
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Wed Nov 03, 2021 4:17 am

After several consecutive terms of being at the chancellery, ex-High Chancellor Vivienne Le Claire stepped down from the office
after receiving damming personal health news. She temporarily chose the Head of the Royal Ministries, Laura Marne, to become
High Chancellor temporaire for 6 weeks. However, with elections taking place almost immediately, she was rightfully and
democratically elected as High Chancellor. Laura Marne, an ex-Royal Ministry of Defense Secretary and Professor at the Royal
University of Eroncourt, was a part of the Centrist faction of the PRN. she campaigned in suburban areas and promoted the
expansion of Lourenne's foreign policy and slightly reigning in the nation's spending. Marne declared that she was focused on
continuing Le Claire's foreign policy goals. She specifically declared that she was in talks with Dankuk, Egelion, Keymon,
Yingdala, Kanjor, and Liore in order to better relations with the Anantonese Ocean region and cement Lourenne's re-emerging
influence. Marne spoke about recent projects that the United Kingdom was taking part in worldwide. In Keymon, she slightly
hinted that corporations were in the process of aiding Keymon in 5G networks and cloud services. Green energy projects
expanded to Liore and new treaties are in the process with Dankuk. While this news has yet to be released in other national
press sources, Marne noted that several other projects were on the dashboard for her administration such as a regional alliance
with the Canrillaise nations and military cooperation with Liore to build a new aircraft carrier. Using her experiences as a Royal
Defense Secretary, Marne has pledged to keep internationalism on the rise and develop more of Lourenne's economic policy.

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Sun Nov 07, 2021 4:49 pm

ERONCOURT, JOVIANT | After becoming High Chancellor just months ago, Laura Marne is already seeing her support in wealthy, urban
areas wane. Shortly after assuming office, she declared that she would seek to further regulate the Royal Assembly's high-spending
approach it has maintained for the past decades. High Chancellor Marne explained that continuing to borrow and accumulate debt in
order to finance several different projects within the nation was lowering the United Kingdom's ability to respond to future crises and
causing interest rates to increase. Marne, with the counsel of the Royal Ministry of the Treasury, confirmed that spending would not be
completely cut for the nation's largest sectors, but that projects would gradually be receiving less funds in order to fix the nation's
growing debt. "Our economy is at an all-time high." said Marne. "We need to learn how to balance our growing economy and understand
when we need to slow it down and give ourselves time to catch up." Members of the Royal Assembly, mainly the green environmentalist
faction, were quick to cry out against Marne's enacted proposals. Many on the left called her a "conservative-in-disguise", but Marne
reaffirmed that she belonged to the centrist faction and desired equal compromise between all factions in the Royal Assembly. While
Marne took political hits because of her economic policies, she continues to receive praise on the international front. Citizens in the
United Kingdom are extremely happy she has continued Le Claire's old foreign policy goals and has sought to expand Lourenne's
influence. Recently, Marne signed into law a new economic and cultural treaty with Dankuk and confirmed new energy projects in
Liore that Le Claire originally proposed. While there is much work to do on the international stage, Marne believes that she will be
joined the by allies in Atyr, Haldor, and Bekenial in creating a renewed international order in the coming years.

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Postby Luis1p » Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:18 am

THIERS-SUR_NOEL, LOUIVES | Didier Arnault, head of the Arnault family and CEO of the prestigious car company, Arnault, announced that
the company was releasing two new models of luxury vehicles which are entirely sustainable and green. The Model X and Model L debuted
today at the Arnault company showcase at their headquarters in Thiers-sur-Noel. The cars, both designed to be one of the most aerodynamic
efficient cars in the world, are both two seaters and com with a sequential manual shift or automatic shift. The Model X, the more expensive
car, has a stronger electric motor that can generate up to 290 kW, while the Model L, for a more lower price, can generate up to 275 kW.
Given these state and their torque, they can accelerate up to 62mph in just four seconds. What makes the cars special is the three extra
battery back with independent cooling systems and state of the art energy recovery systems. Inside, the cars are padded with leather
seating and is equipped with OLD touchscreens to give drivers a panoramic view of the car's surroundings. Arnault starts of the Model L
at 67.000 LFR and the Model X at 74.000 LFR. Arnault's industry has boomed beyond imagine ever since electric cars became the norm.
Didier Arnault stated that the introduction of these vehicles should attract new customers to Arnault and Lourenne as well as continue the
automobile boom in the nation. Both models are currently in production and Arnault is willing to give contracts to nation's willing to sell
the cars in international markets beyond Lourenne.

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Postby Luis1p » Tue Nov 09, 2021 3:16 am

PARMENTIER, OUTANNAIS | This afternoon at the Royal Government Complex, the Royal Ministry of Defense announced that the Royal
Navy's First and Third Response Fleets anchored in Parmentier and Valois would be conducting a major maritime exercise in the
Kankawaran Bay, the bay that borders the western Dovanian nations of Seko and Hulstria-Gao Soto. The exercise being conducted in
Lourennais territorial waters will focus on the response speed of both royal fleets and the new technological features onboard the newly
modernized Parmentier-Class Frigates. Noriega, the company who added the new equipment systems to the modernized frigates, said
that the company was paid last year to enhance the weapons systems on the Royal Navy's frigates using funding from the first budget
proposal passed under High Chancellor Marne. All 24 Parmentier Class frigates received these latest advancements mainly in radar
technology while Trebole Class frigates received few replacements. Noriega revealed that their main dockyards located in Valois were
going to be under reconstruction to further recieve more deal sand projects from the Royal Ministry of Defense and other nations.
While Noreiga dealt with the new expansions for the Royal Navy, the company also, through the discretion of the Royal Government
has received and approved an "inquiry for construction" from Kanjor. The company revealed that Kanjor sent a message to both the
company and the RMD in hopes to receive 5 Renault Class Patrol Ships and 5 Diocotti Class Coast Guard ships. According to the RMD,
the Royal Minister approved these deals and the current pricing negotiations are nearing an end. Royal Minister of Defense Iztapo
Cuatl noted that with the new additions to the Royal Navy, Lourenne's royal navy has established itself as the most capable naval
force in the eastern hemisphere and is beginning to bring back its robust military sector.

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Rogue » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:05 pm

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Postby Luis1p » Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:39 pm

After the announcement of a deadly civil war in Vorona, High Chancellor Laura Marne called forward the Royal Ministry of
Defense to the Chancellery Palace in Eroncourt to discuss the United Kingdom's response options. High Chancellor Marne spoke
with Royal Minister of Defense Iztapo Cuatl and the rest of the upper-level administration from the Ministry. According to
details form the conference, High Chancellor Marne is set to dispatch the Lourennais ambassador to the World Congress to Whale
Island and engage with the international community to look for solutions. The Royal Ministry of Defense is ensuring that the Royal
Armed Forces are prepared in case of escalating tensions beyond the discussions with the World Congress.

While H.C. Marne spoke with the RMD, she was alerted that IRSA, the nation's intelligence service, detected a large Delatarian
presence in Vorona just hours prior to her meeting with the RMD. IRSA, using the nation's highly prestigious reconnaissance
services, noted that several Deltarian officials were seen on the island and some perhaps with the revolutionaries. High
Chancellor Marne proceeded to say that the United Kingdom would pursue a liberal institutionalist approach to the Voronan
issue and ensure that world cooperation and institutions are well in-tune as a democratic resolution is guaranteed for
Vorona. Marne concluded that "the world's democracies will not be open for intrusion from malignant powers or power-seeking
nations. The United Kingdom will strive to ensure democracy, progress, and human rights for all nations with the help of others."

After meeting with the Royal Ministry of Defense in Eroncourt, High Chancellor Marne traveled to Parmentier with Royal Minister
Cuatl to examine the Royal Naval Forces and the Quick Response Unit stationed there. She noted that the Royal Armed Forces are
all in their best form since the days of the Ancien Regime. She noted that the Royal Armed Forces are preparing to engage in
several exercises with the nation's allies in the following days.

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Re: Lourenne

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:53 am

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Rogue » Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:14 pm

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:28 am

ERONCOURT, JOVIANT | Recent reports of attacks against civilians in Vorona has sent shockwaves in the international press. At the Royal
Government Complex, politicians and officials responded accordingly. In coordination with the Royal Ministry of International Affairs and
the Royal Ministry of Defense, High Chancellor Marne authorized a large humanitarian aid package protected by the Third Response Fleet
of the Royal Navy to Vorona. The package, according to the R.M.I.A, incudes several provisions such as food, water, clothing, temporary
building materials and gas masks. The package, made available by several donations by Lourennais citizens and the Royal International
Development Fund, is set to help thousands of civilians affected by the war. High Chancellor Marne however noted that aid to Vorona
would not include a substantial amount of resources. This is due to Marne wanting to wait for processes in the World Congress to come
to a conclusion and send more aid through the World Congress. Yet, Marne concluded that the aid package and equipment for Vorona will
establish well-needed stability and a hope for democracy.

While H.C. Marne finalized the details of the aid package to Vorona, she then welcomed a large delegation from the Kitembo Union to
Eroncourt. According to the Royal Ministry of International Affairs, the delegation led by President Hassian Achebe met with Marne over
the course of several days to discuss the future of the Dovanian continent and the relationship between the United Kingdom and the
Kitembo Union. Several treaties were signed, most of them pertaining to economic cooperation. Kitembo markets and Lourennais markets
will see a brand new foundation. Lourenne will be open to Kitembo's natural and agricultural resources while Kitembo will have access to
Lourenne's high quality tech, health, and energy sectors. Most importantly, Lourenne and the Kitembo Union signed a mutual defense treaty,
which in effect, unites both of Dovani's "worlds". The mutual treaty not only brings the two most powerful nations on Dovani together, but
it also affirms Lourenne's commitment to re-establishing old alliances and forging new ones for the eventual spread of humanitarian,
democracy, and environmentalism.

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Postby Luis1p » Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:53 pm


THIERS-SUR-NOEL, LOUIVES | Angelique Denasaur, CEO of Cielsoft, Lourenne's and Dovani's and most
widespread telecommunications company, held a large company conference at Cielsoft's headquarters in
Thiers-sur-Noel to announce the company's new products and its outlook for the next decade. Denasaur
first announced Cielsoft's new cloud software "CIEL" would be receiving major upgrades and expansions.
CIEL software is used by millions of users worldwide. While the software's main online operations are in
Lourenne, its large online network can be found in several nations throughout Terra, making it one of the
most used softwares in the world. Denasaur announced that the entire cloud structure of CIEL would be
revamped to ensure its users have quicker access to its programs, expanded space to save large files, and
and improved systems to enhance cooperation and collaboration. Denasaur stated that this large upgrade
would be heavily dependent on 5G networks moving forward. Considering Lourenne's extensive and robust
5G infrastructure, the upgrades for day-to-day people would be no issue. However, Denasaur did state
that the upgrade cannot be applied or be accessed to the company's older products. Older versions of CIEL
could still be accessed by older models, but CIEL's new cloud must be accessed by newer products. In order
to accommodate this change, Cielsoft released three new computer models, tablet models, and cell phone
models for a total of 9 new products. The new products dubbed the "Visage" Models are all set at modest
affordable prices for those who cannot afford major upgrades. The Visage models have been made to
ensure that users are able to access Cielsoft's new CIEL 2.1 cloud software and improved technology. Based
on company reports, about 90% of Ciel users are ready to make the switch to CIEL 2.1, while 10% need to
make necessary upgrades.

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