
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:43 pm

Crisis into the Government?
It is still unclear why but the Communists were about to support the request of early elections by part of the newly formed Liberal Party and now AN questions if there are tensions into the majority coalition
AN Parlamentarians shouting against PCP benches after their decision to change idea about early elections

12 August 5187

ROMULA - After holding the country in abeyance for almost two weeks, the Proletarian Communist Party today made official its decision to no longer support the proposal of early elections presented to parliament by independent parliamentarian Luigi Morra, who left AN a few months ago to join the neo founded Liberal Party which for at least two months had been clamoring for early elections.

It is not yet clear why, but precisely for two weeks the idea of wanting to support Morra has spread among the benches of the parliamentary group of PCP. With the support of enough parlamentarians from the ransk of AN, and someone even from the ranks of PCP, Morra had the numbers to finally present the motion of early elections into the Chamber and that, as said, the PCP was up to the last on the point of supporting it. When the parliamentarians of AN finished their explanations of vote, clearly in favor, it seemed that the majority of the Chamber was ready to vote in favor of the early elections and only the sudden intervention of Prime Minister Barbani seems to have changed the minds of the PCP parliamentarians who finally voted against the motion.
The sudden change unleashed the reactions of AN's parliamentarians, clearly disappointed for having miss such an opportunity to have early elections, who shouted and protested towards PCP benches and then towards the Prime Minister asking for explanations for what was happening.

PCP's decision therefore clearly took the government partner Hosian Democracy off guard, whose leader and current Prime Minister Dario Barbani, as mentioned, rushed to parliament and spoke to the Chamber of Deputies addressing the PCP benches asking explanations for their decision.
For the moment there have been no replies from PCP leadership or from its parliamentarians and this is annoying the leader of the opposition Eros Monaldi who intercepted by journalists at the exit of the Palace of Res Publica, said:

I think it is only fair at this point that Prime Minister Barbani and his PCP's allies into the government give explanations to the Parliament but above all to the Istalians. I think it is more than understandable to want to know if the country is in the hands of a stable and functional government, and it is a duty of the opposition to ask for explanations in parliament.

We will formalize our request for explanations to the government in the next few days but we will also invite colleagues from the PCP to give us explanations for their behavior. Are there any cracks in this coalition? If so, the country has the right to know it now.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:37 pm

Imperial Wedding
Prince Alessandro and Vanessa Orsini get married and the event was another great success with hundreds of thousands people crowding Romula but something attracted the morbid curiosity of the public: could the now Gran Princess Vanessa be already pregnant?

18 November 5187

ROMULA - Despite a truly atypical sultry heat for this spring season, hundreds of thousands of people crowded the streets of Romula for the wedding of the Imperial Grand Prince of the Crown Alessandro and Donna Vanessa Orsini, an event that was a great success and that confirmed once again the great affection of the population for the Crown as well as how these events attract public and tourists.

As usual, the organizational machine was impeccable and coordinated every part of the event without any flaws: the day began around 11 when the procession of cars and carriages left Quattroregni Palace for the Church, specially chosen by the spouses who instead of the Basilica of All Angels, the traditional venue for these official events, opted for the Church of Saints Micheal and Thomas, a baroque church that stands on the Quercetano hill, the highest of the three peaks of Monte Vista, the hill that gives its name to the homonymous surrounding city district.
When the convoy reached the church all the guests were all at their places, half being relatives and friends of the spouses and the other made up of officials and representatives of the State, foreign dignitaries and therefore heads of state and crowned heads from half the world. Among the friends of the couple, especially the bride, there were numerous well-known faces of the entertainment and the jet set who together with the international guests showed off the best clothes, accessories and jewels to the delight of magazines and tabloids.
Precisely about the clothes, one thing that particularly jumped out was the choice by the Grand Prince of the Crown for a formal day dress instead of a grand ceremony uniform of the Armed Forces, a choice made, according to rumors leaked at the end of the day, on insistence of the bride who considers such an outfit more elegant.
On the other hand, even the dress chosen by Donna Vanessa reflects her taste for a linear, clean and almost minimal elegance, so much so that the only more elaborate and very eye-catching touch on her outfit was the platinum and diamond tiara that held the veil, splendid work by Zulgari made for the inauguration ceremony of Empress Michela (ascended to the throne in 4695) and worn for their wedding by the future Empresses Consort Silvia (wife of Alessandro III Ghazi) and Giulia Elettra (wife of Michele II).

The baroque Church of Saints Michael and Thomas

The spouses said "I do" in the splendid baroque setting of the baroque Church , rigorously filmed by the cameras that broadcasted the images of the ceremony throughout the city, where large screens were set up in many streets and squares, and worldwide: the event did not touch the stratospheric figures of the marriage of the parents of the Grand Prince Alessandro but in any case almost a billion people followed the event.
The position of the church, which overlooks a narrow square, did not allow the organization of the same so that it could accommodate spectators, already full of journalists, cameramen, radio and TV systems and the security apparatus, and therefore, upon leaving the Church the spouses were just applauded by friends and family.
To remedy this, the couple crossed the adjoining convent of friars and reached a terrace overlooking Square of Arsianate's Nymphaeum add it was there that the couple was able to greet for the first time as husband and wife the large crowd gathered in the square below and giving the spectators the long-awaited kiss.
On the way back to Quattroregni Palace too the newlyweds were acclaimed by the overflowing crowd huddled behind the barriers along the roads and finally once at the Palace the couple, surrounded by the whole Imperial Family and the bride's family, appeared on the balcony to greet the tide of people who filled Palace's Square and, once again, gave the audience and cameras another passionate kiss followed, quite scenographically, and it is not known whether it was organized or not, by the majestic passage of the Comete Tricolori above the Palace and the square.
While the spouses and guests gathered for the grand reception held at the court, outside the gates of the Palace a large public concert enlivened the rest of the day of the crowd while events, lunches and celebrations of all kinds were offered throughout the city to the population and to the numerous pleased tourists who have therefore been able to participate and experience the atmosphere of an imperial wedding in Romula. But of course celebrations didn't interested just Romula but in all the municipalities of Istalia, large or small there are, squares and streets hosted events of all kinds that enlivened the day of millions of people across the country.

But as the day now draws to a close, the morbid curiosity of the tabloids and the public has focused on the appearance of the new Grand Princess of the crown who has seemed slightly weighted compared to the past months while the dress seems to have been prepared to try to "mask" her figure and above all the belly area letting the dress fall more softly from the chest without shrinking at the waist.
If these suspicions were to be confirmed, probably the Palace has opted to keep it confidential in order not to distract too much attention from the wedding, in the coming months then the Empire will find itself celebrating much sooner than expected the birth of a new imperial baby.
Last edited by XanderOne on Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sun Oct 02, 2022 1:28 pm

Prince Nicola Alessandro is born!
The son of the heir to the throne is now the second in the line of succession ousting Grand Prince Alessandro's younger brother Grand Prince Mattia

3 May 5188

ROMULA - The official announcement of the pregnancy had arrived just a month after the wedding and had confirmed that Donna Vanessa was already pregnant for about three and a half months when she married the Grand Prince Alessandro.

Finally, this morning the Imperial Household announced that the Grand Princess was already hospitalized around 5 a.m. at the Deodato II Polyclinic where she gave birth at around 11h 10. As the Palace then made it known through the official announcement of the birth, both the Grand Princess and the child are in perfect health and will be able to return home as soon as possible. The baby boy's name was also announced immediately: Nicola Alessandro, chosen bot to celebrate the grand-father of Emperor Tommaso III and first sovereign of the Third Empire, a figure quite admired by Grand Prince Alessandro as he often declared in several occasions, but also because Nicola was the name of the maternal grand-father of Grand Princess Vanessa too with whom she had a very close relationship and who died just four months ago.
The newborn Grand Prince Nicola Alessandro is therefore now the second in line of succession to the Imperial Throne, ousting his father's younger brother the Grand Prince Mattia.

As usual 21 cannon shots echoed throughout Romula to celebrate the arrival of the new Princess, followed by the joyful sound of the church bells of the city that rang for over forty minutes.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Mon Oct 03, 2022 2:21 pm

Eros Monaldi about to be once again Prime Minister
Agreement reached between AN and PL which aim to re-liberalize economy. Internationally Eros Monaldi is ready to condemn the military regime in North Dovani and adopt measures to sanction it
His Grace Don Eros Monaldi, The Most Honorable Duke of Sàxera

29 July 5189

ROMULA - The elections last March, among the most attended in recent years with over 75% of the voters who went to the polls, saw the National Alliance being reconfirmed as the first party with almost 40% of the preferences while the previous ruling coalition between HD and PCP lost the majority. Unlike the elections of '80 and '83, however, this time AN ​​did not find itself facing only center-left or extreme leftist parties, but the newcomers of the Liberal Party, which enters parliament with 79 Deputies and 9 Federal Councilors, offered the long-lasting leader of AN Eros Monaldi the opportunity to find a partner with whom to dialogue and try to form a government.
Eventually, after months of negotiations between AN and PL and following the consultations of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Eros Monaldi was instructed by the latter to form a new government and once resolved the issue of ministries in a few days, finally the Prime Minister-designate has presented his government team to the Chamber for the vote of confidence. Six Ministries have been granted to the PL: Internal Affairs, Justice, Infrastructure and Transport, Health and Social Services, Environment and Tourism and finally the Ministry of Labour.

Although many had bet on this agreement between the AN and the PL, the negotiations between the two parties have unfolded longer than expected, mainly due to the discomfort of some members of the PL for the stances of AN on civil rights and defense. In fact, about Defense PL is quite anti-militarist but about the issue on civil rights, AN suffered once again what was labeled years ago by Eros Monaldi himself as a "perception issue" and once again the party was labelled as conservative and its leadership had to underline to PL how AN has always been a progressist party and how it was AN that always promoted the expansion of civil rights for citizens.
Despite this, the arguments that unite the two parties are more than those that divide them, especially in the economic field and it is precisely on the economy that the two parties will focus their government action by aiming at ease the regulations introduced under the previous HD-PCP Government, decrease the role of the state into the economy, promote business-friendly reforms and lowering taxes, the latter being a theme which PL cares a lot.

Aside the domestic affairs, instead, as Monaldi stated, the country had to focus on a new international crisis which broke out in North Dovani where a military coup ousted the civil government.
Already several weeks ago, when it was now clear that the leader of AN would be in charge of forming the new government, Eros Monaldi stated in this regard:

Alas, it seems that North Dovani cannot find, or at least maintain the peace and stability that its citizens deserve.

The next government will have to manage this new crisis, first of all because what happened goes against democratic principles by disavowing all the efforts made during the civil war, and for this it is my intention to strongly condemn the military coup and recognize the civilian government in exile as the only legitimate government in the country.

Furthermore, in recent years the economic interests of Istalia in North Dovani have been growing significantly and it will therefore inevitably be the duty of the government to protect and safeguard them. The latter could be affected by the measures that my government will have to adopt to condemn the new military regime but I want to assure you all from now that we will put in place adequate measures to counter the repercussions of this umpteenth crisis.

Questioned about the international reaction to the new crisis in North Dovani, Eros Monaldi said:

It is good that the military coup has ignited the rightly indignant reaction of other nations of the world who have decided to take measures to condemn the military regime.

On the other hand, the declarations of certain governments that have recognized the new regime in North Dovani, offering even assistance to consolidate the grip of the military on the country, have left us truly perplexed, especially the way in which such governments describes the golpe as an expression of popular will to justify such illegal act. Unfortunately, once again, the international community is forced to listen to the usual hypocritical and unfounded justifications to such illegal actions and the usual narration of the "external agents" who undermine national sovereignty and independence, typical excuse of authoritarian and undemocratic regimes to put in place any kind of undemocratic measures in the name of national security.

It will therefore be interesting to see if the World Congress will be able to wake up from the numbness into which it has fallen and return to being an authoritative voice at the international level. If this is the case, I do not exclude that Istalia may reconsider its level of participation in the organization and carefully evaluate whether it is appropriate to consider the possibility of promoting its role within it.

The Duke of Sàxera is thus about to come back at the helm of the country leading his fourth government cabinet and this will also means that for the very first time for Istalia the country will have as Prime Minister a nobleman.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:47 pm

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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:14 pm

Istalia officially condemns North Dovanian dictatorship
Prime Minister Eros Monaldi personally presented to the Parliament the resolution to condemn and impose sanctions against the military regime

4 September 5190

ROMULA - Just as promised before his official investiture, Prime Minister Eros Monaldi personally presented himself to the Chamber of Deputies to present the resolution to condemn and impose sanctions against the military dictatorship established in North Dovani.

The resolution provides for the break off of any diplomatic and economic relations with North Dovani, the imposition of an embargo on all not-essential goods from and to North Dovani and prohibits any forms of economic interactions between Istalia and North Dovani. The resolution is aimed to hit especially any North Dovanian citizens linked with the military regime. The list includes members of the military junta, members of the puppet civilian government, members of any political authorities at any level, public officials and managers within the administration of the North Dovanian state, editors, journalists, businessmen with ties with the military dictatorship.
Furthermore the resolution, to the mentioned people, provides to freeze and confiscate assets owned by North Dovanian citizens linked to the military dictatorship and deny to them visa to enter Istalia. Finally, all any assets currently of North Dovanian origin already in Istalia will be freezed and then submitted to an evaluation to determine if there are links with the military dictatorship, a similar evaluation will be conducted also for all the authorized traded not-essential goods.

The Prime Minister then met the journalist once came back at Antinori Palace (official residence of the Prime Minister) and expressed all his sorrow and indignation for what happened in North Dovani and especially for the fate of the late former Prime Minister Obee Emeka:

The Prime Minister meeting the press

I would like personally express the closeness of Istalia to the citizens of North Dovani who are suffering for the military dictatorship. My thoughts, and I'm sure the ones of all my country, goes to the late former Prime Minister Obee Emeka, executed by the regime dispite it denies it. A military dictatorship that not only infringed and took down the democratic principles and institutions of the country but that it could be only label as really brutal and barbarian.

Istalia can only offer its support to the legitimate government of North Dovani in exile in Ostland and commit itself to ensure that other nations and international bodies adopt similar measures and increase the pressure on the regime in North Dovani to put an end to the dictatorship.

Thank you

The announcement of Eros Monaldi months ago of his intention to proceed with the condemnation and the sanctions had alarmed the Istalian business, which in recent years has invested heavily in North Dovani, but the final draft of the resolution has certainly reassured companies and entrepreneurs given that the measure relating to the state compensations to the domestic business negatively impacted by the sanctions has been inserted into the resolution.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Oct 05, 2022 3:18 pm

Golden Jubilee: questionable invitation generates embarrassment for the Crown
The Government intervened to bar Dankuk's officials to attend the celebrations due to the current undemocratic and racist policies adopted by what has been judged to be a police state: wave of resignations into the Household starting from the Grand Chamberlain himself
The Imperial Residence of Quattroregni Palace

18 December 5190

ROMULA - The great celebrations for the Golden Jubilee of His Majesty Emperor Tommaso III are just a few months away and the responses to the invitations that the Crown has sent to countless Heads of State around the world. Dozens of confirmations have already been received from chancelleries and secretariats all over the world, showing the prestige that His Majesty has earned during these long decades of reign, including the one received by the Dankuk government who replied that Prime Minister Min Bo-Seon would attend the celebrations.

But the Istalian Government, obviously kept constantly informed by the Imperial House, also because the state authorities will take charge of security, intervened to bar Dankuk's officials to attend the celebrations. The Government, in fact, pointed out to the Crown about the current state of affairs in Dankuk and especially how the country has become a police state and how it has adopted undemocratic and racist policies towards the non-Kyo population, currently stripped of its citizenship and subject to really draconian measures aimed to undermine their ethnicy and culture, facing imprisonment and even death penality if found infringing such laws. The participation of the Prime Minister of Dankuk was therefore judged as totally inappropriate and the Imperial Household was therefore forced to rescind its invitation to the Dankuk's officials and this generated a great embarrassment for the Crown which, questioned by the press, declared that actually the Household was unaware of the current state of affairs in Dankuk.
Thus Dankuk has been listed among those countries excluded from attending the celebrations, among which, notably, there were already North Dovani and Trigunia which indeed never received invitations.

The Prime Minister's Office could not therefore avoid underlining how the Household has perhaps sent the invitations too lightly around the world, despite the fact that the Crown is constantly kept up to date on these matters by the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After what happened, thus, in recent days numerous officials of the Imperial Household have submitted their resignations and among the names that have certainly caused the greatest sensation is that of the Grand Chamberlain Giacomo of Losanga, Prince of Eglesias, and for the first time in Imperial history of Istalia one of the Great Dignitaries of the Empire, who are appointed for life, has been removed by the Emperor.

Such a wave of resignations is now causing difficulties to the Crown that it finds itself having to continue with the organization of the Golden Jubilee deprived of many valuable and long lasting members of its personnels. The Household immediately went to work to fill in the many holes left in its departments but certainly this will take some time and it was therefore forced to request assistance from the Ceremonial Department of the Prime Minister's Office, also because until this morning it seemed that the office of Grand Chamberlain, who is the head of the Imperial Household, had to remain vacant for a long time. Just this morning, however, it was announced that His Majesty has appointed Stefano Marinetti as the new Grand Chamberlain, a trusted man of Eros Monaldi who has been a long-time official of the government administration who as his last position held that of Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister. It was the Prime Minister who suggested and above all solicited the appointment of Marinetti to the Emperor. It is not clear how much the Emperor appreciated what turned out to be an imposition by the Prime Minister, but what is clear is that Eros Monaldi wants a trusted man to put the Imperial Household back in line and prevent similar episodes from happening again.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Thu Oct 06, 2022 1:03 am

The Emperor's Golden Jubilee
The national grand tour, the monuments, the great final celebration in Romula and the huge popular partecipation: in this way Istalia celebrated Tommaso III's 50th anniversary on the Throne
Their Majesties the Emperor and the Empress during the grand tour of the country

29 May 5191

ROMULA - The sumptuous week of celebrations for the Golden Jubilee of His Majesty the Emperor ended yesterday, a very successful event that above all met with great popular participation by part of the Istalian people who, once again, demonstrated all the affection for their sovereign who, having turned 75 a few months ago, is for many Istalians the only Emperor they have ever known, a quite fatherly or grand-fatherly figure of the nation by now.

The Emperor and the always beautiful Empress Elisa attending a reception in Caleon

The Emperor meeting people in Castiell'e Sciorenza

The official celebrations of the Jubilee had already begun at the beginning of the year with the Emperor and the Empress, as well as other members of the Family, first of all the Grand Prince and Grand Princess of the Crown, who left Romula in mid-January for a grand tour of the whole country that kept them over three and a half months aboard cars, trains and airplanes around the country, touching large cities as well as small suburban municipalities, participating in the inauguration of monuments, giving speeches to the population in the squares, lunches and dinners with local authorities, visits to excellences and cultural institutions and to businesses and companies, visits to public construction sites of great strategic works, dedications of streets and squares, inauguration of public buildings, four institutional cruises along as many important rivers in the country, a crossing of the Strait of Ingris on board the most recent ferry built for the public shipping company that deals with the connections between the island and the peninsula (surrounded by a huge deployment of naval vessels including a port aircraft, two LHDs, everal destroyers and dozens of frigates and offshore patrol boats).

Ships of the Imperial Navy parade in the water of Faro before to attend the naval maneuvers

On the last day of the tour, in Faro, the Emperor witnessed impressive naval maneuvers held off the coast in front of the city from the Tower of the Istalians, which saw the participation of dozens of ships, landing craft, helicopters, airplanes and over 5000 soldiers, which ended with a spectacular and immense fireworks display that illuminated the city for almost an hour followed by a concert and several events all along the city's riverside entertaining the public gathered there.

The fireworks show in Faro

The last day of the tour coincided with the first day of the official celebration week which was declared by the Emperor as a holiday week, inviting the Istalians to celebrate with carefree and dedicating a few days of well-deserved rest from the efforts of every day. Therefore, offices and schools closed while the streets of the town were filled with festoons, flags of the Empire and the Crown and therefore tables with bars, restaurants, hotels and pubs that welcomed jovial citizens in parties and celebrations of all kinds which lasted for the days of the celebrations.

The day before yesterday in Romula the final act of the celebrations began with the Emperor who went to the Palace of Res Publica, crossing fenced streets already crowded with people, where he spoke to the Parliament in common session and to all the others highest state authorities gathered there to then participate in a reception held in the Grand Transept of the Palace of the Res Publica with Deputies, Federal Councilors, Ministries, High Judges, etc.... With his speech His Majesty praised the representatives of the nation for their work but also he remembered them their sacred mission to serve at the best the country, underlining how the parliament is central in the democratic life of the country and thus praising the great achievement of the Istalian democracy reiterating his committment in always defend it as first servant of the Nation.

The Emperor applauded by the Parliament at the end of his speech

Late in the evening, then, the Emperor and the entire Imperial Family attended a decidedly more pop event, a great party and concert organized in Palace Square in front of Quattroregni Palace. There the Emperor was honored by affectionate speeches from his family members and then gave a short and concise speech thanking the over dozens of thousands of people gather there for the affection shown and wishing them to enjoy the show that saw the most famous Istalian artists sing on stage, each dedicating a few words of affection to His Majesty; songs by Lucio Bellini couldn't lack to please the Emperor, among which some of those which marked the wedding day of the Emperor with Empress Elisa.

The party and the concert in front of Quattroregni Palace

Finally, yesterday, in a Romula where over two million people flocked to be present and attend the closing of the celebrations, the Emperor left Quattroregni Palace followed by the whole Imperial Family, crossing even more crowded streets than the day before, to reach Piazza delle Milizie where he participated in a ceremony during which the square was renamed Piazza Tommaso III and where a monument for the Golden Jubilee was inaugurated by the city authorities.

Inauguration of the Golden Jubilee Monument

From there the Emperor reached the nearby docks along the Sala to embark aboard a river yacht with which he descended the river for a couple of kilometers greeting and beeing greeted by the crowd of people crowded along the embankments along the river and the bridges. Welcomed at the river port of Vecchie Pietre by fifty cannon shots, launched both by cannons lined up along the quay and by four river patrol boats, the Emperor and the Imperial family were once again on board cars for a further crossing of the crowded and rejoicing streets of the city up to Via 2nd May, the very central street of Romula which is the traditional stage of military parades, where they witnessed in fact a grandiose military parade with dozens of platoons from all the Armed Forces, the Sarrentina National Guards and Alaria, and then platoons of the Federal Police and the Federal Fire Brigade, as well as as many representatives of welfare and charitable associations of all kinds (red cross, national service, NGOs, etc...), while the Comete Tricolori flew proudly over the city coloring the sky with national flag colors.

The military parade in Romula

Returning to Quattroregni Palace, His Majesty welcomed the numerous Heads of State, Crowned Heads and foreign dignitaries invited to participate at the Jubilee and who at lunch were guests of a large reception, while all over the country public lunches were offered to the citizens with streets in every city of Istalia, large or small they are, set with endless tables that have seen the celebrations lasted all day.
The endless parade of Heads of State and Crowned Heads from all over the world showed the prestige and the respect that Tommaso III gained during his long years of reigns. Among the dozens of many foreign dignitaries there were the Vice-President of Lodamun Luis Harvey and consort, Prince Maximillien and Princess Luise of Lourenne, the Kaiser of Dundorf Oderveld XIII and consort, President of Mordusia Malcolm Reynolds and consort, Crown Prince George of Luthori and consort, the Triarchs of Kalopia Katerina Economidi, Persefoni Ralla and Yannis Barbou and consorts, the Gouverneur-General of Kanjor Maxim Gourgaud and consort, King Otto XX of Dorvik and consort, the President of Deltaria Patrik Siroky and consort, the President of Hutori Joseph Scott and consort, President of Kundrati Miluhan Krauloski and consort, King Gustav I Vilhelm of Dolgava and Consort, the Crown Prince Tadanaga and Prince Naokiyo of Senmatsu of Sekowo, and the event was also attended by a delegation of parlamentarians of the opposition from Tukarali and of course, among the guests who could not miss the event there was Emperor of Ananto and Kalistan Fredrich I with his consort Elizabeth, long lasting friends of the Imperial Couple.

The Emperor, the Empress and Grand Prince Nicola, brother of the Emperor, come back to Quattroregni Palace for the reception with the foreign dignitaries

Certainly, at the end of the day, a Grand Ball could not be missing that the Emperor offered his guests while outside the Palace, in the square, a public pop concert was offered to the thousands and thousands of people crowded there while such events were held almost everywhere in the country.

This morning a large part of the country certainly woke up with a big headache and for many the wake-up call this morning meant a return to everyday life, although for many other offices and schools are expected to reopen only tomorrow. What is certain is that the Jubilee celebrations will be remembered for a long time.
Last edited by XanderOne on Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby Rogue » Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:01 pm

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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sat Oct 08, 2022 5:23 pm

Prime Minister's worldwide appeal to severe relations with North Dovani
Intelligence reveals how the regime in North Dovani is becoming increasingly oppressive and violent and confirms there is the risk of a veritable genocide
The recently inaugurated new headquarters of the AIDIE

12 August 5187

ROMULA - Finally, the military regime of North Dovani has been forced to confirm the death of former Prime Minitser Emeka but the version released by the ruling authority does not coincide with what said by the dissident North Dovanian media and what was reported by the AIDIE as well (the Istalian foreign intelligence service).

Prime Minister Monaldi has in fact authorized the publication of documents and intelligence reports that already two years ago confirmed the assassination of Prime Minister Emeka, as well as many other exponents of the previous democratic regime, and which, after being exposed to the COPISIN (the Parliamentary Committee for Intelligence and National Security), had convinced all the political forces in parliament to condemn and adopt sanctions against the North Dovanian regime.

Now the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister announced that further evidences collected by the AIDIE confirm what the North Dovanian dissident press are denuncing, namely the increasingly extreme punitive measures adopted by the regime against the political opponents and, probably most worring, against the Huhoa population which is the North Dovanian ethnic group among which there are the less support for the regime, probably also because their tribal leaders achieved to gain recognition under the previous democratic regime and achieved to have a part in the political decisions.

The Intelligence confirmes, furthermore, that the regime established labour camps for political opponents particularly targetting the Huhoa population and the analysts of the AIDIE fears that there is the risk of yet another attempt of ethnical cleansing in North Dovani. The regime, in fact, is becoming increasingly oppressive and violent against the Huhoa population, became a veritable scapegoat for the largely Kyo and Keobi dominated military regime, using Huhoan's both as forced labourers and as a propaganda tool.

This unleashed the reaction of Huhoa self-organized militias which hardly hit several army posts and are engaging fights with the regular Army.
But now Prime Minister fears that the understandable and rightfully uprising of Huhoa fighters will push the regime to adopt even further extreme measure and, conscious of the warnings from the AIDIE, he declared that there is an high risk that the Huhoa population could suffer unthinkable sufferences and even a veritable genocide.

For this reason Prime Minister Monaldi made a worldwide appeal aimed to the nations of Terra in order to adopt measures to isolate North Dovani and to undermine their power mainly leaving the regime with less and less financial resources to support the military and the administrative apparatus, as well as to sever relations with those nations which are granting their support to the regime.
The Prime Minister then, on the light of the fact that the surrouding nations are once again facing a massive influx of refugees flying the regime, urged also for putting in place resources to help these nations to handle the refugees and to help the refugees with first aid and essential goods.

Once again millions of North Dovanians are suffering political and ethnic violence and persecution. Once again millions of North Dovanian find themselves victims of ethnic cleansing that could degenerate into genocide.

Istalia has been the first nation to break off relations with North Dovani and take measures to condemn and sanction the regime and we are pleased to see that more and more nations are condemning the junta and their puppet civilian government by adopting similar sanctions.

But now that the world risks to witness to a veritable genocide, the international community must act to protect the lives of millions of human beings and given that the regime is supported by well-known third nations, especially financially, and recognizing that these financial resources are being used to further oppress the population of North Dovani, to strike above all the Huhoa and to support their persecution, I think that the time has come to take measures also against these third nations that are becoming fully complicit in these continuous violations of the most fundamental human rights.

The blood of Emeka, of all assassinated political opponents and of millions of imprisoned and persecuted people is now staining the hands of Triguna and Dankuk as well. The world must recognize this and undermine their ability to further support North Dovani unless they put an end to that.

The nations of Terra faithful to the principles of democracy, the rule of law and human rights must decide today whether they want to be mere silent observers or if they want to act to help these people. Istalia is ready to do its part, also offering logistical and financial support to those nations who are facing the refugees crisis, and as head of its government I sincerely hope that other nations will join us.

Thank you

So the Istalian government for the first time officially warned Trigunia and Dankuk for their support for the North Dovanian dictatorship and now it remains to be seen whether the Prime Minister's appeal will be able to urge international action that this time shall not be only aimed against the Chinasa's military regime but also against anyone who has given it his support, considered by the Prime Minister as activelly supporting the crimes and abuses of the regime with which they shares the responsibility for the violences, the oppression and the persecutions.
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