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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 26, 2021 10:43 am

OOC Source: Royal Central

Cachtice: Over a year of civil unrest and countless attempts the monarchists have had their way. Deltaria, since 30 years a federation, has returned to its monarchist roots after years of political instability and societal unrest. The decision was made by the people themselves, after the government proposed a new constitution in a referendum which was triggered by continued calls for more stability in a political scene plagued with instability and problems. Many Deltarians who voted for federation before started to believe it was a mistake, as one political crisis followed the other. Many demanded the return of monarchy and stability, but how? One reason for the dissapearance of the monarchy was the death of the last Georovich Tesar descendant, causing the prime minister at the time to assume regent powers. One house, a minor house called Branohov, had interest in the throne but its leader Aleximov did not want the title of Emperor, seeing himself as a democratic and permissive monarch. This posed a dillema, with a government eager to halt continious protests for more stability but unwilling to "demote" Deltaria's historic title as a empire. But as protests worsened and people became angry the government had to act. Justice minister Kateřina Bílková was alledgedly the one that convinced cabinet to go for a Federal Kingdom, demoting the once mighty empire to the status of Kingdom. Bílková argued that the new democratic nature of the nation fits a kingdom better, as Empires are often associated with Imperialism and greed. Cabinet, after days of deliberations, agreed, proposing a new constitution to the Deltarian people that was approved by over 71% of the vote.

Protests dissapated and calm returned to the streets. While the people had lost their directly elected head of state most were happy with the return of stability and a impartial figurehead, with Aleximov being coronated in the Imperial Palace and promising the people, "that i shall be impartial, objective and do my job as monarch and overseer to ensure stability." The new Federal Kingdom of Deltaria has many resemblences from the old Federation, with even more authority delegated to local governments. All five entities will become their own Autonomous Regions, receiving their own constitutions, governors, elected parliaments and far reaching rights to legislate their own matters. Even the capital of Cachtice will become its own region, getting its own elected governor and rights. The federal parliament will become a unicameral one, with the Federal Chamber the only body with 620 representatives, who will be directly elected using a FPTP system of election. The monarch will serve as the representative abroad and has some limited powers, such as inviting a party to form a cabinet, signing or not signing laws, disbanding parliament during a state of emergency and being the head of the armed forces. The Prime Minister will become the main executive figure in government, becoming defacto leader of the nation and head of government.

The new constitution has been adopted. New elections have not been scheduled as of yet. Deltaria is now officially a kingdom, reserving both its traditional and its democratic institutions.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:26 pm

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Cachtice: The Ministry of Energy has announced the commissioning of a additional 3G nuclear power plants, in line with the governments intend on making nuclear power the primary source of power generation in Deltaria. With the new plants Deltaria has a total of 10 plants, currently generating 24% of the power supply. Short 27% of the governments goal. The government noted that another two plants are under construction, further increasing the supply, and that it never expected the project "to be complete within this term. But we will work day and night to set Deltaria on a path of energy independence through our nuclear grid." With the current rate of construction the ministry expects it to take another 10 years before the set goal will be complete, far exceeding the current term of government.

On another note the Cachtice City Council has approved a plan proposed by the Mayor of Cachtice and sponsored by the governor which will make Cachtice City Center a vehicle free zone within the next 5 years. The plan is meant to create a healthier living environment for the city residents, which have called for a limitation for cars for over two decades now, citing health concerns. Another added benefit is the potential to attract more tourists, who would want to visit a car free center more often according to research by the State Research Authority. Store and bussiness owners in city center had protested the proposed plan but their protests were dismissed. They cited that it would become impossible to supply their stores, something the City Council accomodated for by ammending the plan and allowing for a small "ressuply road" to go through the center, only to be used between 3 and 7 in the morning by small trucks to ressuply the stores in the area. The plan will mean a overhaul of the road system in the old and new center, costing a estimated 500 million. The plan will be partially financed by the Cachtice Region with the rest being financed by the city itself. It is hoped that the construction and rearangement will be finalized by the set deadline of 5 years.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:10 am

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Cachtice: The Federal Bank, Deltaria's largest (private) bank, has announced that in the coming 20 years it will invest over 5 billion in digitalization efforts, but not without its conditions. The bank described its efforts as "responsible digitalization", seeking to keep many paper forms of bussiness that are deemed to sensitive to be in a database. The bank will start these efforts within their own administration first, likely moving their entire payment and bank account system onto the digital space they have created. The current "paper cheques" will be eliminated. Some things will remain physical however, when customers seek to change their password for example they must do so in a physical store. When a bank account is blocked this also needs to be reactivated physically in the store, hopefully putting in place some physical measures to further prevent fraud.

But the bank wont only invest into these efforts for its own administration. It also seeks to invest over 3.5 billion of the planned budget to invest into sectors and help these sectors digitalize, by moving their bussiness online or helping them streamline the ordering process with new innovative software or by digitalizing the storage process. These efforts, according to the bank, should further help the Deltarian economy innovate and modernize while "keeping some physical processes in place to ensure that the social character of our nation remains vibrant."

The first investments and internal bank reforms are expected to be excuted next month, with the entire 5 billion spend over 20 years.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Nov 28, 2021 8:42 pm

OOC Source: TASS

Cachtice: Army General Alexi Cermakov has been accused of high treason and corruption in a series of private documents leaked to The Deltarian. The general, who has served as one of the top generals within the Deltarian Ground Forces, has alledgedly sold classified information to foreign entities as well as giving some of his friends and family members powerfull positions within the military administration without a consultation process. The allegations were made following a investigation by the internal security agency the SUVO, which acted on suspicions of Cermakov his staff and several other military officials and launched a investigation. The documents also show that over 200 additional military personel are under investigation and have been temporarely suspended until the investigation has concluded. The Federal Minister for War Vojtěch Vlček has been notified of the situation as has the Prime Minister, who will be kept up to date by the SUVO.

If these allegations prove to be true it might be the biggest corruption scandal from within the military in centuries. While the military enjoys vast influence in Deltaria even senior leadership has kept silent, likely not to keen on drawing the people's ire by defending their general. Furthermore, it has opened a window of opportunity for some politicians to call for a wider investigation and possible action against the military, without them responding. This has created a unique situation in Deltaria where the politicians are now deciding over the faith of senior military leadership instead of the other way around. Its unclear when the investigation will be concluded but general Cermakov has been put under house arrest and has been relieved of his duties by Minister of War Vlček until the investigations are completed.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Mon Nov 29, 2021 7:43 pm


Premier Jankova


Office of the Premier, March 18, 5036: Premier Evzenie Jankova issued the following statement:

The Spolkova Komora is considering KDU:03, a bill concerning reform of the military, in the wake of the scandal involving certain high ranking officers in alleged foreign espionage and corruption. The bill is being debated over several points unlikely to prevent passage.

Additionally, the investigation by the Directorate of Internal Security(SUVO) resulting in the allegations of wrongdoing will likely lead to consideration for prosecution by Ministry of justice prosecutors and initiation of court martial procedures.

Asked by Zloutene OKO if she or the Defense Minister were going to resign, she replied

That is unlikely.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Nov 29, 2021 7:46 pm

OOC Source: Locindustries

Cachtice:The Kitembo Union and the Majatran Association have both signed a prelimenary economic agreement that would see economic ties between both sides become much stronger and markets expand in what is dubbed the largest trade deal the MA, former MEA, has conducted in decades. The new Majatran Association and its President, Miron Lazidis, has made it a primary goal to further member state intergration and "bring prosperity, growth and jobs to the Majatran continent." The deal, negotiated over in 2 years time, will include a free trade agreement that will see both the MA member states and the Kitembo Union remove all tarrifs from products and prioritize trading with eachother. Further regulations and obstacles regarding trade and the transfer of goods will also be slashed. In addition citizens from the MA and Kitembo Union will be able to work and travel in and to eachother without a visa, allowing visa free travel between the two sides to "improve the tourist sector, encourage cultural exchange and allow for labour to flow freely." The last point will especially be beneficial to the Majatran Association, which will be able to use cheaper Kitemban labour to man Majatran economies that have slowed down due to high labour costs domestically. It will also allow Kitembu to send/allow its citizens to move to Majatra to receive a education or get higher paid jobs, allowing them to boost the domestic economy by sending money to their relatives or by returning to the KU with their renewed education, boosting the educated workforce. The last part of the agreement includes the creation of a Economic Cooperation Council, which will seat 5 MA and 5 KU representatives and which will convene twice a year to discuss economic policies, improve economic relations and oversee the proper implementation of the entire agreement.

While the Majatran Associations Executive Council, chaired by the President, has signed the document it will be send to the MTAP for a final vote by all representatives. Once it has been passed there, member states will be consulted, if it also passes with a majority of member states the agreement is ratified. The Kitembo Union has announced it will ratify the agreement at the same time the member states approve it, allowing both sides to ratify it at the same time. The Majatran Bureau for Economic Estimation has calculated the deal could be worth over 1 trillion to the Majatran Association over time, also counting in the savings produced by cheaper labour, while it estimated it could give Kitembu a wroth of 200 billion of economic output and more benefits for its diplomatic ventures, sllowing both sides to profit from the deal.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:58 pm

OOC Source: The Times

Cachtice: The Military Court in Cachtice has announced that it will accept the prosecution of Army general Alexi Cermakov and around 400 other military officials on suspicion of corruption and high treason. If convincted, Cermakov and other high ranking officials can get the highest punishment in the country, death. Only recently was the death penalty reintroduced for high treason, something that would fit the allegations brought forward to the general. Besides the general around 400 other officials will thus be tried by the military court, they could face sentences from dismissal to jail. The Military Court will use the evidence gathered by the SUVO in their proceedings. Legal experts expect the sentence for Cermakov to end up being life in prison, noting that the death penalty though possible, would likely not be given to Cermakov due to previous years of good service.

Besides the trial set to begin in the next few months the Ministry of War has proposed its sweeping military reforms to the Federal Chamber, which sparked debate in the chamber between members of the KDU and NVS. The proposal would see a complete reform of the Armed Forces, changing their name to be in line with the new Federal Kingdom. Furthermore it would introduce a committee that is allowed to investigate any allegations of corruption within the Armed Forces. The bill would reform the command structure of the military, forming military districts, a new divisional structure and a new unified command, meant to better prepare the Armed Forces in case of emergency or conflict. According to insiders the current military command isnt happy with the reforms, as it ties them directly into the political apparatus, moving away a large part of their independent power, something they wielded in the past. Minister of War Vlček stated that these reforms are neccesary, "to both improve the transparancy and efficiency within the military, making sure we are able to respond to threats accordingly without the fear of corruption or treason." Normally the military would likely have intervened but the Cermakov scandal has forced leadership in a corner, preventing them from stopping the newly proposed reforms and meaning the first meaningfull military reforms in over a century.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Nov 29, 2021 10:23 pm

OOC Source: The Washington Post

Cachtice: The KDU is preparing for a contested election cycle next year as the first election since returning to a monarchy is scheduled to take place. The KDU has regularly found itself at odds with basically every party in the Federal Chamber, even at times their own coalition partner. The party is actively seeking to balance its younger support base in the east by modernizing party structures, such as holding party votes online and engaging with the youth through the online channels. On the other side the KDU seeks to reignite the once strong support it enjoyed in the middle class and conservative parts of the country, proposing several measures in the Federal Chamber that seeked to move the party to the center-right. Its hosian democratic roots can also be felt, as the party seeks to create a balance between free market principles and a social policy to care for those in need. Party leader and candidate for Premier Ladislav Horak has formally launched the campaign last week, pledging to run on a platform of progress, combined with traditional values. In the first points of the program, the KDU proposes to limit the right to abortion but maintain funding for it, ensuring that "abortion will not be encouraged but will be fascilitated for those in need." Furthermore the party seeks to further deregulate the economy and enact a major taxcut for the middle class to "encourage purchasing power and improve the wellbeing of the middle class."
The party also proposes agricultural subsidies, meant to aid farmers in transitioning to modern methods of agriculture and "maintain our strong tradition of independence when it comes to the food supply." The party also names the MA in their program, pledging to continue to support intergration into the MA and to further strengthen the Deltarian and Majatran economy by working within the Association.

Horak seems to do well in the polls especially among young voters, who see both something of themselves and something of their parents in Horak and his party. Polls dont give a clear picture yet, with the KDU doing well in some but worse in others. Despite this the campaign has officially kicked off, with the iconic blue jackets now to be viewed on the streets as the party campaigns for the next year, well ahead of some of the other parties, hoping to show their committment to the Deltarian populace.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Tue Nov 30, 2021 6:36 pm


Premier Jankova


Office of the Premier, August 18, 5036: Premier Evzenie Jankova today issued the following statement:

In view of the ongoing disaster in Vorona, Federalni Kralovstvi Deltarska is sending humanitarian aid in the form of food, and sanitation and medical supplies. Under the circumstances, this will be a civilian operation led by Infrastructure and Transport Minister Magdalena Kovarova. The government is purchasing the supplies and consolidating them at the port of Branovice where transport vessels hired from merchant fleets are assembling.

Once the supplies are on board, the aid flotilla will proceed to Le Cher-Comte where it will come under the protection of Kanjoran National Navy Task Force 11 which will escort the aid flotilla to Vorona.

Once it reaches Vorona the aid flotilla will report to the Security Council Forces led by Republik Dorvik for instructions on debarking the humanitarian aid. The aid flotilla will be escorted as far as Le Cher-Comte by Kanjoran National Navy Task Force 11 and return to Branovice.

Our government wants to thank those in our sea transport business for their splendid cooperation in this venture and to Kanjoran Defense Minister Paul Barras for arranging protection for the aid flotilla.

Asked by ZLOUTENE OKO if everyone thinks this is the thing to do, Jankova replied:

Of course not.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:29 pm

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Cachtice: The largest private construction company in Deltaria, Ocelové konstrukce (steel construction), has revealed plans to transition from its traditional "build big" strategy to a more substainable way of construction. The company, largely known for its quick and massive projects, has been notorious for cheap but relatively boring and innefficient designs, mostly being contracted by the government and bussinesses to build large complexes or large city expansions. The company has been approached on several occasions by both private investors and government officials asking them to focus on more detailed and substainable builds. Now, the company its CEO Andrej Kalvek has revealed in his companies annual conference that OK will be transitioning from its traditional bussiness approach to work on, "more substainable, green and complex projects, focussing more on quality over quantity." The CEO reiterated that OK will finish already ongoing projects but is already in the process of hiring new architects, retraining some of their existing ones and reorganizing the company to fascilitate this approach. According to inside info it was the government that urged on this transition the most in their quest to start building more appealing and high worth construction. Cachtice has already stated its intend on stepping away from low quality projects, as the population growth has stabilized and the economy has grown. One of the first projects of OK in its new form will likely be the reconstruction of western Balgrad, which has been left to decay for over a century due to the declining economy in the region. The regional government together with the federal government have together pledged 2 billion to reorganize and reconstruct the western part of the city, which will receive new parks, new and improved homes and a bussiness and entertainment center, hopefully boosting productivity in the city.

Other construction companies had already transitioned, with the new and improved Cachtice metro system being a prime example, with glass walkable ceilings on every station and a series of tunnels connecting the stations with underground "transition centers" which house banks, ticket vendors and some bars. Its a project realized by Rozvoj pilíře (Pillar Development), a medium sized construction company from Darali, which was one of the first to make the transition to substainable building. Most materials used for the new metro were recycled or reforged and the entire system runs on 50% nuclear energy, considered green energy by Deltaria. These new developments are expected to help these companish not only flourish inside Deltaria but also internationally, with other countries seeking to step towards more substainable ways for building as well.
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