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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:33 pm



Defense Ministry, February 22, 5386: The exercise began with a simulated invasion force reaching the southern coast of the Kundrati Union including a hypothetical aircraft carrier. The force other than the carrier was largely composed of frigates and some troop transports The initial response was largely Kundrati n the form of naval forces and air power.

The Kundrati Union frigates kept the invaders’ fleet busy with slightly more firepower while a 25% advantage in air superiority over the carrier’s combat air patrol allowed anti ship air attacks to tilt the balance as two divisions of Kundrati Union infantry took up defensive positions.

Shorty afterward 10 squadrons of the Luftwaffe arrived to resist the invasion. 5 squadrons of HF – 16’s joined the Kundrati Union’s fighters in winning the battle for air superiority. 3 more squadrons of HF – 16’s and 2 squadrons of Dorvish made Unionfighters armed with anti shop capacity joined the attack on the invaders’ ships which were busy in ship to ship fighting.

The invaders had managed to land two battalions of infantry before air superiority was decidedly lost and the invaders’ ships were clearly losing. The Bundesrepublik’s 5th Panzer Division thereupon arrived on the right of the Kundrati Union presenting a united front that was not going to fall to invasion.

Defeat having occurred, the carrier withdrew with a naval escort while the two battalions tried to evacuate with the invaders incurring heavy losses to infantry as 5 squadrons of HF-16’s arriving armed with air to surface weaponry while the invaders’ships suffered from continued naval bombardment and pounding from the air as it tried to return fire and reload the infantry. The invader escaped with what it could.

The Kundrati High Command and the Bundesrepublik’s National Defense Council both were very pleased with the performance of all service arms. Both agreed it was clear truly huge naval forces would be necessary to mount an actual invasion. There was a sobering note however. While casualties of the invaders were much greater than those of the defender, throwing missiles back and forth with anybody results in a lot of casualties. The Kundrati Union naval force would have been severely damaged while a lot of aircraft would have been lost. So victory would be very costly.

The National Defense Council was particularly pleased with two decisions made in the field. The 5th Panzer Division commander sent large scouting parties ahead to see if the routes suggested by maps were actually viable and as a result its timely arrival was possible.

Second, the last wing of HF-16’s in reserve at bases in Grosvic. The arriving Bundesrepublik aircraft saw that an infantry force had debarked and the wing commanders were able to so inform the Bundesrepublik’s Defense Force Commander who determined the reserve wing should be armed with air to surface weaponry to pound enemy infantry concluding that the invaders’ naval forces could be defeated with other assets.

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Re: Dundorf

Postby hyraemous » Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:24 pm



Kundrati and Dundorf conclude Kundorf-86 Military Exercise, results from Kundrati and Dundorf show promise
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:58 pm


Hutori's Lexington Gaming lands in Dunburg
The Hutorian company, leading the gaming industry, has arrived in Dundorf.
June 8, 5386

DUNBURG, ODERVELD - Trade Minister Mattheus Werner announced in a Tuesday presser that Lexington Gaming, a leading Hutorian company specialized in the electronic games industry, will arrive to Dundorf too, after announcing similar moves in Luthori and Beiteynu. Werner outlined how this investment will greatly benefit the existing tech sector in Dundorf, which has been developed in the past decades thanks to silicon extraction and strong Government's fundings.
Lexington Gaming, specifically, will open in our capital city "Lexington-Dunburg", set to become a leading gaming tech hub in Dundorf, an industry that has never been truly developed in Dundorf because investors chose to focus on other tech departments such as computers and other tools, so, this move is viewed by commentators as a strong impulse towards the modernization and diversification of the national tech industry.
77% of Dundorfians under the age of 25, according to an estimate, have played a videogame at least once, while 62% have at least one game installed in one of their electronic devices, a sizeable minority, 32%, declares they play one of these games at least once a day, making economists say that these facts set up the potential for a strong market.

Youth's Mental Health advocates and Doctors warn although that a prolonged use of these games could lead to some negative effects on the gamers' health, asking the schools to set up informative meetings with the students about the consequences this could lead to. The Education Ministry has released a statement in which they ask schools to provide such meetings, but also asks parents to make sure the usage of videogames isn't abused, refusing further regulation.

Relations between Dundorf and Hutori have only recently been rekindled, since a working Government returned into power in Hutori, and since the Dundorfian Republican government replaced the former D.D.R. regime more than a century and a half ago. Rumors says that Dundorf and Hutori may soon restart trade talks, this time around trains.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:12 pm


Government selects Rabesburg as FOMAT Host City
The Söder-Kerekes Cabinet agreed on selecting the city of Rabesburg, Chontalen as the next host city for FOMAT.

RABESBURG, CHONTALEN - People in Rabesburg, Nordenhaus and Lutzenkamp all tuned their TVs, radios and other devices on yesterday's speech by Federal Chancellor Lukas Söder-Kerekes, not to hear about politics, but to finally discover which one of their cities has been selected by the Government to host the XXII edition of the FOMAT, won the last time by Dundorf's Krapften in Lourenne.
The finalist cities were selected through on-line polls and they were, as already said, Rabesburg, Nordenhaus and Lutzenkamp, respectively the capital cities of Chontalen, Dunlake and Julstoch. After hearing to the Chancellor's speech, people in Nordenhaus and Lutzenkamp were left with a heavy toll of sadness, whereas Rabesburgers were filled in joy, as their city has been selected by the Federal Government to host the FOMAT.

The organizing committee, "FOMAT in Rabesburg, JA!", has unveiled the official logo of the event and the timeline of it:
OOC: RL Timeline for the XXII FOMAT
Submissions Open: 31 October, 18h (CET)
Submissions Close: 7 November, 18h (CET), voting period starts
Voting ends: 10 November, 12h (CET)
FOMAT: 10 November, 18h (CET)

Full Logo Image here: https://i.ibb.co/k0bDF6k/FOMAT-XXII-Logo.png
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:46 pm



Defense Ministry, February 22, 5387: ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER sources in the Defense ministry indicate Theil- Hasel Technologies GmbH, a major Dorvish defense contractor in the area of armored vehicles, and Gebirgmunition, a Dundorfische munitions maker instrumental with Grosvic Ubermanntes Fluggerat in producing an armed drone (the GUF 200), with Kundrati Weapons Manufactuers in producing a multiple rocket launcher system (MRLS) (the KWM 70 MRLS), and with Jeschonnek Hubschrauber in producing an armed light helicopter (the JS Libelle).

Theil-Hassel and Gebirgmunition are considering a joint venture to produce a state of the art heavily armed and armored MRLS together. They are both reviewing what is currently available and where and what their existing manufacturing capacity could reasonably and comfortably undertake. As well as whether there is really any market.

ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER sources hear that the Oberkommando der Heer (OKH) has been lobbying Ableitung II of the National Defence Council (NVR) for yet another MRLS and so if is likely if Theil- Hassel and Gebirgmunition do go ahead with the project there will be at least one ready customer.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:41 pm



Foreign Ministry, August 13, 5389: The Foreign Ministry today announced that a joint venture agreement has been reached between Oracle Gold, a Malivian State owned corporation which sells Malivian gold, and Marcks Feiereisin Enterprises, the foremost diamond supplier in the Bundesrepublik.

They will be jointly making available diamond and gold jewelry in Malivia and throughout the Bundesrepublik to retailers and wholesalers as well as the international gold, diamond and jewelry markets. The State run Malivian Gold Mining, Refining and Processing Company (MGRP) mines and refines and prepares for jewelry making gold for sale by Oracle Gold.

In the Budesrepublik, Nationales Bergbaukonglomerat, or National Mining Conglomerate, operates underground mines to extract diamonds from approaches to the Muselbergen, our highest mountains and crushes the extracted rock to obtain the actual diamonds. Most gem grade diamonds are sold to the Steigerwald Group which cuts and polishes the diamonds. Most are then resold to Marcks Feiereisin.

A new feature is the Oracle Gold – Marcks Feiereisin consortium will hire staff to actually make gold necklaces, bracelets and earrings as well as mount diamonds in gold settings and subcontract some of this work to established jewelers throughout Malivia and the Bundesrepublik. The consortium will then make the jewelry available to retailers and wholesalers in both nations and to international markets. Obviously at this stage, much more jewelry will be sold in the Bundesrepublik than Malivia but that market should increase overtime as its economy improves

ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER is under the impression this arrangement will be of benefit to Malivia by bringing in a long established dealer in the jewelry market to see that far more Malivian gold will be sold than possible otherwise and thereby enable Oracle Gold and MGRP to employ more and more workers and greatly increase gold revenue. Further it will make high quality diamond jewelry available in Malivia.

ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER further notes that the Bundesrepublik benefits by opening a foreign market for its diamonds and by making gold mounted diamonds available from Dundorfische sources available for the first time. What is expected to be a big attraction is the gold mounted diamond engagement ring.

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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:34 pm



Defense Ministry, February 22, 5390: ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER has learned from Defense Minister Maximillian Strasser that the joint venture of the Dorvish defense contractor Theil- Hassel Technologies GmbH and Dundorfische munitions maker Gebirgmunition will be going ahead after receiving approval from both boards of directors and both governments. The heavily armed and armored multiple rocket launcher system (MRLS) will become part of both defense systems and the means of production is in place.

In the case of the Oberkommano der Heer (OKH) , the heavy tracked MRLS will not take the place of the lighter truck borne MRLS in place but will be used in conjunction with it. To the extent possible, there will be two artillery battalions as part of the divisional assets of each of the eight divisions. Beginning with the 5th Panzer Division, one of the two artillery battalions will have eight of the new MRLS and twenty four self propelled guns as well as reconnaissance drones and counter battery radar. The other battalion will have eight of the lighter truck borne MRLS and twenty four self propelled guns. The remaining MRLS and self propelled guns will be used first in the 1st Division and then the other divisions to the extent possible but with towed artillery continuing to be the largest part of our artillery complement.

Defense Minister Strasser

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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:18 pm


Trade and Industry Minister Ziethen


Ministry of Trade and Industry, March 13, 5389: Trade and Industry Minister Helga Ziethen announced today that the Importunternehmen der Bundesrepublik (IdB) or Federal Republic Import Corporation has been authorized to purchase some pig iron from the Government of Malivia with funds appropriated to the Ministry for such purchases when resale is believed to be very likely to be rapid.

In this case, the Government of Malivia will be selling 10000 kilograms to 15000 kilograms (15 metric tons or tonnes) of pig iron to IdB per annum which will resell it to Muselberger Specialty Steel in Radulfshagen located in Grosvic Bundeslander. Muselberger Specialty Steel has as its primary source of income steel making chassis for Dinkelacker Bruder trucks and sedans but for some years has been also making steel girders with steel imported from Saridan initially also purchased by IdB.

The Government agreed to the purchase to be among those encouraging Malivia to get into the iron mining and steel producing business as it takes steps to build its economy and provide a better standard of living for its citizenry and hopefully become an iron and steel source for other nations.

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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:13 am



Defense Ministry, October 13, 5390: The Heer currently has 40 JS Libelle rotorcraft with five assigned to each of the eight divisional headquarters. These all are designed to be equipped with anti tank missiles. It can be refitted with air to air missiles in about a day to be a variant, the JS Libelle AA, and could add naval air search equipment in several hours should that be ever necessary. The makers of the JS Libelle and JS Libelle AA, Jeschonnek Hubschrauber (JS) and Gebirgsmunition (GBM),have now developed another variant which instead of anti tank or air to air missiles would be fitted with unguided rocket pods or gun pods for machine guns. It when so fitted is known as the JS Libelle GRP

The Oberkommando der Heer (OKH) has recommended to the National Defense Council (NVR) that its Ableitung II in charge of procurement purchase 40 more from JS and GBM and that initially 10 of those be equipped with anti tank missiles, 15 as JS Libelle AA’s and 15 as JS Libelle GRP’s to be delivered over the next five years. This would be to form a battalion of helicopters as an asset of the 1st Division along with the 5 JS Libelles already there.

The Chief of Staff of the NVR endorsed the OKH recommendation which Defense Minister Maximillian Strasser then approved.




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Re: Dundorf

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Nov 10, 2023 1:06 pm

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
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