
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Mon Sep 27, 2021 9:45 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeitung
Dorvish Workers' Party replaces Dorvish Conservative Association in stunning reversal of fortune
September 5004

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - In a rather stunning internal election, the Dorvish Conservative Association collapsed following the election of Miktarian Minister-President Reiner Körte as the new Chairman of the Dorvish Conservative Association and subsequent vote to collapse the Dorvish Conservative Association into the Dorvish Workers' Party. The "new" party has promised to address rising unemployment, the lack of international and domestic stability and the overall general malaise in Haldor. Körte will fill in as the interim President of the Dorvish Republic following the resignation of President Reiner Leupold, the former Chairman of the Dorvish Conservative Association and a former State Chancellor. The October 5004 General election will determine if Körte become the President of the Dorvish Republic or if any others arise to challenge the incoming head of state within the Dorvish Workers' Party. Thorsten Kestenbaum was announced as Deputy Chairman and will become the State Chancellor following a vote of the State Council. According to the administrative officials of the party, the 273 members of the Dorvish Conservative Association who have chosen to not involve themselves within the new party will remain as independents until the next election.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Tue Sep 28, 2021 10:45 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeitung
State visits and a slumped economy: is there hope?
April 5005

Haldor, Greater Kordusia -The Dorvish President's main office confirmed today that President Reiner Körte would be making a number of state visits alongside State Chancellor Thorsten Kestenbaum start off with a state visit to Malivia in June, 5005. The state visit to Malivia is one of the first state visits of a Dorvish head of state or head of government since the war broke out between Narikaton and Darnussia, Malivia and Dorvik several centuries prior. President Körte remarked to the Dorvish press today that the visit to Malivia would focus on deepening economic cooperation between the two nations and how the nations, geographically at the top and bottom of the continent, handle regional and potentially international issues. Heiko Essig was appointed as the General-Plenipotentiary (Ambassador) to Malivia from the Dorvish Republic; Essig has spent the better part of a decade operating business ventures in both Dorvik and Malivia, notably in the field of minerals and mining before entering into the Foreign Office as an economic consultant. Following the state visit to Malivia, the President will tentatively attend a state visit in Mordusia where he will likely meet the new government following the nations May, 5005 elections. The President, State Chancellor and a bevy of Foreign Office officials will then fly across the Anatonese Ocean to conduct a state visit in Lourenne.

According to many political commentators and experts in Dorvik, the new government appears to be on the move. The State Bank of Dorvik cut interest rates in an attempt to bolster the domestic economy which has staggered over the past several years as a general malaise appears to have overcome the world economy. Finance Minister Luka Engelhardt has stated that the government needs to be proactive and is actively looking to introduce a stimulus plan to bolster domestic spending. Engelhardt met with a number of major Dorvish business and economic leaders alongside Dorvish Trade Commissioner Dr. Yannick Haushofer to discuss how the Dorvish government can assist Dorvish businesses in increasing consumer and investor confidence in Dorvik. A number of business leaders and officials following the meeting at the State Chancellery have announced programs, largely backed by the Finance Ministry of the Trade and Industry Ministry, to bolster consumer purchases. For instance the renown automaker Bremegeden Motor Works (known commonly as BMW) has launched a government backed program aimed at providing both gas powered and electric vehicles at subsidized rates.

The Dorvish government however is not solely partnering with private businesses, they have launched a massive program of infrastructure renovations and projects that aim to employ hundreds of thousands in Dorvik. For instance the Dorvish State Railways have announced a massive hiring program aimed at recruiting unskilled workers and laborers and turning them into skilled laborers, workers and offering them engineering and management education and training. Tillmann Petzold, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport also hinted at a major renovation of the Dorvish railway system to focus on key hubs where the Dorvish State Railways would introduce very high-end bullet trains to ensure rapid transportation across the nation.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Thu Sep 30, 2021 8:26 pm

Artania Heute
Artania's news, today
Dorvish President Körte in Modalin for state visit with Malivia
June, 5005 (Backdated)

Representatives from Malivia and Dorvik meet at the state visit in June, 5005.

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - President Reiner Körte alongside State Chancellor Thorsten Kestenbaum, Dorvish Trade Commissioner Dr. Yannick Haushofer and a bevy of other high level cadre visited the capital of Malivia, Modalin in the State of Washebar for high level bilateral talks. The state visit which lasted approximately 3 days before the Dorvish delegation flew to Mordusia to meet with the new government, was called "...fruitful, eye-opening and very very exciting." according to one unnamed government officials. The Dorvish economy reacted at home as well, the Haldor Stock Exchange and Wasse Mercantile Exchange were bolstered by the meeting and the agreement for up-scaled trade and economic cooperation. The first to make a major speech regarding the visit was President Reiner Körte who spoke regarding the economic cooperation that Dorvik and Malivia were to engage in. "I have already instructed the State Customs Administration and the Ministry of Trade and Industry to begin making preparations to discuss with our Malivian counter-parts to award favorable trade partner status to Malivia. This is a major shift in our trade agreements and history with Malivia and will be a net positive for both the Dorvish and Malivian economies." The specifics of agreements have been scarce due to agreements being discussed still but both the Dorvish and Malivian "old economies" will certainly be bolstered by an increase of agricultural goods from the warmer, more agricultural active South Artania. There will be some competition as the Dorvish agricultural industry tries to export more cold-weather crops across Malivia. Dr. Leo Hönigmann, the Dorvish Foreign Minister and Draupati Munshif, the Malivian Foreign Minister agreed to cooperate on matters of regional importance. Many Artanian political experts have questioned if we would see a return of the Artanian Union or some sort of Artanian League.

Other headlines from around Dorvik and the world...
-- Dorvish Police crack down on criminal organizations throughout Dorvik;
-- Dorvish economic forecast has improved over the past several months since election
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:19 pm

Verteidigung wöchentlich
A publication by Gath Defense Collective
Joint Strike Fighter production moving to Dorvik
July 5006

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Inspector-General of the Armed Forces of Dorvik and Minister of Defense Generaladmiral Magnus Steinhäusl announced that the Joint Strike Fighter program that Dorvik has been a significant partner in has announced that the corporation is moving its headquarters to Dorvik, this is in addition to its production facilities. The range of products offered will be all 3 major aircrafts: the F-35A, the F-35B and the F-35C. The F-35A is the front-line, multi-role fighter whereas the F-35B is focused on a bomber, potentially a close air support role. The F-35C is the carrier based version of the aircraft. The movement of production to Dorvik is significant and might represent a shift from the Unionfighter and the Tornado products to more modern, state of the art fighter aircraft. As it stands right now the vast majority of the Dorvish Air Force operates Unionfighter and Tornado products. Defense experts from around the world have hinted that the JSF program might move to Dorvik over the next several months but it is now confirmed. JSF AG, as it is known in Dorvik, will begin the process of moving its facilities from Hutori to Dorvik and over the next several months will begin full-scale production; representatives from the company note that by Fall 5006 the facilities will be operational.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:57 am

Wirtschaftsnachrichten für Artania
Artania's leading business news
Dorvish leadership welcomes Keymon-based MDS shipyard
November, 5009

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - President Reiner Körte, State Chancellor Thorsten Kestenbaum and Dorvish Trade Commissioner Dr. Wilhelmina Neuer welcomed the ground-breaking of the new MDS shipyard opening in Greater Kordusia. The facility will be a major economic boon to both the area and will be greatly enhanced by the historical success of Dorvish shipbuilding operations. A number of senior engineers and production managers from other firms have leapt at the opportunity at the new MDS facility; something that President Korte welcomed. "Competition is the foundation of success in both domestic and international economies. We firmly believe that the recent transfers and departures from other shipbuilding ventures in Dorvik are good for the economy and we welcome the opportunity for our partners in the global economy to come to Dorvik, compete and develop both domestic and international prosperity." The President was followed up by Dorvish Trade Commissioner Dr. Wilhelmina Neuer commenting that the Dorvish economy had welcomed the massive investment by MDS and would be a large boon to the local economy, likely to employ several hundred employees in a region that has struggled with increasing rates of unemployment. Dr. Neuer also commented that the Dorvish looked forward to further strategic partnerships with Keymon. Dr. Neuer was also optimistic that the development of the new shipyard would be a major boost to the sale of Dorvish steel to the shipyard as the Dorvish continue to rebound their economy after years of stagnation. The Dorvish economy since the ascension of Reiner Körte as President in October 5004 has improved but has stagnated in recent years as the President and his team have capped off over 5 years in power.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:13 am

Wirtschaftsnachrichten für Artania
Artania's leading business news
Digital infrastructure a hot topic in Dorvik
February, 5010

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Dorvish Science and Technology Minister Dr. Zarina Treitschke announced that the entire Dorvish digital infrastructure would be undergoing a massive overhaul, notably in the area of internet data cables. It would be one of the first times that the Dorvish government has sponsored the move to upgrade and expand both land-based and sea-based internet data cables. Corporations such as Ebner AG manage several major undersea-based cables which connect to Macon, Keris, Seleya and Majatra which have not been upgraded in several decades an unfortunate fact that Dr. Treitschke admitted in an interview with the Dorvish press. "We've failed in some aspects of the digital era that we now live in. We took steps several decades prior with the development of the Office of Data Privacy and Freedom of Information and the appointment of a Coordinator for Data Privacy and Freedom of Information. This position had lead to the Dorvish people having some of the strongest, most protective data privacy laws and regulations within the entire world. We're proud of that. It is a careful balance between privacy and security and I believe that we firmly support and balance both." Ebner AG, Void Stone Communications AG, NetherData AG and several others have signed on with the Science and Technology Ministry's Office of Technological Innovation to upgrade, overhaul and develop internet data cables over the next 5 years. The discussions on digital infrastructure have become ever important as more and more businesses digitize their stores, media and other facets of their corporations.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:56 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeitung
BREAKING NEWS: DAP retains Presidency, supermajority over State Party
October, 5022

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Dorvish general elections kicked off on the first day of October starting at 8am. Under Dorvish law the day is a national holiday and thus a vast majority of workers are off with paid leave, the only workers are those who are considered essential and even then are permitted up to 3 hours to leave work to vote. The polls in Dorvik are opened until 9pm when the votes begin to be tabulated across the nation. The State Elections Commission is responsible for the planning, operation and tallying of the votes and has a non-partisan, apolitical Commissioner appointed for 10 years.

Right from the jump the Dorvish Workers Party gained a commanding lead over their opponent the State Party of Dorvik. President Reiner Korte who began serving his first term in October 5004 will now serve his 4th and final term as the DAP searches for a new generation of leadership. Korte welcomed the challenge by SPD candidate Rudi Harbinger but was confident in the DAPs ability to win. In recent years a number of DAPs local leadership has taken to rallying member, conducting meetings and rallies in the face of a renewed opposition.

All in all the DAP retained all 750 seats within the State Council, over half of those replacing incumbents and of those new deputies, 125 representing women and different religions in Dorvik which will provide the State Council with a diverse makeup for the future. The DAP also won all 5 Head President elections, meaning they will retain the respective Province-level legislatures and all 5 Minister-President positions. According to the SEC website the overall turn out was an impressive 65.89% of the vote for a total of over 49 million people voting. President Korte welcomed the Dorvish people to vote and was glad to see that so many Dorvish citizens are involved in their government and future.

While the DAP won they have a new world to face as a resurgent Deltaria, Yingdala come around. A new government in Benekial, Eroncourt and Liore come around. The Dorvish Republic also has to grapple with its lackluster foreign policy over the past several decades, largely attributed to a world wide economic downturn that has left the world dealing with domestic issues more than foreign. It is unlikely that State Chancellor Thorsten Kestenbaum will survive long after the election, it is likely he will be replaced. One of the most likely candidates is General Franz Mayr, the current Chief of the General Department. The General is widely seen as a popular figure in Dorvik following a series of military reforms aimed at rebuilding and retooling the DAFs strength.

He will likely be assisted by Vice State Chancellor Wilhelmina Faust, a descendant of Lothar Faust. She previously served as the Minister-President of Greater Kordusia between October, 5010 to October, 5016 before stepping down and becoming State Secretary of the Interior, the second most powerful position in the Interior Ministry. Faust has been seen as a political firebrand and will counter-balance the conservative Franz Mayr.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:46 am

Verteidigung wöchentlich
A publication by Gath Defense Collective
President, State Chancellor authorize drydocking 3 Kaiser's
January, 5022

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Newly minted State Chancellor Franz Mayr with the ascent and authority of President Korte confirmed that the Dorvish Navy drydocked all 3 Kaiser-class nuclear aircraft carriers for modernization and re-fit, part of a wider effort to re-modernize the Dorvish Navy's fleet. In what seems to be a semi-centennial process, the Dorvish Navy will drydock its Kaiser-class aircraft carriers and modernize them for "...potential future conflicts..." according to the State Chancellor and representatives from the Ministry of Defense. Incoming Inspector-General and Chief of the Supreme General Staff (and Minister of Defense) Generaladmiral Viktor Kessler has promised that Dorvish seapower will be incredibly important in the future. The new State Chancellor also confirmed that the Dorvish Republic had entered into an agreement with Keymon to re-open Matern Naval Base which will host a task force of Dorvish Navy forces as it did in the past. The agreement was reached prior to the October, 5022 elections however efforts to renovate and repair the base began in preparation for the announcement. Speculation had grown in recent years as the Dorvish Navy moved assets and vessels to Keymon under the guise of training and operational testing; both of which were true but was focused on relocating Dorvish Navy forces to the area. The retrofit of the 3 Kaiser's will likely take 5 to 10 years, the first to be completed by 5027, the second a year later and the final to be completed in 5029 or 5030 depending on budgetary restraints.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:55 pm

Artania Heute
Artania's news, today
A renewed Artanian Union?
July 5024

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - State Chancellor Franz Mayr held a meeting with senior officials from across Artania to discuss the future of an Artanian revival; namely the restoration of the Artanian Union that was replaced by a number of semi-successful or totally failed adventures. Mayr, a well known proponent of the Artanian Union structure back in the day was seen in the company of President Katelyn O'Broder, the President of the Artanian Federal Democrats who has been seen at a number of high level meetings with other former political power players in the Artanian Community of Nations. Mayr spoke at the Torsten von und zu Kiesling College of Artanian Studies, a component of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, regarding the development or rather re-development of the Artanian Union as the penultimate supranational organization for the Artanian continent. It is likely that the Dorvish Foreign Office will begin drawing up plans and operations for the Artanian Union as it has been rumored that they have established the a working group made up of former Artanian Union and ACON political entities, personnel and others with an interest and will likely launch a renewed Artanian Union over the next several years.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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