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Re: Medina

Postby TRA » Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:13 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby jamescfm » Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:27 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby jamescfm » Fri Sep 22, 2023 2:54 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Mon Oct 09, 2023 6:32 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official and true news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
August 5375
Elections have been delayed as massive unlawful protests dosturb public order
Destruction caused by rioters and looters

The nation has been griped once again of unlawful rioters. Demands for bringing home the perverters of Medinian democracy, allied with western powers and the Yeudi conspirators, the exiled government claims democratic process can only ne restored in their hands, disregarding their moves to cause havoc in our nation in exchange of power. The long undergone process of finding and trialing suspects resulted in severe accusations being confirmed, ranging from terrorism to causing protests on purpose.

Nowadays, after the calming of waters, we see again such things, as elections, planned to take today, 25 August. Due to riots, bomb threats and vandalism, the police had to step in to quell the protests. The nation still struggling developing had the government try push for some reforms, alongside a possible new leadership in some areas. Communication with protesters are tedious as they are claiming faux truths and demanding a western government style, without thinking of the complex implications.

Medina is a more traditional society, who strived under God, but now, it sees itself attacked and shunned, marginalized. The police are working hard to arrest people and interrogate. Hopes are that the voting booths are secure and open for people to cast their vote by 4 September.


In other news, Lizam Buledi is planning to retire, with Hina Saifi, the very old ruler now of Medina wishing to appoint a more appropriate administration. But before that, Lizam Buledi announced meetings with Hanzen to increase cooperation in the region, economic integration and an alternative to Western domination. While the agreements may result in less, the government hopes to form powerful regional allies.

On the list entered Yingdala and Nsanlosa too, both an opportunity for the regime to legitimize itself in the region. The lack of response from the Yeudi state has caused some uproar, however reports show people have become more apathetic now. Medina has invited meanwhile Hanzen to discussions in Medinian capital city.
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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Oct 13, 2023 2:06 pm

Aawaz - The Voice - The true democratic opposition
The Voice is an ever increasing present news source in Medina and outside, representing the interests of pro-democratic forces against reactionary isolationist government
Medina crushes protests, entangled in terrorist attacks abroad, reforms fail

Madinat es-Salaam - June 5377
Civil disobedience reaches new levels

The Medinian government has committed many more blunders. Aside lack of elections that result in fair outcomes, such as Lizam Buledi being in charge for a while, the government has not pushed properly for reforms at all. The recent laws banning forced marriages, gender mutilation practices on women and alongside minor reforms relating religious freedom have all ended not being obeyed, creating friction with law enforcement, local religious leaders and within the Assembly, now more and more dominated by radical Ahmadi forces.

While the blunder of social policy reforms is undergoing, the government is trying to pass economic reforms. Despite striking a deal with Hanzen and Nsanlosa on economic matters, the government has alienated Bazgaristan, is in potential rivalry with Vascania and has shunned the developed world as predatpry and corrupt. This could not be any worse. Following wave of protests, the government responded with upmost violence, leading to murders, mass arrests and police abuse. Instead of respecting democratic principles and freedom of press, the government has done away with it.

Socialists, liberals, secularists and anyone remotely dissenting of the regime have been prosecuted. The court has blocked several cases against moderate parliamentary forces, as the opposition feels that the Zahiri republic has became morally corrupt and westernised. Even after several purges, it still feels the West is overly encroaching into Medina. Following the blunder with Beiteynu and the government in-exile, the government has failed suppressing Ahmadi radicalism spreading like wild fire, some accusing Bazgaristan behind it.

With Bazgaristan amassing troops at the border, with protests finally dying down due to sheer violent suppression, the government has delivered another failed elections, and now, one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent history in which the government has gotten involved. Foreign inteligence agencies have uncovered paper trails leading back to Medina, as ODL, a Hosian fundamentalist group aided to the destruction of Kanjorian environment and possibly the international waters thanks to a devastating attack on an opioid facility.

Radicals have already accused the government being in bed with the foreign interests and Yeudi order, with several cases of hate crimes against Yeudis in Medina. Nevertheless, foreign condemnation is flowing, starting with Kazulian response. The new legislature term will begin assemblying and forming a cabinet soon and Medina is going downhill. Corruption has gotten to the bone, thus we call the citizens of Free Medina to resist oppression and struggle for democracy and installation of a true Republic.

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Re: Medina

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:16 am

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Re: Medina

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:54 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:34 am

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official and true news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
June 5378
New radical Ahmadi government installed, reforms repealed
The house speaker, Tafazzal Lal, discussing the recent change in government leadership

With protests still ongoing, the government has failed to take considerable measure to put a stop to the current crisis, leading to an increase in radical Ahmadi elements within the state apparatus, and now, winning the elections, being able to overtake party leadership and select the members to the assembly. With this, a 64% majority for radical Ahmadi groups has been formed. These groups have run on a platform of anti-Western sentiment following the humiliation against Beiteynu, recent terrorist attack blunder abroad, as well the massive riots and several liberal reforms proposed including allowing women to drive. They promise to restore glory to Medina.

Irritated by it, as well the stagnant Zahiri Republic, many of these honest groups seem fit to go to an extreme, imposing Ahmadi values regardless of so called democratic principles paddled by Western falsifiers, seeing Zahiri Republic less as a democratic state and more of a state led by Godly values. The fact that a woman is the Viceroyal has also started being a point of contention, with rumoured removal of the crownhead undergoing. Bazgaristan encroaching on Medinian soil and hawkish nature has increased regional tensions and need of a strong stable leadership in Medina.

Hanzen's unprovoked closing of border and Kazulia and Kanjor's reaction against Medina has contributed to animosity against western forces, seen as persecuting our innocent nation. Beiteynu, Lourenne and possible more nations have already showed interest to sanction and pressure Medina to fix the situation relating the ODL attacks. Medinian government has made it clear that no terrorists have been backed by the government and that prosecution against Dovani nations is higher than ever. Although anti-western, the rising radical faction has yet to attempt Pan Dovanism.

Meanwhile, Bazgarians are accused by the godless opposition of backing radical terrorists in Medina, as the new faction has already annuled all new reforms, cancelled plans for liberalization and have expelled several embassies of foreign nations from Medina's capital city. Aside this, the government has made preparations to bolster the army and install several religious leaders in positions of power. It has replaced the cabinet, which was the responsibility of the President, Lizam Buledi, however laws of the Republic have started to be vague and not respected, leading to stuff such as the Vicerine empowering her side and appointing Lizam Buledi.

With relations in the region attempted to be improved, Medina is now focusing on ending the riots and trying to rehabilitate the Republic. A set of possible reforms include a new viceroyal leader, a man, as well of making sure the President is appointed by the assembly, not by the symbolic figurehead that is the viceroyalty. For now, rioters have been arrested and even some videos got leaked of public executions of perpetrators, either hanged or neck severing with swords.


Lizam Buledi steps down
News arrive with respect to Lizam Buledi, as he gives up his position after accepting a new slate of cabinet members into the Secretariats, the official government body of Medina. Despite his opposition to the liberal reforms, he had nevertheless accepted the move toward liberalization, as some see fit it, he was removed due to his leaning toward the moderate Ahmadi side. Other untrue speculation are around harassment or the fact he was a great pawn for the radical movement, now not needing him anymore.

The official reason has been discerned as being the tedious 30 years rule over Medina, now coming to an end at last. His great work preserving as best as he could the values of Medinian democracy. Lizam Buled held an important speech before his final retirement, now heading to reside his remaining years at his residence in Kaipur. Nevertheless, his stepping down is allowing the new government to appoint a new President to represent the serene nation. Tafazzal Lal is most likely candidate, vowing to control the Vicerine's power play, stamp corruption and liberal degeneracy, as well ensuring Medina stands strong against foreign entanglement in the region.

There are smaller more moderate candidates, but as it seems, the political shift may be unstoppable. The military has been readied in event of a coup d'etat.


Hanzen has been lambasted by the new foreign minister, calling their move in the region one promoting instability, as well calling for Bazgaristan to refrain from attacking Medinian allies. Hanzen has been embargoed in return and highly criticized as a rump godless state that seeks to back monarchist groups in the region, a probably claim echoed in Bazgari circles. Hanzen has been warned by Medina that continued hostility may result in a confrontation neither side will wish to reach.

As for Beiteynu, the Medinian government has drafted a plan to get the exiled government back to face justice for all the acts against Medina, including terrorist funding and unlawful , unconstitutional acts and organizations.
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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:51 pm

Jamhooria Auqaat
January 5379
Republican Times is the defender of the True Zahiri Republic
Medinian Republic under siege, Vicerine Hina Saifi calls for it's defense
Commander in chief urging citizens to take arms to defend the Zahiri Republic against radicals

Today, 13 January, a large movement to sabotage our democratic process has happened. A coup d'etat had been launched by the Medinian National Forces, moving onto capturing our Vicerine and forcing a radical change in the Constitution without meeting the majority necessary for such change. Our Vicerine stood valiantly against these moves, decrying the accusations launched against the Vicerine interference in the state affairs, stating that all actions were taken to tackle the western influence and the rioters. Despite this, radicals demanding unconstitutional change, state sponsorship of terrorism abroad, and now being in bed with Bazgaristan has caused large dismay.

Recent Bazgari intervention and Hanzen moves to cause hostility in the region has made the Vicerine even more fierce in her public appearance, stating that Dovanian pan-democratic movements have received a death blow, that inaction in the region has led only to the collapse of regional peace and an era of radical extremism will spread, from Kitembo, to Medine, to Vascania, which recently saw own undemocratic moves. The Medinian democracy may come to an end, as the Zahiri Radical Republicans, formed around an Ahmadi militia group in the West has declared war on liberal thought and promised to dethrone the Vicerine.

While the vicerine was still old, it does not justify this move, with her refusing to step down after the attempted legal coup. She has vowed to stand her ground and not give in to the demands around radical uncalled for reforms. Unfortunately, the palace has been sieged by soldiers sent in by the Ahmadi radicals, under the pretext to stop a coup, ironically. For all involved, the coup attempt had failed after a day of fighting, with the royal guards have made a great job to defeat the Ahmadi forces. With this victory, the city population, some of the liberals, despite seeing her authoritarianism, realized that in the face of even more reaction, is time to join ad hoc militia groups.

Refusal of Beiteynu to hand out opposition in exile has given the Vicerine Saifi hope that a foreign power, especially after the terrorist attacks that Medina will be prevented from falling under destructive rule, a rule that could destabilize the whole region further, deterriorate relations with Vascania and weaken democratic progress. The Commander in chief has stayed loyal to her, with some of the generals, albeit in minority, switching some of them side to the moderate Ahmadi Vicerine. This move has encouraged the people of Medina to continue protests, but after terrorist attacks led by radical militias, protesters took shelter.

Radical Ahmadi helicopter taken down

So far, the Radicals have retreated a bit, pushed back by Vicerine's loyal troops, forcing the Ahmadis to regroup with the Bazgari-backed militias along the border, greatly bolstering their lines. The capital is likely to stay for now under the rule of moderates, with the Ahmadi radical politicians fleeing to the western parts, possibly into Bazgaristan to organize a government of national liberation, as they seem fit to call it "a war of cleansing sin from Medina forever". Regions dominated by Ahmadi radicals are regions that experienced ethnic violence, as well an ambush on any existing western company still somehow operating in Medina. The violence has continued against liberal supporters and protesters too, with many doxxing cases and property breaches reported.

The police force has so far stayed out of the conflict, but rumor is that they sympathize the Ahmadi radical factions in the nation. The failed coup is most probably turning into a civil war. The Vicerine has made it clear it has for all intents and purposes to restore democracy and move Medina forward, alongside a favorable position towards cooperation in Dovani.

Her statements have came out officially, as she held a dangerous speech in front of the royal palace, in front of a crowd of gathered citizens and soldiers, with guards safeguarding the perimeter from all sides. The speech has gone along these lines:
We have seen the real intention of aimless violence, purposeless havoc and destruction, aiming to irritate abroad powers for political capital, to backroll any sense of decency, even as going as to label fellow Ahmadi brothers as "liberals" and "western puppets". We even have come so far to errode the Republican values by passing unconstitutional acts and see a woman in position of leadership as something sinful. While liberal agitation has caused real problems and troubles in our nation, the extremists working to undermine the nation promise "clean ups" and "true Ahmadi values", in a way distasteful to our over 500 years work as an Ahmadi republic..

It seems the talks are over and faces have been unmasked. This war will determine the future of our proud nation, hopefully, for the better. Everyone deserves a true morally correct and balanced governance, devoid of restleness and perfidious aims. It seems that God is challenging us all this very day. Let us pray and rejoice in God's providence that He will save us from tyranny and human decay. Let us fight for our peace!

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:03 pm

December 5379
Medinian military declare revolution

Eastern Medina - Reports have came to the region that a large civil war has broke out in Medina, causing large amount of distress, destruction and turmoil. The Zahiri Republic has came under fire by the radical Ahmadi groups led by fervent imams and important national figures. Involved in politics, they've sought to alienate the nation from the outside, caused havoc in the name of Ahmadi ideals, passed unconstitutional acts and now are alienating the military, the loyal servants of the people. By being fundedby foreign forces and seeing the militias in the west of Medina form, we have realized it is time to disband the Zahiri Republic and proclaim the Peoples' Republic of Medina, a new Ahmadi socialist state.

Asad Zaidi, new general of the PNA:
The military embroiled already in a conflict allowed only around half of the personnel to switch sides to the good cause. We the Peoples' National Army believe that Medina has seen the slow but sure destined fall of the Zahiri Republic, either being the manipulating Vicerine in recent years, the endemic corruption or radical Ahmadi values paddled on and on, now coming back to bite Medina. The past should be that, the past, but our people should rejoice a better Medina. A true Pan-Dovanist nation, pursuing true democracy and true belief in Ahmad. The fundamentalist fiasco will come to an end, one way or the other.

The Peoples' National Army has already surrounded the capital city, Madinat es-Salaam, seeking to take down the Vicerine's faction and then rout out the remaining radical elements in Medina. Making good use of the limited air force capabilities and the little navy that was salvaged, the PNA will attempt to flank the radicals , alongside develop quick plans for possible counter-insurgency and guerilla warfare. Relations with Bazgaristan seem at an all-time low, with Hanzen and Nsanlosa possibly intervening as well.

Among first reforms the socialist coup led by the army have done is distribute supplies to isolated communities and establish new communication lines. The army is also reinforcing defenses where it is possible to do so, hoping to fend off a possible invasion of Medina from foreign backers. The new government has communicated it will not be keen on foreign intervention of any kind , calling thus out the Vicerine's allegiances to the Western powers. Nevertheless, the government of Vicerine has already called this counter coup "opportunistic" and "destructive in nature".

The Ahmadi radicals have fortified most of positions, arming up and gathering last personnel for a counter-offensive. Sources stipulate that Bazgari help was given to the rebels, putting this civil war into a war with Bazgaristan. Medinian citizens have already enrolled in the PNA, hoping that at least the military can restore order, end the civil war and fend off invaders. Medina shall stand free is the new motto sung by PNA members.
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