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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:59 pm

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:10 am

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:00 pm

The United Kingdom, full of sorrow, entered a week of mourning following the death of King Maximillien III last week. After days of preparation,
the Office of the Crown Representative publicly released the official funeral procession for the late king.

In attendance were only individuals close to the king including the immediate royal family, the Princess of Adelia and King William XIV of
Hutori, the Imperial Family of Luthori including Her Imperial Majesty; Queen Sophia of Kazulia, Crown Prince Florian and Prince Alaric of
Dorvik along with Vice State Chancellor, Antonin Elsner and the Dorvish Ambassador to Lourenne, Erwin Wirtz; the extended family of the
House of Ananto, Gojong IV of Bae, and the Duke and Duchess of Verdanloix of the House of Berneux. The funeral procession began at the
Eglise de Saint Helene in central Eroncourt, which has been used several times in funerals and coronations. A Requiem Mass was led by
the Bishop of Eroncourt and the Arch-Patriarch of Canrille, who made the trip north from Ville-des-Saints following the king’s death. The
Queen sat in the front with the Prince Consort Eugene and her two kids, the Prince of Alvium, Louis, and the Princess Charlotte.

The Requiem Mass concluded after a short speech by the Queen. After the end of the mass, a procession was held from the Eglise de Saint
Helene, to the Royal Assembly, where respects were made by the deputies and government members at the building. The procession then
continued from the Royal Assembly to the Palace of Lights in Lac des Lumieres. The coffin was transported to Lac des Lumiere via a
guarded vehicle procession–the royal family followed behind. At Lac des Lumieres, the procession began on foot once more and the
procession ended at the Chappelle Royale at the Palace of Lights where one more mass was held for the king. A gathering was held at the
East Wing Hall of Palace of Lights shortly after for refreshments and for talks between the monarchs. As requested by Queen Aurore, she
took a “state photograph” that included King William XIV, the Princess of Adelia, Crown Prince Florian, and Queen Sophia to commemorate
her late father.

The Princess of Adelia, a childhood friend of the Queen, spent days before the funeral in Lac des Lumieres, to spend time with Aurore–who
according to reports was “unprepared to receive the throne so soon.” With the birth of her third child just 5 months ago, the Queen has
been overwhelmed with her father’s previous work and with assuming power during Lourenne’s height. The Princess of Adelia’s presence
has helped the Queen become more grounded and helped her realize her new position as leader of the Canrillaise world. The Crown
Representative stated that the Queen is more stressed about handling the family’s 500 Billion LFR fortune. Periogot-Vasser, the financial
institution owned by the Royal Family, has already requested new leadership to lead the financial giant. Several residencies are in need
of repair, and the family’s charities are requesting new funds for the new year. Altogether, the Queen is handling over 200 billion francs
within the first days of her reign. While finances are usually controlled by the Princes of the Blood, they seem to have no interest in the
family’s finances except for their own.
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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:33 pm

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Re: Lourenne

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:08 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Sun Nov 12, 2023 3:54 pm

The Royal Ministry of Defense led by Général Philibert Delorme and the Royal Military Leadership have announced a large modernization of Programme
Titianaboa, the nation’s space and aerial defense system. Programme Titianaboa was inspired by an international,42nd century military exercise led by
Lourenne during the prime days of the Northern Council. The exercises involved several countries in the world and was led by Lourenne. One of the
three main objectives for this exercise was to improve aerospace defenses for the participating countries. The effects of the exercise, having learned from
nations such as Dorvik, Hutori, and Kazulia, left a lasting impact on the Royal Armed Forces.

In 4647, the Royal Ministry of Defense created today's Programme Titianaboa: the nation’s air defense system. The Titanaboa System is composed of
multiple parts: air-to-air defense, surface-to-air defense, spatial defense, reconnaissance, and updated technology.

One of the first steps of the program was to create new radar systems for the country all while building up the Royal Air Force’s numbers. Surveillance
planes, Dimont fighters, and radars were improved on all levels. Radar systems created and stationed throughout the country were improved. Satellites
were even sent up to space to help facilitate this project. Known as “Project Parapluie”, the United Kingdom created an elaborate, atmospheric system
that would use the technological capabilities of satellites, radars, and elaborate missiles to keep Lourennais skies safe. This elaborate program fell into
decay as the country focused on more relevant issues.

As the United Kingdom continues to grow and show consistent stability, the Royal Ministry of Defense has called for a complete modernization of the
program to address Lourenne’s military needs. Programme Titianaboa will receive funding from the Royal Assembly over the course of ten years to ensure
that national defenses, specifically aerial defense, is well maintained. To begin the project, the Royal Ministry of Defense has announced the creation of
a new generation Dimont Fighter, dubbed as the F5-Dimont Rafale or simply, “F5”. The new fighter jet will include several maintenance and capability
upgrades, especially towards its targeting system, radar capabilities, and weapons suite. The RMD has called for an initial 200 new fighter jets to replace
the Royal Air Force’s older Dimont models. It is expected that new fighter jets will be delivered in three years.

Furthermore, the RMD will begin to work with the Royal Space Agency to restart “Project Parapluie”. The effort will begin by creating a new generation
of AERIS Rockets and sending new satellites to space. The RSA will begin drafting new models of the AERIS with Aeronol and Asteria. Project Parapluie will
be the last part of the modernization program thus delaying the timeframe by 8 to 9 years. More locally, the RMD will work to repair and modernize the
nation's radar systems and associated missile systems. Asteria and Aeronol will also lead that effort by focusing on radars in strategic locations within
Lourenne. The Général Philibert Delorme, the Royal Minister of Defense, commented on the timeframe of the entire project. While a ten year time frame
is the base length of modernization efforts, the program may extend by five years based on funding and overall productivity. Programme Titianaboa will
address the overall modernization of the Royal Air Force. With the Royal Navy and Royal Ground Component receiving most of the attention, the Royal Air
Force will finally come up to speed with the rest of the Royal Armed Forces.
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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:25 pm



OOC: Submissions are open and will remain open until 11:59 PM EST, Friday, November 24th
FOMAT will be held in the Official PT discord on Saturday, November 25th, 1 PM EST
Last edited by Luis1p on Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:52 pm

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Tue Nov 14, 2023 5:49 pm

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Re: Lourenne

Postby Luis1p » Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:20 pm

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