to have been trying to convince the rest of her party leadership to support a wartime unity government with the Union for Democracy and the Farmer's and Agrarian League.

Image     Majatran Eye is a broadsheet newspaper available throughout Majatra focusing on international economic and political affairs
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Dec 25, 2020 11:13 am

OOC Source: The Independent Barents Observer

Rapa Pile: Its been several months into the conflict between Vascania and Deltaria over the status of Rapa Pile, a important archipeligo on the Dovani continent. Last month, in a striking blow to Deltarian prestige, one of its destroyers the DNS Horam was sunk by Vascanian aerial forces originating from the VIS Sagana. Furthermore a Deltarian Slava-class cruiser was damaged by naval forces. This was the largest naval loss of Deltaria in its last 200 years and marked the brutal nature of the conflict between the two great powers. Navy Staff Command, determined not to let the sinking of the Horam go unpunished, devised a plan to strike back at the Vascanian navy and put it on the back foot. Just a week after the attack on the Horam the Second Carrier Strike Group of the Deltarian Navy finally arrived from the east, pinning Vascanian naval forces in Rapa Pile in between the first and second naval strike groups of Deltaria. This "surrounding" maneaouver opened up a possibility for the admiral in command, Admiral Zbyněk Kubát, to execute his plan. Together with the second strike group and the unknown number of Deltarian submarines down below he lured the Sagana, using several smaller boats in the fleet to try and make it seem like the Deltarian formation was vulnerable.

After 2 days of cat and mouse the Sagana, together with 4 of her escort ships, found themselves just a mile outside of the range of Vascanian coastal batteries, opening up the window of opportunity for the Deltarian Navy to strike. The jets roared of the deck of the DNS Mrazek and missiles from the Gorshkov frigates and remaining Slava-class cruisers launched from the launchers. Within just 20 minutes of combat two more Vascanian destroyers layed at the bottom of the sea. Not out of the full effectiveness of the Deltarian attack, but because they put themselves between the missiles fired by Deltarian units and the VIS Sagana, desperately trying to protect the only Vascanian carrier from sinking. One eye witness on board of the DNS Voravek, a Gorshkov frigate, described the scene as, "A group of bees trying to defend the queen, perishing themselves". As the VIS Sagana tried to get away and its jets entered a dogfight with R33-C jets from the Mrazek it seemed like the suicide tactic of its escorts might have saved the Sagan from potential catastophe. But that showed not to be the case as, just before the Sagana got back into the range of coastal defensive batteries, a torpedo originating from a Deltarian diesel-electric submarine suddenly penetrated its lower deck, opening the large hull of the carrier and pouring in sea water at an alarming rate. While Admiral Kubát saw his chance to end the carrier once and for all he was prevented from doing so as his jets, still in dogfight with their Vascanian counterparts, reported a large amount of Vascanian gunboats approaching. With the Sagana still partially mobile and in range of coastal batteries and the carrier group its air wing in a aerial battle it became impossible to pursued the carrier, as the Sumrak submarine was forced to move back due to a lack of fuel.

The VIS Sagana, though not sunk, was heavily damaged. She was able to move to port on her own but was tilting right along the way, with around 100 of her crew killed in the initial blast or by drowning. It was a significant blow to the Vascanian navy, which would now likely have to put its only carrier in port, giving the Deltarian Navy mostly naval supremacy. As the Deltarian fleet destroyed the remaining Vascanian air wing, at the loss of 6 of its own jets, the second carrier strike group, just 2 days after the large naval battle, saw its chance in the east and, with permission from high command, launched "Operation Settling Sun". With the Vascanian Navy in dissaray Deltarian missiles hit coastal batteries while OKOB hackers and SDI agents dismantled as much of the central defense network as they could. In the cover of the early morning, 5 days after initial bombing for Operation Settling Sun commenced, 5.000 Deltarian marines launched a amhibious assault on coastal positions surrounding Rapa City as well as launching a direct assault on Rapa City harbour. Covered by aerial bombardment, made possible by the destruction of dismantling of most of the missile defense network, the marines stormed key positions in the weakest points of the line, scouted earlier by sattelite images and SDI scouts. With the marines came the new infantry assault vehicles and several older vehicles in the arsenal, specifically designed to aid the marines and eventual regular troops landing in such a assault. The Vascanians, tired from 5 days of heavy bombardment, tried to valiantly defend against the initial assault but failed to do so, allowing the marines to take several suburbs of Rapa City, 2/3rd of Rapa City Harbour and the city outpost on the west of the island, firmly establishing a beachhead. In the operation a deltarian destroyer was sunk as it hit a mine, forcing a cruiser in the fleet to pick up the still surviving crew. Around 14 Deltarian jets from the second strike group were also shot down by still functional defenses and between 100 to 300 marines have been killed or injured. Overall Deltarian naval command is talking about a resounding victory, made possible by the large absence of the Vascanian navy, still recovering from the attack just days before.

Observers are talking about a big victory for Deltaria, which is now preparing to move regular forces into the beacheads that have been established and push onward throughout the main island. A estimated 132.000 troops have been brought by the combined first and second strike groups as well as transports reportedly still on their way, together with hundreds of pieces of equipment all in an effort to take Rapa Pile and especially Rapa City as soon as possible.

The initial attack on Rapa Pile by marine forces of Deltaria drawn up by our own newspaper artist
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Independent P » Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:37 pm

The Prime Rulers Response to Deltaria

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Re: Deltaria

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 11:29 pm

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Independent P » Sat Dec 26, 2020 1:37 am ... lid=637297

Prime Ruler makes speech against Deltarian aggression
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Re: Deltaria

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Dec 26, 2020 12:02 pm

Endralonian Internet Totally Hates Deltaria
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