
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:56 am


Premier of the Republic Welcomes Economic progress with Zardugal and Lodamun
Launches talks with Yingdala over Steel

Kaliburg, Ananto
August 1, 4904

Premier of the Republic George Jackson touts vindication of Government Policies following busy summer

Over the course of this summer, the Republic began working on a number of important economic and security deals which signals the vindication of the Premier's policies. "We have demonstrated that economic nationalism, that economic policy which promotes the interests of our Republic, without regard to existing regimes and institutions, which are designed to protect status quo powers rather than middling nations like Kalistan, can nonetheless prove successful," said Premier of the Republic George Jackson.

The successful season began with the willingness of Yingdala to begin to discuss outstanding steel issues with the Republic. "The Celestial Empire in Indrala has agreed to tentative talks," said the Premier, "which we think likely to lead to a formal accord on steel production and pricing in the world's market. It is up to other steel producers if they want to join our accord or not, but I think the goal will be a gradual ramping down of production in both the Republic and in Indrala to allow the price to recover, and then to use our combined market share to ensure that both member states benefit from our production of steel. Cooperation rather than competition should be the name of this game, and together, we can demonstrate the limits of market orthodoxy in the world. This is the goal, but we are not quite there yet."

The news with Yingdala was very quickly followed up by a decision by Lodamun to work with Kalistan to finally resolve a 600 year problem, that being the lack of a rail link between Addisjah in Northern Vrassa, and Newport in Lodamun. "We began a railroad crossing of the Jah River six centuries ago, but ended the project at the border due to Lodamese reluctance to respect the national sovereignty of the Republic," said the Premier. "Those days are over, it would appear, as the Lodamese Government appears ready to finally provide the Republic with a rail head south of Newport, to link both road and rail between our two Republics. This will signal a new era of prosperity and trade between our two Republics, and will finally allow people to visit across the River without taking an airplane." The project to complete the transit links will occur over the next couple years and the Republic will begin building a bridge once the Lodamese Rail link is established on their side of the border.

Finally, there is interest in the Kalistani market and in economic cooperation between Kalistan and Zardugal. "A new Government in Zardugal has expressed an interest in working with Kalistan on cooperative economic matters, and has visited us this summer to kick off discussions that will lay the foundation for trade and cooperation," said the Premier. "We will be sending Trade Minister Michelle Martinez back to Zardugal this October to begin working on an economic treaty guaranteeing fair trade between us two as well as establishing a basis for trade between our two countries. We do know that Zardugal is interested in the steel crisis between Kalistan and Indrala, and it would be entirely possible that Zardugal could be an important partner in any agreements on production and pricing that Kalistan and Indrala may arrive at, but we are also curious about the foreign made goods that Zardugal has to offer that we could bring in to the Republic and sell to the people of this nation. These talks are ongoing and the next round will be in Zardugal when Comrade Martinez travels there to continue discussions."

In all this season of high level talks between the Republic and other nations of the world serves to boost the Republic's profile on the world Stage. "As other nations go into eclipse, the Steel Crisis has brought attention to this corner of the world, and has shown at the very least that a nation which stands entirely outside of imperialist and militaristic alliances, can nonetheless play an important role in the conduct of international Affairs," said Premier Jackson. "It often feels that Kalistan is punching well above its weight class, and in a sense, courting contacts in Hutori, avoiding sanctions in Dolgava, resolving ancient disputes with Lodamun, and re-opening the possibility of links with major players like Indrala and Zardugal ensure Kalistan a seat at the table, and elevates our status as a major independent nation in Terra. This is a development we welcome and hope to continue to carefully foster."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:02 am


Yeardly: "I will not be travelling to FOMAT"
Stepanov is selected by Listeners to Represent Kalistan in FOMAT

Dulnerstaad, Ananto
August 15, 4904

Kalistani listeners select Jennifer Stepanov following Joanie Yeardly's withdraw from Contest

Dulnerstaad Keyboardist and singer-songwriter Jennifer Stepanov has been selected by listeners of Radio 1's FOMAT poll to represent the Republic. The remarkably soft spoken pianist was at a loss for words when she was informed. "I have no idea how I will represent the musical heritage of this Republic," said Stapanov. "Personally, I voted to send Red Tone back there. It's more their kind of contest." Her single, "How Can I?" easily cruised past other entries to take top honors in the Radio 1 FOMAT Poll.

The vote for Stepanov solidified after presumed favorite Joanie Yeardly, who has led the Alt-Folk movement in Kalistan immediately declined to participate in the contest. "I can say this about FOMAT," said Yeardly. "It's pop music, and I am not going to do pop music. It's fine for everyone else, but I am trying to keep my feet here in the Republic and it really doesn't make much difference to me what international audiences think of my music." As she continued, she also informed audiences that Donnie Jorgenson wasn't interested in participating or being nominated either. "I will not be travelling to FOMAT. Jorgenson and I will be on tour in Vrassa somewhere when FOMAT happens, you can count on it." Yeardly then enthusiastically endorsed Stapanov. "If you REALLY want the best, you gotta send Jennie (Stepanov). I honestly have never met a funner, funnier, more talented musician in my life, and I know Jorgenson. People should send her, because she will make this Republic proud."

To this end, Radio 1 began testing Stepanov's VDR single "How Can I?". The song got an overwhelmingly positive response from audiences, who praised Stepanov's vocals, and her use of nonstandard instrumentation. "Its something like anti-pop," said Stepanov of the song last April when it was released to very limited fanfare. "We have tried to completely deconstruct the normal verse chorus verse chorus bridge chorus format of the pop song, as well as building the strength and the force of the music throughout. Jorgenson himself was very helpful in the arrangement of the strings, and I gave him co-writing credits on this song. It was a lot of fun to make and takes stuff that artists like Joanie and Jorgenson have been doing and kinda carries it forward a little bit."

During the FOMAT nomination Poll, Stepanov's single "How Can I?" came in an easy first in votes. "Her song is very pretty and also interesting," said one fan, while another praised its production "It certainly will not sound anything like the other entries. And her voice is so pleading and so longing, it speaks right to my soul..." Stepanov's voice has been described as a staccato violin by some, and as "soft and smooth." She beat out 15 hip hop, hard rock, ska and reggae acts, but no other artists who perform Alt-Folk competed against Stepanov. "I think the fix was in," said DJ Chuck Ignacio. "I think the Folksters decided who they wanted to win, and all jumped completely out of the competition, so she would be the only one even remotely associated with Alt-Folk competing. She was, I suppose, the last artists to say 'Not it'. And so, she is it, and she made her victory look easy."

Stepanov now prepares to travel to Vascania for FOMAT XV in a little more than a year and a half. "Meanwhile," said Stepanov, "I don't even have an album out. I get so freaked out about recording a whole record, because I believe that an album should make sense... It's not just a collection of songs. It is supposed to say something, and to this date, the four singles I've given to VDR and the collection of my own music is not in a singular and focused direction... They're just songs, and if I just put a bunch of music together, that would be the same as me giving you a box full of like a hair brush and a piece of candy out of its wrapper and a wishbone and a key to a lock that nobody remembers or uses anymore... that kind of thing. It makes no sense, it is all just junk."

She is proud of the fact that her song has been named to represent the Republic though. "I suppose someone has to do it, and so it might as well be me. I will go there, I will do my best, and I hope we can make some people feel something with this music," said Stepanov. "The song is quite personal. I am not going to say who it is about: That is for me. But I wrote this song a couple years back, and I still don't even think that person knows who they are. But that is fine. I am fine with that. And I will treat this song as something that any person in the world can relate to, not for like a mass media thing, but for a personal reason. Everyone knows what I am talking about. Maybe they will not suffer alone."

You can hear the single "How Can I?" by Jennifer Stepanov here.
Last edited by Doc on Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Liukupukki » Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:30 am


Mark Small Campaigns for Presidency under the Coalition of Workers

The Coalition of Workers [CoW], the newly founded party has been gaining traction across the rural areas of Kalistan, and is expected to win many of the rural votes. CoW has been gaining support mainly for their support for the working class and rural populations.

Mark Small, the founder of the CoW, and an entrepreneur, has launched a huge campaign for his presidency, following his successful campaigning, he's been invited on many of the most popular talk shows to talk about his rise to fame, the foundation of the Coalition of Workers and his personal plans for Kalistan if he is elected. He's told the interviewers that his plans involve bettering the lives of workers as well as people living in rural areas of the nation. His goal is to make everyone truly equal in practice, not just in theory

Mark Small in the popular talk show Morning Kali

Mr. Small gave a few words to the Worker's Times when we reached out to him about his campaign
Everyone deserves equality, the Coalition of Workers is here to bring that, and I don't mean this like the current government doesn't care about its people, of course it does. I just mean that there are things that could be done better, and I think and hope that the party, and I can help with that after the election of 4907

CoW's Campaign poster for Mark Small's presidency

Jan 10th 4095
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sat Mar 13, 2021 5:03 am


President of the Republic Harold Phipps-Bennots to retire in 4907
Socialist Party looking to Endorse Coalition of Workers Candidate

Kaliburg, Ananto
August 4, 4905

President of the Republic Phipps has served the Republic since 4893

The President of the Republic, Harold Phipps-Bennots has announced that he will not seek re-election in the 4907 general Elections. "I am ready to retire," said President Phipps, who is 83 this fall. "As a caretaker President, I have worked closely with the Premier and his cabinet, and feel it is now time for me to stand aside and hand the reigns off to a younger Comrade."

The Socialist Party of Kalistan, who has ruled the Republic as a single Party state for more than a generation, thanked the President for his dedication to his office and to the Republic. But it also signaled its willingness to open the Government up to the newly organized Coalition of Workers, who have expressed their desire to run for President.

"We are looking into restoring the Powersharing Agreement which governed Kalistan for Centuries," said Socialist Spokesperson Anita Grefsheim. "This arrangement, called 'The Separation of Powers Doctrine' said that the President and the Premier should not be from the same Party, that the Head of Government should go to the Largest non-Presidential Party in the Governing Coalition, and that the Cabinet should proportionately approximate the Composition of the National Assembly. Combined with a restored Presidential Prerogative, that would mean that the President would most likely be from the Coalition of Workers, and the Cabinet would be led by the Socialists."

While it is clear that there are points of agreement between the Socialists and the Coalition of Workers, as demonstrated by a recent spate of bills proposed by the zero seat CoW, and passed with Socialist Support, it is likely that the Socialists will agree to share power with the Coalition of Workers, and will help them become a viable second Party to the degree that this is possible in the Republic. "One Party Rule essentially relegates the National Assembly to a fiat institution," said President Phipps. "Weekly, I meet with the Premier, we discuss our joint agenda and then he passes it in a series of measures which rarely draw much notice. Policy runs smothly in a one-Party state, but our ideas also become stale. Democracy is the curative to this, within institutional limits, of course."

Unlike many ephemeral Parties which have graced the Republic throughout our nation's history, the Coalition of Workers appears to have adopted a favorable attitude toward Kalistani institutions and have not set out to immediately destroy them. "The respect for the Institutions of Socialist Kalistan has spoken very highly for the Coalition of Workers, in our opinion," said Grefsheim. "Anything can be done while honoring the historic and the ancient institutions of our Republic, while dismantling them wholecloth from the word go is what alienates the Socialists from those who take that approach. As long as those institutions remain in place, or if they need to be revised, the primary institutional Party in Kalistan has buy in, there is nothing else that will necessarily exclude our cooperation."

Grefsheim was clear that the Separation of Powers was an ancient tradition, as was the Presidential Prerogative. "But these have not been utilized in hundreds of years," said Grefsheim, "due to ignorance, or impossibility. The Socialists believe it is possible to restore these traditions as well, and hope the Coalition of Workers will work to provide a candidate who is willing to cooperate and share power. We believe Comrade Small can be this person at this moment, and we are prepared to endorse him in the coming elections."

Grefsheim also said that the SP reserves the right to pull back the endorsement, and will do if the Candidate, who is new to the Kalistani Political Arena, veers too far away from a commitment to Kalistan's Institutions or Kalistan's Workers. "Protecting the positive slant of power toward the workers in this country is important to the Socialists, and we believe it is also important to the Coalition of Workers. We can certainly support them in their efforts to improve the lives of the workers of the Republic, but of course, the moment they turn their backs on the workers is the moment that we part ways. We hope Comrade Small has this in mind as he campaigns with the Party's support, for the Presidency."

Time will tell about the restoration of the Separation of Powers Doctrine, but currently the President himself looks forward to retirement, and the Socialist Party looks forward to a newly dawning period of multi-party Democracy in the Republic.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: Kalistan

Postby Liukupukki » Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:06 am

Mark Small on the Separation of Power Doctrine
Coalition of Workers' presidential candidate Mark Small has expressed their interest in the Separation of Power Doctrine, and wishes to cooperate with the Socialist Party.

Candidate Mark Small also gave a response to the concerns of the current President of the Republic Harold Phillips-Bennots,
I completely understand the concerns of President Phillips-Bennots, as many new parties has had a tendency to undermine the Kalistani institutions which have for long been the stable base of Kalistani politics and culture. I, and the Coalition (of workers) will work to preserve these as best as possible in cooperation with the Socialists. If I however see it necessary to revise something, I will be working together with the socialists to have a favorable outcome for all of us. But I express that we have no plans to ruin the base of Kalistani politics. I will be looking forward to cooperation with the Socialist Party, and I thank them for their support of my presidency, it truly means a lot to me and it creates a base for our cooperation and friendship.

The CoW as a whole has expressed their willingness to work along the Separation of Power Doctrine and cooperation with the Socialist party.

As support for Candidate Small grows, and with the support of the Socialist party, it seems pretty clear that Mark Small will gain the presidency upon elections. But anything is possible, so it is still too early to say anything.

Aug 11th 4905
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Liukupukki » Sat Mar 13, 2021 5:24 pm


Rising rockabilly band Lion Pack sells half a million with their second album
The album sold out within a week of its release
Kaliburg, Anato
Nobember 25, 4905

The band's composition from left to right: Robin Hilton, Matt Forest and Joe King

The recently risen to fame rockabilly band from Kaliburg, Lion Pack has had surprised critics and radio hosts by rising from seemingly nowhere to one of the best selling artists of the year. Even their lead singer, Matt Forest said "It is surprising to see this genre of music on the top charts"

The Lion Pack has been active for a few years, but they only recently rose to popularity with the release of their second album Moonlight, which quickly grew popular as they got some airtime on radio channel 6

After airing on radio, the band got requests from record stores all around Kalistan to sell their newest album, which sold out within all record stores in Kaliburg within 2 days, and all around Kalistan within a week.

When asked for further copies to be produced, their manager replied "We do not have the time or resources to make more copies just yet, but we are planning on a release of a new album soon". So it seems that fans will not be getting any further copies of the album, but expect further releases in the future.

We have reached out to the Lion Pack in hopes for an interview, but they declined due to their apparently busy schedule, possibly having to do with the release of a new album, as their manager has mentioned.

You can listen to the fan-favorite song I'm Dead from the album Moonlight Here
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sun Mar 14, 2021 4:02 am


Kalistan Claims FOMAT Gold, Again
Stepanov Claims 5th Win for Republic and Cements Kalistan's Place in Music History

Kalinda, Rajuttistan, Vascania
November 15, 4905

Dulnerstaad's Stepanov performing her song "How Can I?" at the FOMAT

The Kalistani music industry has cemented its legacy forever in Terran History. It has not accomplished this feat through military Conquest or economic domination of others, but through the universal language of music. Kalistan returns from FOMAT XV with its fifth win, out of nine entries, and winning one third of all contests. And the entry that brought the fifth victory was Jennifer Stepanov's song "How Can I?" The Kaliburg keyboardist's love song apparently tied for first with crowd votes, and it was a judges' decision which put the song over the top.

Following the show, Stepanov, who was already under the influence of product smuggled in to the show by ODEN-K gave a brief interview, surrounded by thousands of Kalistanis who accompanied Stepanov to the show and who were celebrating her victory on the floor of the concert with her.

T(he) R(epublic): Jennifer Stepanov, it appears that you have just won FOMAT XV.

J(ennifer) S(tepanov): What? What did you say?

TR: You've won FOMAT.

JS: Oh that's great... Yeah, they were, my favorite...

TR: No, YOU have won.

JS: Me?!

TR: Yes... YOU...

JS: Oh, I don't know, I mean, my song is good and all, but I think this crowd is maybe a little more interested in the Drinking song... Speaking of which... (downs a beer, crushes the can on her forehead) HAHAHAHA

TR: No, you have won, the whole concert. they just announced it...

JS: Mark... sweetheart, would you get the pianogirl another beer?

TR: What do you think of the fact that you've won...

JS: I mean... it would be awesome... I... I am really sorry, but these guys here are hilarious What did you just say?

TR: You have won... The whole show. You are the winner. YOU are.

JS: Me?

TR: Yes...

JS: What? I can't even believe that!

TR: Look up there! It your name...

JS: Ha ha! She's pretty... hey... wait... Oh, Thanks Mark. You're sweet. Wow, this is good beer...

TR: So, how do you feel having won?

JS: You know what you need, my boy? You need to lighten up a bit. Here... have some of this... Just what the doctor ordered... there you go...

TR: no, no. Ahem... I'm driving tonight...

JS: Come on love... When a pretty woman offers you a glass piece she just put her own lips on just a second ago... come on... you know you want some...

TR: No, no thank you... I have work to do...

JS: Well, suit yourself, I guess. More for me...

TR: So how do you feel having just won FOMAT

JS: Oh, who cares. Should have been Joanie, for real... I am just here having a good time. I don't even remember why we're here. But it RULES! Did you see that hot belly dancer before? We're all gonna go out after this, you want to come with?

TR: No, thank you.. I'm just trying to...

JS: Oh goddamn! This imported ODEN sh-- is really hittin over here... must be the altitude...

TR: So... uh... FOMAT?

JS: You think this is Hutori grown? That would totally explain it...

And then Comrade Stepanov disappeared into the night, arm in arm in with her fellow revellers. It is not at all clear to this reporter whether she knew before returning to Kalistan that she had actually won the competition. But at any rate, upon returning to the Republic, she was greeted by tens of thousands at Kaliburg International. If she was at all surprised by her new found fame, she did not betray it, but simply flashed a huge smile, waved at those who had gathered to see her and got into a cab. Luckily, she ended up giving an interview to Radio Kaliburg, which included many of the questions that The Republic had intended to ask her, and all was revealed. In the Interview, Stepanov declined to say whether she intended to release any albums in the near future.

Congratulations to Jennifer Stepanov, Kalistan's Fifth International Champion of the Festival of Music Arts in Terra. FOMAT XVI returns to Kalistan, and will be held, for the first time in Kaliburg, at the Kaliburg National Stadium in Lolla, Kaliburg. The Coalition of Workers has opted to host the event on June 10, 4909, and more arrangements and announcements will be forthcoming.

If you would like to watch The Republic's exclusive video of Stepanov's soundcheck before the FOMAT contest, please watch below
Last edited by Doc on Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Liukupukki » Sun Mar 14, 2021 6:52 am


Further information about FOMAT XVI
In collaboration with CoW and ODEN, FOMAT XVI will be held in The National Stadium of Kaliburg
Kaliburg, Anato
February 27, 4906

The initial announcement for FOMAT XVI

Kalistan's musical greatness was already previously known, but the 5th win truly cemented it, bringing yet another FOMAT to be hosted in Kalistan, this time to be held in Kaliburg National Stadium in Lolla, Kaliburg.

The stadium is expected to have a capacity of around 45 thousand, and the even will have a sound system capable of being heard many blocks further, so in an even where the seats are filled, there is room for more audience.

The sixteenth edition of FOMAT will be sponsored by none other than ODEN, which will provide the best substances to enjoy the show with. The Coalition of Workers has also agreed to participate in the organization of the event.

CoW's Presidential Candidate Mark Small, one of the leading figures in the organization of the event stated that "The Coalition (of Workers) is honored to be part of the organization of the event, and we will do the best of our ability to provide a fun and a safe environment for the event."

The rules for submissions are simple, all submissions are to be made in any official language of the represented nation, or Luthorian. The contestants are also required to be from the represented country's citizens.

All traffic around the Lolla area will be halted for the duration of the event to provide a safe environment for all visitors.

The winner is decided by a judge committee consisting of Mark Small, the winner of last FOMAT Jennifer Stepanov and an independently elected citizen of Kalistan yet to be revealed. The judges will not have full authority over the winner though, most of the points are granted by the audience, and the judge committee will be valued equally to the audience votes.
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:58 pm


LKG smashes Gaming Records in Kalistan
Two Historical Titles break sales records in both mobile and PC markets

Sulari, Suldanor
November 8, 4906

In "Overland Trail" players can experience the pioneer life

The joint Kalistan-Hutori gaming venture, Lexington-Kalistan Group have finally scored big in a market sector dominated by imported titles. Two separate titles from LKG, "Overland Trail" and "Privateers!" have broken sales records in Kalistan for the first time. Largely buttressed by mobile ports of both games, both titles saw their units sold and earnings finally, and dramatically increase, finally allowing both LKG titles to break into the top ten for the first time since the company was founded 19 years ago.

"We are thrilled at the success of both of these titles," said head of marketing at LKG Nadia Wilson-Rios. "With record sales, both titles represent a major step forward in video gaming in the Republic, and will allow the company to invest in better design and creative staff."

Wilson attributed the success of both these titles, which have been on the market for several years, to mobile ports. "Once we made them available for mobile devices, we saw interest generated in both mobile and PC sales," said Wilson. "It was a very risky decision on our part to put the time, effort and resources into the ports. We had no idea how things would go, but as the company has been barely breaking even for about a decade, we decided to find our best titles and try to port them to expand the market, and it was a stunning success." Selecting these two was not a sure thing, in any stretch of the imagination. When the PC titles of both of these games were released, they were both panned by critics for not featuring cutting edge 3d models and famous voice acting. "Yeah, we didn't have the money for all that. Plus, in the visually stunning games, you tend to find both replayability and actual depth for characters is limited. And the critics hated it, going so far as to actually recommending other titles which they thought gamers would enjoy more. Luckily, a lot of those happened to be from Lexington anyway, so we weren't crushed THAT bad."

But these games seemed perfect for mobile ports. "The ease of control, the lightness of the engine on CPUs, and the ability to play it for a few minutes, put it down and get right back into it later really suggests this would do well on mobile," explained Wilson. "We are not a mobile app company: We actually had to bring in some KMD consultants to really explain to us how to port this stuff to a touch screen environment, but with their help, we made a game that is easy to control, doesn't chew up your battery, and that you could easily spend hours on, or just a few minutes. And as a result, then, people also started checking out the PC releases too."

In the biggest seller this year, "Overland Trail," players get to create a wagon team to participate in a fictional land rush during the pioneer era. "We have a lot of fascination for that era in Kalistan. So people are interested in it. Though these events didn't happen anywhere in Kalistan, it is still fun to travel to an imaginary place, which is roughly based on Northern Odufaray to farm." Along the way, players will have to solve problems like fixing broken wagons, trading for gear, hunting wild animals, and dealing with dreaded diseases which plagued Kalistan before the founding of ODEN. "In this game you can die from dysentery, which is basically diarrhea... You can get a broken arm, you can get bit by a snake, you can get lost in the snow and have to engage in cannibalism to survive... All sorts of dangers, and the best thing is, the events in the game are all random, so you never really know what kind of trip you will have." said Wilson. The ultimate goal is to claim a farmstead in "Oregonia", and then players get points based on how well they traveled the trail and the decisions they make.

In "Privateers!" which sold almost as many units this year but made a bit more in profit due to heavier PC sales, players take on the role of ship captains who attack other ships at sea. "Well," said Wilson, "The game is sort of a fun take on the historical privateer tradition we have in Kalistan. Boarding ships, fighting duels, capturing ships and adding them to your fleet, drinking and wooing governors' daughters, and attacking port cities for plunder or for capture are all things players can do. While the actual privateers were bloodthirsty murderers in real life, in the game, they are represented romantically, as heroes of sorts, and the life on the sea is presented as an adventure more than a matter of national security." The game allows people to name their ship captain and Ship, to customize their own pirate flag, to recruit crew members and sail around the northern Anantonese Ocean, visiting all bordering ports, in search of adventure, buried treasure, and National Supremacy on the High Seas.

We really had a lot of fun making these games back when we did, and we are glad finally they are getting their due attention in the Kalistani Market," said Wilson. "Some of the titles we envision for the future include a grand strategy and kingdom management game that takes place over hundreds of years and requires players to build an empire to last the test of time, and a historically based city builder that will allow players to manage their cities from just a few houses and basic services through the metropolis level. We are very excited for the future."
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:03 am


Kalistan Continues to await Rail Link
Multiple years in planning, and yet no progress over border

Addisjah, Vrassa
January 12, 4607

Bridge Over the Jah River remains uncompleted to date

The Republic continues to await the arrival of the Lodamun half of the Jah Bridge which will link the rail systems of the two countries. "We had this arrangement for a while where Lodamun would build their side of the bridge and connect our two rail lines," said Foreign Minister Lila Ann Frazier. "But to date, we are still waiting for the link to come through."

The arrangement, made almost three years ago with our northern neighbors, is still waiting to materialize, as the bridge across the River Jah remains uncompleted. "We are trying to send steel over the rail link, but until that link actually arrives, we still have to move all materials by ship. This increases shipping costs and puts additional demands on the shipping industry and port facilities, and without a concerted effort to finish that bridge, the two republics should consider renegotiating its arrangements."

The Bridge is also an important symbol of the relationship between Kalistan and Lodamun over the years. "We have had that rail head at Addisjah for centuries, and we have always been willing to make the link. But for one reason or another, Lodamun has not met us there. We have restored the railhead in the Republic in anticipation for the link with Lodamun, and here we are. We're waiting to link across the Jah River, but looking out across the river, and there is not any sign of clearing a right of way. Well..."

The railhead in Kalistan extends out to the center of the northern River which serves as a border between the our Republic and Lodamun, and to date, no direct connection has been built across it. "The valley isn't even really that deep," said the Foreign Minister. "The river here is kinda sluggish, but there is solid bedrock under this part of the river. It would be easy to make the link, but they just have to do it." As soon as Lodamun connects up to Kalistan, the steel and other commerce and traffic can begin flowing.

"We really look forward to the connection," said Frazier,
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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