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Re: Badara

Postby Zanz » Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:47 pm

Ahmadist State in Badara proclaimed, Ahmadists called to arms in the struggle
4 July 5402 ooc: n.b. backdated post


The tyrant el-Sharif is dead!

For decades, Badara has suffered under the knife of foreign torture. Election after election is stolen, protests ignored, with violence the only response from Al-e-Ahmad to the peoples' heartfelt wish that they be heard and allowed to live according to the dictates of Ahmadist law.

Today, with the simple strike of a rocket, we have shown that no one is above the law. No one who would oppress the people of Badara is safe in the face of our righteous fury.

A message to the Yeudist overlords who pulled the strings of the dead puppet el-Sharif: you will find nothing for you here, only death and destruction. Leave us, allow us our freedom, as your flowered words suggest you intend while your TRA slips a knife under the ribs of every nation you engage with.

A message to the pretender al-Ghanem: you will join el-Sharif in short order. Your crimes against Badara are unforgivable, by man or by Akim, and you will burn forever. Your administration will burn with you. There is nowhere to hide.

A message to the followers of Akim: Now is the time. Find whatever arms are available to you, and bear them. Join us, Israist and Abadist alike, in the struggle for freedom! The Ahmadist State in Badara will be the keystone upon which the will of Akim on Terra is built.

Mujahid was founded as a Jaysh Ahmad guerilla information bulletin in the late 5300s. It is largely circulated by hand and is named a propaganda outlet by the Badaran government.
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Re: Badara

Postby Zanz » Sun Dec 03, 2023 6:11 pm

As Harun al-Hashim calls Ahmadists to "struggle" against Al-e-Ahmad, strikes on cities and government strongholds surge
24 July 5402 ooc: n.b. backdated post
SIWANYET, Baharia governate, Badara - The self-proclaimed Ahmadist State in Badara (ASiB) has begun an unprecedented series of hit and run strikes on cities and government targets in Baharia and Salmania governates, with authorities reporting dozens of injured and killed in rocket attacks and bombings throughout Nashwa highlands. Unconfirmed statements from ASiB spokesmen report that the casualty reports produced by the government are under reporting the dead and wounded in a "desperate attempt to cover their incompetence."

Siwanyet, a town in the foothills of the Tahir Highlands south of Al-Buqiyaa, has been a central focus for ASiB attacks, with more than ten rocket strikes reported per hour since the proclamation of the Ahmadist State in Badara nearly three weeks ago. Government forces have been harassed constantly by fighters in the harsh foothills, and supply convoys have been harried by an immense increase in improvised explosive devices which have taxed the capacity of EOD crews to dispose of them faster than they are placed.

On the east facing slopes, too, in Disuyana and Deiqah, government forces are spread thinner than ever in counter-insurgency operations. Airstrikes launched from the southern island have been nearly entirely halted due to lack of secure supply lines to the government's airbases, making servicing and arming the government's jets nearly impossible. Airstrikes do continue from the northern island, but are far less effective in suppression than they once were.

An-Nahar (Luth. "The Morning") is a daily broadsheet published in Al-Buqiyaa. It is the newspaper of record for Baharia Governate.
Last edited by Zanz on Mon Dec 04, 2023 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Mon Dec 04, 2023 3:33 am


Al-e-Ahmad City
7 July, 5402

The Parliament has elected Representative Hanaan al-Aydin as the nation's third prime minister, and as the first woman to hold that office under the Ba'athist regime. Hailing from the southern island of Nashwa she is the representative from Baharia's 5th district, which covers the area around the cities of al-Burqiyaa and Siwanyet.

In her first address to the nation the prime minister declared that she would do "whatever she could constitutionally do" to attempt to accelerate the government's defence of her "homeland."

Her appointment has led to tension within the party, as some more conservative members in the right-wing factions of the big-tent party have expressed their contempt for a female prime minister. Many have begun boycotting sessions of Parliament, though they don't have the numbers to affect the party's ability to govern. Talha al-Mostafa, one of the most conservative members of the party, has become the fiercest critic of al-Aydin calling her regime "unworthy of respect" and "illegitimate." The party has voter overwhelmingly to censure al-Mostafa, and a motion for his removal is to be voted on next week. He is expected to be expelled, as the majority of the Parliament now stands opposed to him - either on principle or to pander, but either way supporting al-Mostafa would be political suicide.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:51 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Mon Dec 04, 2023 3:53 am


31 July, 5402

The city of Siwanyet has fallen under siege by the forces of Jaysh according to our reporter on the ground, Abdul Kareem el-Yacoub. Continuous rocket attacks shake the city, with buildings collapsing daily. The death toll is currently estimated at 800, but the government has had trouble confirming the extent of the damages and casualties. The Ahmadi State in Badara (ASiB) has asserted itself throughout Nashwa and many fear that Siwanyet would give Jaysh the necessary boost to bolster their success on the island.

The mayors of Siwanyet and al-Burqiyaa have issued a joint press release pleading to the Majatran community for aid.

Tayyiba al-Rahmani (al-Burqiyaa): The situation here has escalated beyond the control of our government. The armies of Jaysh harass our citizens, destroy our infrastructure and the government seems incapable of stopping them.

Baaqir al-Raad (Siwanyet): The government has made attempts, obviously. But they have not been enough.

al-Rahmani: Clearly.

al-Raad: It is for this reason we make our case to the Majatran community: help us. Do not let Badara fall to extremism, and risk losing a valuable ally and friend in this crisis prone region.

al-Rahmani: The continuance of the Majatran Friendship program even in the midst of a civil war is proof of Badara's commitment to Majatra, we await the proof of theirs to us.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Mon Dec 04, 2023 4:23 am


Abu Yacub
5 August, 5402

The government has deployed the newly purchased Merkava IV Barak tanks in Nashwa, harassing Jaysh convoys and troops near the Disuyana weapons cache and restricting their supply lines. The war is the most dangerous and difficult in the deserts, where Jaysh has set up extensive encampments and bases and dug in for war. Rocket attacks on cities across Nashwa have forced the governments hand, and they have reacted swiftly and decisively to combat the forces of Jaysh. In response to ASiB claims that the government is downplaying the amount of casualties, the government accuses ASiB of inflating the numbers to incite terror.

In related news, a large Jaysh compound hidden in the hills of the Tahir Highlands has been destroyed by a joint air strike and land attack. Identified using the Allink system, the base was first bombarded in a surprise attack and then overrun by army forces, including the aforementioned Merkava IV Barak tanks.

While the government remains optimistic about their chances in Nashwa, they have increased their requests for aid from other Majatran states.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Badara

Postby Zanz » Mon Dec 04, 2023 4:23 pm

Talha al-Mostafa, conservative leader expelled from Parliament, takes up the cause of the ASiB
6 August 5402 ooc: n.b. backdated post
SIWANYET, Baharia governate, Badara - In a stunning move amounting to the highest-ranking endorsement of the rebel Ahmadi State in Badara (ASiB) so far, Talha al-Mostafa has been featured in ASiB propaganda videos calling for the overthrow of the sitting parliament and the empowerment of a "Guardian Council" which will have considerable power over the parliament, which has "fallen to sinful excess" according to al-Mostafa.

An outspoken conservative member of Parliament, Al-Mostafa was censured and then removed from Badara's legislative body after his controversial remarks following the election of Prime Minister Hanaan al-Aydin, Badara's first female prime minister under the Ba'athist regime.

The video, which features al-Mostafa in an undisclosed location believed to be in the central Tahir Highlands near the besieged city of Siwanyet, is the clearest articulation yet of the larger political aims of the ASiB. As described in the video the Guardian Council, composed of several experts in Ahmadi law, would effectively exercise a veto power over the elected legislature, which experts state would mean an effective end to democratic governance in Badara.

An-Nahar (Luth. "The Morning") is a daily broadsheet published in Al-Buqiyaa. It is the newspaper of record for Baharia Governate.
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Re: Badara

Postby TRA » Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:56 pm

Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:21 pm


26 January, 5403
Fajr Jadid (New Dawn) is a Badaran newspaper headquarted in Bier Qassem.

The government has ordered the military to evacuate the city of Siwanyet in Baharia, southwest of al-Burqiyaa. Roughly 30,000 military personnel have begun a treacherous march to al-Burqiyaa, beset on all sides by terrorist convoys which harried their lines. As they march, behind them marches the forces of ASiB to fill in the vacuum. With the fall of Siwanyet, al-Burqiyaa is now surrounded by rebel forces.

The siege of Siwanyet shocked the nation due to its brutality; thousands of civilians left dead and the city on the verge of ruin, General Uwais el-Ebrahim commented that it seemed that ""...Harun al-Hashim wishes to rule over the ashes of his people." Beginning on the 31 July 5403, at 1:30 in morning with non-stop ocket attacks which lasted until 2:16. At approximately 2:30 ASiB convoys of pickup trucks packed full of militants entered Siwanyet. In the chaos of the aftermath of the rocket attacks the large garrison were busy dealing with the destruction of the attacks, and with several city checkpoints attacked with gunfire and bombings, by 3:00 the streets had become a bloodbath in the southern Siwanyet.

On 1 August the government declared a curfew of 8:00. Soko-J 22 jets bombed the militants as they entered the city, while helicopters and drones patrolled the streets of southern Siwanyet. Suicide bombings and rocket attacks continued in north Siwanyet, as the south of the city fell from the government's grasp. By 6 October the south of the city was completely occupied.

On 3 August 5402 the government issued an order to evacuate the entire civilian population of Siwanyet, and on 7 August ASiB entered the northern half of the city. The forces of ASiB in the city numbered around 5,000, while another 15,000 surrounded the city to the south, and though they were substantially outnumbered by the Badaran Army, they used terror tactics to their advantage as the army now had to protect civilians evacuating to al-Burqiyaa as well as try to defend the city.

From here the fighting stalled, with government forces successfully defending the northern half of the city, while ASiB did the same in the south. The vast majority of casualties in the siege occurred during this period, from 9 August - 16 December. On 16 December, at midnight, ASiB forces infiltrated northern Siwanyet and launched surprise attacks within the city bombing multiple barracks, patrol posts, and checkpoints. At the same time ASiB forces in the city swelled to approximately 8,000, an increase of 3,000. A spearhead into the north of the city on 20 January 5403 resulted in the near total destruction of Siwanyet, and the Badaran Army officially evacuated the city on 25 January 5403, at 17:00.

Government estimations place the casualties at least 1,500 killed or wounded, at least 500 prisoners of war one Merkava IV Barak tank destroyed and another captured, and an estimated 2,000 civilian deaths.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:33 pm


Bier Qassem
31 January, 5403

In the aftermath of the bloody siege of Siwanyet and with the imminent siege of al-Burqiyaa looming, the Ahmadi State in Badara has declared Harun al-Hashim as "Caliph." Announcing his new position in a televised propaganda program, al-Hashim declared that it was the will of Ahmad that Majatra be under the rule of his laws and principles, and that he was the one who could make that dream a reality. His caliphate currently rules over about half of the island of Nashwa, but his strength is growing and many observers believe this proclamation may increase the already high number of foreign radicals arriving in Nashwa.

Ending his address al-Hashim made a promise; soon he will issue a warning to Badarans who wish to fight against Akim and his prophet Ahmad.

Many fear an event akin to the Summer of Suffering of last year, and the government seems to be preparing as if does as well. Already hundreds of militants have begun the march to al-Burqiyaa, harassed by artillery and air strikes. Along their way they seem to be laying the groundwork for a fence of some kind, though it is unclear as of now what purpose that would serve to the rebels.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:46 pm


4 February, 5403

As ABiS forces advance on al-Burqiyaa, two things have become clear: what Harun al-Hashim meant by a "warning" and that the wooden posts were not for a fence, at all. One by one as they marched the militants crucified a Badaran soldier captured in Siwanyet, hoisting them up and nailing them down as they beat them. The soldiers sit in agony, baking naked in the sun as insects swarm around and on them and their captors beat and humiliate them.

President al-Ghanem has declared this a point of no return:

The President, at a press conference:
There will be no negotiations, no peace, no victory nor surrender - nothing, not until the terrorists that have betrayed our nation and slaughtered their own people, their brothers and sisters. The punishment for this crime must be total and absolute, and I will not rest until every one of these monsters is dead.

Currently there are an estimated 91 soldiers crucified along the road to al-Burqiyaa, but with many more miles to go the number will surely rise. With ABiS rocket attacks on al-Burqiyaa surging to unprecedented levels, Minister of Defence al-Ammar has called the ABiS "a barbarian horde that only intends to destroy."

Those not crucified are being buried in mass graves, or burned in massive pyres lining the roads.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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