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Re: Seko

Postby CAM » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:15 pm

Sekuku Banner
Armed Forces Disbanded, Reformed as Guard and Surveillance Unit; Royal and National Advisor Requests Unfettered World Congress Investigation of Border Spat
Ministry of Defense spokesman announces disbanding the armed forces

With Hulstria and Gao-Soto accusing Seko of initiating a border conflict, the Ministry of Defense has announced that Sekowo - in accordance with the nearly 6 billion defense budget cut - has disbanded its armed forces. From now on, the country will maintain a purely voluntary, bare minimum Guard and Surveillance Unit. Collectively called "the Unit", total numbers will not exceed 10,000 personnel. Its primary function will be to protect government buildings - more or less a guard for the King, the High Priestess, and members of the Cabinet - and land and maritime border protection. All other security functions will be in the hands of police.

Along with the change to the Unit, the Ministry of Defense, at the request of the Royal and National Advisor, has ordered all units to retreat to a 10 mile distance from the Sekowan-Hulstro-Gao-Soton border. It is believed that the retreat is yet another show of good faith to the Phoenix to the North that Seko does not seek a conflict.

Yet there are two additional routes Sekuku is pursuing to cool tensions. Likely the preferred option, Royal and National Advisor Kanagusuku will appeal to the World Congress Security Council to conduct a full investigation as to the source of the border crisis. Advisor Kanagusuku will deliberately choose NOT to call for peacekeepers at this time, believing such a move to be inflammatory. However, Sekowans cannot discard the possibility that their government may ask for peacekeepers. On the other hand, likely as a last resort, Sekuku is pursing a closer relationship with Yingdala. A treaty of tribute and vassalage has been drafted, one which would establish a mutual defense pact and the possibility of Yingdalan troops permanently stationed in Sekuku.

It seems that, while Sekuku overwhelmingly prefers a diplomatic solution, it is hedging its bets by enticing the Dragon to slay the Phoenix.
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Re: Seko

Postby wimpwampwomp » Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:51 am

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Re: Seko

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:42 pm

Sekuku Banner
Seko Ratifies Tianxia Treaty, Willing to Accept Hulstrian and Gao-Soton Proposals to Maintain Sovereignty and Avoid War
Minister of Foreign Affairs Fijia Takeshi begs for peace.

Amid the ongoing dispute with Hulstria and Gao-Soto, Seko has officially ratified the Tianxia Treaty. The treaty, written by Sekowan diplomats, would officially designate Sekuku a vassal state of Yingdala. This status, along with massive trade and cultural benefits, would establish a mutual defense pact and allow Yingdalan forces to be permanently stationed in Sekuku.

While Yingdala has yet to ratify the treaty, it is set to pass in the Yingdalan legislature. There are rumors of discussions having taken place indicating Yingdalan interest in military bases and Seko's approval. Given the diplomatic hostilities with Hulstria and Gao-Soto, Seko would be better positioned to defend itself with Yingdalan support.

Despite the provisions of the Tianxia Treaty, Sekuku still desires to avoid war. Welcoming the Hulstrian and Gao-Soton government's official statement at the World Congress, Seko's government is ready to submit itself to the judgement of the World Congress General Assembly and Security Council and is willing to admit to any crimes accused - even if false - to avoid war.

The Office of the Royal and National Advisor issued the following statement confirming the country's desire for peace.
Sekuku is a pacifist nation. We want to continue to protect our environment and fight climate change. We just passed a number of major reforms on climate and wish to focus on implementation. We are also set to pass a number of economic reforms that focus on social justice and democracy. These are the essence of the Seko Model. We cannot follow our path if we are being killed. Thus, we are willing to follow Hulstria and Gao-Soto's desires: admit to any "crimes" - even if false - and submit to the World Congress. According to their government, this will avoid war.

With Sekuku calling Hulstria and Gao-Soto's bluff, only the Kunihito-dominant government to the north can decide if Dovani will have peace or war. No doubt, the dragon must be preparing to tear the phoenix apart.
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Re: Seko

Postby wimpwampwomp » Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:47 am

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Re: Seko

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:31 pm

Sekuku Banner
Seko Commits to Peace by Focusing on Domestic Policy
Seko's beautiful environment deserves protection

With tensions appearing to have cooled, the RAT government is committed to carrying out its domestic agenda. Having passed an ambitious green bill, the state is focusing on implementation, as well as passing other reforms.

The Cabinet has created a commission to designate specific areas national parks. Criteria to be used are previous history as a park, areas of national historical or cultural importance, and ecological need. It is expected that many national parks will be created and maintained based on benefit to the climate. The government will also now own all forests to ensure adequate supply of trees and lumber.

Coinciding with the creation of new national parks and marine preservation areas are the updated animal protection statutes. These new policies protect animal life - especially wild and exotic animals - from becoming pets or subject to inhumane trade. Zoological institutions will be able to care for these animals in the name of science, but they will be treated with the utmost care. However, the government has set a national standard for hunting and fishing - allowing the practices in order to ensure invasive species do not harm other animals and ecosystems.

Perhaps most revolutionary are the new laws on environmentally friendly fuels, waste removal, and water usage. The new reforms ban motor vehicles from using fossil fuels, which will lead to a sizeable reduction in oil and gas imports to Seko. While fossil fuel imports will naturally decline, they will be replaced by bio and green fuels. This change could dramatically impact Seko's economy and open the door to foreign business. Similarly, the state has taken on full responsibility for waste management and created varied water use standards to ensure the environment is not negatively impacted from a one-size-fits all approach.

These green and climate regulations are critical - not only to the well-being of Terra, but also to Seko's cultural traditions. Seko Kamism is intrinsically linked to the environment. It is the duty of Seko to respect what nature has provided and to preserve its myriad spirits.

Along with implementing new reforms, the RAT is intent on passing a Seko Model economic reform package. The new slate of laws would further balance the economy and provide a greater voice to workers. Ultimately, the goal is to maximize employment and ensure all can have a living wage.

Expanding and improving Seko's democracy is also a key goal of the RAT government. New laws up for vote in the legislature will allow political parties to accept donations as well as public funding - broadening political involvement -, hold elections more frequently to give the people greater say in government, and raise legislative salaries to ensure all can run for office, among other pro-democracy measures.

Kanagesuku Sokon is intent on carrying out his election promises by restoring Seko's traditions, its historical model of development, and improve its democracy.

Sekuku Banner
King and High Priestess, Heeding the Advice of the Democratically Elected Government of Seko, Voluntarily Submit to the Son of Heaven
The King and High Priestess prepare to enter the Heavenly Palace for the submission ceremony

While the Eight Economies Summit was cancelled, the visit of His Majesty the King of Seko and Her Holiness the High Priestess of Seko Kamism went ahead as planned. The joint Seko heads of state were graciously received in Tian'an and immediately traveled to the Heavenly Palace to meet with the Son of Heaven.

Upon arrival, King Teera Sukesada and High Priestess Ogusuku Manami performed a full kowtow to His Majesty the Son of Heaven. Upon completion the two leaders presented the Son of Heaven with natural pearls recovered by Seko diving villages, a jade koi fish statue, a case of the finest Sekowan rice wine, and a bushel of famous Sekowan potatoes. With the giving of the gifts, Seko completed its end of the ritual and considered itself to be a vassal of Yingdala and the Son of Heaven.

Many around Terra are claiming this is an act of imperialism. How wrong they are. Seko's actions were approved by the people. The democratically elected government was given a mandate to carry out a policy program. Submission to Yingdala was part of that program.

While the Tianxia Treaty did not pass in Yingdala, the two countries may still sign and vote on a bilateral declaration - which typically only requires a majority vote in favor for approval. It is expected the two countries will discuss this declaration (likely a carbon copy of the Tianxia Treaty but specific to Seko and Yingdala) during the King and High Priestess' visit.
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Re: Seko

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon Apr 12, 2021 9:52 pm

Sekuku Banner
Seko Demonstrates Domestic Sovereignty Through Traditional Reforms
Tourism and hospitality could be a bedrock of Seko's economy

Tradition and reform typically do not go together. But when it comes to Seko, traditional and reform is a motto. Seriously, Tradition and Reform is the motto of the country. This is how Sekowans see themselves, steeped in their unique traditions, but ever reforming to benefit the people. The Constitutional Patriot Party (RAT) is more than willing to embody this spirit.

As certain Terran countries irrationally plot war against peaceful nations and the World Congress prepares to conduct an investigation in the recent border conflict, Seko looks to the Liberation Movement for its future. The RAT controlled Council has looked to past Liberation Movement legislation and treaties to fully implement the Seko Model.

The Seko Model, known to very few outside Dovani, is a development program that seeks inclusive, environmentally-friendly, and sustainable growth while maximizing democracy. Of course, these principles must take into account domestic factors, but in their current form are very applicable to Seko. The RAT sees a full revival - and protection of - the Seko Model as the key to peace and prosperity in the country.

Time will tell if the Seko Model can be implemented successfully, but if it can, it will likely lead to an economic renaissance of sorts for Seko and its neighbors.
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Re: Seko

Postby Rogue » Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:30 am

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Re: Seko

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:48 pm

Sekuku Banner
Seko Ignores Deltarian Provocations by Signing Exclusive Contracts with Yingdala
Seko priestesses prepare to welcome Yingdalan businessmen

Yet again, the nations of Terra seem to be obsessed with Seko. If it is for cultural and values reasons, this is understandable. Seko's mix of tradition and reform, and especially its pacifism, is to be admired. But if it is for economic or strategic reasons, Sekowans will scratch there heads. With little resources or geographic advantage, Seko's position in the world is minimal. So Deltaria's movements don't make much sense and they certainly do not respect democracy. But then again, when has Deltaria ever respected democracy?

Instead, the RAT is fully intent on pursuing and implementing the Seko Model and its relationship with Yingdala. Environmentalism is the primary pillar at the moment. The Sekowan government is seeking to implement a fully green energy plan - which includes preventing the hazardous waste producing and dangerous nuclear power. Instead, Sekuku will focus on solar, wind, hydro, and other types of renewable energy. Lourenne is currently being viewed as the model and leader in renewable power production. Expect Seko to appeal to Lourenne for guidance.

With regards to Yingdala, already the relationship has been strengthening. It is no secret that Seko's government has given Tian'an permission to construct military basis on Sekowan soil to help Seko's defense. Most recently, however, is news that Seko has signed contracts with Yingdalan aerospace and defense companies. These contracts stipulate that Seko's Defense and Surveillance Unit will only be supplied by the Yingdalan arms industry. While seen as a way to bolster Seko's defenses without breaching the policy of pacifism, the agreements are just as much about trade.

In the meantime, Seko will continue forward with its model and focus on domestic prosperity.
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Re: Seko

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:55 pm

Sekuku Banner
Seko's Stock Exchange Tanks Amid Rise of Communism in Dankuk and Post-Protests in Yingdala
Seko's economy begins a downward spiral

Seko tends to come off as a happy nation, keen on social harmony. This is not its current state. The Seko Stock Exchange (SSE) took a massive hit with billions wiped from the market due to the resurgence of communism in Dankuk and the after-effects of protests in Yingdala.

Dankuk and Yingdala are two of Seko's closest trading partners. Many industries are interconnected, not to mention the strong cultural bonds and sense of solidarity. Seko's companies - publicly owned and privately held - have faced a lack of confidence from investors who believe the country is too economically tied to the northern and southern Dovani nations. Many are privately calling for greater economic engagement with Lourenne and even Kazulia. Some are even pining for the Hulstrian and Gao-Soton markets as a reprieve.

Things, however, seem to be moving in a more positive direction in Dankuk and Yingdala. The communists no longer hold a majority in Gongmando and protests have died down in Yingdala. The SSE is still expected to decline in the coming months as investors remain cautious about a recovery. To spur further confidence in Seko's economy, the government has announced it will embark on the Aoki Healthcare Declaration reforms. These reforms will not only expand access to and improve healthcare, but also support healthcare industries through government subsidies. Though modest and in line with the Seko Model, it remains to be seen whether Seko's economic position can improve.
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Re: Seko

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:24 pm

Sekuku Banner
Constitutional Patriots See Massive Loss at the Polls
RAT candidates bow in defeat, showing their respect for the election results.

It seems the short era of the Constitutional Patriot Party (RAT) is over. The RAT saw a historic loss in the polls, down nearly 66%, to the opposition (now majority) Sekuku New Party. The New Party, which almost took a constitutional majority, is set to form a new government.

Many are asking, what went wrong? The RAT has engaged in a restoration of tradition, as well as implemented ambitious, new reforms in line with the Seko Model. Many critics indicate that the RAT did not go far enough. It had failed to pass enough reforms and ratify historic Seko Model treaties. This caused hard-line Seko Model supporters to question the RAT's devotion to the Seko Model.

Others point to the RAT's radical pacifism. Although a pacifistic and neutral country, under the Liberation Movement, the government did not completely disband the armed forces, nor did it openly become a protectorate of another country. A more radical view is that the RAT was not pacifistic enough. It welcomed military bases on Seko's territory and did not completely dismantle the military. Some even accuse the RAT as nothing more than a Yingdalan funded front that engages in corruption. Certainly, the stock market troubles did not help.

Whatever the cause, National and Royal Advisor Kanagusuku Sokon has taken full responsibility for the loss. While he has not given a speech lamenting the loss, his office said that the RAT will serve as a caretaker government until the New Party proposes a government. The challenge will be building confidence in the RAT's future to ensure it can once again govern Seko under the Seko Model.
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