
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:02 am


18 February, 5403

After the fall of Siwanyet, and with ABiS troops converging on the city of Disuyana, the rebels have seized and destroyed several major oil fields and refineries. This will undoubtedly threaten Badara's oil supply to Majatra, as well as hampering the ongoing war effort. Minister al-Ammar and the President approved a plan earlier this week to attempt to push the rebels away from al-Burqiyaa, formally launching several attacks on the ABiS force outside the city on 13 February. In just two days the government issued an order to pull back, with eleven Badaran soldiers confirmed to have died in the skirmishes.

The government seems to have now adopted a "wait-and-see" approach in al-Burqiyaa as rebel forces march on the city with only air attacks to slow them down. There has been an explosion of criticisms of the government, with demonstrations in Bier Qassem (the nation's restored capital) and Al-e-Ahmad City calling for the President and Prime Minister to resign, and for a new government to deal with the crisis.

President al-Ghanem and PM al-Aydin have refused such demands, with both stating that such an actions are the last thing a country at war needs and stressing the need for stability and unity in defeating the rebels.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:09 am


2 March, 5403

Rebel forces have captured a weapons arsenal northwest of Disuyana, and are now attempting to lay siege to the city proper. Having seized weapons from the Kundrati arms deal the rebels have now evened the playing field somewhat, defeating government forces in several battles on their way to Disuyana. The government has managed to stall them for now, but if ABiS is allowed to take Disuyana they would be connecting their two mains zones of occupation in Nashwa. This would effectively cut the island in half, and if al-Burqiyaa falls there may not be much the army can do about it.

The focus now is on repelling the rebel armies and attempting to exhaust the supplies they stole from the cache; the guns are nice, as are the grenade launchers, but they only have so much ammo before they become useless to ABiS. The main threat is the Merkava IV Barak captured by ABiS at Siwanyet. There are rumors that the tank may be bound for Disuyana, with ABiS hoping that if they unite the two zones fighters from the south will be able to join the siege of al-Burqiyaa to turn the tide against the government forces garrisoned in the city.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:18 am


9 March, 5403

The city of al-Burqiyaa is now officially surrounded by ASiB forces, with the only escape available being the sea. Though it is unlikely the rag-tag force will be able to take al-Burqiyaa - a city which is much better defended than Siwanyet - the government is considering an evacuation order, though many warn against it as premature. Such an action would see the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees to the north, and many warn that if done in haste this may have long lasting negative impacts on the economy for no gain to national security.

The army has made multiple attempts to break the siege, launching attacks from within the city accompanied by air strikes from above to no avail. ABiS has entrenched itself around the city and it is likely the stalemate will continue for a long time to come. The roads are now all blocked, and supplies by air and sea have slowed. Malnutrition is rampant, and many have become homeless after losing their homes in the rocket attacks.

Many have begun to flee the city of their own volition, arriving to the north in small waves. There are now over 5,000 refugees in Bier Qassem, and the government fears if this crisis expands the welfare system of our nation may not be able to handle it. Already the government begun building massive, bleak building complexes and refugee camps meant to house people should more cities need to be evacuated. If the whole of Nashwa falls, there will be millions of refugees pouring into the north. Interior Minister al-Jamil has said the government remains confident in its ability to handle such a refugee crisis, however many remain skeptical in light of the tent cities full of refugees forming in cities across the island.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:53 am


29 May, 5403

The government has ordered the full civilian evacuation of al-Burqiyaa as the rebel forces dig in further around the city, and the death toll of the siege rises further. An estimated 600 civilians have died so far, though many think the number is much higher and is being downplayed to avoid panic. Ship after ship has been packed full of refugees in the port of al-Burqiyaa, bound for the cities of al-Kamalah and Bier Qassem. The total number of internally displaced persons has risen to over one million. It is unclear how the government intends to deal with this mass influx of people with construction of their massive refugee camps and housing complexes is not yet finished.

The mayor of al-Kamalah has suggested setting up a temporary camp near the city. It would not be a good solution, but in the short-term it could alleviate the strain placed on these cities by the sheer magnitude of the emerging refugee crisis. Demonstrations in Bier Qassem have worsened as many protest the government's decision to relocate refugees to the city. Terror attacks have been launched on the dockyards of the ports in Bier Qassem and al-Kamalah, and protestors pledge to form a human blockade around the docks to prevent the refugees from entering.

The President has stated the battle continues, and pledges to not abandon al-Burqiyaa. In an address, he committed even more troops to the city's defence and praised the "Heroes of Nashwa" for their bravery.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:03 am


23 June, 5403

The rebel effort to seize Disuyana and connect the ASiB occupation zones has been thwarted, with the rebels pushed back significantly. An aggressive air strike campaign tore through the rebel's lines, with death toll estimates nearing 1,000.

President al-Ghanem has praised General Aayid el-Yamin for his leadership of the operation, calling him a true patriot and hero. Government forces have continued a push to the southeast, attempting to liberate the city of Deiqah which is currently surrounded by ABiS forces. Minister al-Ammar has stated his confidence in el-Yamin's operation calling him a reliable general and brilliant tactician. Multiple battles have played out in the surrounding region, where the government has a strength of roughly 25,000 compared to an estimated 20,000 on the rebel's side.

A stalemate has emerged in the northwest, as el-Yamin's attempts to breakthrough on that front have failed. The president ordered a halt to that push, and told el-Yamin to focus his strength on the push in the southeast.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:21 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 15, 2023 12:41 am


16 August, 5403 (Backdated)

News from the Nashwa campaign as the eastern coast city of Deiqah has been liberated by a joint Badaran-Beiteynese force in the area. General Aayid el-Yamin successfully pushed southwest through rebel inhabited territory, engaging in minor skirmishes with ABiS troops that stood in their way. The push was seamless, with General el-Yamin noting that it was unexpected as the ABiS force in the area was previously estimated to be much larger. The General called ABiS a "paper tiger" and that the government was now seeing that "what seemed to be a horde of rebels was in truth no more than a ragtag band of religious weirdos." The President has announced a follow up campaign that will push the rebels west of Disuyana as well in an attempt to surround the ABiS force besieging al-Burqiyaa.

The support from Beiteynu was brought up in the president's address to the nation, in which he thanked "Badara's allies, and especially our friend Beiteynu" for their crucial aid in this campaign. In closing the President said "the people of Deiqah thank you all."
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 15, 2023 12:56 am


Bier Qassem
21 October, 5403(Backdated)

Following the successful liberation of Deiqah, it has become apparent why the push was so easy - ASiB was using it to put all the troops towards establishing a middle corridor between their two occupation zones. They succeeded, overwhelming government forces between Bab al-Mira and the already captured city of Siwanyet. With a surge of troops from the south, the rebels overwhelmed the defenses of al-Burqiyaa and stormed the city block by block, ruthlessly killing any soldiers they encountered. An hour after the slaughter began, the president gave the command for the military to evacuate as well. By sunset, the city had fallen.

President al-Ghanem gave a televised address that evening, as footage of the carnage of the city's fall was being broadcasted to every home in the nation. Here is the address, in full.

"The enemy may have taken yet another city, and they may take many more yet. They have killed many of our brothers and sisters, our mothers, fathers, children - and they may kill many more. But they will not take the spirt of democracy, of freedom; they will never kill that conscience of us all, which states we have the undeniable rights to our own lives. These rebels will never win, because to win they must kill every last person who believes in liberty in this whole nation. They must kill every patriot and make still every heart which beats for this nation. They must kill every person who believes in hope, in change, in a better tomorrow. As long as we breathe, they will not win. And as long as we breathe, we must fight."

The total casualties of the siege are estimated at 1,000 civilian and over 2,000 military, while nearly 2 million people have been displaced and become internal refugees. The extent of the damage is unknown, but estimated to exceed at least $200 million. The army has moved to bolster its presence in Abu Yacub, as Bab al-Mira and Misul are now cut of from any land routes. General el-Yamin has been ordered to push west from Deiqah, in hopes the two zones can be severed and a path to Misul can open up for the Badaran army to lift the siege.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:34 pm


Bier Qassem
14 November, 5403 (Backdated)

The armies under the control of General el-Yamin, aided by the forces of Deltaria, have pushed westward to the besieged city of Bab al-Mira. The city has yet to be evacuated as the city was surrounded on all sides and landlocked, with the civilian death toll in the thousands. The 26th brigade of Deltaria marched south from the Badaran army, closing in on the rebels from their flank as the Badaran army attacked them head on. Overhead, planes roared past constantly, bombing and air-striking ripping through ASiB lines.

As the refugees were ushered to Ras al-Ulima, the Beiteynese and Deltarian navies offered support in transporting them to the newly constructed and already expanding "temporary resettlement camps" constructed by the government. The fall of Bab al-Mira has left nearly a million more internally displaced, as well as leaving the centre of Nashwa uncontested ASiB territory. General el-Yamin, who escorted the refugees to Ras al-Ulima, has already stated his belief that the island will fall.

General Aayid el-Yamin:

"Though the president may not wish to say it out loud, lest it become real, Nashwa is lost. The rebels have taken nearly every administrative hub, burned down oil fields and infrastructure, slaughter thousands. Already they are preparing massive offenses on the cities of Abu Yacub, Medaft, Misul, and this city itself. We must acknowledge the reality here, and the prescient slaughter of millions if the government sits on its hands and idles. We must evacuate Nashwa, and we must do it now. Or else the blood of millions will be on our hands.

Meanwhile, General Uwais el-Ebrahim, who participated in the failed defense of the cities of Siwanyet and al-Burqiyaa, is attempting to replicate General el-Yamin's maneuver in Misul. The city is also surrounded by all sides, save the river to the south. Already, the government is nervously eyeing the situation in the city, as if it falls now the civilian population will not be able to evacuate. The thought of what ASiB would do to millions of civilians if given the chance is enough to make most look to Misul with dread.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:52 pm


Bier Qassem
3 December, 5403 (Backdated)

Just a week after General Uwais el-Ebrahim was killed in the failed push to relieve the siege of Misul, the city has fallen to ASiB. With no time or means to evacuate the city's population, ASiB engaged in a massacre. Their soldiers went door to door, house to house, and killed indiscriminately. Children as young as infants murdered, homes looted and burned. Churches and temples were set ablaze or blown up, and religious minorities (mainly Yeudis and Abadis) were crucified, lynch, or whatever punishment the terrorists could think of.

The government has already found two mass graves near Misul, with drone surveillance proving the existence of a third freshly dug grave. Chilling photographs and videos have circulated online depicting the terrorists dumping bodies into the grave, as well as some people who are alive and resisting. The President has promised a retribution, but every day the government's position in Nashwa looks more and more perilous.

The horrific news coming from Misul has prompted the government to begin evacuating the whole of the civilian population of Nashwa. The refugee camps are already overfilled, and many worry how this will impact the lives of those Badarans forced from their homes and jobs. The amount of internally displaced refugees has already put a strain on Badara's already burdened welfare system, and the government has declared it will have to raise taxes to keep up with the payments. Protests have raged in the capital from the time the first refugee arrived in Mu'tasim, and now with a tax increase and homeless refugees taking over the streets of some smaller cities such as Dar as-Salam, the protests have reached a boiling point.

President al-Ghanem has assured the nation the refugee camps will soon be able to house all refugees from Nashwa (an estimated 7-8 million people), but many remain skeptical of the claim. Plans to relocate the refugees to other nations temporarily have been dismissed in Bier Qassem, where Prime Minister al-Aydin has said she does not wish to "make our issue our neighbors issue."
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
Posts: 314
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