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Re: Hobrazia

Postby jellybean » Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:16 pm


Abram Giorgadze sworn in as Hobrazia's new president
January 4910

Former Foreign Minister Abram Giorgadze was sworn in as Hobrazia's new president, replacing Eduard Maisuradze and becoming the new Republic's second president. Giorgadze has pledged to work closely with Prime Minister Qeit Dagovy to soothe tensions within Hobrazia and to pass the Samep'o Accords, a planned agreement that would formally institute power-sharing between the Hobaist majority and the less populous, but more established, Hosians.

Giorgadze has confirmed that former President Maisuradze will continue to work in the Hobrazian Government as a Special Advisor on Hobrazian-Malivian relations. However, Maisuradze's formal duties will be greatly reduced.

At this time, Giorgadzehas not announced any plans for significant reforms other than adopting the Samep'o Accords. "Hobrazia is at peace, but a fragile peace. We are developing rapidly, but must not jeopardize our gains. What we need at this time is stability and continual improvement, not radicalism." In terms of foreign policy, Giorgadze is somewhat more ambitious: the new President has already unveiled plans to pivot Hobrazian trade relations by applying for membership in the Confederate Economic Security Union and withdrawing from the ACON free trade zone, the Artanian Community Economic Zone.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby jellybean » Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:07 pm


Giorgadze confirms: "Hobrazia will not back down" from Malivia
February 4910

Facing criticisms for Hobrazia's participation in the Hugamest Conference and even accusations of weakness, President Giorgadze assured the public that "Hobrazia will not back down." Giorgadze committed to both maintaining heightened border security measures and to building up Hobrazia's military, commenting that Hobrazia's national security must come first. "Hobrazia's central goal is and always has been to obtain a written commitment of peace from the Malivian government. While Hobrazia will not be the aggressor, neither will we allow ourselves to be bullied. Our national defense will stand firm."

Under Giorgadze, border security has only increased. The Hobrazian Democratic Army has begun a recruitment drive, partially utilizing the Malivian crisis to encourage patriotic Hobrazians to commit to military service. National Police activity has remained high at sensitive sites, including government buildings, Hobrazian Orthodox cathedrals, and Hobaist holy sites.

Controversial Hobrazian priest condemns Lodamun, calls the Seleyan nation "a den of wickedness"
March 4910

A proposed Lodamese law to discourage Hosianism made quite a splash in Hobrazia when it caught the ire of controversial firebrand priest Yuriy Chkadua, or "Fr. Yu" as his followers like to call him. "The Lodamese devil-worshippers continue to persecute us whenever and however they can," Chkadua asserted in a fiery sermon. "How long must we tolerate this blatant sin? What must be done to make our leaders realize the threat that Lodamun poses to Hosianism, even to Hobrazia?" An online recording of the sermon has been widely shared on Hobrazian social media, attracting over 200,000 views and hundreds of comments ranging from supportive to mocking.

The Hobrazian government has not made any move to acknowledge the proposed law or to make any comment toward Lodamun's religious policy.

In retirement, former President Eduard Maisuradze finds new passion in fine liqueurs
March 4910

He may no longer be head of state, but Eduard Maisuradze is still keeping a busy schedule! He's found life after politics in operating a distillery on his family estate in rural Storemereti. "Fine experiences have always been a passion of mine," said Maisuradze. "I wanted to find a way to share my life experiences with others." The new distillery is producing fine gins, tequilas, and whiskeys, but Maisuradze's real interest is in the development of apertivos and new liqueurs. "One recipe I'm quite fond of is a hazelnut-chocolate liqueur we'll be releasing this winter," he commented. Another liqueur, Krelasan, combines a secret mix of Hobrazian flowers, fruits, and other plant essences to produce a subtly spicy-and-sweet taste. "I actually invented this recipe myself, and I've been making a homemade version for over 20 years. I'm so excited to be able to share it with others!"

Maisuradze Limited has already placed its goods on store shelves across Hobrazia, and will soon be looking to expand to international markets.

Scientists investigate controversial "Muzalpox"
June 4910

Feeling tired? Maybe it's not your sleep habits - maybe it's Muzalpox. That's what some residents in Muzalkazi have been calling a controversial and unproven disease that seems to be causing excessive drowsiness. While several afflicted individuals have sought medical attention, no contagion or other physical cause has been identified. Still, social media groups dedicated to discussing Muzalpox have become incredibly popular in recent months. "I think it's a fungal infection," commented Katie Abkhazi, a 46-year-old mother of two who claims that her drowsiness started after she'd been on a cave tour in a regional wildlife preserve. In investigating this story, Radio Free Hobrazia found over 200 persons who self-identified as having been infected with Muzalpox - all living in Muzalkazi.

"It's sheer nonsense," said physician Sergei Chavchavadze, who serves as the resident Infectious Diseases expert at the nationally-recognized Mustard Clinic in Muzal K'alak'i. "I've examined over a dozen patients who claim to have contracted 'Muzalpox' and haven't found a shred of evidence for its existence." Sergei's cure? "A good diet, some exercise, and more sleep. If your eyes are tired, try glasses."

Physicians' skepticism hasn't stopped Muzalpox from gaining traction in online conspiracy forums, some of which believe the disease to be a Malivian bioweapon. A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defense denied such conspiracies, saying that "even if Muzalpox exists, it's doubtful Malivia even has the capability to create such a thing."

Demand rises for Narik-Darnussian films
June 4910

Hobrazia has enjoyed friendly relations with its Western neighbor Narikaton & Darnussia for the last decade, and the international friendship is beginning to blossom in the cinema. Theaters across Hobrazia have experienced increased demand for Narik-Darnussian films, such as the highly-acclaimed 4909 release of Flowers in the Wind, or the classic cinematic masterpiece Ballycrana Bay. Brentaro theater owner Mat'e Kaziyev told RFH that he'd never seen such an appetite for foreign films. "Over half the movies I'm showing are now Narik-Darnussian!"

Apparently, some dedicated cinemaphiles are even taking Narik language classes to better appreciate Narik-Darnussian movies.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby jellybean » Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:20 pm


Hobrazian Armed Forces to make deal with Yingdala
December 4910

President Abram Giorgadze and Defense Minister Maia Gelashvili have announced a pending deal with Yingdala to overhaul Hobrazia's defensive forces. Under the agreement, Hobrazia will purchase or lease Yingdalan equipment, accept loans to pay for defensive upgrades, and participate in joint training exercises. Yingdalan military experts will be engaging in a series of meetings with Hobrazian commanders to help organize the Armed Forces and create defensive plans. The experts will also assist in development plans for Hobrazia's two main military bases, Rapava Land Base in Zargundia and Ft. P'ativ'i, a joint air force and naval station in Stormereti. Over the next decade, Hobrazian service members will serve rotations in Yingdala to train.

Chief of General Staff Rouben Asatiani will be directly overseeing the collaboration, in conjunction with Defense Minister Gelashvili and Finance Minister and Tedore Manvelishvili.

Hobrazia's military has approximately 50,000 service members organized across the Land Force Division, Air Force Division, Coast Guard, and Special Operations Division. The Hobrazian National Police Force, a 10,000 member body that has served as Hobrazia's primary military force, will be reorganized as the Territorial Defense and utilized as a reserve backup to the Armed Forces.

Hobrazia's Armed Forces have suffered from a series of corruption scandals and a stock of aging, increasingly broken equipment. Much of Hobrazia's military expertise was involved in the previous Fascist government, and Eduard Maisuradze's government prohibited former Fascist commanders from serving in the new Armed Forces - a policy that will continue to be enforced.

While the news comes as Hobrazia's standoff with Malivia intensifies, President Giorgadze assured reporters that the move was purely defensive. "Our Armed Forces are a defense force. Hobrazia has no intention of becoming involved in foreign wars or starting fights, but we must be able to stand on our own two feet and ensure the safety of our people. Our new partnership with Yingdala will not only enable us to strengthen our Armed Forces, but will also deepen our international ties."

Hobrazia has applied for membership in the Confederate Economic Security Union, of which Yingdala is a prominent member.

Malivian peace talks expected to fail
December 4910

Facing a recalcitrant Malivian regime, Hobrazian negotiators at the International Conference in Hugamest have reported waning confidence in reaching an agreement with Malivia. "I no longer believe that we can reach common ground with Malivia," commented former President and head negotiator Eduard Maisuradze. "I have recommended that President Giorgadze pivot away from negotiation and instead focus on building a defense against future Malivian aggression." The Hobrazian delegation is expected to walk away from the Conference without obtaining a deal.

Foreign Affairs Minister Yeganÿ Zadeh has begun drafting a mutual defense treaty in collaboration with Narikaton & Darnussia, Selucia, and Kemon. Further details will be released as the nations continue to discuss the Malivia question.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby jellybean » Wed Mar 24, 2021 5:27 pm


Fr. Yuriy Chkadua stages protest outside Lodamese embassy
March 4911

The controversial priest "Fr. Yu," or Yuriy Chkadua, has caused quite the upset in Hobrazian society. Formerly a quiet parish priest in the rural Kidurani town of Kastal, Fr. Yu took on an anti-pagan crusade three years ago after seeing footage of a Lodamese pagan ceremony on Hobrazian Public Television. In an introductory video on his website, Chkadua explains his motivation for becoming a nationally-known figure: "I was a simple priest for 30 years. Never did I raise a fuss, never did I try to reach outside my town. But now I see that the Church's absence has allowed evil to run unrestrained throughout the world, and I can no longer remain silent." In those three years, Chkadua has become a polarizing figure, beloved by some and reviled by others, who loudly and repeatedly objects to seemingly every facet of the modern world, from foreign paganism to plastic toys. Known as Fr. Yu by his followers, he has attracted both a wide following and a dedicated corps of protestors who follow the priest to every public event. One of those protestors, Roza Kənanli, offers the following perspective on Fr. Yu's ministry: "He's simply a hateful man, there's nothing more to it than that. We don't believe that someone with such hate should go unchallenged."

Fr. Yu's favorite cause is agitating against the Seleyan nation of Lodamun. Last weekend, Chkadua held a protest outside the Lodamese embassy in Astoria, delivering a fiery sermon that accused the Lodamese of "building their own hell" and called the nation's populace "dirty little people living in dirty little huts." In the midst of his condemnation, Fr. Yu even advocated a boycott of Lodamese goods. A crowd gathered around the priest chanted slogans such as "Lodamun will burn," while counter-protestors - including Roza Kənanl - held a variety of pro-Lodamese signs advocating for Hobrazian-Lodamese friendship. The protest remained peaceful, but did not escape the attention of the local media, which widely condemned the event as inciting conflict. A petition has been circulated to investigate Fr. Yu for disturbing the peace.

The bulk of the priest's ire seems to be reserved for the majority-pagan nation of Lodamun, but he hasn't been shy to express his feelings on other nations and religions across Terra. Fr. Yu has variously called the Bianjan Church of Church of Fanggon "an absurd sham propped up only by the vanity of a fat and impotent khan," Endralon "a nation of money-worshipping libertines," Narikaton & Darnussia "just a harbor town that got too big," and the World Congress "a tool of the great evil which seeks to enslave humanity."

Needless to say, Chkadua does not enjoy the support of anyone in Hobrazian government. Fr. Yu has even scheduled a protest outside the National Capitol, calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Qeit Dagovy - in Chkadua's words, a "lily-livered peacenik who quakes in his boots before a few sinful Hobaists." Dagovy responded on social media, saying "I won't even be here! I'll be on a holiday in Kalistan."

Hobrazia's favorite anteater to give birth, zookeepers say
May 4911

The Muzal K'alak'i Zoo's prize anteater Eka, star of her very own internet video series that follows the mammal on her daily adventures, is apparently pregnant. "We're so excited to say our anteater family is growing bigger," said zookeeper Marina Charkviani, who has been Eka's primary caretaker for over 3 years. Eka is a national sensation, with her most dedicated fans already planning to make the trip to see her after she's had birth. "Please don't send any more care packages, though! Eka has everything she needs right here," added Marina.

Eka plays in her primary enclosure

Muzalpox possibly linked with caves in Muzalkaz National Park
June 4911

Growing numbers of people report symptoms of the mysterious and controversial "Muzalpox," a hotly-debated disease that supposedly causes extreme drowsiness. As the list of apparent victims has grown, pressure has mounted on the scientific community to find a cause - even though some physicians and researchers still believe the disease to be purely psychosomatic.

"As I have stated before, there is simply no evidence that this is a real disease. The very fact that only Muzalkaz residents have reported falling sick ought to indicate that this is a case of people being overtired from the stresses of everyday life and looking for an excuse," argued Dr. Sergei Chavchavadze of the Muzal K'alak'i Mustard Clinic.

However, an increasing contingent of scientists have challenged the establishment position on the question. "I believe Muzalpox is real, that it truly is affecting these people. It's shameful that the medical community has been so reluctant to explore all the options," commented Ekaterine Bakhia, Regional Public Health Minister of Muzalkaz.

Some researchers have suggested a possible linkage between Muzalpox and the recently-opened Muzalkaz National Park after a survey revealed that nearly all patients had gone on a tour of the park's cave systems before contracting the disease. RFH interviewed a MNP Park Ranger who offered that "we know shockingly little about Hobrazia's caves, or indeed about caves in general. I can't say whether these caves could be the source of Muzalpox, but I can say we have a lot to learn about them."

So far, Muzalpox does not appear to be either contagious or deadly. Preliminary investigations have found that supposedly-infected individuals pose no risk to the public and cannot pass on their disease, which Muzalpox skeptics have cited as evidence that such a thing must not truly exist.

Muzalkaz National Park's most popular cavern is lit for one of its daily guided tours

Meet the Hobrazians who say unification with Malivia could be a good thing
June 4911

It's no secret that Hobrazia's tensions with Malivia have absorbed much of the nation's attention over the past few years. Malivia's claims of rightful leadership over Hobrazia have sparked fears in many and caused the government to pursue anti-Malivian defensive measures. Yet, not all Hobrazians think Malivia's claims pose a threat, and some even support the claims. A RFH poll revealed that about 7% of Hobrazian nationals believe Malivia's claims are "most likely" or "certainly" valid, a number that's concerned some hardline members of the Hobrazian Parliament.

We set out to find these pro-Malivian Hobrazians and find out why they think that unification could work out.

Husik Shengelia, a vegan activist in the border town of Brentaro, cited his belief in animal rights as a reason for pro-Malivian sentiment. The 24-year-old met our reporter wearing a t-shirt bearing the Malivian flag over the words "Friends of Malivia." "They simply treat animals better than we do," says Shengelia. "Not only does the Malivian government value animal life, but their people clearly care deeply about it as well. I think the earth would be better off if Malivia took over more territory."

For 58-year-old Hobaist community leader Soso Nogaideli, Malivia represented religious freedom. "At first I'll admit that I got caught up in the frenzy, and I hated Malivia too. But then I actually read the Gerajan scriptures, and I came to believe that Lord Hoba truly is a Gerajan god. We have faced so much strife as true believers, and Malivia would end that. I see Emperor Chandragupta as a protector, and I would welcome him. I believe that Lord Hoba will grant him reign over Hobrazia."

Not all were sympathetic for ideological reasons. For Natalia Ghurtskaia, a resident of the small Stormereti town of Dushchi, her support of Malivia was all about practicalities: "You know what happened in my home town after the Traditionalist Party took over? They raised property taxes, taking almost all of my take home pay. Yet the mayor and the town council are exempt from all taxes. They take our money, they spend it, and they expect us to thank them!" Ghurtskaia cited a series of local and national stories of corruption as evidence that the Hobrazian government was illegitimate. "I don't know much about Malivia," she said, "but they can't be doing worse than we."
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby hungpallax » Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:14 pm

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Re: Hobrazia

Postby jellybean » Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:21 am


Hobrazia's first Armored Division stands ready for defense
October 4911

Thanks to Hobrazia's partnership with Yingdala, the nation's first Armored Division has been formed. The Ministry of Defense has purchased 24 light tanks, to be operated in 6 units. Each unit will possess 4 tanks with a contingent of support personnel and vehicles. Should the Division ever need to be used in combat, its primary duties will include reconnaissance and support of the main Land Force troops.

3 out of 6 units are operational and have been stationed along the Hobrazian-Malivian border. The remaining 3 are currently being trained in Yingdala, but are expected to be deployed early next year.

"This represents a major step forward for our nation's armed forces," commented Defense Minister Maia Gelashvili. Gelashvili plans to further expand Hobrazia's mechanized capabilities, and is looking to form a heavy tank unit and invest in defense artillery stations.

Hobrazian tanks conduct a training exercise in Zargundia
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:31 pm

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby jellybean » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:32 pm


Ministry of Defense announces small-arms purchase from Lodamese suppliers
July 4911

The Ministry of Defense has agreed to buy a large shipment of AX-15 shotguns from the Lodamese weapons manufacturer Axon Industries, along with a variety of other small arms. The equipment will be used by the Hobrazian Armed Forces, the Territorial Defense Corps, and by special tactical police units. Lodamese military officers will be joining Hobrazian troops in Yingdala to better train the Hobrazian military in the use of these new arms.

Defense Minister Maia Gelashvili commented that she was "excited for closer collaboration with Lodamun," adding that the two countries had many commonalities and that closer relations would only "enhance Hobrazia's future."

Fr. Yu responds to Lodamun
August 4911

Fr. Yuriy Chkadua has responded derisively to pagan condemnations of his behavior, stating that "the forces of evil are not worth the ink it's taken to report on them." Reacting to news of Hobrazian partnerships with Lodamese defense companies, "Fr. Yu" commented that Hobrazia's ruling Traditionalist Party had "clearly abandoned the principles of our great nation" and organized a protest outside the Ministry of Defense headquarters in Astoria. The protest, expected to draw several dozen supporters, will feature a ritualistic burning of pagan artifacts and the unveiling of Fr. Yu's new book, Warfare of the Soul, which promises to detail the inherent destructiveness of pagan doctrines.

Hobrazia reacts to death of Malivian emperor
October 4911

Hobrazian reactions were initially celebratory as news broke of Emperor Chandragupta's assassination. Seen as an imperialistic and divisive figure in Hobrazia, Emperor Chandragupta's reign was characterized by frequent clashes with ethnic and religious minorities within Malivia as well as with the country's neighbors - including Hobrazia.

Foreign policy analysts were less confident in Malivia's future. Professor of Political Science at Vakhtanid University Tamaz Saakadze reported that "Malivia lies at a crossroads. While Chandragupta was reviled in Hobrazia, he was more moderate than many in his party. Only time will tell whether his death is good or bad news for Hobrazia." Saakadze also commented on Malivia's plans to apply for membership in the Artanian Community of Nations, which Hobrazia recently withdrew from: "I strongly recommend against allowing Malivia's inclusions. Even if a more liberal government is installed, Malivia is far too unstable."

President Giorgadze re-affirmed his commitment to defending Hobrazia from Malivian aggression. "I am hopeful that a regime change will bring peace to the region and soothe our fears. But until a new government commits to a less aggressive foreign policy, we cannot risk normalizing our relations with Malivia."

Giorgadze has continued building up defensive installations along the Hobrazian-Malivian border, including the construction of a bunker network and defensive artillery. However, the President also acknowledged that Malivia's Adivasi minority is largely innocent and is suffering from persecution following Chandragupta's assassination. Temporary refugee camps have been set up in Hobrazia, and border patrol units have been instructed to allow refugees through to the camps. Refugees will be provided basic living supplies, but will be monitored by security forces to prevent Malivian provocateurs from exploiting the refugee crisis.

Prime Minister seeks to re-settle refugees
January 4912

Prime Minister Qeit Dagovy has issued a call for Hobrazian refugees in Narikaton & Darnussia to return home, assuring the refugees that Hobrazia is now a free country and that the Fascist regime they fled from has been toppled. "We are committed to human freedoms, and we have substantially raised living conditions in the last decade. Our government wants all our people home, and we will commit to covering the cost of re-settlement for any refugee who seeks to return home. We will do everything in our power to restore what you have lost."

Dagovy's administration has been in talks with Narikaton & Darnussia to assuage Narik-Darnussian concerns over refugees who remain, pledging to help offset the cost of integration and to allow refugees to retain Hobrazian citizenship, which will entitle them to access to Hobrazian social services even while residing in Narikaton & Darnussia. "These people have already suffered enough, and we do not want to see their hardship continue. We believe this is an opportunity for further friendship between our two nations."

Attempted bomber claims ties to Deltaria, but authorities find no evidence
February 1912

A 24-year-old Hobrazian student, Elguja Leonidze, has been arrested for attempting to bomb the national government office center in Tsminda T'omas. The building houses several hundred government employees and oversees state operations for the entire Kindurani region. Leonidze is accused of planting explosive devices throughout the building, an act authorities say he was planning for months ahead of time.

Eight months ago, Leonidze started work as a custodian in the building, apparently in order to gain access. Yesterday, Leonidze called the building's reception office to inform them that bombs had been planted and would go off in 1 hour. As workers were evacuated, the Territorial Defense Corps stormed the building and successfully defused the bombs, preventing any damage. Leonidze was quickly identified and arrested, and will be facing charges of treason, intent to damage government property, and conspiracy to murder.

Leonidze told authorities he was acting on order of the Deltarian Communist Party and was part of a Communist cell plotting to overthrow the Hobrazian government. A raid on Leonidze's apartment found various Deltarian language books and a collection of socialist literature, including militant Metzist manifestos. A spokesperson for the Territorial Defense Corps told RFH there was "no evidence" of any illegal Communist activity in Hobrazia or of Deltaria's involvement in the case, but that the government would conduct an investigation to determine if there was further cause for concern.

Employees and their families have reacted with anger to the news, calling for more intensive background checks and accusing the government of lax security. "This monster emptied my trash can every night for almost a year. I can't believe I was so close to a terrorist! The government should be ashamed of putting us all in danger," said Tamari Pataraia, an office administrator in the building's Health & Social Services department. Other employees were less angry, and simply thanked the Territorial Defense Corps for acting so quickly.

New Borocube toy takes Hobrazia by storm
February 4912

Endralon-based Boros Creative Group's new Borocube toy has become Hobrazia's newest in-demand toy, just in time for the Hobaist Festival of Fertility holiday, when parents usually give their children large gift baskets. Demand for the toy has surged, leading Asatiani Consumer Goods, a subsidiary of the Hobrazian Development Corporation centered on manufacturing, importing, and selling consumer household goods, to place a large order for the toy. Asatiani CEO Nika Melua told RFH that the toy "has broken sales records," and Asatiani will be approaching Boros Creative Group about opening a toy factory in Hobrazia.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:55 pm

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Aquinas » Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:17 pm

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