Narikaton and Darnussia

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby hungpallax » Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:56 am

Coalition in Darnussia

DNL, DFL and NG formed a coalition in Darnussia. The coalition has vowed to make a greener safer country. This is achieved by a flight tax, this tax will be used to pay for infrastructure project near Hobrazian border. This makes fliging more expensive and going with the train faster and cheaper.

In the deal was also agreed to fund the police and border patrols better and to make a biodegadable plactic industry reducing carbon output by waste centers. Now that Hobrazia is safe again the refugees will be send home and the centers will be closed.

Hobrazian refugees want to stay.
After the announcement some Hobrazian refugees went to protest saying it was not safe yet and they want to become Darnussian citizens. One protester saying:
From my family their I only hear about high taxes and corruption, I want a stable live here in Narikaton and Darnussia.

Some local citizens disagreed, a Darnussia saying:
They have staid here long enough, it is safe their now, send them back!

The new government shall have to solve this issue soon, before matters get worse and possibly Malavial refugees also will come into the country.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby hungpallax » Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:08 pm

Statment of Darnussian government

The Darnussian government made a statement about the protest from the migrants:
Darnussia government declares all Hobrazians will get the oppertunity to go and will be helped next 5 years by both Darnussia government and Hobrazian government. The protest will be led like other protest and we will now not use force to deport them. We still are a decent country with decent leadership. But let me and with a warning, if anyone, Hobrazian refugees wanting to stay or Darnussians wanting them out, uses violence we will act and we will punish the perpetrators.

Minister of immigration before ministerial meeting in Darnussia.

This statement clarifies that although they don't have to leave inmeaditly there is no permant place for the Hobrazian citizens. But that they still have time to get used to the idea. A more detailed plan is in the making, but because this is going to take some time, a potential new government will also influence the decisions made.

The Darnussian prime-minister called upon the foreign minister to contact Hobrazian government.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby hungpallax » Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:19 am

Protests against Malavia joining ACON

Across the nation citizens went out to demonstrate against Malavia joining ACON. Sir Kundert spoke for them in Doressa:
A country that claims other countries, represses communities in their own country shound't be in ACON. The party we support in the PAC therefore proposed to deny them voting rights, funds and acces to ACEZ. We as NG thinks that if this is not voted in Narikaton and Darnussia should consider withdrawing from ACON. We cannot and will not tolerate Malavia in ACON.

After the speech Kundert went in for a party meeting with his ministers. They are still talking to see what the best actions are. Other parties in PAC has questioned this aswell. The party of DFL also questioned there application.

Clash between protestors.

Near Holdana by the immigraion centers 2 groups of protesters fighted each other. A group of immigrants was protesting against deportation when an other group protestiong pro deportation came near them, the police stood between them, but they were not able to keep them seperate. After help from anti-riot police the groups were sepertated. 33 people were arested, from them 12 immigrants, 3 peolple were taken away in critical condition, one of them is a police officer.

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby hungpallax » Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:13 am

NG ready for election campaign

After last election a group of 5 NG members has come up with a new election campaign, this campaign is launched today with the official announcement of the head of government candidate: Arjen Schlender. This time the NG had no leader election but Sir Schlender had support of most important NG members. Madam van den Berg is the number 2 of the candidate list and said it is time NG is going to be the biggest again, and she siad that was possible under Sir Schlender. The full candidate list is announced soon, but it is certain that Theresa Aarts will come home to support NG. She announced that before her office in ACON:

I will support NG in the election in my home country, and if i get elected or get offered a job there i will go home.

There stance on the important issues palying right now:
Malavia: The NG thinks Malavia should drop their claims on anyother nation including N&D, they should also drop the criminal tribes act. They also think Malavia should be banned or restricted form ACON, if Malavia gets voting rights they will consider temporarly closing N&D's borders to ACEZ and putting ACON legislation down until Malavia dropped their claims or is sanctioned.

Refugees: All people who needs help are welcome here in decent villages, if they want they can apply to become N&D citizen. They need a good reason to stay but that doesn't mean that if it is 'safe' in your country you cannot become N&D citizen. That is wht NG said after being asked to refugees.

Economics: NG strives for a green booming indusrty that exports around the world, they want to continue there work in Darnussia where it is nealy finished and they want to make the nature in Narikaton a major tourist location. They think Narikaton can be the services and tourist part and Darnussia the manufactering part. They also say education is the most important factor of a stable innovation economy, with a promise to double education spendings in national government.

Taxes: To make clear where all money is going NG wants to make a budget to say where all taxes are going. All bills need to be paid out of this budget. They want to pay for the doubling education and research funds by cutting back internal affairs and trade and industry whilhe rising the taxes on the rich and wealthy.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:13 pm


Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns Vascanian and Deltarian Interference
Today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a report condemning Vascanian and Deltarian interference in the Malivian Crisis. The statement read as follows,
Official Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The situation with Malivia while tense, had been manageable by all countries affected. However tensions have risen again, due to many factors, yet the biggest has been the recent intervention by many countries which meddling in countries affected by the Crisis. Whilst many outside countries have interfered, the two countries which have interfered the most, have been Vascania and Deltaria.

Vascania has built the Vayu Naval Facility in Dushanpur, Malivia and sending advisors to help train the Malivian Army. By building this base on the site of the old Czar Dušan naval yard which had been a Deltarian base, Vascania provoked Deltaria to interfere in the Crisis. In response Deltaria launched the Balgrad Summit, in which they have offered to send advisors to help train and to send submarines to patrol the sea around Malivia. This cannot continue. This foreign meddling could lead to armed conflict in the region, which everyone around Terra has agreed is not beneficial and should be avoided. As of the release of this report, the Security Council of the World Congress, passed R116 which warns "Malivia and all affected countries in the conflict that the World Congress Security Council will NOT allow armed conflicts using its right given by Resolution 110, hence all armed operations in the conflict will be seen as the violation of international law; and that will result in serious sanctions". This however will not work if there are countries which are playing a geopolitical game in South Artania.

Following this conclusion by our Ministry's workers, we believe that the only solution to fix the issue and lower tensions, is for Vascania and Deltaria to leave the area. This issue does not concern them and if both of them claim they don't wish to see armed conflict in the area, then we in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ask these countries to stop sending in troops into the area.

Academic Deal with Yingdala
The governments of Narikaton and Darnussia and Yingdala have started to discuss an academic program which would allow Narik and Darnus students in arms manufacturing to visit Yingdala and study in the country under arms production experts. The goal of this program is to increase the skill of workers in arms manufacturing companies in Narikaton and Darnussia. The Minister for Trade and Industry Frederick Erbach, stated,
We wish to boost our Arms Industry, so as to lessen our dependency on foreign Arms Companies. This boost shall increase jobs in the sector.

Condolences offered to Malivia
Following the assassination of the Emperor Chandragupta, of Malivia President Hoffman, offered her condolences to the new Emperor Chandragupta II from the Balgrad Summit.
While our two countries have had tense relations lately, however that does prevent me from offering my most sincere condolences to the new Emperor of Malivia. I hope that the too of us may work together to find a peaceful solution to our problems.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:38 pm


Confederate Citizens evacuated from Malivia.
A decision was made by the Confederate Congress to evacuate all Confederate citizens from Malivia. Congress member Thomas Becker said,
This move was done in order to keep our citizens safe if tensions should continue rise. Our priority is not to rise tensions with this move, but to ensure innocent people aren't hurt by the actions of politicians.

A travel ban on entering the country of Malivia was also part of the action until tensions lowered.

Adivasi to be Also Let In
Following the assassination of the Malivian Emperor, the Adivasi people have been the target of violence on Malivia. To ensure their safety, an amendment to the evacuation of Confederate Citizens from Malivia has been proposed to the Congress. Temporray housing is being prepared throughout the country, as well preparations to allow them to return home.

Talks to be Held Between Narikaton and Darnussia and Malivia
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that a meeting will be held in Lusitan, Migrant Islands between Narikaton and Darnussia and Malivia. These talks will be held in order to discuss a series of issues beginning with Malivia's claims on the Confederacy and other countries. Chancellor Alexander Von Fritz II, who will be attending the talks has said,
This meeting will be held to discuss all sorts of issues such as their claims, our response to those claims, our claim on Malivia and how to lower tensions between our countries.

This meeting will be the first of two meetings with the second being held in Malivia.
Last edited by NuclearGandhi69 on Sat Mar 27, 2021 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Aquinas » Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:17 pm

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 5:44 pm


Narikaton and Darnussia goes for Security Council Seat
In a move shocking many, Chancellor Alexander Von Fritz II has announced that Narikaton and Darnussia will run for Seat A on the Security Council of the World Congress. When asked why this step had been taken, he replied,
We in the Government simply no longer believe that the Security Council is doing it's job properly anymore. While tensions have been on the rise in Southern Artanian, what have they done? Proposed a warning against armed conflict while foreign countries move in troops and equipment and instead of dealing with that, they are focusing on a Green Energy Initiative. Clearly they aren't aware that live could potentially be lost if this conflict explodes.

A message has already been sent to most countries asking for their support in putting the country on the Council.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby hungpallax » Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:08 pm

Fast coalition after elctions

De linkse Partij and NG confirmed they had a coalition just weeks after the election, they formed a coalition with just a few poinst set in stone. There will be more funds for green research and technology as primoised by NG in the campaign, the industry focus of the confederacy will be green production and tourism. This government also will not accept any anti-lgbt laws. This cabinet will have a gay minister. Sir Abrham has announced he is nominated for minister of defence, he and his husband are very happy to announce that.

DFL gets minster of foreign affairs.

Because of the malavian crisis this coalition has chosen for stable foreign affairs, the minster may stay seated although DFL is no longer part of the coalition. He has to ask permission and has to brief the coalition reguarly but he may stay at his post for stability. Madam Aarts known for her matters in the PAC is coming home, she will be minister of science and technology. She will be replaced in PAC by Sir Paulissen.
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