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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:50 pm


Thank you, Noah
YISHELEM, June 8th 5358
Dear readers of the 'Sholemberg Post', I'm delighted to have had the occasion, presented to me by Editor-in-Chief Hodaya Landau, to directly have a conversation with you on an important matter. A few months ago, I've become Beiteynu's MOFA, an appointment I was very proud to receive after 12 years spent in the MOIA, for that I wish to thank my friend, Rosh Ha'Memshala Goldbloom, and Ramatkal Rubin, it's wonderful working with them. I am still getting familiar with this Ministry's protocol, procedures and personnel, but I can tell you that these are one of the hardest working people here in Yishelem.

In these months I am also very proud of having had conversation with one of the most important men in Beiteynu, Mr. Noah Kadiyot, Head of the Medinat Department. Noah is in office since 5301, and tirelessly worked to advance our interests since then. Mr. Kadiyot is 87 years old, he is still in good shape and health, to be honest, but as everyone does, one should eventually get into retirement.

Today I'm announcing that, having notified the PM and the Ramatkal, I will proceed to remove Noah Kadiyot from the office of Head of the Medinat Department, thus rewarding the historic and truly monumental work done by Mr. Kadiyot with a well-deserved retirement. I am discussing the possibility to give Mr. Kadiyot a pension equal to the amount of his last salary as Head, once again reaffirming how grateful we should be to this man.
The Medinat Department will make known to everyone the successor of Mr. Kadiyot soon. The termination will be effective next month, July 1st, at noon.

Just a few words can describe our nation's collective gratitude to Noah Kadiyot: Thank You, Noah.

- Rehuen Wandsworth, Foreign Minister of the Beiteynuese Medinat.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Zanz » Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:41 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby hyraemous » Wed Sep 06, 2023 5:44 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:10 am


Construction begins on the Reshout Naval Base in Cildania
November 5359 - A massive defence deterrent empowered by a carrier strike group right in the Majatran Sea and a projected capital of 25B LOD injected directly and indirectly into the Cildanian economy are the main pillars of Beiteynu's extensive "double-down" into Cildania for the next decade


Qart Qildar, Cildania - After what seems to be a rigorous round of negotiations between the Beiteynuese and Cildanian Governments on an amendment of the original alliance agreement ratified during the Weiss Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given the green light for the Kohav, the Medinat Department, the Olami Trade Association and the Bureau of Keshef Management to begin doubling-down on bilateral relations in what seems to be a wide-spectrum effort by almost the entirety of the Beiteynuese Government in affirming its relations with Qart Qildar.

The primary focus: massive investments into the Cildanian economy and the Reshout Naval Base and the Reshout Fleet, with the latter expected to represent Beiteynu's crown jewel in deterring instability and lack of security dead center in Majatra; through the Majatran Sea. The Beiteynuese Naval Command has announced that additional defence contracts have been issued to the Equifund, the Lourennais and Trigunian defence industries, confirming that the Reshout Fleet will be composed mainly by a carrier strike group, as originally planned in 5354, with the BEINS Reshout formation to be transferred to Cildania, once construction is completed and logistics are in place. It is unclear as of this moment on whether the 2nd CSG will be formed under the Yeudi Fleet or the Hofesh Fleet in the southwest, however, the Office of the MSCO has issued a press statement outlining that the 1st CSG will be integrated with the operational command of the MSCO and the CRMF, as the MSCC gets ready to ratify R001.

Insofar as the Cildanian economy is considered and in par with the amended alliance agreement, the Beiteynuese Government will pursue 4 distinct stages of investment into the island state. The Reshout Naval Base and the operation of the Reshout Fleet in Cildania are the first 2 stages, expected to inject 10B LOD for their establishment, alongside a 250M LOD cash flow per year for its operation in Cildania, amounting to an additional 10B LOD injected into the Cildanian economy every 20 years, both from the direct payment of "docking fees" and the indirect boost from the existence of the naval base itself. The third stage will focus heavily on both the Beiteynuese and Cildanian fishing industry, with the goal of "globalising" Cildania's expertise and boosting its primary sector exports, including products such as tobacco and wine. The fourth and final stage will be spearheaded by the Olami Trade Association itself in increasing investor confidence to the Cildanian markets to help bring foreign investments from private sectors across Terra, including but not limited to Ashalon Bank BEIFG's extensive plans in introducing specialised financial products for Cildanian banks. Entities from Beiteynu's global network are projected to dive into the markets in equal measure.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:03 am


Beikun Fleet gets an update as Kasaema continues to ascend
December 5359 - Whereas Beiteynu's navy has thus far served to act as a deterrent in the protection of Kundrati's sovereignty, the Kohav seeks to amend the fleet's mandate in becoming a "guiding force" focused on amplifying Kundrati's naval capability, substantially more integrated with Kasaema's command structure


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The Beiteynuese Naval Command announced earlier this morning that a series of measures have been applied to the mandate and composition of the Beikun Fleet stationed in Kundrati. The move comes in par with both Kundrati's recent endeavours in both military equipment as well as diplomatic influence, largely marked by officials in Yishelem as "Kasaema's continuous ascension" and also with the Kohav's overall alignment with the Medinat Department, which is currently undergoing extensive internal reorganisation as part of Beiteynu's realignment as a global facilitator under the Haviv Policy. It seems that although the country has been taking steps into affirming its leadership position, it has also started doing it by deflecting leadership to its partners and allies, as well as through supranational vehicles such as the Majatran Security Cooperation Organisation (MSCO).

Composition - The Beikun Fleet's BK205 Patrol and BK007 Tactical Squadrons will merge into the smaller force of the Makber (Amplifier) Squadron; the 10 patrol and missile boats comprising the BK205 will be transported back to the Yeudi Fleet for assimilation into the BNC's homeland command and structure and the 2 Assad-class corvettes will be decommisioned, to be replaced by 3 Sa'ar 6-class ones from Beir Leshet and Canrille Defense Enterprise. The Kohav has issued 2 additional defence contracts to Canrille Defense Enterprise for the procurement of 2 Horizon-class destroyers. Thus, from the initital 15 warships, the Makber Squadron (which will represent the entirety of the Beikun Fleet in Kundrati) will be composed of 8 warships with significantly superior firepower and tactical capability. According to the BNC, the corvettes will represent the primary guiding vessels for green water operations, while the 2 frigates and 3 destroyers will amplify Kundrati's blue water capability, especially pertaining to maritime patrols in the broader southeast, eastern and northeastern regions to the country.

Mandate - Both the Kohav and the Medinat Department have expressed their "outmost confidence" in bilateral relations, including Kasaema's conduct as a rising geopolitical influencer. Kavin Mahorit, the Head of the Kohav, stated that the Beikun Fleet will become further assimilated with Kundrati Command in what the organisation maintains as a "vote of confidence" to the seriousness, stability and gravitas that the Kundrati Government has displayed in recent decades, gaining the BNC's trust in making the Beikun Fleet an integral part of Kundrati's operations, with the forces directly placed at the discretion of Kasaema itself. Thus, the fleet's mandate will change from a direct deterrent as to an "amplifying" presence aimed at enforcing Kundrati's own tactical naval capabilities.

Criticism - The Bureau of Keshef Management was critical this morning on social media of the MOD's rigorous expenditures pertaining to the country's navy in what is largely maintained as "strategical manoeuvring", with the Reshout Naval Base in Cildania notwithstanding. The Bureau expressed its concerns on the Beiteynuese Government's racking up of debt to cover military needs in a period of unprecedented peace and although officials and economists understand the drive behind protecting a global commercial presence largely marked by the country's shipping industry, they fear on what it means to long-term commitments.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat Sep 09, 2023 9:18 am


Navy modernises its structure (yet again) to adapt to its increased capability
May 5360 - The details have been published by the Kohav in its associated guide to naval command and structure

- Biker in Haifbourg crashes with bus after seen being chased by "7 agent-looking men", eye witnesses claim
- Seismic activity detected to the east of Malfegorten in the West Bank, experts state that the Karkaari are witnessing some sort of "shift"
- Omelette du hummus grows in popularity as the brunch of choice in Tel Bira
- Beiteynuese markets take notice of the economic stagnation witnessed in Kundrati


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - It seems the folks at the Beiteynuese Naval Command have gotten pretty excited in recent years and with the latest developments, including the commencement of the Reshout Naval Base in Cildania, a base that will likely be proven as one of the most deterring military bases in Majatra, after 3 decades of a government freeze on naval related projects. As the money keeps flowing in left and right, the country's navy witnesses one of its biggest expansions in recent history; not to say they ever truly stopped. The formation of the Reshout Carrier Strike Group seems to have triggered the Kohav's preparedness of higher level operations, while the Office of the MSCO of the Kohav continues to lead the charge in defence discussions for the entire continent.

The latest modernisation efforts essentially bring about the "naval project" in full circle in affirming the BNC's overall composition and structure as primarily a defence force tasked with both coastal guard and defence in the same measure. Strategically, it continues to make sense, hence the government's overall agreement in pursuing further investments and expenditures for the Ministry of Defence and the country's navy branch, specifically. Beiteynu's exposure to 4 different pivotal sea passages, its 2/4ths of coastline and the Kohav's mandate of protecting our country's extensive maritime trade network continue to convince administrations to keep pouring money in the military, despite the unprecedented era of stability and peace witnessed.

For the most part, it makes sense, in the weird display of simultaneous extroversion and lack of it displayed by Yishelem.

In getting ready to form the country's 2nd carrier strike group - although impeded by the Reshout Naval Base in Cildania, for the time being - the Kohav worked with the Beiteynuese Naval Command in conducting a full-scale assessment of the latter's fleets. It seems that for the time being, our country's navy bounces between a primarily coastal force and an ever increasing momentum in becoming a global force. The assessment did include projections of the anticipated formation of the Reshout Fleet in Cildania, which would incorporate the 1st CSG currently stationed under the command of the Yeudi Fleet in Sholemberg.


Alas, the MOD was troubled: efficiency, it seems, does not seem to be where the money is. Strategic restructuring evidently needs to go deeper. Although it is imperative to note the presence of Lourennais and Kundrati naval forces, as part of Yishelem's call to its allies in the defence of the sacred Yeudi homeland.


The Kohav published a comprehensive guide to naval command and structure, in conjunction with the Equifund, the Naval Academy of Himmelshtern and various military officers and experts from Kundrati, Lourenne, Dankuk, Istalia and Luthori alike.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:56 am


Nihasim University notes a "change of guard" in soft power exertion
June 5360 - A rise of multiple states has began balancing a scene largely dominated by both the 3 global leaders and the lack of middle level influencers altogether, spearheaded by exceptional efforts of steadiness and gravitas in the conduct of certain governments

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Nihasim University, which published the Nihasim Soft Power Index in 5346 has released an updated publication from a flock of new students and faculty in attempting to paint a picture of what analysts and experts alike are noting as the "balancing rise of states" in recent decades. It seems that the opinions of the few are steadily losing the spotlight thanks to the steadiness and gravitas displayed in the conduct of certain governments on various regional, continental and global affairs, with the Malivian and Hulstrian crises notwithstanding.

In summary, the publication notes how the diminishment of the 3 leading voices - Dorvik, Beiteynu, Lourenne - in the exertion of soft power is more attributed to the rise of other states rather than a result of a direct "fall". The collapse of what was largely dubbed the "triumvirate" hurt all 3, with Dorvik suffering the biggest blowback from busting a 1000 years of an informal alliance with Eroncourt; overshadowed by the rise of states in its own continent. Beiteynu managed to catch the fall through its leadership in the MSCO and the Majatran continent as a whole, although analysts expect a further drop from the impending stagnation in trade from the ever growing rift in Dorvish - Beiteynuese commercial relations. Thus, even Eroncourt has taken second stage to the rise of promising influencers like Fort William, Kasaema and Gongmangdo, each in their own merit; Luthori in driving much of the effort on the regional level and Kundrati securing a seat at the table of the Security Council. Dankuk, in largely being the singular voice heard in "that part of town", with consistent domestic and exertion efforts alike, and a steadiness unlike anything observed in recent Dovanian history. Of the most notable rises, however, is Deltaria; much attributed to its "amended imagery" in focusing more on diplomacy rather than force, "piggybacking" on the momentum created in the continent by its very curiously Yeudi leader.

The world, as it seems, is moving at a fast pace, almost feeling like a chessboard with everybody getting their pieces ready.

Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun Sep 10, 2023 8:39 am


Seismic activity in central Karkaari worries experts
November 5360 - Geology and seismology experts alike have been monitoring increased seismic activity in the central region of the Karkaari mountain line, just to the northeast of Malfegorten; "caution is to be exercised", as tremors are logged for the 7th consecutive month


Malfegorten, Beiteynu - From the marble city of the Tiveri Lake and the Yarden River, the country's biggest one, comes a worrying story that has persisted across recent months, in what local governments cite as "a situation under close monitoring". Geology and seismology experts alike have been tracking increased seismic activity in the Karkaari mountain line, the "croissant shape" that runs through almost the entirety of Beiteynu with a small breaking point around the Yishelem Hills and Amshinov to the northeast near Pontesi. The Karkaari's central region is marked by steep cliffs and impenetrable mountain peaks, jagged and threatening to the visitor; eased by the beauty of the sparkling waters of the Tiveri Lake and the Yarden River, with a great forest mass just to the south of the Death Pass.

The activity has been monitored for 7 consecutive months, in what experts cite as a "shift" occurring beneath the mountain line's plates. Although local governments have cautioned citizens and tourists alike to be "extra aware", they have thus far taken no measures in any risk and crisis management scenarios, considering the historic lack of any geological activity in the country for the last 150+ years.

Various groups have criticised the local government of Malfegorten for its "lack of enthusiasm" in what could potentially become a "deadly scenario".
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Sun Sep 10, 2023 12:59 pm


Goldbloom administration addresses increasing seismic activity in Central Karkaari
December 5360 - This comes as fears grow of a potentially powerful earthquake in the future, with the Beiteynuese government urging citizens to be calm and remaining vigilant at all times.
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Ramatkal Daniel Rubin held a press conference this morning from the Office of the Rosh HaMemshala responding to queries related to increasing seismic activity in Central Karkaari. Rubin was joined by Micah Abramovitz, the Head of the Medinat Harehev, the entity responsible for the management and oversight of the country's geographical, geological, tourism and other related affairs. Prior to this, the article published last month by the Yishelem Times triggered widespread alarm with reports of panic buying particularly concentrated in the city of Malfegorten within the Karkaari region. A press conference by its Mayor did little to addreiss that issue.

Nevertheless, the Head of the Medinat Harehev announced that a team of seismology experts and geologists will be deployed to Malfegorten to reinforce the current contingent of personnel working in tandem with the local government. The team will monitor and analyze seismic data as well as conducting thorough assessments of the Karkaari mountain line. Additionally, with all the country's nuclear power plants situated around the Karkaari line on the Desert Bank, the Nuclear Power Commission, said they will be implementing stringent measures to ensure the safety and security of these facilities in the event an earthquake occurs.

The Beiteynuese government urges citizens to remain vigilant and to follow official guidance closely.. The government have ruled out a mandatory evacuation for residents within Karkaari citing lack of comprehensive information regarding the precise nature and potential intensity of the seismic threat. "At this juncture, a mandatory evacuation is not warranted based on the available information. We will get more information when our team finish their work in Malfegorten. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to stay informed and prepared," Daniel Rubin said.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:56 pm


Katerina Sheket appointed Head of the Medinat Department
January 5361 - With a promise to "double-down" on the Haviv Policy and Beiteynu's role as a global facilitator


Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Medinat Department, infamous for its notoriety in expanding Beiteynu's network to more than 40 nations around Terra over the last century, has widely become one of the most influential organisations of the Beiteynuese Government. After a long reign by Noah Kadiyot since the beginning of the century, Katerina Sheket, Kadiyot's "underling" in the Office of Keris Affairs, has taken the mantle of the organisation's leadership. Sheket has worked closely in the past with the Novikova Administration in Trigunia and has been inspired by the dynamism brought forward by the leading women of the country.

As she takes the reigns, the Medinat Department promises to double-down on the Haviv Policy implemented by previous administrations in which the Beiteynuese Government will more actively pursue a facilitating role for Beiteynu on the world stage, through leading by enabling the leadership of others.
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