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Re: Utembo

Postby DueWizard70 » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:21 pm

Tieyung Kiri (OOC source: Youtube channel Nyima Gyaltsen)

After some months ago Takla Dorji announced she was not interested in competing in the coming edition of FOMAT in Cobura, many up and coming artists signed up for UFOMA, the competition that decides who will be the Utemban representative for FOMAT. Many of these artists had not signed up out of respect to Dorji, but now that she was not going to compete they entered the competition. This time, we had three magnificent judges, all of which were FOMAT veterans. PNT, Lotse Deki and Takla Dorji herself.

This year's winner was Tieyung Kiri. In years past, the contest had been really close, such as Deki's and Dorji's rivalry in past years. This time, however, Kiri won almost without a contest, over 25 points ahead of the second place.
The song she will be performing is called "Gsar Thog Ma" or New Beginnings in Luthorian. It is an anthem to the upcoming century and a wish of peace and prosperity to all in the future.

We wish her the best of luck!

Click image for song.
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Re: Utembo

Postby DueWizard70 » Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:55 pm

His Majestic Royal and Serene Highness King Ratna
King Ratna dies at age 76!
December 4899

Today, we received terrible news from the Royal Palace, which announced that His Majestic Royal and Serene Highness King Ratna died late last night. This came from the Palace's spokesperson. He stated that the King suffered a heart attack in the middle of the night and that the doctors did everything they could do to save him but were unable to. The King suffered from hypertension, and the doctors say that this made saving him exponentially more difficult. The spokesperson continued to say that the Royal Family would not give any statements and that no further information would be disclosed, in order to keep the privacy of the late King and his family.

The news of the King's passing was received with shock and sadness from the population of Utembo. A nation-wide march to Bajoum started, with people from all over the country coming to the capital to visit the Royal Palace. The gates of the Palace were filled with flowers, mandalas, candles and incense. Most businesses have closed for the day and will remain closed for at least the next week. The Rinboku Lama made a statement on national television, on which he expressed his condolences to the family of the King, and wished the late ruler peace in death.

With the death of the King come questions about who our next ruler will be. Pasang Loday is the firstborn of Queen Dolma Ceilcile and King Ratna, and as such will be the next King of Utembo. He has spent most of his life withdrawn from the public eye, so not much is known about him. What little is, brings concerns to some people. He is not a big defender of civil liberties and has, on the rare occasions in which he is in the public eye, made some concerning remarks regarding a variety of topics, ranging from religion to his stance on the army. It remains to be seen what will his reign be like.

His Majestic Royal and Serene Highness King Ratna Loday
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Utembo

Postby DueWizard70 » Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:03 pm

King Pasang
This post is backdated

After King Ratna's death last month, and the mourning period that accompanied it, we welcome the new King, and century, with open arms. Yesterday, the coronation of King Ratna's and Queen Dolma Cecilie's eldest son took place, and it reminded many of the similar ceremony that took place in January 4852, when King Pasang's great-grandfather King Durga I was coronated as the first Loday King of Utembo.

Pasang arrived at the Temple of Bajoum and stepped down from his carriage. Inside, the Rinboku Lama waited for him to approach. There, as all the previous Utemban kings before him, he swore to protect Utembo and its people and to fulfil his duties as the King of Utembo. He was then dressed in the Royal Robes and the Crown was laid upon his head. He exited the temple with the Rinboku Lama by his side.

Although Pasang was acting as King from the moment his father died, it is now official. Many wonder what the 35-year-old will do in his first few years as ruler. Many seem to be concerned about human rights violations, due to Pasang's public comments regarding free speech and minorities.

Regardless, this is all speculation and we wish King Pasang the best of luck.
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Utembo

Postby ChengherRares1 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:57 pm

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: Utembo

Postby DueWizard70 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:45 pm

Tieyung Kiri

Today, Tieyung Kiri was crowned champion of UFOMA for the second time in a row. This means, that she will be attending the fifteenth edition of FOMAT in representation of Utembo. Utembo failed to present an entrant to FOMAT IV due to the death of King Ratna, and the subsequent coronation of King Pasang.

Kiri will be performing "Thugs Rje Che". The song speaks about a long lost lover.

We wish her the best of luck!

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjIF_jRal3A
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Utembo

Postby DueWizard70 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:15 pm

Utemban soldiers training
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Today, King Pasang announced that going forward a mandatory military service will be created. Every able body person aged 21-35 will have to serve for a minimum of 4 years on any of the branches of the army. Once the 4 year period passes, they will be allowed to leave and pursue another job, or to remain in the military and keep their rank. All people of the age group will start their service next month. From then onwards, at the time of your 21st birthday, you will have a 6 month period to enlist for mandatory service. If you don't present within this time, sanctions will be applied to you, depending on how long it takes for you to finally enlist. These sanctions can go from fines to time in prison. Military Service will also be a requirement to be able to get a job. An official document will be given to you once you finish your service, which will be necessary when applying for a job.

The news was received with quite a bit of resistance from the general population, which claimed that joining the army should be a personal choice. The protests were to no avail though, especially after the army gave its approval.

The new bill will begin next month, so we encourage all citizens of the age group to arrange for the sudden change.
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Utembo

Postby DueWizard70 » Fri Mar 19, 2021 7:27 pm

King Pasang during the conference
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King Pasang makes concerning remarks regarding the WC
July 4907

Today, King Pasang held a press conference to address a series of topics, ranging from the future of the military, upcoming infrastructure projects, and, most importantly, the World Congress. On the first two topics, the monarch shared a little information, speaking of future military deals currently in the works, as well as of an upcoming massive national project that hopes to improve the Utemban infrastructure. Although these topics certainly drew attention, it was the King's last few remarks that created controversy.

"As to the last topic I want to address today, the World Congress. It is no secret that it is an organisation that I dislike very much. It is filled with useless politics and little real action. In fact, the World Congress is just a shouting contest trying to claim that one nation is better. Take the example of the recent remarks made by Selucian delegate Coruncania Cenaeus. "Malivia teases the dog and then complains when it bites". Sure, Malivia makes some concerning claims speaking about a "Greater Malivian Empire". But from that, going to just insulting a delegate and their country is just unacceptable. As more and more time passes, I am growing more concerned as to the World Congress', and by extension the Security Council's, effectiveness. I am not saying that Utembo will leave the Congress, or at least not yet, but if the situation does not change, we must be prepared to face the tough decision od whether the World Congress really is worth it. Thanks everybody, and goodnight.

The statement was received with concern from many experts, as well as from the general population. Leaving the World Congress would be a major blow to Utemban foreign relations. However, many do agree that the problems the King stated exist and are a real threat to the legitimacy of the organisation.
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Utembo

Postby DueWizard70 » Fri Mar 19, 2021 8:21 pm

Gonpo Gyatsken
Utembo sends Gonpo Gyatsken to FOMAT
December 4908

Today, it was announced that emerging superstar Gonpo Gyatsken will be attending FOMAT XVI in the representation of Utembo. The announcement was extremely last minute and surprised many. This was because there had been no UFOMA (Utemban Festival of Musical Arts). This was a national competition who's winner would represent Utembo in the next FOMAT. This year the competition was not held, instead with King Pasang directly choosing Gyatsken as the Utemban representative.

The song he will be presenting is "Tshur Skyel" or "Return" in Luthorian.

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkdOeAiDy9A
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Utembo

Postby DueWizard70 » Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:06 pm

Police officers in Che Ba
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June 4909

Today, an announcement was made that a new bill has been approved by King Pasang. The bill will grant extraordinary powers to the police. Police officers will now be able to make arrests, not necessarily with probable cause, as well as search any private property (cars, houses, etc) without the need for a warrant. They will also be allowed to carry military-grade weapons in the most dangerous parts of the country, particularly the Ring Po mountains.

King Pasang has justified the bill by saying that, due to the increase in crime that has been seen for the past 3 or 4 years, something had to be done. Although there has been an increase in violent crimes, many see the bill as too big a change, and that King Pasang is only using the crime rate as a justification for increasing police power.
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Utembo

Postby DueWizard70 » Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:01 pm

Planned railway
November 4910

Today, King Pasang announced that the Utemban National Railway System, or UNRS, will begin its construction in the coming weeks. After this was originally announced when King Pasang made his remarks concerning the World Congress, many expected the project to begin shortly. This, however, did not happen. But after over 3 years of skilful negotiation with contractors and suppliers by King Pasang, the construction of the UNRS will now be a reality.

There will be over 15 thousand kilometres of railway to be built, all the way from the big cities like Bajoum or Karosawa, to the Ring Po mountains, to small villages like Che Ba. The project is estimated to take between 7 to 12 years and cost over 7 billion LOD.
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
Institutional Reform Party Baltusia-INACTIVE (4889-4896)
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