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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:06 pm


August 8th 5392

Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Parnum the Thunderer has declared a need for the order to once again arm itself and protect Dolgava from outside threats against the Church. The Order was established when Crusaders came to Dolgava liberating it from Pirate heathens that were committing war crimes. Ever since it has existed first as a military force and then as a charity organization however the order has realized the need for a defensive force that will uphold the will of God and the Terran Patriarchal Church. The order has officially several thousand volunteer forces that have joined the order to be knights. They have also gone through the nessisary rules and regulations for paramilitaries in Dolgava, an extremely strict system that vets out groups that would want to do harm. The announcement came from Grand Master Wilhelm Honigman who in a statement said that Dolgava had fallen into reckless godlessness and that a presence of the order will help to keep Dolgava "rooted in the true faith".

We believe the time has come to arm ourselves with the sword and shield of Eliyahu's Righteousness as the sword of of truth. This order's missions for thousands of years has been the protection of Dolgava and its people and now we must make a statement towards Satanil and the forces of evil that continue to try and make their way into our society. We will be ready to defend Dolgava at all costs and to protect this Hosian nation from ungodliness and evil. If nessisary we will conduct actions given to us from Eliyahu himself to serve the flock of the Hosian Church and his people let that be from hospitals or the next Crusades, we will be ready for whatever Eliyahu calls us to do.

The Grand Knight of the Order of Saint Parnum the Thunderer position has been re-established with its head being Sir. Luukas Kask. Kask served in the Dolgavan Army for years before he left and now has been appointed the next Grand Knight of the Order which will lead the paramilitary. In a statement he said

By Eliyahu's grace we have done these great things in the sight of his people. May we bless his Holy Name for the things that have transpired. This holy army of warriors will be ever present in Dolgava, protecting the innocent, the oppressed and upholding our good Hosian beliefs and traditions.

The Grand Knight of the Order of Saint Parnum Luukas Kask

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:15 am


October 1st 5392

The Dolgavan Air Force has announced that the elite units of Unionfighters that are called the "readiness squadrons" will be in the process of reactivated across Dolgava. The Unionfighters have seen significant modifications and upgrades following Dorvish and Dolgavan military cooperation. These squadrons will be placed around the country and especially along the coast. With the recent unprovoked imperialism in the region from Luthori. The stationing of Luthorian troops in Likatonia is a clear action that looks to expand the Empire closer and closer to instilling its will on Keris.

Dolgavan Defense Minister Elisabeth Spitz made a statement saying that the increased patrols were to prevent Luthorian Aircraft from infiltrating Dolgavan sovereignty.

The world order and especially the Imperialist insane asylum known as Luthori has decided that Keris should be subjugated. For years we have been used, abused and forgotten and now when we want to make our own future they send troops to make sure we are kept in our place... That is where they want us, crushed! However friends Dolgava will no longer be contained and we will make sure that the Terrorists in Luthori are put in their place. We will be activating our squadrons of Unionfighters. We have met many good countries in the past few years like Dundorf, Hutori, Dorvik and others but this imperialism from Luthori. Dolgava will be on high alert until Luthori backs out of our neighborhood. We will be activating forces on several Air Bases including Wolfgang Petermann Airforce Base in Hodari, Queen Konstanja Airforce Base in Karzon and Kirzon the Great Airforce Base in Kirzon Valley. The Rapid Response Task Force has been activated and will continue to be active until Luthorian forces have left Lodamun

The Dolgavan Rapid Reponse Task Force has been activated dozens of times in the past operating from the Keymon to Hobrazia and all over Terra. These are made up of the most elite pilots in Dolgava and with increased training being organized by the Airforce it is expected that the squadrons will only get better and better with time. A total of 5 squadrons of 16 aircraft a piece have made up the Task Force, a complicated and effective system of defense which has protected Dolgava for hundreds of years. The tried and true Unionfighter is the airplane of choice in Dolgava, the aircraft were acquired with the Kingdom of Dorvik's blessing many years ago and Dolgavans have made upgrades and tweaks to them over the years and now hold the plans and capability to build them domestically in house.

Growing anger towards the Holy Luthorian Empire has seen many arguments in Parliament. Some more radical members of Parliament have proposed cutting ties with Luthori as others are saying that potentially saber rattling Likatonia is the best solution, however for now strongly worded statements from the Dolgavan Government will be as far as they will be able to go. Growing tensions in the north could spark a new Northern Cold War and bring unrest to Keris once again...

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:02 am


October 22nd 5392

Her Majesty Crown Princess Helvig has begun her long awaited international trip of goodwill which will see her visit multiple countries that Dolgava has good and not so good relations with as a way of promoting peace and diplomacy. Her first stop was symbolic and to Dolgava's longtime closest ally in the Kingdom of Dorvik. Dorvik was the first country to help Dolgava out of a long crisis and economic trouble centuries ago and the two countries have only grown closer since. Many Dolgavans have Dorvish spouses and do business in Dorvik and historically Dolgava's best friends have been the Dorvish.

The Crown Princess as apart of her international trip came to Dorvik to meet with both the Government and Royal Family. In a few weeks she shall be attending the funeral of Kaiser Florian I however she made sure to visit the Royal Family giving the best goodwill from the Dolgavan Government and Royal Family alike. She visited several parts of the country visiting many of the natural sites that Dorvik has to offer. She also visited the Dorvish Government and the State Chancellor Ulrich von Motha-Geyr.

The Crown Princess did not make any official statements about her trip but staff members can confirm that she "enjoyed the trip" and "loves the Dorvish people". Also staff close to the Princess say that she made good connections inside of the House of Faust-Essen. As far as the first stop in the Princess's tour the first stop was a very big success.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:47 am


April 2nd 5393

The Kingdom of Dolgava has announced new travel advisories and restrictions for Dolgavans traveling abroad to the Holy Luthorian Empire. The Foreign Affairs Minister Silvestrs Veinbergs released a new travel advisory and warning to Dolgavan citizens living abroad in Luthori that with the increased tensions between Dolgava and Luthori that the government does not advise travel to Luthori at this time. With the clear provocation made by the Luthorian Government at increasing naval patrols in the region it is more cause for concern. The clear imperialism expansion from Luthori in recent decades has kept growing and growing in intensity with countries. For instance Luthori has planted an illegitimate monarchy in Narikaton and Darnussia along with continued further expansion of the cancer known as Luthori imperialism, this has caused the Government in Dolgava to be very leery of the country and to cut most ties with the nation except the embassy in Fr. William which has remained in operation but with a bare bones operation.

The Prime Minister made a similar statement to Parliament saying

Luthori has its tentacles in more and more of Terra. We are seeing provocations occurring in Likatonia as well as a Luthori Monarch taking the throne of Narikaton and Darnussia? What kind of madness is this! Luthori has stopped hiding its Imperialistic ambitions and it along with the countries that support it should be stopped! My Government is taking steps toward better protecting the Dolgavan people from the warmongering of the Luthorians. We are seeing a second Luthorian conquest and Dolgava will stand in the way of the Empire at any cost! We do not recognize Luthori and we do not recognize puppets that it is putting into place across the globe. I urge Parliament to send a strong message to Luthori that we in Keris see the evils of their regime and we will do what we must to keep Dolgava safe from Luthorian influence.

The Crown Princess has reportedly snubbed Luthori after apparently wanting to visit the country however her plans to visit the country after this have been stopped completely. The Dolgavan Royal Family along with the pevious Royal Family in Hulstria occupy the Eastern branch of the Rothengren-Traugotts while the Luthorian Branch is the Western Branch. The Dolgavan Royal Family is reportedly "deeply disturbed" by the current Luthorian Government and could see a major split in the mostly harmonious House of Rothingren-Traugott.

Dolgavan Aircraft have been busy patrolling the Dolgavan coast, and international waters around Dolgava with zero reported incidents so far, however military commanders are increasingly concerned by Luthori's behavior and off the erratic nature that has seen it expand its influence across the region.

The Foreign Minister put it best when he said to the Press

Luthori does not belong here, their monarchy does not belong in Narikaton and Darnussia? They are attempting to have modern day colonialism and frankly we Dolgavans have never been colonized by anyone and we will not let this become a trend. Dolgava and the world that can truly see this madness must stop it!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 6:46 am


April 12th 5393

Crown Princess Helvig left Dorvik to the second part of her journey this time going to Dundorf and Kundrati. Stopping first in Dundorf the Princess was welcomed by the Dundorfian Government. She met with the Dundorfian Government to continue to kindle good ties between Dundorf and Dolgava. While there she toured many of the important sites in Dunburg before showing up at the Capital and meeting with the Bundespräsidentin Ellen Lauers. She talked to government officials and met with many political figures inside the country all day. Her fluency in Dorvish was a big part of why she wanted to take the time to meet with Dundorfian officials. In a statement to the Dolgavan and Dundorfian press following the meeting she said the following

What Dolgava and Dundorf have achieved so quickly is astounding. Coming here it is a great place to visit and I have really been welcomed. The Dundorfian people are good people and along withe several other countries in Artania, are some of the best countries in Terra in my humble opinion! I hope that more countries in Terra have similar relationships the ones we now share with Dundorf. For many years the Dolgavan people have had a special bond with the people of Artania for instance we have been longtime allies with the Dorvish and still are to this day but it is truly exciting to be close with Dundoft like we are right now. I would like to thank the Dundorfian Government for being welcoming and I hope that I will be able to come here again!

After this the Crown Princess would spend a few days in the Muzel Mountains where she went skiing at the many prominent ski resorts in the area while enjoying the excellent cuisine of Dundorf.

Sources close to the Crown Princess said she had a wonderful time in Dundorf and loves the country.

The Muzel Mountains of Dundorf have excellent Skiing even in April


The Crown Princess would leave Dunberg and make the short flight to Kundrati landing in the capital Kasaema. She would visit the capital extensively visiting the National History museum, the Art Museum and other important landmarks before heading to the capital to meet the Kundrati Government. She would meet the President of Kundrati Anaximandro Iturain and his cabinet for the rest of the day talking about shared common interests between Dolgava and Kundrati. Kundrati has been an emerging power in Artania for some time and shares many common values as Dolgava. Easily one of the more likeable countries in Terra. Kundrati once an enemy of Dolgava when it was closely allied to Endralon is now looking to be a friend of the Kingdom of Dolgava with this visit a long time coming for these two states.

The Crown Princess would share her thoughts in a similar press conference to the Dundorfian one saying

Kundrati is a great country first and foremost. I am very happy to be here and to represent Dolgava in this way to the people of Kundrati. It is my hope and my country's hope that we continue to make connections with more states in Artania and Kundrati has is surely a great partner in this region. Thank You President Iturain for having me, it has been an honor to be here. The people of Kundrati have been so kind and there are so many things to do and see here. It is my hope that I will return to Kundrati again but I have a few more days in the country now so I will surely enjoy it!

After this she would visit the world famous forests of Kundrati and spend a few days hiking and enjoying the outdoors while staying in ideal locations for someone to write a book about. She would also go on a canoe trip for 2 days on one of the many mountain lakes inside of Kundrati.

The Crown Princess was impressed by Kundrati and had a very good impression of its government and people. The current troubles facing Dolgava not even crossing her mind. The Crown Princess has done her duties with dignity and has so far made an impression with the countries she has visited while having a positive impression on the states she has gone to.

Kundrati has many outdoor adventures that the Crown Princess found out about, Canoeing is one of her favorite pastimes and Kundrati provides beautiful scenery and more.

The Crown Princess will next go south and visit Beiteynu before heading East and visiting Lourenne with potential other visits planned depending on schedule changes.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:59 am


May 2nd 5393

A Glaring Problem:
The Dolgavan Ministry of Defense is looking for military and construction contractors to work on a new multi billion dollar project to build a facility that will be able to safely harbor and repair Dolgava's submarine fleet that is in need of a total overhaul and rebuild. Historically Dolgava has built a large navy with several types of Submarines including the Śuketė and Mõõkvaal classes of domestically built nuclear submarines as well as several models of conventional diesel submarines.

The Dolgavan Naval Command has made a complete summary of what is irepairable in the Dolgavan Navy which has been mishandled in the many isolationist governments over the past few decades and they came up with a list of what to keep and what to scrap. The 10 Type 212 Diesel Electric Attack Submarine which were acquired from Dorvik many years ago will be scrapped along with the 10 Igiro Apreno-class Destroyers that are dilapidated and beyond repair at this point. The rest of the fleet will need to undergo massive modernization plans that are expected to take somewhere between 10-15 years however it has been deemed worth it by Naval Command.

Another Glaring Problem:
Dolgava however has a problem before they can do this, they simply do not have the infrastructure anymore to deal with this capacity. The plans, and know-how is there but this requires dry docks, machine shops and other highly specialized materials that have been neglected along with the fleet itself. This is where the new Submarine Base comes in.

Currently Dolgava's largest Naval Base is in the Port of Dolgavaopolis, this is the headquarters of both the Dolgavan Submarine Fleet, the Dolgavan Reserve Fleet and Dolgava's submarine forces, however for some time now the need for this port to be expanded has been a priority, however in recent years a new idea has been put forward to separate the Dolgavan Submarine Force and the Dolgavan Surface Fleet to solve the problems of too little space and debilitated equipment.

The Solution:
A remote Mountain in Hodari some 80 kms south of Aikums has been chosen as the new site for the Dolgavan Submarine fleet, the mountain has been scanned by Dolgavan Geologists and Naval experts and determined to be the perfect material for construction into the mountain. The site will be called at completion "Troll Mountain Naval Base" (Troļļu kalnu flotes bāze).The mountain has been owned by the Government for years and is located near to towns and communities along with road access. The mountain has been determined a perfect place for the construction of dry docks and submarine specific repair facilities that will help the long process of repairing the Dolgavan Submarine Fleet. The mountain will water tunnels into the mountain that will protect these valuable assets not only when they are being repaired but when they are docking in active duty. The mountain has been determined to withstand all conventional and nuclear weapons as well as keep the Dolgavan Submarine fleet safe from the prying eyes of satellites and other nation's intelligence agencies. The designs are known only partially about but what has been publicly released shown 2 shops that will be able to repair the submarines as well as many storage tunnels able to fit the largest of Dolgava's subs. The upper floors will have communication centers as well as barracks for sailors that would be staying at the base. On top would be radio facilities where presumably high command could keep in touch with the subs of Dolgava's fleet.

The Highest Bidder:
The Ministry of Defense today announced it is gathering bids for contractors to do the hard work of tunneling out the large rock tunnels under the mountain as well as the facilities needed and such of the base itself. There will be multiple contractors for the work with water control being tasked to Dolgava Hidroelektrostacija which is one of the largest hydroelectric companies in Terra and are no stranger to controlling water. Dolgava's coal industry which is the backbone of Dolgava's economy could be the answer to the massive drilling projects with many massive bore hole drillers being used in the industry. For the other work specialized mining contractors will need to be hired to do the work. These companies are being contacted by the Navy at this time along with international defense contractors. The navy will be rebuilding the machinery needed to repair the subs as they had this technology to begin with.

Some of the largest borehole drillers in Terra can be found in Dolgava's Coal industry

A Long Process:
Estimates for completion are unknown but once Troll Mountain opens it will be only the beginning. From there the long process of modernizing the Dolgavan Submarine fleet begins along with nessisary training regiments and command changes as well. The Government has made no secret of this and the Prime Minister made a speech to Dolgavans saying that this is the top priority of the Dolgavan Military in the coming years and decades. This project is not cheap with it being over $10 billions DOLS (7.8 Billion LOD) in cost. Her speech which was received well in Parliament was to convince MP's to support increased military funding to counter aggression in the region that at this point you dear reader are well aware of. Her speech was passionate and clear in its purpose and direction.

Mr. Speaker,
My Government has begun the searching process for contractors to build the Troll Mountain Complex. This is not a whim, a split second decision or a fab, this is Dolgavan Military policy for Decades to come. Like Troll Mountain we must be safe from any attack from a foreign adversary and we must be ready. Dolgava will pursue a Submarine Fleet like the one we had of old, this will be the backbone of deterrence and protection. I like to think of the graceful hedgehog when I think of our doctrine going forward, we must have the capabilities to strike fear in our adversaries and we must be ready for anything coming at us.

Our biggest asset in our Navy and our military in general has been not taken care of by previous Government, I went to Dolgavaopolis, I saw what needed to be done. It is a long road ahead but we will have something truly special when we are done with this massive project. This project will be looked at with scorn internationally, it will be looked at by some as maybe even aggression *The entirety of Parliament laughs* but I assure you Mr. Speaker that this will be a technological and military marvel that will be used to protect generations of Dolgavans to come. This is why we are doing this, we must protect our own.

Now I urge Parliament to pass a renewed spending bill that will cut things that we do not need and increase our defense budget. As we have seen in the past weeks, months and years the need for a strong Dolgavan navy once again is urgent! We have foreign powers flexing their naval might and we must return in kind. We live and we die by our navy and I will ensure that our navy is one of the best if not the best in Terra in the coming decades! This is a changing point Mr. Speaker, a changing point where we Dolgavans stand up for ourselves against aggression. Not only will this project be good for our defense but it will certainly boost the Dolgavan economy. This will create jobs that Dolgavans will be able to fill. This will put much needed cash into our mining sector, our defense sector, our energy sector and our industrial machinery sector as well as many more. Friends this project will not only boost our military capabilities and repair the things that others have squandered but it will bring jobs and money to the Dolgavan economy!

Now is the time for this to begin, it is an exciting time and I hope that Parliament agrees with me on what must be done

Thank You

After thisa bill that is certain to pass has been proposed cutting spending in several Government sectors but boosting defense spending while ending the widely crazy budget that simply wasn't followed by previous Governments. The Funding of the Military will be 148 million DOLS (1) which is by far the largest amount of any of the Government sectors.

Once contractors are fulfilled we can keep you updated on everything the Government will let us be able to see at Troll Mountain, much of it is shrouded in secrecy and for good reason but it is clearly important to the Government and important enough for the Government to make speeches and public announcements about it. It will be the focal point of Dolgavan military planning for the coming decades and one of the largest projects Dolgava has ever worked on.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava

(1). (Note: The money tab is broken but its the general idea that counts)
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:34 am


October 4th 5393

Dolgava is seeing a "blast from the past" in this years Aikums Mayoral Election. Kornelijs Braun the direct descendant of former Dolgavan Prime Minister Kasper Braun has become the Mayor of Aikums in a stunning victory. The Ancestor to the former Prime Minister if the first major politician in the Braun family since the former PM, who is one of Dolgava's most famous and influential Prime Ministers in Dolgava's History.

Kasper Braun was first appointed Prime Minister in 4897 with before this having been the Dolgavan Foreign Minister. He would be influential in the building of aDolgavan Military Base in Hobrazi a to defend against the evils of the nearby Endralonian Regime and expand Dolgava's influence across Terra. He would rule Dolgava from 4896-4907 when he would lose in a stunning upset to the Social Democrat Controversial Mayor of Aikums, Marina Mansing. Here is our news coverage at the time of that historic election.

Kasper Braun would become the leader of the Opposition from 4097-4918 remaining a hardliner against Endralon and the Mansing Governments attempt to make closer relations with Endralon. However Kasper would play an extremely important role in Dolgava's history and defending the Kingdom from an attempt to become a Republic. A referendum was called by the Social Democrats in an attempt to end the Dolgavan Monarchy, Kasper would campaign for weeks against this leading the Royalist No Vote and in a historic defeat of Republicanism in 4917, the Kingdom and the Royal Family would stay. This would propel Kasper into the status as a national hero and he quickly gained control of Parliament once again. He would win a landslide election in 4918 taking a now famous photo of him with llamas as his official portrait. He would continue to lead the country developing the Dolgavan Space Agency (DSA) and bringing great prosperity to Dolgava. In 4931 Kasper Braun would resign a well accomplished and beloved Prime Minister sending Dolgavans to orbit and leading Dolgava to the highest heights it has seen.

Former Dolgavan PM Kasper Braun

After this the Braun family has been quiet, owning a mansion outside of Aikums and establishing a family trust in the name of the former Prime Minister, that is until tonight. The well accomplished local politician Kornelijs Braun has brought the Braun family back into the national spotlight in a historic win as Mayor of Aikums. Kornelijs has been a highly successful lawyer in Aikums serving the city as one of their lawyers. Recently he ran for mayor against the Centrist Mayor of Aikums, Martins Scott and promising "massive changes" for the city. He has been extremely famous for his attack ads saying that the City is "ripe with crime" and saying that "As mayor I will crush crime in this city".

The election was not a contest, Braun with his family history as well as his populist rhetoric was easily elected Mayor of Aikums, catapulting him into the National Spotlight, he is apart of the Dolgavan Conservative Party much like his ancestors and in a interview a week ago he said that "my goal eventually is to enter into national politics". Several more progressive groups have called Braun a "radical extremist" as he has supported Anti-Luthori and Anti-Lourenne propaganda in recent years as well as being very much a Hardliner Dolgavan Nationalist. He has also been extemely against the city's policy of legalizing Prostitution saying that prostitutes must be "rounded up and arrested at mass".

The new Mayor of Aikums will certainly have a major impact on the country, his acceptance speech was watched by millions and broadcast far outside of Aikums,

Thank You, Thank You Everybody for being here! My Campaign has fought hard and fought long to bring Conservatism back to Aikums, and we have done it! The Former Mayor and his insane politics has. I have officially gotten a phone call from former Mayor Ipolitas Gudliauskas and he wished me the best. I wish he had been nicer during my campaign in all honesty... Anyways friends together we have taken back this city and I will bring this city back to greatness. We are letting indecency and illegal activity rule the streets, we have let this city fall apart but not anymore. Dolgava is changing and Aikums is changing! It is time we bring this city back to greatness, uphold the law and uphold Conservative values once again. As Mayor I will work 200% everyday for you and for the betterment of our city and communities, this is my promise to you!

I will be speaking more soon, Thank You all once again for voting for my campaign and I will make you all proud!

Thank You and God Bless Aikums, God Bless Dolgava!!!

Kornelijs Braun and Seraphina Braun at a campaign event in Aikums

Braun and his wife Seraphina Braun have become symbols of a new renewed Dolgava and quickly he is becoming one of Dolgava's most popular politicians. Many expect him to become Prime Minister someday extending the legend of the Braun family even more!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:01 am


November 1st 5393

Hutori's recent announcement that they will be returning to space has been the latest country to have space ambitions in a renewed space race. Hutori has a long history of having pioneers of space travel but today they enter an arena that has vastly changed with countries using space as a new horizon for both military, intelligence and scientific innovations.

The news comes as Beiteynu one of the major players in the space race is continuing to launch rockets into space for now officially based on protecting allies and launching satellite based on intelligence and probably military uses as well. Beiteynu has begun a massive program of intelligence gathering satellites across Terra and have even begun to lease out satellites to states such as Hanzen for instance. It is clear that for many states space has become the "next frontier" of competition in the intelligence and military fields.

Hutori unlike Beiteynu has stated that their program will see the restarting of the program, led by the legendary (in the industry), Horizon Technology Corporation which saw programs such as the Artemis Space Station and moon programs. Hutori has truly ambitious goals, they want to be back in space by 5400 and Hutorians on the moon by 5410. They have also called for other nations to help rebuild a second Artemis Space Station, a great chance for humanity to make massive leaps of progress into the stars.

However experts warn that the coming decades will not be all collaboration and unicorns and rainbows. Dr. Gabriele Birziņa an astrophysicist and expert on the Space Race for the University of Aikums sat down with the DBC and said

The Space Race is coming, in fact frankly it is already here! We are going to see a massive rise in innovation and opportunity and if countries can get in before the window closes it will be a great chance to push our knowledge of the stars further and further. This is an amazing opportunity for science, discovery and humanity as a whole however I fear that it will end up as a political contest instead of a worldwide collaboration. I may be wrong but all the signs are pointing to the space race only heating up from here.

Dr.Birziņa is also writing a book about the short lived Dolgavan Space Agency that is still active but doing more scientific observations from the ground not in the stars. She mentioned further about this saying

You know Dolgava was able to do a lot in the short time it was in space, we had Dolgavan men and women orbit Terra and almost make it to Luna. It is my hope that we return. You never know what will happen. I am hopeful! If you want to know more, my book will be coming out later this winter! Enjoy some winter reading time!

Dr. Gabriele Birziņa Lead Astrophysicist at the Univerity of Aikums

What is coming will be exciting and fascinating to watch and see. The space race seems to be at the starting line and waiting for the gun to sound. Where humanity can go? Well as far as the stars.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:13 pm


February 12th 5394

The Dolgavan Government has begun to massively deregulate the Dolgavan Mining Industry. However they have retained initiatives to promote Green mining capabilities and to limit land deformation to a minimum while increasing production for the Dolgavan Mining sector.

A Brief History:
The Dolgavan Mining Sector has long been one of the countries most important industries. For centuries the coal and mining city of Noversk has been the mining and industrial heartland of Dolgava. Much of the land used for mining has been owned by the Dolgavan government and leased out to private companies leading to the companies that bid the highest getting the product. This has led to companies such as Crown Mines (Kroņa raktuves) being the largest Coal mining corporation in Dolgava while Dolgavas Standard (Dolgavas standarts) has followed close behind. Both of these large corporations have headquarters in Noversk.

An Untapped Market:
Dolgavan Mining Industry has been lucrative but is still very much untapped. Much of the lands that are perfect for new mines and are ecologically mostly unusable permafrost grasslands and tundra are still unexplored. Dolgava in fact has several untapped mining industries that are a fraction of what they could be if fully utilized and realized. Geologists have noted that Dolgava holds some of Terra's largest deposits of coal, phosphorous and large quantities of Rare Earth Minerals and Sulfer. Currently companies like Dolgava Mining Corporation (Kalnrūpniecības korporācija Dolgava) are extracting the Rare Earth Minerals and some phosphorous but most of it remains untouched.

Rare Earth Metals is an exciting industry for the Dolgavan Mining Sector

The Government has relaxed much of its harsh restrictions to domestic mining companies. They will begin to start selling land to domestic mining companies only in the coming weeks giving companies both large and small a chance to extract more resources and to get a piece of the pie. This is a historic point for the Dolgavan mining industry and if the hopes of the mining industry and the government are realized it could become the world's largest coal exporter and a critical country in the Rare Earth Mineral mining sector which is needed more and more.

Environmental Challenges:
The Dolgavan Government is looking into the environmental concerns that are ever present with the deregulation of the mining industry. They have forced coal companies to adopt more Eco-friendly mining techniques such as recycling water needed in the refining of rare earth materials, and coal and other products instead of putting it back into the environment and using mining techniques that does little to harm the natural ecosystem and landscape of the above ground habitats. What the Dolgavan Government does not want is Northern Dolgava to become a massive mining pit and wasteland but for humans to extract resources efficiently and responsibly. This has been mutually agreed upon between the mining companies, mining unions and the government as a top priority. Also safety measures are being increased greatly to protect coal miners especially and the days of black lung impacting miners is looking to be at its end. Safety has become a very important aspect of Dolgava mining in recent years and these changes increase that.

Dolgavan Coal

Estimates show that the opening up of the Dolgavan mining industry will likely boost the Dolgavan economy and GDP greatly moving forward. Dolgava already has a large coal industry but these changes and opening up of the industry could see Dolgava become the world leader in coal production and having one of the largest rare earth mineral mining sectors in the world. Geologists and politicians and miners alike are all extremely excited about the opportunities that are facing the Dolgavan mining sector, with these reforms it looks to be a new age for the Dolgavan mining sector going forward.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 6:04 am


March 3rd 5394

The Kingdom of Dolgava today has officially joined the renewed space race in a shocking yet welcomed announcement from the Prime Minister herself. The announcement says that the Kingdom of Dolgava will be restarting the Dolgavan Space Agnency (Kosmosa aģentūra Dolgavan) and Dolgava will be working with the Kingdom of Hutori on its space program in a joint venture. The Dolgavan Space Agency had been highly successful in its short reign of existence when it sent Dolgavan men and women to the cosmos and did several successful orbits around Terra and even planned some canceled Luna missions. This time the Prime Minister has been clear in her messaging and has made one thing very apparent. Dolgava will be sending Dolgavans to Luna in the coming years.

This is seen as a massive statement for the country as its economy is on the verge of a boom and recovering from isolationism but sending Dolgavans to Luna would be the ultimate display that Dolgava is back and that the days of isolationism are over. The Dolgavan Space Agency will begin operations at its headquarters at Wolfgang Petermann Airforce Base the site of the rocket center that sent Dolgavans to the stars on multiple occasions. This time much of the rocket development will be in collaboration with one of Dolgava's closest allies in Hutori before Dolgava will have its own rocket program as well.

The Prime Minister made this statement in a statement to Parliament Prime Minister Kerolaina Birziņa made a passionate speech to Parliament stating the Government's intention to restart the program

Mr. Speaker
We have seen in recent years a growing fervor in space exploration, nations like Beiteynu and Hutori have taken the initiative to go to the stars, however friends we will not sit and twiddle our thumbs. Dolgava has heard the call from Hutori and we will be working with our allies to get to the stars once again. Tonight I have implemented a policy of reinstating the Dolgavan Space Agency that will return to the stars once again. We will go to space in pursuit of science, exploration and adventure while working with our friends to rebuild the Artemis Space Station.

Finally it will be the main goal of the DSA to send Dolgavans to Luna. We choose to go to Luna and we will not stop until the Dolgavan flag joins other flags in Luna as a state that has made it to Luna and back! Friends we stand on the verge of history. It is time for Dolgava to take the leap into space, it is time to expand our scientific knowledge and explore where no man of women has gone before.

Thank You

The next Dolgavan Space Agency Director Dr. Joosep Laurits will be in charge of collaborating with Hutori and starting domestic rocket projects and operating missions to space. In a statement to the press he said that he was "honored to serve as the next Director of the Agency" and says that "I am excited for what is to come for the Dolgavan Space Program".

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