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Re: Rutania

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jan 10, 2024 10:04 pm

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Re: Rutania

Postby jamescfm » Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:48 am

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Re: Rutania

Postby Torsten1 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:46 pm

Office for Dradic Affairs established, Rutania reaches out to Aloria.
Robertson: “This is the beginning of a movement towards a more connected and culturally enriched Rutania.”

Collage of Dradic Culture.

In a strategic step the Robertson Ministry today has established the Office for Dradic Affairs under the Sixth Legislative Decree. Sources from within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs underscore the Governments commitment to deepening connections with Dradic nations and cultivating our own Dradic Culture.

The Office for Dradic Affairs, now operating as an Arms Length Non-Ministerial Department, is set to become a linchpin in Rutania's cultural diplomacy initiatives. Lord Chancellor Torsten Robertson, in an exclusive statement to the Rutanian Times, expressed his enthusiasm for the establishment, noting, "This marks a new epoch in Rutania's history as we embrace and amplify the vibrant tapestry of Dradic heritage. I have also today reached out to the Prime Minister of Aloria to seek their cooperation in this new venture. In our first effort to expand Dradic Outreach we have requested permission from Aloria to establish 'Centres for Dradic Culture' to promote our joint heritage."

Aloria takes centre stage in Rutania's diplomatic overture, with the Office for Dradic Affairs poised to become a central player in initiatives aimed at deepening collaboration with Dradic-speaking nations. Lord Chancellor Robertson envisions a future where Dradic assumes a predominant role in Rutania. Beyond its diplomatic role, the Office for Dradic Affairs holds a unique mandate to review existing legislation and government measures. This comprehensive evaluation aims to gauge their impact on Dradic culture and language within Rutania's borders. Lord Chancellor Robertson underscored the significance of this mandate, stating, "We are not merely inaugurating an office; we are conducting a rigorous examination of our policies to ensure the flourishing of Dradic culture within our national life."
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Re: Rutania

Postby Torsten1 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:59 pm

King under medical supervision at Broch Staethurn.
Lord Chamberlain: “His Royal Highness’ doctors have expressed concerns for King Eideard’s health.”

King Eideard (82) posing for his new years portrait in January 5425.

In a development that has captured the attention of the nation, King Eideard of Rutania is currently under medical supervision at Broch Staethurn. The Court of Saint Aerdred, in a statement released today, conveyed that the King's doctors have expressed concerns about his health, prompting the decision for continued medical observation.


The Right Honourable Captain Sir Edward D. Craig KT KGGC OM, Lord Chamberlain of the Court of Saint Aerdred, spoke on behalf of the Court, expressing gratitude for the outpouring of support from the public during this time. "His Royal Highness' well-being is of paramount importance, and the medical team's recommendations are being diligently followed," he affirmed.

King Eideard, 82, is reported to be in a comfortable condition at Broch Staethurn. The statement from the Court emphasised the Royal family's wish for privacy during this period, asking for understanding and respect from the public.

The news comes as a solemn reminder of the King's advanced age and the ongoing challenges associated with his Illness last year. The nation joins together in wishing King Eideard a swift recovery and expressing collective hope for his continued well-being.

As events unfold, the Rutanian Times remains committed to providing the public with timely updates on King Eideard's health and any further statements from the Court of Saint Aerdred.
Image Imperial League of Rutania / Lìog Ìmpireil na Rutha
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Re: Rutania

Postby Torsten1 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:22 am

King Eideard II has Passed Away.
Lord Chamberlain: “King Eideard Passed Away Peacefully at Broch Staethurn this Afternoon. Lady Calanthe, His Devoted Daughter, Was Present in Her Father's Last Moments."

Caerwen Hill, the Location of Clanmoots Since the Earliest Records.

In a sombre announcement today, The Right Honourable Captain Sir Edward D. Craig KT KGGC OM, Lord Chamberlain of the Court of Saint Aerdred, conveyed the heart-wrenching news of the passing of King Eideard II. The monarch, revered for his dedicated life of public service, departed peacefully at Broch Staethurn this afternoon. Lady Calanthe, his devoted daughter, was by his side in his final moments.


The statement from the Court of Saint Aerdred expressed profound sorrow, stating that King Eideard passed away peacefully at Broch Staethurn, with Lady Calanthe, his devoted daughter, present in his final moments. The nation mourns the loss of a sovereign who dedicated his life to public service.

King Eideard II, a figure woven into the fabric of Rutanian history, led a life marked by service and commitment. His small but close-knit family became a symbol of unity in the eyes of the nation. The people came to view him as the father of the nation, a sentiment that deepened when his wife passed away. The nation mourned alongside the King and Lady Calanthe, embracing them both in their grief.

At Caerwen Hill, the historic gathering ground for Clansmoots, the great clans of Rutania will convene to participate in a centuries-old tradition that will play a pivotal role in the nation's leadership succession. During the Clansmoot, Chieftains will present their claims to ascend to the esteemed positions of High Chieftain and Monarch. If multiple candidates are nominated, the Chieftains will engage in a voting process to determine the next leader. Once a High Chieftain is selected, the solemn ceremony will take a profound turn as all other Chieftains, irrespective of their prior allegiances, will pledge oaths of fealty to the newly chosen Monarch. This time-honoured ritual on Caerwen Hill will symbolise a continuity of leadership and unity, echoing the traditions upheld by Rutanian clans for centuries.

As Rutania stands at the crossroads with the upcoming Clansmoot, the outcome remains uncertain. However, it is noteworthy that Lady Calanthe, now serving as the Chieftain of Clan Asgaill, should not be ruled out as the next Monarch and High Chieftain. This commentator would highlight the nation's deep respect and admiration for Lady Calanthe, Rutanians have taken the 20 year old have taken her into their hearts just as they did with her father.

The Rutanian Times extends heartfelt condolences to the royal family and the people of Rutania during this period of profound loss. King Eideard's legacy will undoubtedly endure as the nation reflects on the contributions of a Monarch who gave the Kingdom his whole life.
Image Imperial League of Rutania / Lìog Ìmpireil na Rutha
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Re: Rutania

Postby Torsten1 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:06 pm

A Royal Funeral and Constitutional Reform.
Lord Chancellor Torsten Robertson: “King Eideard was a man of great honour and principles, he served as a strength to our nation. However, it is time that we reform our monarchy so it is secure for the future and the legacy of King Eideard can live on."

State Funeral of King Eideard, as his coffin was transported to the Abbey.

Today the nation united in our grief, as we shared in the state funeral of the late King Eideard in St. Glasdoine. Citizens from all corners of Rutania, alongside dignitaries and foreign representatives, gathered to bid farewell to a sovereign who dedicated his life to public service. The somber occasion reflected not only on the King's profound impact on Rutania but also on the legacy he leaves behind.

As the Court of Saint Aerdred conducted the state funeral with the utmost solemnity, the nation began a period of reflection on King Eideard's long and dedicated reign. The late King's small but tight-knit family, particularly his devoted daughter Lady Calanthe, garnered immense support from the public as they mourned the passing of a monarch who held a special place in the hearts of the people.

The funeral proceedings also marked the beginning of a new chapter in Rutania's constitutional history. The recently presented Caerwen Hill Decree, a legislative milestone introduced by the Robertson Ministry, proposes about significant reforms to the monarchy. The Clansmoot, convening in the coming weeks, will select the Royal House and Clan of Rutania for future monarchs, providing a sense of stability and continuity to the nation's highest office.

A groundbreaking aspect of the Caerwen Hill Decree is the elimination of the Clansmoot in royal succession. The eldest issue of the reigning monarch, regardless of gender, will now inherit the crown, ushering in a modern monarchy for Rutania. As the nation lays King Eideard to rest, it also embraces a transformative period that signifies the dawning of a new era for the monarchy—one that aligns with Rutania's progressive spirit and commitment to unity.
Image Imperial League of Rutania / Lìog Ìmpireil na Rutha
Image Kingdom of Rutania / Rìoghachd na Rutha
Controller of the Rutanian Monarchy (Royal Clan Asgaill)
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Re: Rutania

Postby Torsten1 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:18 pm

Lady Calanthe chosen to become Hereditary Monarch.
Lord Chancellor Torsten Robertson: “In Lady Calanthe, we find a leader who embodies the values and spirit of Rutania."

Lady Calanthe of Clan Asgaill(20), chosen to be Queen of Rutania and our first Hereditary Monarch.

In a momentous event today the great clans of Rutania assembled for the first time in 60 years, the Clansmoot has concluded with a historic decision—the selection of Lady Calanthe as the first Hereditary Monarch. The daughter of the late King Eideard, Lady Calanthe now stands as the symbol of continuity and stability for Rutania, marking a significant departure from the traditional rotation of families.

The decision was unanimous from the assembled Chieftains representing Rutania's diverse clans, reflecting a unity rarely seen in the nation's history. Lady Calanthe's coronation as the Queen is expected to happen shortly. However, as set out in the Caerwen Hill Decree this decision establishes a new process of succession, shaping the future of Rutania's monarchy for generations to come.

Lord Chancellor Torsten Robertson, who played a pivotal role as both head of the government and a participating Chieftain of Clan Robertson in the Clansmoot, expressed his sentiments on this historic occasion. "Today, the clans have spoken with a united voice, and in Lady Calanthe, we find a leader who embodies the values and spirit of Rutania. Lady Calanthe has been a part of our national image since her birth, and today the clans selected her to continue this work as Queen."

The decision to nominate Lady Calanthe was met with applause and cheers from the gathered crowd, a clear indication of the public's support for this historic shift in Rutania's monarchy. As Rutania embraces a new era under the reign of Lady Calanthe, the unity displayed at the Clansmoot serves as a testament to the strength and resilience of the nation. The first Hereditary Monarch is set to lead Rutania into a future defined by continuity, tradition, and a commitment to the welfare of its people.
Image Imperial League of Rutania / Lìog Ìmpireil na Rutha
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Controller of the Rutanian Monarchy (Royal Clan Asgaill)
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Re: Rutania

Postby Torsten1 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:22 am

Lady Calanthe of Clan Asgaill: Our New Queen.
The Woman Behind The Titles

Lady Calanthe of Clan Asgaill (20), photographed upon her coming of age on the lands of Clan Asgaill.

Lady Calanthe, daughter of the late King Eideard and Queen Edith, has sprung onto the national stage well demonstrating strength, dedication, and promise. At the age of 20, Lady Calanthe, now the newly named Hereditary Monarch, was born into Clan Asgaill, Lady Calanthe's early years were shaped by the warmth of her family and the regal duties of her father. Despite the weight of her heritage, she exhibited a spirited determination to carve her own path. From a young age, Lady Calanthe displayed a keen interest in Rutanian History and specifically Military History, leading her to enroll in the Rutanian Military Academy.

Her journey through the military ranks showcased not only her exceptional skills but also an unwavering commitment to duty. Rising through the challenges presented by the academy, Lady Calanthe earned the respect of her peers and superiors alike. Her recent appointment as the Hereditary Monarch marks a significant milestone in her life.

Beyond her military achievements, Lady Calanthe's commitment to philanthropy has been a defining aspect of her character. Actively involved in various charitable causes and community initiatives, she has endeared herself to the public by displaying a compassionate and approachable nature.

Unmarried and focused on her duties, Lady Calanthe represents a modern embodiment of regality. Her poise, grace, and determination echo the guidance she received from her late parents, and she remains a relatable figure despite her royal standing. Her biography, still in its early chapters, tells a story of a young leader poised to shape Rutania's destiny.

As Lady Calanthe takes on the mantle of Monarch, the pages of her life story continue to unfold. Her impact on Rutania's future, shaped by her experiences, values, and dedication, promises to be a transformative force for the Kingdom she serves with unwavering commitment.
Image Imperial League of Rutania / Lìog Ìmpireil na Rutha
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Re: Rutania

Postby Torsten1 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:10 pm

New Command Structure for Rutanian Armed Forces Established.
Robertson: "This decree represents a crucial step in modernising our Armed Forces"

Organizational chart illustrating the new command structure of the Rutanian Armed Forces.

The Robertson Ministry has successfully passed the Eighth Legislative Decree, restructuring the command structure of the Rutanian Armed Forces. The new legislation introduces key changes to the leadership and organizational structure, aiming to enhance efficiency and coordination within the military apparatus. The Colonel-in-Chief, a newly created title sitting below the Monarch as Commander-in-Chief, will now also be assumed by the Lord Chancellor, currently Lord Torsten Robertson. This expanded role empowers the Head of the Government to hold a rank, wear a military uniform, and issue orders within the Armed Forces, aligning the civilian leadership more closely with military affairs. Lord Torsten Robertson, commenting on the development, stated, "This decree represents a crucial step in modernising our Armed Forces. By involving the Head of the Government more directly, we aim to foster better understanding and collaboration between the civil and military arms of our nation."

Field Marshal Robert MacLocke, the Secretary of State for Defence and newly appointed Chief of the General Staff, emphasised the importance of military expertise at the highest level. "With the legal requirement for the Secretary of State for Defence to have a military background, we ensure that our defence leadership possesses the necessary insights into the challenges and strategies of our Armed Forces." The decree also makes it a requirement for the governing to have Ministers of State for each branch of the Armed Forces, who will serve as conduits between the Secretary of State for Defence and the individual branches. The Robertson Ministry already do this but commentators have said this is clear futureproofing by the Lord Chancellor.

With the recent legislative changes solidifying the link between the Rutanian government and the military, the fusion of civilian and military leadership positions is anticipated to bring about a more coordinated and responsive approach to emerging challenges, particularly in light of the recurring stresses in the Migrant's Pass. The increased authority bestowed upon the Lord Chancellor positions the government to act swiftly and decisively in addressing security concerns. As Rutania navigates potential threats, the seamless integration of military and civilian expertise is expected to play a pivotal role in ensuring the nation's security and stability.
Image Imperial League of Rutania / Lìog Ìmpireil na Rutha
Image Kingdom of Rutania / Rìoghachd na Rutha
Controller of the Rutanian Monarchy (Royal Clan Asgaill)
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Re: Rutania

Postby Torsten1 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:31 pm

Rutanian Navy to escort vessals through the Migrant's Pass.
Rutania responds to Malvian Blockade

Lord Torsten Robertson appeared in uniform for the first time since becoming Colonel-in-Chief, this uniform belonging to the Royal Ruatnian Navy.

Responding to the recent decision by the President of Malvia to block Artanian Union (AU) nations' access to the crucial Migrants Pass, Lord Chancellor Torsten Robertson, who recently assumed the role of Colonel-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, has issued orders to the Rutanian Navy. The directive aims to ensure the safe passage of vessels bound for Rutania and those departing from Rutania through the Migrants Pass.

In a statement, Lord Torsten Robertson expressed the Kingdom of Rutania's strong reliance on the trade routes facilitated by the international waters of the Migrants Pass. "Rutania has long benefited from the openness and cooperation in these waters, and we will not stand idle in the face of any offensive actions that disrupt the free flow of trade. The Rutanian Navy is entrusted with securing our interests and upholding the principles of international maritime navigation, and will respond in kind to any aggression" declared Lord Robertson.

The Migrants Pass serves as a vital gateway for Rutania's international trade, connecting the nation to other Artanian partners and beyond. Lord Robertson's swift response to safeguard Rutania's access to these critical waters marks his first notable action since assuming the role of Colonel-in-Chief. As tensions escalate in the Artanian Union, Rutania asserts its commitment to defending its economic interests and ensuring the continued prosperity of its maritime trade routes.
Image Imperial League of Rutania / Lìog Ìmpireil na Rutha
Image Kingdom of Rutania / Rìoghachd na Rutha
Controller of the Rutanian Monarchy (Royal Clan Asgaill)
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