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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:09 am

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:42 pm

June 8th 5450
The Rušaninova Dvorana, official residence of the chairman

Čahtica: Defense minister Andreescu has announced the creation of the new State Committee for Weapon Exports, also to be known as DOIO (Državni Odbor za Izvoz Oružja). The new government agency, to be attached indirectly to the ministry of defense, will be tasked with checking and approving/rejecting all weapon exports to foreign countries, working under the guidelines set out by the Ministry of Defense. The new agency is a measure by the ministry to decouple weapon exports from the ministry in a more drastic way. This new approach should boost weapon exports, with Deltaria recently liberalizing its weapon export restrictions as to allow weapon and munitions manufacturers in the country more markets to produce for. Weapon exports are also seen as a way to bolster Deltarian prestige and influence, with Deltarian weapons having largely replaced Trigunian ones in the last few hundred years despite the Deltarian weapon industry being born out of copy catting their Trigunian counterparts. Now Deltaria's military-industrial complex is developed and large, with recent developments like the new SA-30DK multirole fighters, the new Golub-class frigates and the new T-64D MBT examples of mature and modern weapon systems completely developed within Deltaria.

The new DOIO will be operational within the next three months, with the Ministry of Defense to hand over all required documentation and grant support in the first few years on everything export related. The newly appointed Operational Director of the DOIO former officer Németh Alex has indicated his believe that the new agency can make a "valuable contribution to the goal of more, and more responsible, weapon exports for Deltaria."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:17 pm

June 18th 5450
Chairman Brozović

Čahtica: The Union has made a daring move towards the return of the monarchy, spearheaded by current chairman Brozović. The move, with a series of constitutional ammendments proposed by the party in congress, signals a risk for the ruling United Deltaria coalition, currently led by Brozović. The Union had long been a proponent of a return of the monarchy, but did not propose such a return as it viewed stable governance as a higher priority. But with the rise in monarchist sentiment and a young crown prince of a recognized great house standing by, the former monarchist himself Chairman Brozović has moved his party towards the change. In a recent interview, Brozović noted that a monarchy could have several benefits for Deltaria.

First of all, we see that countries with a monarchy have a level of prestige hard to achieve within a republican system. More importantly however, a monarch brings a sense of political stability to a country, a topic highly important for a nation like Deltaria. Lastly, our long ruling royal house, the House of Georgijević-Tesař, still has a crown prince that is young, energetic and ready to lead. We understand the concerns of our partners, but believe that a fully constitutional monarch serving under the principles of representative democracy can truly make a different for our country.

The ammendments are currently under review by the congressional committee on institutional reform, but with the KDU/Union already supporting the bill, it seems support from the DNS could be enough to tip the scales. But Brozović has made it clear he wants to keep the UD coalition intact, thus hoping that the KPD can support the proposal with assurances given by the KDU.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:40 pm

June 20th 5450
Teodor Andreescu

Branovice: Defense minister and leader of the KDU its hosian democratic faction Teodor Andreescu will not serve another term as defense minister if given the opportunity. He made this announcement this morning during a work visit to barracks in his hometown of Branovice. The minister, who has served on and off as Defense minister for a combined 12 years, had long indicated his desire to move on from his ministerial job and focus more on the party. To this end, he simultaniously announced that he will run for one of the Branovice seats in congress next election in a attempt to challenge current congressional leader Damir Dudaš for leadership if elected. This intention is no secret, with Dudaš from the moderate faction in the party many hosian democrats and conservatives have long felt the desire to replace him as the leader in parliament. Andreescu now seeks to win his Branovice seat and challenge Dudaš, which would make Andreescu the first hosian democrat in a leadership position within the party in decades. His long tenure as defense minister, combined with his pivotal role in forming the United Deltaria electoral alliance, have given him the political capital needed to make this move.

Under the mixed-member majoritarian system in Deltaria around half of seats are elected in single-member constituencies while the other half are elected in a nationwide proportional closed-list election. Andreescu seeks to run for one of the eight single-member seats in Branovice, specifically his home district of Velilaj where his political carreer also began as a local councillor. If he does officially file the paperwork, he is expected to easily win the seat.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Fri Mar 08, 2024 4:28 pm



Interior Ministry, July 15, 5451: Asked by ZLATENICO OKO how the government will react should the KPD begin forming its own police and military, Interior Minister Kresimir Metijevic responded:

Well, you would have to check with the Justice Ministry on details of who would be prosecuted, but that would be a criminal act. A criminal act by those in KPD setting it up, voting to do it, or voting funds for arms for it. A criminal act to join a police or military unit organized by KPD or to provide funds or arms to it.

If all they did was hire some jack booted uniformed but completely unarmed rally guards I doubt if anyone would care. But the government is concerned that considerably more than that may be planned. Interior’s first involvement is assessing the threat which is being done by the Federal Security Service (FBS) charged with conducting internal security intelligence.

If illegal activity is discovered by the FBS, the Federal Police w7ll likely simply make arrests. If breaking up a gathering of faux warriors is necessary, our special anti terror units equipped with military grade equipment including rotary craft may be employed.

One would hope that is all that would be necessary and our armed forces involvement will be unnecessary. The government certainly hopes the KPD will instead work within the system making its voice heard in the Congress of Deputies and at the ballot box.

Ministry of the Interior
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Tayes » Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:06 pm

PBO Promise Reaction to Communist Threat


Leader of Pokret Bijeli Orao, Vladislav Horvat, has today been giving his reaction to the proposals within Congress to reintroduce a constitutional monarchy in a press conference held at the PBO National Council HQ in Tepesovo. The press conference was called after the threat of Communist revolution was made on the floor of Deltaria’s Congress.

When questioned about his thoughts on the proposal to reintroduce the monarchy itself, Horvat responded with indifference, stating:

For many, the Emperor represents the glory and triumph of Great Deltaria, and if we are going to adopt a monarchy, the monarch must do their best to personify this image in all of its victory. Should they fail to do this, the monarch may find our passive support dwindle. We must tred very carefully; monarchs live a life of luxury, so far removed from many of the Izvorni Deltarijanac that inhabit these lands. Should the monarch manage to embody these individuals however, removing himself from a pure life of luxury to voluntarily experience the struggle of Delic citizens, he will have our full support.

Horvat appeared reluctant to say much else on the party view of monarchy, continually referring back to a lack of representation in Congress and therefore very little legitimacy to speak on Constitutional issues. Attention was quickly diverted towards the claim from the KPD that they would set up a so-called ‘shadow state’ should the monarchy be reintroduced, Horvat had this to say:

This is an incredibly dangerous situation. Communism is the by far the biggest threat to our vision of Novo Društvo in that it devalues the importance of the Delic people in building a fair society. Communism offers an alternative that would thrust every Deltarian into poverty and further struggle. We, on the other hand, offer an alternative which uses our historic struggle to create an all-consuming state for the protection of our people. Communism would create dangerous internationalism, we will always put Deltaria first. I do not believe however that the Democratic state is in a strong enough position to fight Communism and its threats. I want to therefore make it clear, in no uncertain terms, that should the KPD put their plan into action, our response will be extensive and justified. We will, should the KPD’s plans materialise, place our own forces on the ground to combat all Communist actions undertaken by a shadow government. We will launch a campaign of extensive resistance, regardless of the consequences from either police force. We will not sit back and watch Deltaria burn when we could be taking action.

Many have criticised the leader of the PBO for his comments, claiming that he is just adding fuel to the fire. His supporters have backed the remarks however, claiming that the response would be entirely justified given the circumstances and the threat of communism.

Any paramilitary organisation established by the PBO would likely be led by member of the PBO National Council, Mirko Novak. Novak, a former police officer of twenty years, is one of the most senior party members. He is also thought to be a Horvat loyalist, even within his own party, making him a perfect fit to lead such an organisation.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:08 pm

February 18th 5451
Foreign minister Vladimir Brkić

Čahtica: The foreign ministry has issued a suprising memorandum of support to the new Kirlawan Junta, citing the "clear need for stability in northern Artania" and the "vital role Kirlawa could play in this ambition." The show of support comes after several critiques by the deltarian government on the formation of JASA, with observers believing the support of the Junta to be a way to destabilize the efforts of the JASA formation. Foreign minister Brkić signed the memorandum, which also pledged at least 40 million in medical and humanitarian aid to the country in an effort to "help the new regime in providing for its people." The ministry did call for Kirlawa to release nationals from other nations and allow them to travel abroad, even as the Deltarian government is unaware of any Deltarians still residing in Kirlawa. The Chairman has kept the embassy in Éagsúila open and the Deltarian ambassador will remain in the country.

The offer of support comes as the political situation at home becomes more volantile by the day, with the far-left and far-right at eachothers throats and Chairman Brozović being forced to make tough decisions for the road ahead. Despite these uncertainties, the Foreign ministry offered the new Junta "all the help it needs in restoring civilian rule and stabilizing the country."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:02 pm

February 28th 5451
Chairman Brozović

Čahtica: Chairman Brozović has directed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to declare a state of emergency and put the Federal Security Service on high alert. The directive, issued by the chairman mere hours ago, is expected to be formally implemented by DNS minister Kresimir Metijevic within the next few days. While details surrounding the state of emergency are vague, Deltarian law allows the government a whole range of authorities when a state of emergency is enacted. The government could, for example, tap into all communications within the country and have police search homes without a warrant. People can also be detained for up to 7 days without a legitimate justification. It is up to the interior ministry to determine the specifics of the SOE, but insiders suggest the government is taking a hardline stance. The directive is seen as a response to ongoing unrest surrounding the passing of the new constitution and the subsequent coronation of Emperor Aleksić, with the Communist Party announcing in congress their intention to form a shadow government and military if the coronation is to happen, while the far-right PBO will counteract if the communists are not kept in check.

Chairman Brozović, now determined to reinstate the monarchy, is now looking towards the state apparatus in keeping the calm. Rumors suggest that the Chairman might even make a move to ban either the communists, PBO or both, attempting to create a "consensus" on radical parties within the country. But this state of emergency is seen as a first step towards the government trying to stabilize the situation, with many eager to see what minister Metijevic will include in the SOE. As another step to prevent the communists plans, Chairman Brozović has also initiated a cabinet reshuffle, expected to easily pass and subsequently boot out the KPD minister of Justice, preventing the KPD from weaponizing the justice ministry.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:04 am



Interior Ministry, April 15, 5451: Asked by ZLATENICO OKO how the government will be dealing with the upcoming Coronation of Emperor Aleksic, Interior Minister Kresimir Metijevic replied:

Three things to think about. First, while we focus security efforts on the capital and the coronation, someone could be thinking that all are elsewhere, not on Ludelmik. We do think the time will be critical, but we need to be aware of vulnerabilities everywhere.

Second, we now have local police as well as the Federal Police which has not been reduced in size from when it was the only police. So we should have enough if we use them wisely.

Third, we think the KBD may form paramilitary forces and do some insurrectionary act based on their reaction to restoration of monarchy and that should the KBD follow that route the PBO will likely respond. And these are dangers we do not take lightly. But we need to remember other groups or loners may think…. The FBS is watching the KBD, they’ll never suspect someone embedded with the Little Sisters of Tender Mercy might be up to something

Chairman Brozovic asked for a State of Emergency and I have declared one. The Federal Security Service is everywhere listening. Or as close as we can make it to that, and we do know where to begin, we really do.

In cities other than the capital local police will be at the forefront reinforced by Federal Police with reserves including Anti Terror Units in place. We will be targeting sports events and concerts for special scrutiny.

As to the coronation in the capital, all the police involved in crowd control at the coronation site and along the parade route will be Federal Police. FBS presence will be pervasive. Detachments of the well armed Federal Police Anti Terror Contingent will be stationed at strategic points. 40 armed helicopters from the Anti Terror Contingent and the Federal Gendarmerie will be ready to break up any insurrectionary activity. Reconnaissance drones will be monitoring the spectators.

In this State of Emergency arrests will be made if we see any civilian armed, any violence, property destruction, arson, use of munitions or paramilitary activity.

I do believe we have the situation in hand but obviously the Army could be called upon. I personally do not believe the event will see any inappropriate action by KPD or PBO.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:08 am

May 28th 5451
The ministry of foreign affairs

Čahtica: Prime Minister Brozović has officially recalled the Deltarian ambassador to Kirlawa. The Foreign ministry in its turn has officially withdrawn diplomatic support to Kirlawa and has issued another memorandum to the Kirlawan government calling for the immediate restoration of the civilian government. The move is a 180 degrees turn compared to the support given by the Deltarian government just four months before. It is the result of rumoured backroom negotiations between Deltaria and Kundrati, in which Deltaria has apparently been granted certain assurances on Majatran security. In return, the Deltarian government has now condemned the military Junta in Kirlawa and has called the return of democratic, civilian governance the "highest priority" for the country.

Going even further, Deltaria stated it supports the efforts of "regional powers to solve the ongoing crisis in Northern Artania and do what it can to restore the civilian government in Kirlawa through negotiation and diplomacy." Foreign minister Brkić signed this new memorandum, which was send to the government in Éagsúila soon after. The embassy has been reportedly vacated, with the ambassador and his staff currently residing in a Deltarian government compound on the premises of the embassy. The government has officially asked the Kirlawan authorities to allow the ambassador and his staff to leave the country. Prime Minister Brozović has stated that if the ambassador and his staff will not be able to leave the country within the next week, the Deltarian government will "do what it can to retrieve them ourselves", the PM refused to comment further on what that might entail.
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