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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:47 am


BREAKING: Kazulia Begins Building 2 Domestically Built Diesel-Electric Submarines

The Sketch for the new Agatha Class Submarine

March 4th 5383

Kazulia's Defense Contractor has announced that they will be starting building of the new Agatha Class Diesel Electric Submarine. The submarine will be the first to be entirely Kazulian made, at the new shipyards in HMMB Fagersnes and HMMB Eggther. Kazulia has built almost 5 capable dry docks for submarine production which will be made in "submarine barns" a closed environment where they can be built out of the elements and the famous Kazulia weather which is compounded by the location near the sea.

The new Agatha class submarines will be 60.4 m (198 ft 2 in) long and displace around 1,400 tons. The submarines are base off of previous Kazulian designs but it has been refined and improved to a new state of the art design. The sub is powered by 2 ultra quiet Diesel Engines and 2 near silent Electric motors which are used while submerged. They have hydrodynamic hull designs to minimize noise and friction in the water. These submarines are meant to be hunter killer submarines that can outdetect and outstealth any submarine in the world.

Obviously one detractor to the new design is the fact that they are limited by Diesel fuel consumption however with port access in Kazulia and Hutori for the Kazulian Submarine program they will be able to cover large areas of water. These submarines will be mainly designed to protect Kazulia's home waters as well as attack carrier groups and other forces in groups. Their small size and stealth make them perfect for Kazulian coastal defense and blue ocean patrols.

Asvald Gruppen Maritime has planned to make two submarines for the Kazulian navy and they will make a larger order once this smaller order is filled. These are expected to take 3 years to complete with the keels being laid out one week ago. Asvald Gruppen will be looking internationally to produce this submarine to other countries in the future as well, a great opptrunity for the Kazulian shipbuilding industry to grow.

These submarines are living proof that the Kazulian economy is growing and getting better and better as well as the fact that Kazulia is serious about expanding its military presence in the region.
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:02 am


By: Ebba Jonsson

Kazulia's Fashion Week was held in Skalm this week where a record 17 modeling agencies from across Kazulia attended. Record numbers of attendees came to fashion week as international fashion gurus like Nina Renard in Kanjor have brought about a fashion frenzy internationally. Well we at the Northern Lights decided to give some light to the domestic Kazulian fashion industry. Kazulian Fashion has remained a industry that exists in Kazulia but hasn't thrived by a long shot. Other countries in Terra especially Lourenne to the south of Kazulia have long been the fashion giants in the industry. It is true that Kazulia and Lourenne's long friendship. The Lourenne Fashion industry has long been influential in Kazulia but this overshadows the rich history of the Kazulian fashion industry.

The Kazulian Fashion industry is an undiscovered gem in northern Dovani with the Kazul style being ever changing but remaining classic Kazul. Kazulian fashion has remained domestically important and apart of the Kazulian identity. Kazulian fashion is known for the emphasis of warmer clothing and clothing that fits the climate of Kazulia which imagine that, is cold. Summer styles have a mix of class and comfort that Kazulians can wear in the great outdoors, this is what was seen at Kazulia's fashion week.

The fashion show was a showcase of the Kazulian fashion industry that is benefiting from the global spark in popularity for fashion due to the growing fashion industries in other countries. The Kazulian fashion industry if it was to be expanded or made popular overseas could see a massive boost. The base stuff is there it just needs a spark for it to get going. Kazulia has many exciting stuff that could shape global fashion trends and this show proved just that.

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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:51 pm


August 29th 5384

The Kazulian Coast Guard has announced a new program to ensure Kazulian sovereignty as well as check for contraband goods coming into Kazulia. The new program is called "Operation Egg in a Basket". This operation will officially be checking every ship that enters Kazulian waters which will receive a thorough search, this includes any warships that enter Kazulian waters. The only ships exempt are those registered and flying the Kingdom of Hutori and Königreich Dorvik which will only receive normal custom searches on arrival and their warships will be exempt from all searches.

As for contraband, any found will be seized by the Kazulian Coast guard and if ships do not comply this will be enforced by the Kazulian Navy. This is to maintain that dangerous substances and drug trafficking do not take place from seaborn routes into the Kingdom of Kazulia as well as maintain national waters sovereignty which has seen many other navies incur upon in past times.

The Head of the Kazulian Coast Guard, Igor Offerdahl made a public statement telling Kazulians and the international community about the new rules in his press briefing he called the changes "necessary for the preservation of Kazulian sovereignty and the security of the kingdom".

Kazulia has long taken a hard stance on sovereignty and not letting anyone or anything infringe upon it. With these changes we will ensure that the coastal waters of Kazulia under the Law of the Sea are respected and maintained and that any nations that wishes to use it will need to obey the rules that they will need to follow to do business, trade or anything inside of Kazulian waters. For Kazulian citizens the changes will not change anything. If your vessel is registered to a Kazulian port and flies the Kazulian flag do not worry about any checks or searches. As for trade the checks and searches will last anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours and are not expected to disrupt trade or traffic trading with Kazulia and vice versa.
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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:50 pm


August 12th 5385

The Statsminister of Kazulia, the Foreign Minister and other officials visited Nsanlosa to discuss and establish good relations between the Kingdom of Kazulia and the Nsanian Republic. First and foremost the Statsminister promised that Governmental aid from Skalm both public and private will be entering the country to help with the financial recovery of the nation. The Kazulian Government will give out a maximum of 500 million LOD in loans for businesses to help get off the ground. Along with this the Kazulian Government has cut all tariffs for Nsanian companies looking to do business in Kazulia.

The Statsminister also signed a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Nsanlosa and Kazulia. This deal promises no conflict between the two nations as well as the roots for a more involved alliance and military partnership in the future. Kazulian universities and Kazulian companies have been fully opened up to the people of Nsanlosa.

It is no secret that the Kazulian Government has looked at what their close allies, the Dorvish have done and decided to follow suit, however it is clear that Nsanlosa is one of the emerging powers in Eastern Dovani one that shares many of the same ideals and Hosian beliefs as Nsanlosa. The Kazulian Government has begun a cultural exchange program as apart of this new friendship where Kazulian students and Nsanlosa students will be able to visit both countries and create a great opportunity for closer relations and cultural exchange between the two countries.

The Kazulian Statsminister has called Nsanlosa a "shining light" in Eastern Dovani and a "natural friend of the Kazulian state". This government has been extremely good at making friends across Terra and Nsanlosa is a country that has an extremely bright future and one where they can count on Kazulia to be a good trade partner and friend as they continue to grow and expand!
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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:51 am


October 21st 5385

By Political Corespondent: Olaf Potters

It is no secret that the Premiership of Hannah Horovitz is coming to a close. The moderate wing of the Rettferdighet og frihet party has been seeing major declines in now multiple elections and now a new Populist firebrand figure Theodor Holmgren the new CEO of Brensel has emerged on the Kazulian political stage who has repeatedly called for an increased relationship with non traditional allies of Kazulia including Nsanlosa, North Dovani and especially states in Dovani. For foreign policy he changes very little of Kazulia's foreign policy however domestically he would change things substantially.

Horovitz's expiration date as with many leaders seems to be expiring. Popular opinion is waning and it seems that she had done many of the things she has said. For instance she has stopped any tensions that may have existed between the Kazulian and Beiteynu state, even though the countries are nothing more than trading partners it really helped to calm things for foreign policy in the Kazulian state and now currently Kazulia has no beef with other nations across Terra. She reacted very well to the Terrorist attacks that took place in 5381 and has begun naval expansion as well as making the Kazulian Armed Forces stronger than it has been in years. This along with mandatory service for Kazulians has made the Kazulian military stronger than it has been in many decades.

Energy prices continue to go down however they remain high. Brensel has increased energy output for Kazulians but many are calling for even more energy with the popular opinion being that Kazulia could be an oil exporter if Nuclear Power was expanded across Kazulia. Theodor Holmgren has repeatedly made it a point to tell the Kazulian Government to expand its nuclear power program and to cut down on the domestic use of coal and fossil fuels. Also he has called for a new upgraded public transportation system as well as rail links to North Dovani and Dankuk.

Horovitz remains very powerful in Skalm but she is quickly being overshadowed by other figures. If this author could predict the future, let me just say I think her days are numbered.
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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:50 am


March 12th 5386

Kazulian Oil Conglomerate Brensel has won a 99 year lease on 30% of the Althorcaea Shelf Oil Fields in Hutori. In a joint announcement between the Hutorian Government and Brensel it was made official. The Althorcaea shelf is located off the coast of the Kenai Province of Hutori. The shelf has been bitterly contested between multiple oil and gas companies and several countries. Brensel has for years has been a primarily domestic oil company that drills in Kazulian territory however historically they have been drilling in Hutori and other countries as well. This marks a resurgence for Brensel as one of the largest oil producers in Dovani and in the north.

Brensel's CEO Theodor Holmgren has been extremely vital to the deal as he has spent considerable amounts of time with the Hutorian Government negotiating for the rights to drill there. The oil and gas that will be extracted from the Althorcaea shelf will be first provided to Kazulian Government interests and then exported. The Kazulian strategic oil reserve will be one of the primary targets for filling. Brensel will be creating multiple oil platforms for extraction along the shelf which will all follow both Hutori and Kazulian safety standards. Brensel will also be hiring hundreds of more workers in which Hutorian and Kazulian citizens will be given preference.

CEO of Brensel Theodor Holmgren made a press conference today in which he thanked the Hutorian Government before excitedly stating why this was such a good deal for the company.

This is a great opportunity for Brensel to further oil extraction as well as solidify Kazulia as one of the largest oil countries in Terra. Brensel has been one of the largest oil companies for centuries and today we are rising back to the top. I would like to graciously thank the Hutorian Government for their decision in trusting us. We have a special friendship with Hutori that has lasted throughout the ages and it is clear that our shared bond has never been stronger.

The Skalm Stock Exchange (SKE) reacted well today with stocks of Brensel reacting well to the news. The stock market has seen in the past hours one of the best days it has had for decades. Brensel is one of Kazulia's largest companies and with their resurgence on the Terran stage as a big key player once again, this has helped to fuel the Kazulian growth in the past days and hours.

This is a great opportunity for the Kazulian and Hutorian economies that many investors are calling "a win win" for everyone involved. Lastly for Holmgren who is looking increasingly like he wants to become the next Statsminister of Kazulia, he has a great economic achievement under his belt and one that will seemingly only make him more popular with the Kazulian public.
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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:29 am


November 1st 5386

Former CEO of Brensel Theodor Holmgren is now the new Statsminister of the Kingdom of Kazulia. In a internal party vote Hannah Horovitz was ousted and promptly resigned making way for Holmgren to become the leader of Kazulia. Horovitz has not made public statements on these events but sources close to the former Statsminister say that "she is moving on with here life". Holmgren is seen as a popular figure inside of the Rettferdighet og frihet and will hopefully bridge the divide that is growing inside of Kazulia. The party is at a difficult junction as they possible face its first competition in many years. Holmgren is seen as the most likely candidate to have the popular appeal to face the growing divide inside the Kazulian population.

In the past days official documents suggest that the De Liberale Konservative a former major political party that was in Kazulia for many decades is attempting to regroup and reform. If this happens this would be an immediate challenge to the dominance of the Rettferdighet og frihet party that has lasted several decades now. However this is all still speculative what is certain is for the meantime Holmgren will be the next Statsminister of the Kingdom of Kazulia. Holmgren rose in the Kazulian business world for many years before switching jobs to the Brensel Oil conglomerate. He became CEO in the past couple years but has been an outspoken promoter of the Kazulian economy and a nationwide figure. Recently he has promised to "expand Kazulia's horizons" and to expand the economy in responsible ways. He is a political outsider but a breath of fresh air for Kazulians.

In his first speech to the Storting he said

It will be my duty as Statsminister to lead this country into the future but and to make sure that we progress into the future together. It is my honor and privilege to serve as the next Statsminister of this country and I will serve the people to the best of my ability. We have much work to do but we can and will do it!

Already he has planned for several military expansion plans that will be released in the coming days. The navy already is announcing more submarines to be launched and the new Government has hit the ground running.
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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:14 am


By: Lars Johansen

Kazulian Pop Singer "Petra" has been announced to represent the Kingdom of Kazulia in FOMAT XXll which will take place in Rabesburg, Dundorf. Petra has been leading a new series of singers and bands that is bringing back Kazulia's pop scene and she is seen as a potential worldwide star in the making as well. This will be a good chance for her to be seen on the Terran Stage and for Kazulian music to be represented for the first time ever.

This is an important moment in Kazulia's music history, FOMAT has never had Kazulian representation and now Petra will be what we truly believe to have a strong showing for Kazulia. Kazulia has long had a vibrant but overlooked music scene and finally it will be getting some international recognition that it needs.

Petra will be performing her newest top single "You and me Strangers". We as well as all of Terra will be watching FOMAT and we wish Petra the best of luck!

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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:48 am


April 12th 5387

Today the Ministry of Fisheries has announced the closure of the 5387-5388 Winter Snow crab season. Due to a abnormally warm year in Kazulian and northern waters as a whole above Dovani the number of crabs has dropped especially for juvenile crabs which have dropped by 60%. The Arctic and Dovani Snow Crab population now stands at roughly 3 billion crab, last year it was roughly four times as much with 13 billion crab. Scientists are saying that major heat waves have struck off the Dovani Coast and the fisheries that are under constant monitoring by the Ministry of Fisheries. To protect the Kazulian commercial crabbing industry the Ministry of Fisheries has closed all commercial crabbing in the Northern Anantonese Ocean and the White Ocean. 3 subspecies of Snow Crab are under threat, The Bersi Snow Crab, the Holmstedt Crab and the Spiny Snow Crab. This industry is one of the largest for Kazulian fisherman along with King Crab, Salmon and White Ocean Cod (Cod). The King Crab are located in warmer waters and are more adaptable to change. They saw limited loss but not as drastic as the Snow Crab loss.

The Bersi Snow Crab, one of three species that has been closed to commercial fishing

The Kazulian Ministry of Fisheries will be conducting several scientific studies on the PH, water temperature and water conditions to better understand and protect the Snow Crab. They have requested emergency money from the Kazulian government to study and find out how to help the problem and protect Kazulia's crabbing industry.

Kazulian crabbers are frustrated but understanding. The Kazulian crabbing fleet is based in the seaport of Bersi with ships having to find alternative ways of catching crab and other fish they do not usually catch. Captain of the Arktisk Banditt (Arctic Bandit) and 13th generation family crabber, Laura Bjorklund spoke to SK about the impact of the closing of the season on commercial crabbers

It is tough it really is, this is my livelihood and having several species that we live off of just disappear is very concerning. I think it is important that we protect the Snow crab fishery for future generations so that my children and grandchildren can be able to if they so choose, live the life I now live. It is really a tough decision but we can persevere, if these crab are gone then it would mean the end of our way of life. I am happy that the Kazulian Government is taking the initiative on this and protecting the crab fishery.

A spark of good news is that the Dovani Golden King Crab also known as the Kazulia King Crab continues to have steady growth. It is smaller than other species of King Crab but prized for their meat taste. They were not as affected by the abnormally warm ocean temperatures. Many crab fisherman will be targeting the Dovani Golden King Crab but this species also has strict seasons and catch quotas to ensure that the species continues to grow.

The Ministry of Fisheries will be conducting population surverys in both Kazulian and International Waters next winter for Snow Crab to test and see if the fishery can be reopened, it is expected that the population will take years to recover.

The Dovani Golden King Crab or locally known as the Kazulian King Crab one species showing population growth by nearly 20% over the past 5 years
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Re: Kazulia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:49 am


April 25th 5387

The Kazulian Navy has approved a second order of 8 Agatha Class Diesel Electric Submarines that will fundamentally transform the Kazulian Navy and submarine force as a whole. Asvald Gruppen Maritime will be the company that will make all 8 of the new Submarines. The submarines are a symbol of the rise of the Kazulian manufacturing and military prowess as well as Kazulia emerging as once again a force to reckon with in Northern Dovani.

The Kazulian Navy has been pleased with the two that have already been made, HKoMS Agatha and HKoMS Skalm. The submarines are small but virtually silent with capabilities to have special operations, as well as armed with several torpedoes. These submarines despite being Diesel Electric can stay underwater for weeks and are even run by AIP (Air-independent propulsion) which extends the range of the submarines using less fuel. The Agatha class also has state of the art sonar and intelligence gathering technologies. These submarines will be very capable and expand the Kazulian Navy's capabilities to not only protect itself and its sphere but to even project its power across the seas.

The 8 new submarines will be built over a projected 10 year span with 4 being built at a time. The Agatha class is modular which makes development of the submarines easier for Asvald Gruppen Maritime. More jobs will be created because of the program and this will all be covered under the vast military expansion funding bill as well as increased spending due to economic growth.

This is an exciting time for the Kazulian Navy and a crucial point in the expansion of Kazulia's military strength and prowess.
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