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Re: Hutori

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:28 am

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
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Re: Hutori

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:47 pm

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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:05 am

Hutorian Broadcasting Channel
National News

Monarchists Celebrate with Re-Election with Reduced Majority

Foreign Affairs Minister and incoming Prime Minister Joshua Woodbury
Former Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau; ooc; ... au-1-2.png

The Monarchist Party of Hutori is celebrating tonight as it was relected with a second majority mandate following the 4879 elections. The 4879 Elections saw the retirement of Prime Minister Donald Carmichael, who felt he had accomplished his singular mandate to reestablish Hutori's Monarchy. After a quick leadership race prior to the election, Joshua Woodbury, Carmichael's venerable most loyal lieutenant, Deputy Leader, and Foreign Minister was elected on the first ballot. This election was Hutorian's first attempt at judging the first term of Monarchists rule, and while there was some fear, as the Republicans garnered victories across the country, it was still enough for the Monarchists to retain their majority mandate, albeit without their first term supermajority, and still win clear majority victories in four of Hutori's five provinces, outside of normally conservative Adelia. Political analysts note the loss of the supermajority isn't a loss for the Monarchists persay, as this may simply have been the Hutorian people acknowledging that their job was done in giving the Monarchist their Constitutional Supermajority, and still trust them in the driver's seat, something incoming Prime Minister is likely thankful for.

With his election to the country's top job, Prime Minister Woodbury has announced several small but notable changes to his front bench. Clarissa Simmonds, the Minister of International Trade, Industry and Economic Development has been transferred to the Foreign Affairs file, Finance Minister Ashley Drumf has been moved to Simmond's old job, while Paul Lanzig, the former Finance Minister of Adelia and the new Member of Parliament for Prosperity Oceanview has been tapped as the new Finance Chief for Hutori. Woodbury has promised a new budget within the first six months he'll be in office.

Royal Wedding!

Crowds of the well wishers watching the Royal Wedding Carriage take the King and Queen back to Steuart House
rl image; ... -crowd.jpg

Wedding Bells were ringing in Bekenial as His Imperial Majesty, King William X, married Lady Amelia Woodbury, the daughter of Duke Alexander Woodbury, the Duke of Groomsbridge, and the youngest sister of incoming Prime Minister Joshua Woodbury. The ceremony took place at Saint Mary's Cathedral in Bekenial, not fair away from Newport Castle. The ceremony was surprising small and intimate, despite it's huge symbolism, apparently at the request of the King and his now wife. Despite how small the ceremony was, being attending only by the familes of the King and now Queen Consort Amelia, tens of thousands of Hutorians flocked to the streets of Bekenial to watch the Royal Carriage take the newlyweds from the Cathedral to Steuart House, the official residence in Bekenial of the Royal Family.

The King and Queen Consort are apparently going to spend their honeymoon in Lourenne, visiting Prince Georges at the Royal Family's given estate in Bellemont, before travelling to Dolgava to allow the King's family to meet his new wife. This will happen shortly after King William X formally opens Parliament, having already met with incoming Prime Minister Joshua Woodbury and inviting him to continue forming a government in his name.
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Re: Hutori

Postby jamescfm » Fri Jan 22, 2021 12:21 am

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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:48 pm

Hutorian Broadcasting Channel
Business News

Hutori Enters Kundrati Market with Mass Injection of Capital

As businesses of the Directorial Republic have yanked up stakes inside of Kundrati the Hutorian Business community was poised to react, having witnesses the plummeting of the Kundrati Stock Exchange. In an effort to shore up the already weakened Artanian Markets, various Hutorian investment firms, including Crown Corporations, and various private companies prepared to enter the gap where Endralon has left a massive hole in the Kundrati business community.

With 3M and the Lievian Trade Group having been the primary medical producers and communications organizers, ODEN-H, the Crown Corporation in Hutori that not only regulates all drugs in Hutori, but also has the commanding majority of the medical industry, has announced they will using private subsidiaries to provide medical equipment and gear in the short term to Kundrati while Horizon Technology Corporation and Lexington Entertainment have promised to fill the gap in the communications and entertainment sector with Horizon in particular promising to not only rebuild but massively upgrade Kundrati's communication and 5G network throughout the country.

This has been tied with massive injections of capital in failing Kundrati businesses from various Hutorian institutions including the Hutorian Sovereign Wealth Fund, Gold Lion Capital Investment, the International Terran Bank and the Steuart Foundation, which have injected Billions directly into the Kundrati economy.

Other Hutorian firms have also announced intentions to invest money in Kundrati, and shore up the eastern Artanian nation, fearing that Endralon abandoning the nation will cause a ripple effect in neighbouring Kirlawa that will eventually travel across the entire continent, with the Irkadon markets already essentially gutted. Ross Motors, Hutori's premiere vehicle makers, and one of the companies represented in the F1 World Cup, has announced they would be opening a facility in Kundrati to directly support the F1 Circuit and bring Hutorian vehicles into the Kundrati market.
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Re: Hutori

Postby RileyHP » Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:44 pm

Taylor Forms Liberal Party

Kenai political strategist and activist James Taylor seen greeting supporters outside of the Liberal Party's founding convention.

James Taylor, a 29 year old political strategist and activist from Port Prosperity, Kenai, rallied thousands of supporters at the Prosperity Convention Centre for the official founding of the Liberal Party of Hutori. Taylor, after being elected as the party's first leader, told supporters that the party would give a voice to those alienated by the Monarchists and Republicans. He said that Bekenial has been so focused on the monarchy while Hutorians struggle with real issues.

The party is expected to submit its first legislation in the coming weeks and may find itself in a strong position come next summer's election.
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Re: Hutori

Postby RileyHP » Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:59 pm

Axminster Trio Developing Made-In-Hutori, Self-Driving Electric Car

A trio of young entrepreneurs in Axminster have developed a prototype self-driving electric car that they intend to make affordable for all, and they plan to develop and produce it entirely in Hutori. Daniel Jones (29), Matthew MacDonald (28), and Amanda Musk (28) initially met while attending university, and all shared a common passion for both cars and climate activism. The 3 stayed connected while pursing different career paths, and decided over drinks one evening that they were going to combine their passions into something great, and their idea for an affordable self-driving electric car was born.

This week they officially launched DMA Motors and unveiled a prototype that they say has passed rigorous safety testing. The group says they are very happy with the vehicle, dubbed the DMA Model 1, and hope to start large-scale production by next spring. The project is in need of more funding to secure production facilities and get the production process off the ground. DMA Motors say they are in talks with potential investors, and will have more to say in the coming weeks.

The DMA Model-1 is set to include full self-driving capability and a fully electric motor capable of 0-60km/h in 3.1s and a battery range of 575km. The company hopes to eventually construct a series of rapid charging stations across Hutori.
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:56 pm

Hutorian Broadcasting Channel
International News

Foreign Minister Makes State Visit to Kafuristan

Hutorian Embassy in al-Kasraj
OOC: Canadian Embassy in Saudi Arabia, rl image; ... O_XD4yFMJq

Hutorian Minister of Foreign Affairs Clarissa Simmonds arrived in al-Kasraj to begin high level diplomatic talks between the Kingdom of Hutori and Kafuristan early this month HBC has learned. The international state visit was done on little fanfare, though apparently the talks occured at the highest level, with Simmonds speaking not just to her counter-part the Kafuri Foreign Minister, but apparently directly to President Abyad bin Qadir al-Sadhi.

The Hutorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated only that the talks were about expanding already existing diplomatic relations between the two nations, looking at new business opportunities for both nations, and speaking on "matters of joint interest" though few other details would be offered. A spokesperson for Prime Minister Joshua Woodbury likewise declined comment, prefering to let Minister of Foreign Affairs take the lead on the file.

Well the government was mum on details, insiders at Foreign Affairs have stated that the chief interest of the conversation was over the discovery of a Hutorian citizen that travelled to Kafuristan after alledgedly being radicalized on line and quietly entering Kafuristan to fight on behalf of the Ahmadi State in Kafuristan (ASIK). Further rumors have stated that Hutori is preparing a large support package to aid the Kafuri government increase it's ability to fight extremists, including direct investments, military technology and advisors, though again, no one would speak on the record due to the sensitivity of the talks.
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