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Re: Luthori

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 8:30 pm

Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: The International Inquirer

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Dec 14, 2023 6:56 pm

Foreign Secretary announces end of the "Open and Global Luthori" doctrine and new doctrine for Luthori.
The Foreign Secretary announced that Luthori was "to be given a new doctrine, for a new century", after years of fighting for a new doctrine more aligned with Luthori's current position within the diplomatic chessboard.
28th, July 5308

Fort WIlliam, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Foreign Secretary Maximillian Bates has announced "a change" in the direction of current foreign policy put in place by the Imperial Government at Alchester University's annual meeting. The current foreign policy, determined by the "Open and Global Luthori" Doctrine, which was adopted during the Reynolds Ministry, and which turned its back on the "Reynolds Doctrine", which advocated caution in diplomatic affairs and present pragmatism in foreign policy, towards a policy considered at the time to be "more open" towards other nations, after criticism abroad on the conduct of Luthorian foreign policy, considered to be too "imperialist", since the The adoption of this policy, which was seen as a defeat by many hardliners within the Constitutional Democratic Union, at least within the Monday Club, probably helped in the defeat of John A. Reynolds, the incumbent Prime Minister facing Emily Harrington, who highlighted this "humiliation" in terms of foreign policy during her campaign, even if after her victory, she did not change the policy, to the great dismay of the hardliners who brought her to power . Over the past 80 years, successors to the post of Foreign Secretary have followed the policy established under Reynolds, continuing efforts to integrate Luthori into the global diplomatic system by developing the system of alliances between Luthori and various nations and deepen relations between certain nations and the Empire through joint military programs and economic agreements aimed at linking economies more deeply together, in bilateral agreements or within the framework of intergovernmental organizations, such as the Commonwealth.

But, today, something has to change, in fact, since the beginning of the century, Luthori has seen its internal and external policy being dramatically changed. Its domestic politics have become less unstable, especially with the new victory of the Constitutional Democratic Union in the last elections, granting them an absolute majority and absolute control of Parliament. The hardliners who were rejected and kept from the Foreign Ministry thanks to the total control of the National Liberals within this key ministry, meant that the much criticized doctrine of "Open and Global Luthori" was able to remain in place for decades, but with the appointment of Maximillan Bates to the coveted post of Foreign Secretary, this position was sure to change. Firstly, external policy quickly changed in Artania with the collapse of the Hosian-Conservative Alliance (Dundorfian: Hosian-Konservativ Allianz (HKA)), which plunged Dorvik, already for several years, isolated within the diplomatic scene and in a position of withdrawal for several decades, in an internal instability which does not give it any scope to intervene in Artania, therefore because of this instability, the radius of action moved from Haldor to Fort William, who appears as Dorvik's natural successor in these uncertain times, as other powers try to gain influence with the expectation of "weakness" on the part of the Kingdom of Dorvik. The recent crisis in Ikradon has shown that the Artanian Continent is far from stable and to adapt to the "new world" as the Foreign Secretary called it, he announced a new foreign policy, already named the "Bates Doctrine" or "Bates' Formula", this doctrine does not change from the last doctrine by calling for securing more links with the nations of the world through bilateral economic agreements or within a common organization, and military agreements more frequent between nations, with the organization of military exercises, but also called on Luthori to implement a policy of "protection" of the "Security Zone" of the Empire, and those by all means, whether economic or military, with a view to protecting the stability of the continent, this doctrine is also noted as being more pragmatic, wanting to protect Luthorian interests and those of its allies first in all conflicts, even if the emphasis is carried on the first.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:28 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:24 pm

Ambassador McClair visits Hexlon Imperial Beiteynu


August 5308

Yishelem, Beiteynu – In true fashion of Luthorian pride Ambassador McClair, the newly appointed Imperial Ambassador to Beiteynu, representing the Crown and government in the nation, visited one of the marvels of Luthorian economic success and Yeudi-Luthorian cooperation. For years Hexlon Imperial has been creating jobs and offering both Beiteynu, Luthori and the international market with values ores such as coal but also silver which were used to create beautifull necklaces and warming homes and providing energy to millions. It even gave rise to the Luthorian-Beiteynu Yeudivosky Jewelry one of the fastest growing jewelry companies in both Beiteynu and Luthori and spreading fast in Artania.

The Ambassador visited the various mines and the local processing facilities, which employ hundreds of people from Beiteynu and Luthori. The Ambassador was rather interested in the process. Though he scoffed when a Yeudi worker offered him coffee instead of tea, a hilarious moment to be sure as he was soon found laughing, though insisting on tea. The Ambassador was found to be merry with all the workers and is quite known for his distaste for coffee and his immense love for tea. He lunched and drank with various workers afterwards, seemingly insisting not only to meet and dine with the high brass of the company.

The visit comes at a momentous occasion as Hexlon Imperial’s mining division is investing a great deal more on the home front. In Luthori many mines are being upgraded with the techniques learned and perfected by mining in Beiteynu. Many of the experts that were flown in years back has paid off for the company as they are now importing the knowledge, creating a blend of various international experts and Yeudi-Luthorian knowledge. It is meant to greatly improve the mines and processing there, which will aid in the Luthorian economy but also in the Yeudi economy. Both stand to gain as Hexlon Imperial is truly investing in increasing its operations in the mining sphere.

In a speech the Ambassador said ‘’It is with great pleasure to drink, eat and sit with all of you hard working people. It gives me such a joy to see that our messages of continued economic openness, that is free market economics, has worked! Our lives have been enriched here and in Luthori by the cooperation that this company brings through its operations. Let is continue ever more!’’.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:43 pm

Imperial Luthorian Petroleum confident in providing Artania with energy security as oil production in Vascania improves drasticly, thanks to LP’s investments


August 5408

Fort William, Luthori – The CEO of Luthorian Petroleum, Sir Henry Dalton, announced in the mids of the Dorvish internal market crisis and political instability as well as the situation in Ikradon that the Luthorians and other Artanians do not need to worry, the company ensures all that its trade fleet, supported by SouthernSeas is capable of increasing the flow of oil from Vascania to Artania, especially after the massive investment the company made in Vascanian oil is paying off.

In 5401 the Luthorian oil company purchased a rather large sum of shares from its Vascanian counterpart as part of a major investment made after the signing of the trade deal and investment deal between the two countries. The deal caused the Luthorian Petroleum Company to own 20% of stock of the company, being the largest private holder of shares next to the Vascanian imperial government owning 50% of the company, with 30% held by other private entities.

The purchase and investment caused joint ventures in searching new oil sources in the North of Vascania, especially in the seas and oceans. It also aimed at increasing the rather large production of oil as well, updating the out-dated material and practises and increasing efficiency. This has lead to great increases in the volume of oil production and Vascanian jobs in the ports for transport. For the increase in oil also coincided with the increase in oil sales thanks to the aforementioned problems and the energy problems that were ramped a few years back in Majatra. Causing Beiteynu and Luthori to become major exporters of oil from Vascania to Majatra and Luthori gaining through the above mentioned deal the ole right to transport Vascanian oil to Artania.

Originally the investment was made to increase and improve the deal that was made years earlier to secure Luthorian reliance on Dorvish oil was reduced. It has now turned into a black gold mine for both countries involved (Luthori & Vascania) as both companies rake in huge profits, with the Luthorian Petroleum gaining vast amounts of dividents from the massive profits the sale of oil is bringing and gaining a reduced price because of the massive investments.

The company also held true to its original word, hiring both Luthorians and Vascanians to work in various ports in Vascania. Creating new jobs and economic opportunities for hundres of people there. SouthernSeas, which helps in the transport through a contract with Luthorian Petroleum has also seen a rise in shipments, having already requested Kindall Shipyards last year to increase some port capacities in Luthori alone, seeing yet another rise in employment in Luthori thanks to its lessened reliance on Artanian economic welfare and increase global reach of the Luthorian economy.

Now it is to see if the oil from Vascania will be necessary as the instability in Dorvik can cause some nasty energy problems. Only time will tell. In the mean time the CEO stated that ‘’we are ready and able to sell the oil to various partners across Artania and to make sure they have enough to keep warm and their engines running. Luthorian Petroleum is happy with the partnership with Imperial Vascanian Oil, they can deliver!’’
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Re: The International Inquirer

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:23 am

Luthori announces humanitarian intervention as situation in Ikradon degenerates.
A statement from 10 Crown Street announced that Luthorian ground forces today crossed the border between the civil war nation of Ikradon and the two duchies of Shipleyriding and Northriding, announcing a humanitarian intervention in Ikradon.
14th, May 5309
Men of the 55th Infantry Regiment crossing the border to secure the humanitarian zone.
Holy Luthori Empire - After years of internal economic, political and social unrest, Ikradon finally collapsed after the total collapse of its economic system, followed by its political system. Now the nation is divided by a multitude of military and rebel cliques all claiming to be the real government of Ikradon. The Imperial Luthorian Army announced today that it would launch Operation Martlington, which is an operation which consists of seeing the Imperial Luthorian Army, with a view to preventing a contagion of the conflict to other countries on the continent, taking matters into its own hands. own hands, even if the Operation consists at that time of not great intensity of the conflict, of the establishment of a humanitarian zone where no faction would have the right to enter except with the specific authorization of the Imperial government. The imperial armed forces, according to the Chief of Defense Staff, crossed the common border between Luthori & Ikradon to establish a refugee and humanitarian zone. According to information from the Defense Staff, the 1st 'Martwick' Infantry Regiment, the 4th "Sweet Mary" Infantry Regiment, the 5th "Good Boy" Artillery Brigade, the 14th Armored Division have all crossed the border with Ikradon, with, according to Defense Office, no resistance encountered during this border crossing, many inhabitants "cheering" the Luthorians as they arrived in certain localities being in the humanitarian zone, hoping that they bring peace to their locality while their country tear each other apart before their helpless eyes, and the Prime Minister announced that this occupation was only temporary and that as soon as a legitimate and stable government had been established in Ikradon, the Luthorians would immediately "withdraw from the rightful Ikradonese land", having, according to Crown Street, only "the protection of people and the securing of a safe place for all those displaced during this conflict."

Crown Street also announced during the announcement of the moving of the Luthorian troops within Ikradon, that the Empire stood ready to accept, if necessary, the installation of foreign troops to help it in this occupation which could become perilous, but Crown Street also announced during the Foreign Secretary's speech at the Imperial Diet, that any humanitarian organization having received authorization from their respective country and the Imperial Government to operate in this area will be able to operate there under the protection of the forces Luthorian armies. The Imperial Government also announced that local governments will retain power in this area, even if the Luthorians are present to secure the area, wanting to maintain the fact that this occupation is only humanitarian and should not send a message that Luthori is "invading" Ikradon for its own good. Crown Street also announced that the occupied territory will be returned directly after the civil war to the government that legitimately won the civil war. Foreign Secretary Bates defended Luthori policy during his speech in Parliament, citing several precedents in which Luthori had already intervened and then left this conflict when these objectives were completed, such as Malivia or Hobrazia, and that as "Protector of the Artanian Continent", Luthori had to do everything in his power to ensure that the stability of the continent was preserved by all possible means and that the safety of people and property within the continent had to be respected. At this time, no reaction is cited from foreign governments, and no reaction is cited from Ikradon where the different factions continue to fight for total control of the nation.
The International Inquirer is a monthly newspaper covering foreign policy, covering the latest international news and developments abroad.
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Re: Luthori

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Dec 16, 2023 11:25 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:14 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Zanz » Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:07 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:01 pm

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