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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Oct 15, 2023 4:19 pm

The Terran Times
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Re: The Imperial News

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:46 pm

Kazulia, Kundrati signs arms deal with Luthori.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs of Her Majesty's Government) and the Ministry of Defense (Secretary of State for Defense of Her Majesty's Government) announced in a joint press release the signing of two agreements on the sale of submarines with the Kingdom of Kazulia and the Kundrati Union.
23th, January 5379

An astute-class submarine of the Imperial Luthorian Navy (ILN)

Fort William, Luthori - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Her Majesty's Government) and the Ministry of Defense (Secretary of State for Defense of Her Majesty's Government) announced in a joint press release the signing of two agreements on the sale of submarines with the Kingdom of Kazulia and the Kundrati Union. This agreement between the delegations of the two countries and those of the Luthorians sees the sale of several Astute-class nuclear-powered submarines to Kazulia and Kundrati, the former having decided to buy two, this sale being part of the Kazulien naval overhaul plan, which must show the weaknesses and strengths of the naval forces of the Nordic Kingdom. The purchase of these two submarines also sees a resumption of diplomatic relations between Fort William and Skalm, which were suspended due to the crisis of the 70s and the virtual takeover of power by the Fatherland Front, which held at that time , a third of the seats in the Imperial Diet, during this time, several countries expressed their dissatisfaction and condemned Luthori in different ways, Dorvik announced that they had initially put Luthori under the Yellow List, advising Dorvish citizens not to going to Luthori, then in the Orange list, restoring tariffs on automobiles and other subjects, Hutori and Kazulia both chose to recall their ambassador, Kalistan supported the left opposition via his famous music groups, Lourenne and Lodamun suspended their collaboration with Luthori during these times, so, in summary, this collaboration is good news for the Foreign Office which will have to begin a campaign to promote Luthori internationally, the imperial reputation having been very damaged by the actions of politicians in Luthori. So the signing of this agreement between representatives of Luthori and Kazulia, which would see 2 Astute class submarines being built and then sold to Kazulia for the price of 3.3 billion pounds (£) (2.145 billion in LOD), which would transported to a Kazulian Navy base by 5385, after tests could be carried out.

The second order to have been placed was that of 6 Astute-class nuclear-powered submarines, from Kundrati, Kundrati, which has suffered a decline in its naval force for several years, is seeking to revitalize its naval forces with the addition of its submarines. -sailors, the agreement stipulates, as for that with Kazulia, that Luthorian companies will have to build, test and transport the submarine to Kundrati, but all this is done at a price because Kundrati has agreed to pay the sum of 10 billion of pounds (£) to be able to afford the services of this submarine, which will have to be delivered by 5385 - 5390 to the Kundrati armed forces. These sales are the joy of the Luthorians, who see their order, quite empty since the political crisis, starting to fill up again, with the CEO of the firm producing these submarines, the Reynolds Maritime Corporation, Martin Wilmarts, declared to the journalist present when signing the agreement that "...we will have to work even harder to make the Luthori name synonymous with excellence and perfection in the world and this order gives us the opportunity to demonstrate it...I need to thanks Kazulia and Kundrati to have shown interest in our products, without them, I doubt that the Luthorian defence industry would have recovered from the crisis...", which shows a real Luthorian interest in restoring the Luthorian image in the world.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:54 am

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Re: Luthorian Times (Humperdinck Media)

Postby Autokrator15 » Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:46 am

The Alliance of the Eagle & the Lion, taking the next step

Kundrati & Luthori are taking the next bold step in their alliance towards deeper cooperation, development for common security in Artania and their shared sea, the goal: not relying on outside powers

Luthorian and Kundrai diplomats reach an accord on deeper cooperation

May 5379

Fort William, Duchy of Orange – This morning the Imperial Foreign Office released a joint statement with the Kundrati government on expanding the scope and cooperation of the 150 year old alliance between the two powers. Both nations will now commit to expanding their military capabilities much further, especially their naval capabilities to achieve strategic independence from any other power for the defence of their region. The news came shortly after Beiteynu announced their desire to depart the region and to focus more on building up their allies and cooperate with Kundrati and Luthori on an equal basis.

History of the alliance
For nearly 150 years the Holy Luthorian Empire and the Kundrati Union have been allies. This alliance was not an easily forged one as it came after a dark period of conflict and competition. However through tedious diplomatic maneauvering and shifting geopolitical aims the two rivals ended their long standing rivalry and shifted that relation into a working alliance and a friendly rivalry. However after 150 years the two nations are finally ready to take the next step in their alliance and seek to cooperate further for the common defence of their shared sea border, airspace and landholdings.

Alliance with disagreements
It is well known Luthori and Kundrati didn’t see eye to eye on everything, especially the Beikun Fleet remained a thorn in the side of the Empire. It was one of the discussion points between the Luthorians and the Yeudi’s when they also signed a historic alliance and partnership agreement with them. The Imperial Government’s aim has always been to get the fleet out of their hair, as they see it as a threat to their national sovereignty and a tool to shift the balance of power between the two rival nations. However the Imperial Government had to concede that the historic importance of the fleet to the security of the Kundrati people, especially after the conflict with Luthori and their conflict with Dorvik, made the topic unsolveable for the near future. To that end the topic was never pushed.

Taking the next step
But this did not mean the Imperial Government didn’t keep talks with both its partners to get the Beikun fleet removed. As the power of the Kundrati Union and the Holy Luthorian Empire grew so did the confidence of the Yeudi government in Yishelem grow in their capabilities. At trilateral talks between all three governments agreed on how to take the next step in the alliance. The Luthorian and Kundrati governments will, jointly with the Beiteynu government, invest in increasing the capabilities of their naval prowess and increases their cooperation in the Artanian Sea. Both nations will also work closer together of issues relating to regional stability and peace. The goal was explained by the spokesperson to the Foreign Secretary who said that ‘’with the help of Beiteynu and mutual cooperation between Kundrati and Luthori, we can increase our fleet even further, train our navy and learn from them as we did learn from Dorvik and Beiteynu during the Malivian crisis and increase our strength, this has always been a strategic goal, as it will allow us to move us closer to aiding and strengthening our Commonwealth friends as well!’’.

The focus of the new agreement and deeper cooperation will be to reduce the Yeudi permanent commitment to the Artainian theatre where Luthori and Kundrati operate and hand over their responsibility gradually to said nations. The Luthorian and Kundrati navies will in the mean time be upgraded, trained and expanded. The Yeudi fleet will on occasions join military exercises and joint missions but not keep an independent presence in the area. This means that the Beikun fleet will gradually be disbanded, a deep desired wish by Luthori without losing the defence Kundrati and to a lesser extent Luthori counted on. The move also allows the Luthorian and Kundrati navies to aid its allies more globally than before. A deep desired wish from Luthori as they see their future with their Commonwealth of Luthorian Nations, a global economic and cultural union of various Luthorian speaking nations.

Success of Diplomacy and long-game strategy over brute force
The move of Beiteynu, Luthori and Kundrati has caused some tension in the region as the Kingdom of Dorvik called the move of a carrier fleet into the Artanian sea a red line, threatening to ‘’sink’’ the ship. The Yeudi’s promptly responded to said threat on their own. When asked for a comment the Luthorian foreign secretary said:

Obviously there must have been a misunderstanding in Haldor. We however cannot understand why a power would threaten war over this, what has that ever solved? And as if they can sink it that easily, it would spiral into a war no one wants. It is also a lack of trust in Luthori’s capabilities. We have shown with this increased partnership that we can hold up our own pants. This is a huge victory for Luthorian diplomacy over brute force and threat. Everyone is a winner, thanks in part to us, we achieved what others wanted but could not get done, the removal of the Beikun fleet!

The Foreign Secretary was then asked more on the recent tariffs placed by Dorvik on the Luthorian automobile industry:

That will be addressed, we will talk with Haldor on a reasonable solution as we have always done with them, though their unreasonable and unfair tariffs are a thorn in our side and feel as a betrayel in a time of trouble for us. But I rather focus on what we have achieved today than talk about Dorvik. Today we celebrate a great partnership between nations who do treat each other as equals and not as underlings. We also are happy that the Yeudi government stood by us when we had internal troubles and didn’t ditch us for economic gain. Open and Global Luthori works as a foreign policy! We will stand on our own two feet, meet the world and stand for stability together with our Kundrati allies!

Our newspaper has asked various analysts to analyse the historic agreement between the three nations, the recent comments made by Dorvik and Beiteynu towards each other and the words of the Foreign Secretary. We asked Professor Mark Blanagan of the Orange University to give us his analyses on the whole situation:

Well it is clear that Luthori and Kundrati feel more confident in themselves, not weird they have become quite the regional players, with Kundrati taking a place in the Security Council of the World Congress and Luthori quite successfully building up alliances and their commonwealth, not to forget that both parties came to Malivia’s aid. The two powers want to stand on their own feet and through this partnership they hope to do that. This also comes after a military deal signed between Kundrati and Luthori on military production, so they are ready to put actions behind their words. These powers want to be their own man, and who can blame them?’’ The annalyst then continued to annalyse the comments made by the Foreign Secretary and other world powers: ‘’The comment made by the Foreign Secretary are a clear sign of trying to capitalise on the political success of this deal, you see Luthori wants to showcase that it’s not an old imperialist power, they have done so over the years, and the removal of the Beikun Fleet through diplomacy instead of Dorvik’s threats seems like a good indication of Luthori and Kundrati’s growing status and skill in easing relations and conducting diplomacy, a clear shift in power. Brute force doesn’t always work is the clear message and often makes situations unnecessarily tense. The Imperial Government hopes to use this success and solidy their foreign policy with this, internally and externally.

The Imperial Government has announced that it will keep negotiating with both Yishelem and Kasaema to work out the details of the plan and set the whole thing in motion. Truly this is a victory for diplomacy as it showcases that historic rivalries can be ended and turned into vast friendships and alliances.
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Re: Luthori Daily (Humperdinck Media Group)

Postby Autokrator15 » Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:40 pm

Foreign Secretary visits Likatonian counterpart for increased economic & military cooperation

Special relationship between Likatonia and Luthori confirmed?

August 5379

Fort William, Duchy of Orange – The Foreign Secretary, Brad McDouglas, has visited on behalf of Her Imperial Majesty’s Government his counterpart of the Republic of Likatonia. The reason for the visit were a summit that was held to grow business & military relations between the two countries. The Foreign Office has stated that the aim of the meeting was to increase the amount of trade and business cooperation as well as strengthening common security measures and defence of the Artanian Sea and Mad Dog Ocean by both nations.

Press conference & meeting the Foreign Secretary
The meeting started with the Foreign Secretary arriving at the airport of the coastal capital city of Likatonia, Clovisport. From there the Foreign Secretary visited the Foreign Office where he and his Likatonian counterpart held a press conference after shortly meeting together. At the press conference the Foreign Secretary stated: ‘’It is great to once more be in Likatonia, the Luthorian Government firmly believes in cooperating with Commonwealth nations for collective economic and cultural prosperity as well as common security. Likatonia and Luthori have a rich history and share a sea between us. It is time to strengthen our alliance and cooperate further for our common prosperity.’’.

Business & Economic ties strengthened
Not only the two representatives of their governments talked and lunched and dined together to discuss topics of economics and common security, various business leaders from both countries began talking on strengthening economic ties. Both private sector representatives tried to get an easy in created through this business trip in each other’s markets.

One of these openings was quickly seen as a representative of Hexlon Mining talked with various mining corporations of Likatonia on investing and even buying some of them and creating a subsidiary. Hexlon Imperial wasn’t the only major economic firm to initiate talks, various companies, such as building companies, furniture companies and other kinds of companies talked with the Likatonian Logging Company, Norwalk Fine Wood and Maidson Logging Company on the potential of importing large quantities of wood/logs from Likatonia to Luthori.

Representatives from SouthOceans, Northeren Maritime Corporation and Kindall Shipyards were also present to discuss port improvements in Likatonia to accommodate increased shipping and transport from and to Luthori through the Likatonia to and from the other Commonwealth countries. Especially Kindall Shipyards is trying to get a foot on the ground in Likatonia to upgrade or buy a port there for trade.

Common defence
At the meeting the two representatives of their governments discussed increased mutual cooperation on their military, especially the navy. The Luthorian aim is to exert more power in the shared Artanian Sea between the two nations with the help of its ally Likatonia. To that end the two talked about common R&D, seeking ways on cooperating on defence production and joint training sessions. One of the training sessions through a joint naval exercise will be held next month.

The Foreign Secretary has also said that they requested the Luthorian government in line with the alliance treaty with Likatonia asked their government to lease a military naval base for Luthorian use. With this the Luthorian Imperial Navy can more easily cooperate with the Likatonian navy and grant easier access to the Mad Dog Ocean, a strategic target for the Luthorian navy, especially seeing the increased trade with commonwealth partners and Luthorian interests in protecting them. It remains to be seen if Likatonia will agree to the lease.
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Re: Luthorian Daily - Humperdinck Media

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:13 pm

Luthori & Dorvik rekindle relationship, friends with friendly rivalry re-established

Relationship between Dorvik & Luthori restored, albeit different goals still friends

August 5380

Fort-William – Thanks to the political turmoil and the different foreign policy choices made by the Luthorian government the relationship between Dorvik and Luthori has waned over the last years. This came especially ahead after the great political ciris of the 70’s. This caused the Dorvish government to impose tariffs on automobiles from Luthori, which aided in worsening the little economic crisis the Empire suffered thanks to its internal problems. However a month ago the Dorvish government announced it would send a delegation to the Empire to rekindle the relationship between the two ancient nations.

The Dorvish Visit
The Imperial government received the news of the Dorvish visit with great anticipation. It is no secret that the Luthorians and Dorvish haven’t seen eye to eye on some of their foreign policy choices and different strategies. However the Luthorian government said it felt confident that ‘’Haldor and Fort William will understand each other better, sometimes you need to speak face to face to get each other better’’.

The Royal Government of Dorvik, represented by His Excelency Florian von Voll, the State Chancellor, Florian Neuhaeusser, the Foreign Minister and the Trade Commissioner Flori Rödl. Along with the representatives of the government came His Majestic Higness the King & Kaiser, Florian II/I. The representatives of the government were met with much joy by their Luthorian counterparts. Prime-Minister Sir Seward Asters greeted the State Chancellor, Brad McDouglas, Foreign Secretary greeted the Foreign Minister and Sir Robert Mitchell, Trade & Industry Secretary greeted the Trade Commissioner. They were after taking a picture together escorted to the cars from which they went to the Imperial Palace where they would held discussions on various topics.

The topics discussed

The representatives talked about a lot of things on mutual relations. The Luthorian government gave a statement on what was discussed: foreign policy, trade, domestic security, Artanian security and Dorvish-Luthorian relations.

Foreign Policy
The Foreign Secretary talked with his Dorvish counterpart on the Luthorian foreign policy. It was one of the factors that have lead to the most tensions between the two powers. In a joint press conference Mr. McDouglas said: ‘’Luthori is a global nations, we have friends all across the globe, especially through our Commonwealth. This means that we must work together with other powers, some might be rivals of Dorvik or other powers. This does not mean we are against Dorvik. We have failed to explain this to our friend. But Luthori is a global power. We are allies with Beiteynu, they are close allies and we wish to aid them in keeping stability in the regions us both are interested, for the good of our trade and common peace and stability. We wish to do the same with Dorvik in Artania. We fully agree with Dorvik that Artania’s future is decided by Artanians, we firmly stand with Dorvik in the defence of our continent as Artanians have shown to do. Dorvik, Kundrati and especially Luthori aided Malivia when it was in its darkest hour. Dorvik and Luthori cooperated for our continent, we want to keep doing that’’. Afterwards the Foreign Secretary also made a joke, for which he is known for: ‘’And Dorvik will have to understand that Luthori wants to keep our friendly rivalry intact, we are after all the two strongest nations on this continent and historic rivals, we must act our part right?’’ smiling and winking to his Dorvish counterpart.

Trade & economic ties
The two ministers concerned with trade, economic ties and industry talked in lengths behind close doors. There was no given press conference because both men were long in discussions over what there was too do. This made speculations arise if the two nations didn’t see eye to eye on these topics, worrying that the entire visit would be a bust. However shortly before the state diner a press statement was made in name of the Imperial Government that the two men had much to discuss and thus didn’t have time for a press conference. The two discussed on common investments in infrastructure and deepening trade, securing for Luthori oil and lifting the trade tariffs on the automobile industry. The two also talked about strategic economic goals in the revival of the Artanian Union and increasing economic activity on the continent.

Dorvish-Luthorian relations
The Prime-Minister and the State Chancellor gave a joint press conference about Dorvish-Luthorian relations. In the conference the two gave as answers that the discussions have been about mutual cooperation joint leadership in the continent, improving relations with the Kundrati Union - one of the strongest nations and a close ally of Luthori - and the domestic situation of Luthori and its politics. Another topic which was discussed but not openly was the joint leadership of both nations on the continent, all both parties wishes to say about that is that it was a productive and deeply satisfying discussion. The Prime-Minister also made it clear that they were happy to accept the Dorvish invitation for their troops to train with the Dorvish forces, stating that they could gain a wealth of experience from them. ‘’combined with our training from Lourenne and our experience in the Malivian crisis, this could bolster our experience greatly’’. The talks also went about Hutori, what exactly was discussed there was not disclosed.

Meeting of the two Sovereigns
His Majestic Highness wasn’t received by the government officials, as that would not do right by His station and majesty. His Majestic Highness was greeted and welcomed by the Crown Prince, William, Prince of Orange on behalf of His mother, the Empress. He walked and escorted His Majestic Higness to the cars that would bring him to the Imperial Palace where He would be received with full dignity. There he would speak with Her Imperial & Royal Majesty, Elizabeth, the Holy Luthorian Empress & Queen of Mordusia and Prince-Consort Phillipe d’Orleans-Vasser-DeChambeau, Prince of the Holy Luthorian Empire. They would have talks about their countries and their ties. They will also be joined by both Crown Prince’s to solidy relations between the two imperial houses.

State Diner
In the evening Her Imperial & Royal Majesty gave a state diner for the old King & Kaiser, she praised him for his long and stable reign in Dorvik and thanked him for his visit to Luthori. Her Imperial & Royal Majesty stated that she was happy to show the Kaiser around the Palace and had a lovely talk with him. ‘’it’s a great honour to have Your Majestic Highness here, to visit us. Its been a delight for Us and for Our Empire. To both our nations, a toast!’’

A great success
All in all the visit was a great success. Not only did Luthori make itself clear to intent to rise further and seek out global friends, but it also reaffirmed that it is both a friendly rival to Dorvik and a brother, a dear friend who work together. The Luthorians tried to dispel any notion of foreign involvement, stating that working globally is Luthori’s goal, but that the future of Artania is for Artania to decide. Especially the Imperials had a great time with each other, both Crown Prince’s were seen laughing often.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Oct 21, 2023 5:37 pm

Luthori Petroleum to negotiate with the Hutorian Government over oil exploitation rights.
The Imperial Oil Company's board has announced that the Imperial Oil Refinement, Extraction and Sales Company is in negotiations with the Hutorian Government over oil rights to Kenai. Other companies have also announced that they are in discussions with the Hutorian Government on a possible expansion of their activities in Hutori.
13th, July 5381

Fort William, Luthori - Hutori (referenced) - The Managing Director of the Imperial Oil Company or also called Luthori Petroleum (LP), declared in a radio interview with the Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation that his company, Imperial Oil Company, also named Luthori Petroleum, being one of the official names of the oil extraction, refinement and sales firm, he said in this interview affirming the rumors stating that several directors of the company would be left towards Hutori, with an unknown objective, he noted that the leaders had left towards Bekenial in the hope of meeting the Hutorian authorities to be able to negotiate a common agreement on the exploitation of the oil reserves in the northeast of the country, These reserves located in Kenai and Farlstan, in the first case, it seems likely that the LP will succeed in winning an exploitation right in this territory, where most of the foreign companies extracting oil and gas in Hutori having access. For Falrstan, the challenge is more difficult, because the Carter Energy Group has a virtual monopoly on oil, thanks to their link with the Mashacara present on the lands where the majority of the reserves are located, the Director-General announced that the The company's priority was to find a balanced agreement between Luthori and Hutori, so if the exploitation of the oil reserves in Kenai was impossible to negotiate with the Hutorian Government, the company was not going to push on this rather sensitive chord because relating to a government's relations with the Mashacara tribes. The firm also announced in the future that it would contact other world governments for the establishment of oil exploitation in their nations.

Several companies have also stated that they are in discussions with the Hutorian Government, for the establishment of activities in Hutori, such as National Credit, Ward Financial Holdings which have both announced to set up subsidiary branches in Hutori, MABC (Martwick-Alchester Banking Company) also announced its intention to enter the Hutorian market, but decided to implement a policy of waiting until "positive upsurges in the Hutori economy", in the automobile , Rivers Motors has announced its intention to "commence preliminary discussions with Hutorian officials on a possible implementation of the Lutorian automobile firm in their country", the Institute for Economics and Commerce at the University of Alchester, announced that trade with Hutori should increase "significantly" in the coming years, having advised the government, via its official journal, to put in place a free trade agreement, as quickly as possible, to accompany this rising wave.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:21 am

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Re: The Imperial News

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Oct 22, 2023 4:28 pm

Imperial Luthorian Army to replace Challenger 2.
The Challenger 2 is the longest-serving tank in service with the Imperial Armed Forces, but, with the apparent need to overhaul equipment used by the armed forces, the Imperial General Staff has announced that a consultation on plans to replace the tank will take place on the horizon.
24th, January 5382

A Challenger 2 in exercise during Operation Muster.

Fort William, Luthori - The Challenger 2, one of the most overused tanks by the Imperial Luthorian Army since its founding, for hundreds of years, more or less improved versions of the original model being used within the ground armed forces of the Luthorian Army. Even if the tank has been demonstrated to be effective on the battlefield, it seems that the army has decided to part with it, due to the all too well-known attachment of this model copied dozens or hundreds of times in the world, the over-use of this model, coupled with the desire for change on the part of the General Staff, led to the announcement by the General Staff of a "consultation" with defense manufacturers on a "study" of a replacement for the Challenger 2. Vice Chief of the Defense Staff, General Rundolph Malters said at the press conference announcing the change "the General Staff agreed that our tank fleet needed change, and that the Challenger 2, even if it is effective, no longer meets our requirements in relation to the desired equipment for our fleet of tanks, we will therefore seek, in the coming weeks and months, to find a replacement for Challenger 2, with the help of defense industrialists to whom we have indicated our desire for change." Several companies have already indicated that they are working on a tank project similar to that requested by the General Staff, such as the Sterling-Verner Group, working on a new Challenger model, after the 1 and 2, this Challenger 3 should fix certain shortcomings of the Challenger 2. Another model of the Lion M-02X is planned to be built by the company SlipStream, which recently received a contract to produce ammunition for the Imperial Luthorian Armed Forces.

The Imperial General Staff also announced that it will establish a schedule of military exercise operations that can be implemented for the Imperial Luthorian Army, Navy or Air Force, in collaboration with foreign forces or without.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Luis1p » Sun Oct 22, 2023 4:52 pm

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