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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sun May 01, 2022 5:21 am


Gouverneur General d'Armagnac


Atyr, May19, 5112: Gouverneur General Honore d”Armagnac discussed his plans with CLAIRON PICARD who asked if much would change:

Our plans are largely the same as those of the Rochambeau Administration. Maintaining the safety net, promoting economic growth, being a good neighbor seeking peace in Terra.

Probably aware Federation Canrille was formed to combat confiscatory taxation. But pursued that end by appealing to Sovereign People to give us the power to make that change. We still very much support democratically elected government.

Since coming out of isolation we have found international trade can help all nations prosper. Make no mistake, expanding international trade is a very difficult task since many nations still live in isolation and quite a few want to make no changes.

We also are trying to right size, properly organize and modernize our military as we come out of isolation. Along this line we applaud progress on curbing nuclear weapons and accounting for their state of decay.

Asked by CLAIRON PICARD what he thought of Lourenne becoming a republic and deposing Queen Catherine, Armagnac responded:

Finally, it is up to the people of Lourenne what kind of government they want not us. But we are saddened that our Queen is not still Queen of Lourenne.



Atyr, May 23, 5112: The deposing of Queen Catherine has led to a lot of discussion among title attorneys and real estate dealers of how nobles can hold land, and Justice Minister Madeleine Pigalle did address one question that ran through much of the discussion:

Can nobles hold title to land which can only be inherited by a male? Generally no, but there is narrow exception. People usually get land by deed or by a provision in a will. Sometimes the deed follows a tax sale or foreclosure but it is still a deed. There is also intestate devolution or inheritance.

Provisions in wills and deeds and inheritance rules do not allow title to land to be only held by males, and provisions trying to confine conveyances or inheritance or wills to males are void as against public policy. So generally no, nobles can not do that any more than you or I can.

The limited exception arises from the titles of nobility themselves. The monarch may have set up an inheritable title any way she or he saw fit. Could have been only unmarried women but were not; some were in fact to be inherited by nearest male heir.

So a noble title can be male only if that was way monarch set it up. At point nobility was allowed to again be claimed no land was tied to any title.

So limited way for fee taille to function is a conveyance to be held by the holder of a certain title. A will could do the same. So a male only provision could apply because title holder has to be a male.

But this is more limited than it appears because title must vest in fee simple under the Rule Against Perpetuities within a life in being and 21 years. So unless under the particular circumstances the conditions of the Rule Against Perpetuities were met, the provision would be void.

Justice Minister Pigalle
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Mon May 02, 2022 5:01 am


Premier Charles d'Evremonde


Atyr, November 7, 5112: Paul Milhaud, Archbishop of Atyr, met with Premier Charles d’Evremonde to discuss the possibility of priests of the Order of the Congregation of the Brothers of Eliyahu ( Eliasits) coming to Royaume Uni de Kanjor to educate and evangelize.

Premier d’Evremonde indicated since the Eliasits were part of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church (APC) they would be admitted and allowed to preach and set up schools since the APC was a recognized religion; further their activity will not be taxed and in religious schools schools prayer was permitted..

Evremonde did point out that there is a National Curriculum that all secondary schools must cover to insure that graduates have reached a certain level and there is no exception for religious schools. The Premier said whether they came was pretty much an APC decision.

Archbishop Milhoud stated he would inform the Curia of the position of the government and told the Premier he had invited them.



Cathedral of Atyr, November 17, 5112: Sextus Cornelius, First Master of the Contemplative Monastic Order of Occidentalium, met with the Archbishop of Atyr to consider whether to name the Prior of the Chapter of the Order in Kanjor, Tiberius Julius Alexander, an Abbot.

The Archbishop suggested three approaches. First, just do it. Really doubt anyone will object. Second, he will authorize it and be glad to do so. Third, ask permission from the Curia. On this he commented:

Honestly, I do not know what those involved in a movement about faith and certainty would think of an Order devoted to inquiry. Really do not.

The First Master had thought of a fourth avenue. Name the Prior as Abbot in Al’Salmania in Badara when current Abbot retires, name the sub chapter house sub priors as priors, and have them continue to report to Father Tiberius Julius Alexander as they have been doing.

Archbishop Milhoud assured the First Master he would support any of those avenues he chose but believed if application to the Curia was chosen it should be done through the arch diocesan office.

The Archbishop and First Master also agreed APC and Occidentalium facilities in Kanjor could be found should they be needed by the Eliasits to launch operations; further the Order had some funds available as well.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Fri May 06, 2022 4:55 am



Sainte Hotense Cathedral, Atyr, November 16, 5114: The Curia has asked that Royaume Uni de Kanjor be the site of the Higher Institute of Studies holding university courses and training courses dedicated to preparing members of the Order of Clerics Regular of the Congregation of the Brethren of Eliyahu (Eliasits), to become teachers and professors in various fields of human knowledge both in the humanistic and scientific fields.

Archbishop Paul Milhoud indicated the logical choice of actual Province for the Institute was between Numineux and Martois since the citizens of those Provinces tended to be in favor of religion, Hosianism and the Aurorian Patriarchal Church (APC) itself to a considerably greater degree than the other three provinces.

The Archbishop and his staff tended to favor Martois for several reasons. Although the regular APC in both could provide temporary facilities and locate existing available APC property, Martois was the Kanjor home of the Contemplative Monastic Order of Occidentalium which was favourably viewed by the citizenry and was the site of its Auxiliary Order Office in Mavigny which would be handling any funds outlay needed by the Elisits to begin activity since in fact the Order had considerably more available funds than the Martois Diocese or for that matter the Arch Diocese.

As to where in Martois, although the Bishop of Picard probably is in charge of more property for either temporary or permanent use, the Auxiliary Order Office in Mavigny would be handling any new construction and any necessary purchasing so the Archbishop and Prior Tiberius Julius Alexander, the Acting Vicar of the Auxiliary Office, believed Mavigny would be a better site for the Institute. The Curia of Arch – Patriarch Paulus XI concurred.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Fri May 06, 2022 4:59 pm



Sainte Hortense Cathedral, Atyr, February 22, 5115: In anticipation of the visit of the Arch – Patriarch to Kanjor, The Archbishop of Atyr, Paul Milhoud, has contacted the Curia about four matters.

First, Monsignor Jean-Claude Hunziger of the Arch Diocesan Staff will be the coordinator of logistics and scheduling and the primary contact point for questions from the Curia concerning such.

Second, as to the interface between the government of Royaume Uni de Kanjor and the Aurorian Patriarchal Church (APC), this is being handled by the Archbishop and the Premier and seems to be a viable working relationship worth maintaining for the time being.

Third, the Higher Institute of Studies holding university courses and training courses dedicated to preparing members of the Order of Clerics Regular of the Congregation of the Brethren of Eliyahu (Eliasits) is getting underway in Mavigny in the Province of Martois, Royaume Uni de Kanjor. The archbishop wants to raise the question while staffing is underway whether Mavigny should be its permanent location or whether any thought has been given to moving it to Ville de Saints, the city state entirely undef APC control.

Fourth, the Contemplative Monastic Order of Occidentalium has an Abbey and 17 priories in Jumhuriat al-Badara. Its First Master is also located in Jumhuriat al-Badara. In Royaume Uni de Kanjor there are currently 12 priories. Oversight of these 12 priories by the Abbot and First Master is assisted by the Acting Vicar of the Auxiliary Office of the First Master. The First Master, Sextus Cornelius, would like to see Tiberius Julius Alexader, Prior of the Chapter House at Vitry le Francois and Acting Vicar, appointed Abbot overseeing these Chapter Houses in Kanjor. The Archbishop of Atyr joins in this request for approval by the Arch- Patriarch.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat May 07, 2022 8:37 pm



Picard, September 22, 5115: CLAIRON PICARD has obtained the itinerary for the visit of the Arch-Patriarch, Paulus XI, to Royaume Uni de Kanjor, beginning September 25.

Arch-Patriarch Paulus XI will be accompanied on the Patriarchal Visit by Father Jean-Baptiste Guichard, Head of the Order of Clerics Regular of the Congregation of the Brethren of Eliyahu (Eliasits) who is in fact from Mavigny. Also travelling with him are some of the Curia.

Upon the arrival of the Arch-Patriarch at the airport in Atyr on September 25, they will be welcomed by Archbishop of Atyr Paul Milhoud who will accompany Paulus XI throughout his Visit along with Monsignor Jean-Claude Hunziger who is coordinating logistics and scheduling for the Visit. That evening there will be a reception at the St. Hortense Cathedral where Premier Charles d’Evremonde will officially welcome the Arch-Patriarch to Royaume Uni de Kanjor.

The following day Paulus XI will address the senior clergy of Kanjor in the Cathedral at Atyr on the subject, “How can you help evangelize Kanjor and religiously educate its youth?” The Arch- Patriarch will then meet Gouveurnor General Honore d’Armagnac at his State Residence where it is expected the Gouverneur General will ask about the future of Ville de Saints and the success to date of the evangelizing efforts. The party wll then fly to Picard where there will be a reception at the Cathedral in Picard where the Archbishop will thank the Arch – Patriarch for making the Visit.

The following day Paulus XI will address a gathering of the faithful in Sainte Kathryn de Montgomerie Cathedral in Picard on the subject, ”What does it mean to be APC?” followed by a trip to Mavigny to view progress on building and staffing the Eliasit Higher Institute of Studies. The party will then fly to Kanjo where in the evening there will be a reception at Saint Malatesta Cathedral in Kanjo with a welcome from Mother Immaculata, Abbess of the Cloistered Congregation of Sainte Beryl.

On the final day of the Patriarchal Visit, Paulus XI will address a gathering of the faithful in the Cathedral at Kanjo on the topic, “What is the work of the Eliasits?’ He will then return by air from Kanjo to Auroria via Romula.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Fri May 13, 2022 8:02 pm


Gouverneur General's Residence


Gouverneur General’s Residence, September 16, 5118: Finance Minister Philippe St. Leger met with Gouverneur General Honore d’Armagnac and the CEO of Commercial and Industrial Banking Group (GBIC) at the Gouverneur General’s Residence to discuss a rather different loan application.

It seems GuyznTrux is owned by Raoul and Paul-Henri Giscard who are essentially a moving and delivery service for apartment dwellers and small businesses in several urban areas on La Tondelle Island most notably Abrantes. They use both employees that they provide with trucks and independent contractors they hire for a given assignment. And they are doing rather well.

The brothers also play computer games. In addition to commercially produced high quality games there are some quite small operations many of which are free to play but have a number of features that greatly enhance enjoyment if purchased online. Many of these are on very dated game platforms interfering with game play. The Giscard brothers have contacted a number of potential clients who are too busy handling the game and doing their real job to move the game to a new platform.

They upgraded one for free and believe they have a system in place which can reasonably be applied to a number of ailing games with a sizeable fan base. They have asked GBIC for a startup staffing and equipment loan. Since there is plenty of GuysnTrux office space available the loan needed is not overly large. The Giscards have convinced the loan officers at GBIC the project is a sound alternative to trying to sell games to large commercial interests.

The problem is security. The equipment will depreciate rather rapidly and the assets of the venture, called Renewal Services, will be rather meager. GBIC lending procedures under those circumstances call for putting a lien on the personal assets of the brothers; most notably their houses and their interest in GuyznTrux. Since that really seems kind of unfair, the CEO of GBIC has been talking to the Gouverneur General.

CLAIRON PICARD has learned Armagnac asked if the government guaranteed half the loan, would GBIC take the risk the other half? Noting the government and GBIC could each get a judgment if there was default and place a lien on the houses and GuyznTrux assets, the CEO agreed. The Finance Minister in response to the Gouverneur General said the government would guarantee half.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed May 18, 2022 3:30 pm



Atyr, February19, 5121: After a Cabinet meeting, Gouverneur General Honore d”Armagnac discussed an idea for the World Congress with CLAIRON PICARD:

Think most people credit discussions in the World Congress with helping to lead Terra to at least a temporary nuclear weapon free condition. Likely we all can see the World Congress can be a beneficial platform for positive change.

The last two international conflicts were dealt with by diplomacy without any involvement of the World Congress. And this may be the way things will be for some time.

But there is something I would like to see the World Congress undertake which I believe makes a lot of sense. That is an international program for space exploration. There are really two very good reasons for this.

First economies like ours and many others are really not up to an independent space exploration project at least for sometime. And frankly moving to clean energy may be more of a priority. But we could certainly contribute some funds and some technological development to an international effort. As could almost all the nations of Terra.

Second, working together can breed trust and a spirit of international cooperation. Of course as humans, wherever two or three are gathered together, there will be conflict. But there will also be opportunity. I believe it is a real opportunity we may one day try.

Gouverneur General Honore d'Armagnac
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed May 18, 2022 11:57 pm



Kanjo, April 22, 5121: At Saint Malatesta Cathedral in Kanjo there was an Investiture of Tiberias Julius Alexander, Prior of the Vitry le Francois Chapter of the Contemplative Monastic Order of Occidentalium as that Order’s Abbot of Vitry le Francis. The actual Investiture was performed by the First Master of the Order, Sextus Cornelius, who was assisted by the Chancellor of the Higher Institute of Studies, a priest in the Order of Clerics Regular of the Congregation of the Brethren of Eliyahu (Eliasits), and Mother Immaculata, Abbess of the Cloistered Congregation of Sainte Beryl.

The Investiture was followed by a celebratory mass conducted by Archbishop of Atyr Paul Milhoud who was assisted by the Bishop of Kanjo and the Bishop of Picard. The Arch Bishop in his homily announced the congratulations and formal approval of Arch-Patriarch Paulus XI of the appointment of the Abbot and the congratulations of the Premier, Charles d’Evremonde, who was in attendance.

CLAIRON PICARD asked Monsignor Jean-Claude Hunziger of the Staff of the Archdiocese if this Investiture would be raising up a rival for APC power in Kanjor to the Archbishop. Hunziger replied:

That is of course possible. On the other hand, the formal approval of the appointment of the Abbot and hence de facto recognition of the Order itself by the Arch-Patriarch was entirely the work of the Archbishop so there is every reason to believe he will receive support from the Abbot who will be controlling considerable financial resources.

CLAIRON PICARD asked the Monsignor if the likely piracy which is believed by many to be the foundation of the wealth of the Order was something the Church should be concerned about, and he responded.

Smuggling is more likely. Be that as it may, The Lord can bring good out of evil if indeed there is evil.

. CLAIRON PICARD asked Monsignor Hunziger if the APC hierarchy is worried about the Eliasits wanting to reform them, and he responded:

No doubt some would like to do so, but being young and zealous is a lot better than most alternatives. In any event, The Higher Institute for Studies is excellent academically and a real APC asset in Kanjor, and as secondary schools are being formed by the Eliasits, they are very high quality private religious schools of which the APC in Kanjor can be proud.

No doubt some will want to speak out against us, but I imagine the Higher Institute and the secondary schools having financial dependence on the Order of Occidentalium will keep dissent within the bounds of propriety. Further in addition to teachers some will want to be priests and thus will be appointed to parishes by the Archbishop and our bishops. There are always some young priests who think they can do better, and the best of these may well be bishops one day.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat May 21, 2022 4:01 pm


Interior Minister Defarge


Interior Ministry, August 7, 5122: The Directorate of Internal Security (DSI) and Directorate of Foreign Security (DSE) have delivered the National Security Threat Report to Interior Minister Clothilde Defarge and Interior Ministry staff which they are reviewing prior to its being sent to the Gouverneur General and the Council of Ministers.

CLAIRON PICARD has learned the DSE believes no nation currently is looking for war with ours. There are conflicts brewing but the likelihood of us being drawn into them by our existing commitments is very low.

CLAIRON PICARD has also learned the DSI believes the Monarchist motivated are split into two directions. There are always some military and former military officer who want to take over the government under the guise of a puppet absolute monarch. Always. The DSI knows who they are and knows they are pretty much harmless in and of themselves but of course they could join some other faction should it arise.

The other actual Monarchists are very worried about two things. First, that with Catherine V deposed in Lourenne, Federation Canrille could tire of a monarchy in Kanjor as well. Second, Monarchists are very worried the government will become indifferent to restoration in Lourenne and make it more difficult. DSI recommends the government give private assurances to Monarchist leaders and more publicly embrace our monarchy.

DSI believes he various socialist and very left groups are still totally absorbed in competition with each other for influence on the campuses of our universities. The rhetoric is toxic and the desire for revenge increasing, but as a national security threat this currently rates a zero.

The compromise of sending social issues to provincial governments continues to bear fruit. The energy that once went into separatism now is focused on legislative control of La Tondelle Island Provinces. There is a Separatist Society but it holds an annual dinner commemorating the historic compromise.

The DSI also looked at the religious tension which the Eliasit movement seeks to create. The possible political discord in the Royaume have been muted to date since the APC in Kanjor remains the guardian of middle class morality but not a political force. The DSI does know the Arch-Patriarch and his Eliasits want to be a driving force throughout Terra so monitoring is absolutely in order.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed May 25, 2022 5:12 am


Justice Minister Pigalle


Office of the Premier, April 2, 5124: Premier Charles d’Evremonde, Foreign Minister Maxim Gourgaud and Justice Minister Madeleine Pigalle gathered in the Office of the Premier to meet with Cardinal Paul Milhoud, Archbishop of Atyr, and Monsignor Charles-Henri Hunziger of the Archdiocesan Staff to look at the Charter of Ville de Saints at the request of Cardinal Milhoud since it is the current intent of the Curia and the late Arch-Patriarch Paulus XI to make Ville de Saints once again the governing seat of the Aurorian Partriarchal Church (APC).

After the meeting CLAIRON PICARD learned from Monsignor Hunziger two questions were decided and one was being studied. Article 2, Section 1, seems to say that the Patriarch of Canrille is the ruler of the independent city state. In context the Kanjor officials all agreed everyone knew the Arch- Patriarch was in charge of the APC and the Treaty was just trying to conform to the APC structure. The Justice Minister had indicated of course the Arch-Patriarch could be the APC official ruling Ville de Saints under this territorial grant from Kanjor and Rildanor.

With respect to Article 2, Section 2, it is clear that clause simply is a pledge of Rildanor and Kanjor to defend the independent city state of Ville de Saints and not some sort of reversionary clause.

Article 2, Sections 4 and 5 are somewhat enigmatic; CLAIRON PICARD has learned that these provisions will be studied by the Ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs and an opinion offered later.

Cardinal Milhoud left for the airport after the meeting so he could fly to the Conclave to select a new Arch-Patriarch. Asked by CLAIRON PICARD if he was going to be elected Arch-Patriarch, the Cardinal replied:

Believe that is not where the Conclave is headed. On a bad day there are 115 candidates. On a good day we are all seeking the Will of the Lord as to who He wants to lead His Church. I believe we will find the Will of the Lord because that is what we seek.

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