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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:48 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Luthorian-Yeudi MOFA Patrick Jacobstone to "pave the future" with Aldegar
June 5465


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Following Foreign Minister Mohsen Blourian's visit to Beiteynu a few years back, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been working closely with both the Medinat Department and the MOFIN's Olami Trade Association in laying the groundwork together with Aldegar to rekindle relations and help boost activity in trade and commerce with Ramsāhreza. With Beiteynu having received "Bloodline" rank status on the merits of the Yeudish Neset's global footprint, Luthorian-Yeudi MOFA Patrick Jacobstone seeks to "pave the future" together with Seleya's rapidly rising country right in the heart of the continent.

We have always been interested in enhancing relations and especially commerce with the countries of Seleya, noting the abundance of material, consumer goods and access at the heart of Terran trade. This rings especially true with Aldegar, with the canal being its greatest asset for global trade.

The Yeudish Neset's long-standing commercial web with north and south Seleya - including but not limited to Lodamun, Kalistan, Tukarali, Valruzia, Kanjor and Alduria - will hopefully serve Aldegar's needs in taking its commerce to a continental level and beyond to the reaches of Majatra, Artania, Keris and even the furthest corners of Dovani and Vascania, with Yeudish shipping playing a pivotal role in boosting Aldegarian trade.

High-ranking officials in the MOFA have confirmed that the Medinat Dpt. has forwarded drafts of the diplomatic and commercial frameworks for the Aldegarian Government's consideration in joining the Yeudish Neset. "Ramsāhreza's recognition of the trade provisos will undoubtedly open the floodgates of Beiteynuese capital flow to Aldegar", was the statement of the Deputy Head of the Olami Trade Association.

With Aldegar having long expressed wishes to enter international markets as the "oil and gas station of Terra", it is believed that the Medinat Department will seek to "globalise" the Vamaj Network beyond Vascania and Majatra.

Especially with rumours flying around of Yeudish conglomerates like Hadayim and AIG from Kalopia attaining seats available for auction in the ACAA.


OOC: @Svet, I'm essentially offering 2 treaties for you to ratify + if you're going for it, I will help you with making Aldegar an oil/gas player. Disclaimer: if you choose to enact relations, I am making an Aldegarian hummus dish xD
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:29 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Olami Trade Association releases report on the state of the Yeudish Neset
June 5465


Tel Bira, Beiteynu - Since the Semon Administration's introduction of the "background policy" of 5454 in foreign affairs, the Beiteynuese Government has focused almost the entirety of its efforts on the Yeudish Neset. Yeudish and non-Yeudish industries alike continue to leverage the notoriously "spread out" Beiteynuese web of relations to enact and solidify commerce across its spectrum, aided by the dominating presence of Yeudish shipping.

An industry that seems to play a role in helping other non-Yeudish industries tap into international markets by providing a platform for trade across other countries, as well, not just to and from Beiteynu.

A key performance indicator greatly expressed by the evident relational presence of consumer goods and oil and gas distribution, commodities that Yeudish companies and Beiteynu itself notoriously lack both in production and resource availability, the report states.

Trade is the Yeudi People's "choice of commerce", it seems, with the Vandam Report also reaffirming its importance in the Beiteynuese economy.

Lifting up, those who choose to engage with and in it, in the process.


OOC: The idea is to keep Beiteynu relatively relevant in the background so that I can help other players with their RP ideas/goals, anytime and in any manner or direction players want to take for their stories (with some limitations, of course).
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:56 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
AllComm revokes Lourennais O3's access to Allink
June 5465


Amshinov, Beiteynu - In a move that seems rather perplexing in retrospect, the Lavian has revoked Lodamun's access to the Allink - the Beiteynuese network of satellites for military and intelligence use - by removing the O3 Intelligence Summit from the Allink Command Agreement. Although Kundrati and Luthori are also members of the O3, they will retain their status as both countries are under a mutual defence pact with Yishelem.

Lourenne will also retain access to the Allink, as a ratifier of the Partnership Agreement with Beiteynu.

Citing an "unease" in the Medinat Department and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in regards to the continuously increasing ties between Dundorf and Lourenne that have essentially dominated the Artanian scene, the Beiteynuese Government seems to steadily increase its reluctance in sharing intelligence and security protocols with Lourenne's own network; especially after Dundorfian Special Envoy Babs Grunwald had denied Beiteynuese involvement in the Aethansk Summit for JASA.

Luthorian-Yeudi MOFA Patrick Jacobstone hinted at a press conference yesterday afternoon that the Beiteynuese Government may seek to "tone down" extended relations with Dundorf, potentially switching from the specialised agreement in place since 5333 to a more "commerce-driven" framework of bilateral relations.

The Head of the Agafim (the intelligence agency that gulped the TRA decades ago) was unavailable for comment.


OOC: @Louis, I'm assuming Yeudish intelligence has caught wind of something but not anything specific, considering they're not exactly rookies in the field, based on your OOC plan you shared with me.

@Imperial, iirc you hinted the need to counter-balance Yeudish intelligence so I'm basically kicking you out to give you justification to form your own platform.

@Nick/Zhdanov, asking if you guys want to kill the treaty and ratify this and this (this?) instead, since I'm trying to move Beiteynu into the background.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:32 pm

Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:44 am

Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:51 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
BREAKING: King Gabriel found dead
November 5466

Yishelem, Beiteynu - A great sadness sweeps the hearts of the Yeudi People in Beiteynu and across the world as the Palace of Moreshet (Heritage) has reportedly been under lockdown since the early hours of this morning; although no official announcement has been made by either the Yeudi Monarchy nor the Beiteynuese Government, the news of King Gabriel's sudden death found its way to the media. Unsurprisingly, as an extensive perimeter has been secured by the presence of Beiteynuese Police, the Agafim and the Yeudish Bureau of Investigations, raising an endless parade of questions about the nature of the Meleh's demise.

With the King having no heirs and his siblings under the scrutiny of the Lourennais Government, the Throne of Yishelem sits empty; and the line of succession and the mantle of the protection of the Yeudi People now falling to the House of Orange-Villayn and the Luthorian Monarchy.

An announcement from Fort William is expected to arrive, soon.


OOC: @Lig, the Throne awaits. Long live the Empire.

@Gemholders, prepare for the endgame.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:41 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Medinat Dpt. clears the air on Deltaria's involvement in the MSCO
November 5467

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Head of the Medinat Department Sneakyeth Avodi made a short press statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs earlier this morning, breaking the Beiteynuese Government's silence on Deltaria's recent consideration of rejoining the MSCO. While Foreign Minister Lucian Parvelescu impressed upon the potential "embarrassment" of foreign policy "swaying" on behalf of Cachtica, with Deltaria's entry to NAM notwithstanding, Mr. Avodi chose to focus more on the Beiteynuese representative's words in the MSCC during the "fiery" debates with previous Deltarian representatives.

Yishelem has, does and will maintain a position that Deltarian leadership in the CMRF was exceptional over the course of the last 100 and more so years; Cachtica was pivotal in its post as Admiral Commanding in securing not 1, but 2 simultaneous conflicts together with Majatrans and non-Majatrans, alike.

The heightened security and stability in Majatra is also a direct result of excellent conduct by Deltarian leadership, both in the CMRF and as SG in the MSCO.

Suffice to say, we will respect Deltaria's neutrality path just as we will respect a potential scenario of rejoining the MSCO, in equal measure.

The Medinat Department has thus far declined to comment in more detail on the "clashes" in the MSCC between Deltaria and Beiteynu.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:52 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Luthorian Emperor Albert claims the Throne of Yishelem
February 5468


Yishelem, Beiteynu - A tectonic change has taken place in the Palace of Moreshet (Heritage), following the sudden and terrible death of Lourennais Meleh Gabriel that remains unexplained to this day; His Imperial & Royal & Most Excellent Majesty, Albert of the House of Orange-Villayn-Armstead and Holy Luthori Emperor has taken the mantle and the burden as the Holder of the Throne of Yishelem and the Defender of the Yeudi People.

With most houses of Elior's legacy still under turmoil after the extensive joint Beiteynuese-Kundratijan investigations into countless scandals and indictments and no heirs in sight from the late King nor any willingness by his siblings to step up under Eroncourt's heavy scrutiny, the line of succession remained wide open.

Whether the existence of the 8 Gems and their possession by Lourenne, Kundrati and/or Luthori (and others) is true or not, numerous conspiracy theorists have taken to social media platforms posing endless theories on the "Yeudi Plot", the one cited by controversial book series "The Meddling Affairs"; and the one that first posed the Aristocrat House's age old ties to the House of Rothingren-Traugott and the Kingdom of Yishelem thousands of years ago.

Amidst the silent change of guard with the Yeudi Monarchy, it seems that the Beiteynuese Government has entered a period of a "crisis in governance", with Luthorian-Yeudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Patrick Jacobstone seemingly pushing for a change in administration, as well.

Alas, but the sorrow and withdrawal of the Beiteynuese will continue to prevail.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:27 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
A crisis in governance
November 5468


Yishelem, Beiteynu - A grief stricken country; the Beiteynuese may not be unfamiliar with the scandalous conduct of their various agents, but the recent turmoils that have met its essence are one too many. The death of a King, international investigations and a fading away into the background, with the whereabouts of the 8 Gems - the pinnacle of symbolism for the Yeudi Heritage - still unknown and with controversial book series "The Meddling Affairs" still looming in the horizon with even more scandals. One may be familiar with what Beiteynu did over the last 250 years; but why it did it, that's an entirely different question.

Kundratijan FTRC's recent conclusion of the investigations is damning; and a weird, entangled web of affairs at that.

Cunnington Marit's exoneration only makes things worse by association, offering proof that the House of Elior conspired to change the geopolitical landscape in Artania revolving around Luthori and the Throne, which rose again in 5406. An Aristocrat putting a bullet in the head of Baruch? That's just disgusting; or was it part of the plot, one might ask? While the various houses of the historic dynasty may have faded into the background, the Throne itself was solidified.

And if we take Gem Publishing at their word, Kundrati and the perished Hulaneveks have, in fact, 1 of the 8 Gems; and Eroncourt has 2.

So, what happened to Meleh Gabriel?

The Yeudish Bureau of Investigations and the Agafim continue to keep the facts under seal, pending the conclusion of investigations. In fact, the Director of the Sohnout Hashaet (Secret Service) himself cited a significance of "national security", hinting at foul play. Although the Yeudi People can rest assured that the Throne of Yishelem is now guarded by a ridiculous level of security protocols, the question of "what really happened" still remains, heavy in the heart.

As the House of Elior and the might of the Beiteynuese shipping, financial and defence industries essentially manages to evade the consequences of what most of these executives call "the fantasies of a publisher not to be believed", the Beiteynuese Government continues to scramble; dusty, torn and seemingly tired.

Scouting for Yishelem's renewed position in a changing world, and a Throne now under the purview of the Emperor of Luthori himself.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:03 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Luthorian-Yeudi MOFA Patrick Jacobstone to form new administration
November 5468


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Mr. Jacobstone's rise as the newest Rosh HaMemshala (Prime Minister) and Royal Ramatkal (Chief of Staff) is neither entirely unprecedented nor surprising; plenty of former Ministers of Finance and Foreign Affairs have taken up the mantle in the past, and Beiteynu's recent governance troubles have also made his ascend all the more exponential. It was also no secret that Mr. Jacobstone was the most influential figure driving policy in the Semon Administration.

As part of the Jacobstone Administration's upcoming swearing in, a delegation including the Rosh HaMemshala himself, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Head of the Medinat Department and the Head of the Olami Trade Association will travel to Fort William to answer the Orange Palace's recent call; scheduled to also meet with the Emperor of Luthori - now Yeudi Monarch - himself.

The agenda will most likely include the extension of the Yeudish Neset and Yishelem's diplomatic frameworks with Fort William's upcoming "model treaties", a transition that seems likely to coincide with the NRA that's been in the works since 5455.

Mr. Jacobstone has also vowed to complete the "last piece" of administrative reforms initially started by Baruch Lea Tzafrir in the 5200s and then prepared by the Semon Administration a couple of decades ago, by completing and introducing the Hoq (Law); the mixture of provisos aimed at infusing Beiteynu's constitutional articles and legislation into a single mandate of dictating the operations and conduct of the Beiteynuese Government itself.

The Medinat Dpt. has declined to comment on any foreign policy altercations, citing a "premature nature" in "assuming things".
The Terran Times
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