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Re: Hutori

Postby okara_iwko » Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:49 pm

Kristof Gaines elected leader of the Liberal Party

Following Alexander Reeves' announcement that he will step down as leader and senator at the end of the parliamentary term, a vigorous leadership election campaign started. Kristof Gaines, the Foreign Affairs minister since 5314 won the contest, becoming leader of the Liberal Party of Hutori.

Addressing his party for the last time as leader, Alexander Reeves emphasised how "proud, motivated and encouraged" he felt about the party's successes since its formation. In 5306, the Liberals were a barely known party. But since then, they have participated in government for 11 consecutive years. "We built the groundwork for a wonderful, liberal future. One day, hopefully in my lifetime, we will reach another milestone: a Liberal President of Hutori. Thank you, and goodbye".

Kristof Gaines made a short statement of thanks to his supporters, and said his party will "fully review our position, influence and goal in Hutori politics" following the upcoming election.
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Re: Hutori

Postby okara_iwko » Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:27 pm

Majority of liberal voters preferred NPP over CP coalition, poll finds

The Liberal Party's left-and-right shifting is beginning to "cause real damage" according to party strategists. The party has now twice changed coalition affiliations from one election to the next. First in 5313, when it rejected the Conservatives in favour of the National Progress Party, and then in 5321 when it did the exact opposite.

In announcing the new coalition, newly elected party leader Kristoff Gaines suggested the NPP-LP coalition was "highly valued" and "historically successful" but emphasised a number of economically liberal bills which the LP supported and the NPP opposed. Amongst those was lifting the salary cap, the Open Trade of Cryptocurrency Act, and the Software Industry Boost Act. All three of which are now likely to be passed by the coalition of Conservatives and Liberals.

Yet a majority of party members seem to have a different view. Asked about the support of the NPP-LP coalition, 69% said they either supported it or strongly supported it. 53% said the same for the Conservative-Liberal coalition. But more telling is the party members' view on the choice between the two: 55% preferred the National Progress Party, compared to 38% for the Conservatives and 7% as unknown or neither.
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Re: Hutori

Postby Conser » Sun Jul 16, 2023 5:08 am

President Hunter accuse the government of trying to create a ''theocratic dictatorship''

In a rare address to the Nation, the President Tiana Hunter vehemently denounce the current government. The president had many harsh words for the cabinet and its legislation. The President was mostly refering to bills that were apssed in the last few months like the ''Religious Freedoms Extension Act'' and the ''Religious Freedoms Extension Act''.

''My fellow hutorians,

We are going through very dark times.. The current government has been using its extremely thin majority of only 1 seats to utterly crush some of the most fundamental human rights in place in Hutori.

In the past few months alone, we saw a grave attack on women's dignity in the form of a complete and extreme removal of the right to abortion. The right to dying in dignity for the terminally ill was also abolished.

The freedom of expression of all hutorian is now threatened by draconian laws punishing severely any speech contradicting religious doctrine. Under the new ''Religious Freedoms Extension Act'', of which the very name is an slap in the face considering how much it crushes religious freedom, hutorian parents will now be forced to send their children to schools that are religious in nature. . All people will also now be forced to dress according to religious codes.

Workers' rights have not been spared. This oppressive regime, that is slowly fortifying its power, have decided to outright ban any form of strikes. Rendering workers completely defenseless against any condition or salary that their employers might impose to them.

I am at a loss of word to describe how apaling these new legislation are. It is important to note that the current parties in government coalition received together less votes at the last election than the NPP and Liberals combined. They only have a slim majority, not because the people voted for them, because of how their vote was spread across the provinces In normal circumstances, a government form under such ill-made majority would know to be careful in its propose reforms and should seek to form compromises. Instead, this government has opted to use their majority to impose some of the most extreme and dictatorial laws in all Terra. The people of Hutori should not accept those horrifying attack on their most basic human rights. The people of Hutori will have to stand up to oppose those unjust laws. I call for massive protest all over our nation. We will not rest until all hutorian are free.

Hutorian, it is time to fight for our freedom. We will not allow for Hutori to be transform into a theocratic dictatorship''

-Tiana Hunter, President of Hutori
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Re: Hutori

Postby applegamertime » Mon Jul 31, 2023 3:28 pm

People's Union for Peace and Bread forms, successor to Bread Party

Over a century after the Bread Party's disappearance from federal Hutorian politics, the party has returned as the new People's Union for Peace and Bread. Formed by groups of farmers, workers and students, the politics of Joseph Croissant have once again found support in Hutori. The party aims to "represent rural and farming communities and to protect the natural beauty of a peaceful Hutori."

One of the new founding members, Helena Foster has been elected the party's first leader with a majority vote of 64.2%. Foster studied philosophy in Wrightstown before becoming a member of a local worker's union in which she gained the public's notice for her speeches and published writings. She will serve as the presidential candidate for the PUPB.

"I am honoured to have been a part of this party's beginnings and to have been entrusted as the first leader of the PUPB. We will work hard to be a party worth voting for and to fight for the people every step of the way."

"Hutori is in a very different time than when the Bread Party was last in government. With the rise of various political parties and the restoration and later fall of the monarchy, I believe there is a need for our party in Hutori."

- Helena Foster shortly after leadership win

Arlo Beckman was elected as the PUPB's first chairperson. Beckman was also one of the founding members and a young environmental activist.
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Re: Hutori

Postby applegamertime » Sun Sep 03, 2023 5:24 am

Helena Foster resigns ahead of 5357 Election

The PUPB's first leader and current President of Hutori announced her resignation today. Coming as a surprise, the announcement was made soon after the People's Union called for early elections due to the dissolution of the Neoclassical Alliance. Helena Foster has lead the PUPB for 17 years since its reformation in the footsteps of the Bread Party, she also served for 3 non-consecutive years as President of Hutori.

"I helped revive this party under a democratic system. I have no intention of continuing my leadership or presidency if it means I will lead a one party state."

- Helena Foster in her resignation speech

A leadership race began quickly after Foster's resignation. Jesus Davison won the race and will be serving as the party's new leader and presidential candidate.

Leadership Race Results (1st Round):

Jesus Davison, Senator (5343-5357) - 39.9%
Hailey Robinson, Minister of Justice (5343-5357) - 35.2%
Amy Fuller, Minister of Trade and Industry (5343-5347) - 24.9%

Leadership Race Results (2nd Round):

Jesus Davison, Senator (5343-5357) - 61.3%
Hailey Robinson, Minister of Justice (5343-5357) - 38.7%
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Sep 28, 2023 4:22 pm

BREAKING NEWS: DEVELOPING STORY: Hutorian Monarchists Sweep to Power, House of Steuart-Carmichael Restored

Fireworks display over Bekenial following news that the Monarchists have been restored to power

In stunning news a coalition of royalist and monarchist parties have united under a common banner to sweep Hutorian elections, with the Monarchist Party, lead by Theodore Woodbury, serving as the spearhead of almost half a dozen related parties, sweeping all local, provincial and federal elections, giving the Monarchists and their allies iron clad supermajorities in offices at all levels of government. The stunning victory lead to celebrations throughout Hutori from Axminister to the Owise Nation in northern Sutton, with Hutorians celebrating the imminent return of the House of Steuart Carmichael to the Hutorian throne.

The current holder of that title, William Steuart-Carmichael, the current Chairman of Gold Lion Capital in Lourenne, has reportedly already been invited back to Bekenial to be Crowned King, with the Monarchist and their Parliamentary allies wasting little time pushing through Bill M-1, which will see full control of the nation return to the Monarchy. Republican and leftist protests appear to be, for the time being, muted. The newly elected Prime Minister Theodore Woodbury, has promised restoring Hutori to it's place of prestige in the world as his top priority following the return of the Monarchy, and bringing back the international firms and investment that once made Hutori the centre of the northern hemisphere's economic engine. More news will come with this developing story.
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:16 am

BREAKING NEWS: Hutorian Monarch Fully Restored as William XIV Takes the Throne, New Hutorian Fiscal Priorities Proposed in new Budget

His Imperial Majesty, King William XIV, Monarch of Hutori

Following the passage of Bill M-1, the Restoration of the Kingdom of Hutori has been completed, the last vestiges of the Federal Republic of Hutori being broken away. In a symbolic gesture, Prime Minister Theodore Woodbury visited William Steuart-Carmichael at his home in Carolleux, Lourenne, to formally invite him to take his restored throne. The King formally accepted the invitation, arriving at John Bekenial International Airport, where he and his three children were met by cheering crowds, all the way to Newport Castle, in downtown Bekenial, where in surprisingly humble ceremony, William Steuart-Carmichael was formally enthroned as King William XIV, restoring the Steuart-Carmichaels to their historic positions as Monarchs of Hutori. The Prime Minister was the first person to swear the Oath of Fealty to the new King, before being joined by all thats at the ceremony, including Prime Minister Woodbury's Cabinet, and most of the Monarchist MPs.

Celebrations have continued throughout Hutori, with the royal children each touring the provinces ahead of the King, who will also be doing a full tour of Hutori in the very immediate future. King William XIV's eldest daughter and heir, Crown Princess Victoria, oversaw the opening the new session of the Adelia Provincial Parliament, reading a speech from the throne as her capacity as the Princess of Adelia and the Royal Patron of Adelia.

Crown Princess Victoria arriving at William's Park, the Provinicial Parliament Building to open the new session

While the rest of the country continues with the pomp and circumstance of the restoration of the Monarchy, the Monarchist in Parliament and the various Provincial Legislatures are moving forward with the business of governing, in an attempt to get Hutori back on track. In Bekenial specifically, the Monarchists have introduced four bills in rapid succession highlighting some of their early focuses. The most basic is the restoration of the old Royalist Flag of Hutori. The second two were a series of de-funct treaty withdrawals, and formally entering Hutori in the Commonwealth of Luthorian nations, signalling from the Woodbury government a focus on restoring old ties will be amongst his earliest foreign policy focuses. The last was a new budget which contained a series of interesting provisions that, while it didn't recieve a lot of fanfare, raised a lot of pundits eyebrows. The Fiscal & Financial Re-Alignment Act substantially reduced the Internal Affairs, Environment, Education & Culture, Infrastructure and Health and Federal Social Services budgets, for modest increases to Industry, Economic Development and International Trade and Foreign Affairs and a massive boost to the National Defence budget, with the National Defence budget specifically being increased by almost 50%. Within the budget the Government is also selling off the government owned Defence industries to interested buyers, and massively slashing the Corporate Tax Rate from 35%, to 10%. This massive decrease in the Corporate Tax Rate is, according to Finance Minister Tristan Taylor meant to "attract international investment and bring the businesses that have fled Hutori in times of Republican uncertainty and instability back home." The news of the coming tax rate cut has indeed raised eyebrows amongst international investors, specifically former Hutorian hedgefund juggernaught, Gold Lion Capital, which is rumored to be considered moving it's corporate headquarters back to Acton.

The most eye raising provision within the budget however was the National Defence Preparation Tax. The NDP Tax, which places a 1% tax on all essentially goods within Hutori, is being specifically introduced with it's aims being proposed to be invested solely in National Defence and National Security endeavors for the government in Bekenial. When asked about it spokesmen within the Prime Minister Office refused comment, though staffers speaking on deep background have reinforced that National Defence and Security, two areas where the Monarchists feel has been mostly left by the wayside by back to back Republican government, will be a one of three focuses for the Woodbury government during the first term in office.
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:35 pm

Royal Children Abroad with Critical Government Figures as King begins Tour of Hutori

Prime Minister Woodbury meeting with Hutorian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Dorvik Harold Prince

In a blitz of activity, meant to reinforce Hutori's reemergence on the international stage, a chunk of Prime Minister Theodore Woodbury's Cabinet has hit the road, hitting international capitals to speak to former allies of Hutori and revive long dormant relationships. These critical government figures were joined by King William XIV's three children who appear to be performing some unofficial diplomacy of their own, speaking directly to the Royal Families of the nations Hutori has chosen to focus on first.

Prime Minister Theodore Woodbury was joined by Crown Princess Victoria in a direct trip to Haldor, the capital of Dorvik. Dorvik has long been considered Hutori's strongest and longest held ally, with a relationship that goes back further then nearly any nation save Luthori, though one that has remained even more tight and consistent. Prime Minister Woodbury met directly with Dorvische State Chancellor Florian von Voll. According to the official communique between the Chancellor's Office and the Prime Minister's Office, the Prime Minister was directly speaking about Dorvische investment back into Hutori, reaffirming the Special Relationship between Bekenial and Haldor, and on joint arctic security concerns. They also reportedly spoke to some degree on continuing instability in Majatra, though neither side offered an official statement on the matter with a spokesperson for the Prime Minister, speaking on deep background stating that "events in Majatra don't currently worry Hutori... yet."


Meanwhile Crown Princess Victoria made a trip directly to the Dundorfische Kaiser, Florian I, to speak directly on behalf of her father, and offering the Kaiser a Letter Patent, reaffirming the Kaiser's title within Hutori as the Duke of New Middenhal, home of the largest Dorvische minority within Hutori, and to pay respects to the Kaiser herself as a Princess of Dorvik, an honorfic bestowed upon her family by the Dundorische Kaiser in 5073.

In another part of the world, Princess Elizabeth joined Foreign Minister Samantha Young in Fort William, as the top Hutorian diplomat and the Grand Duchess of Kenai, were making a concentrated effort to restore the relationship between Hutori and Luthori, with the Monarchist having proposed and expected to pass a treaty which would have Hutori formally joined the Commonwealth of Luthorian Nations. The timing was awkward with the Luthorian Prime Minister out of country in Kazullia along with the Luthorian Empress and her Consort, however, Foreign Minister Young was able to speak to numerous of her opposite numbers and contempories on how the relationship between Fort William and Bekenial can be restored and expanded. In the background of this, Princess Elizabeth, the second daughter of King William XIV, was able to speak directly to Crown Prince William, the Prince of Orange and heir to the Luthorian throne. Another example of Crown Diplomacy, the conversations between the Luthorian Crown Prince and the Grand Duchess are not known, but expected to have expanded on the conversation between Foreign Minister Young and her team.

In a last showing of Crown Diplomacy, International Trade Minister Natalie DuMarquis and Prince George, the Grand Duke of Lagard, were in Eroncourt. The point of Minister DuMarquis' visit was obvious and she didn't bother trying to be coy, with her aiming to reattract old Hutorian firms to set up shop back in Hutori on a permenant basis, and to drum up support for Lourannais investment directly into Hutori. The Minister, speaking in her native Canarillaise, held innumerable meetings over her several day long visit, careful to avoid any conversation or topic on ongoing instability, instead focusing on business, literally and metaphorically. The Prince meanwhile, visited directly with the Emperor on behalf of William XIV, presenting the Letter Patent, reconfirming the Lourannais Royals various titles within Hutori, in thanks to the protections and sanctuary the Lourannis Royal Family gave the Steuart-Carmichaels, with Phillipe VIII being reconfirmed as the Grand Duke of Roccato and the Duke of Weigand, the county around St. Anslem and the home of the largest Canarillse minority in Hutori.


All of these international happenings have occured as King William XIV and his wife, Queen Alice, began a full tour of Hutori. That tour began in Farlistan, where the King met with the Chieftains of the FIve Mashacara Nations of Falristan where he reaffirmed long standing tradition that the treaties originally negotatied between the Royal Family and the Mashacara back in the 3870s were still as strong as ever. The Chieftains, in turn, reaffirmed their absolute loyalty to the Royal Family, and confirmed the King's title as High Chieftain of all Mashacara Nations within Hutori. The King plans on visiting all five provinces and as many cities and town as he can in an effort to reinforce to the people that the Monarchy is back and is here to stay. People have continued to show up droves where ever the King appears. Only one minor Republican protest occured at Carter City University, where the King took the time to speak directly to the protesters, despite the reservations of the Royal Guard assigned to protect the King. Thus far, protests to the restoration of the Monarchy have remained small, disparate, and mild at best, with the overwhelming Hutorian population supporting the Hutorian Monarchy.
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Re: Hutori

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Oct 02, 2023 8:36 am

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
Also in Hanzen
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Re: Hutori

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:34 am

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
Also in Hanzen
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