
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:45 am

Soheila Hatami during a press conference following the release of the book

Lourennais palace whistle-blowers release their own book "Behind the shinning lights: Lourenne's history for decadence," it records groundbreaking sales: down with the queen?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. To the suprise of many in Aldegar, it seems that the nation has been dragged into the Lourennais Constitutional crisis with the CEO of the maid and cleaning company known as Servants of the Nobles & Co. the current CEO of the company Soheila Hatami has decided to release a book in the work ever since her arrival in Aldegar in 5455, but not she wasn't alone as other former palace staffs such as Michelle Bellilly have also participated in the writing of the book. The book known as "Behind the shinning lights: Lourenne's history for decadence" has been picked up by Aldegar's biggest book publisher which is Samga Literature Groupe, the publisher went in an all-in advertisement campaign across the nation with sneak peaks of the books content scattered across Aldegarian social media and adversement, this poked the interest of millions of people that ultimately bought the book wanting to know more about what happens behind the Golden doors of the Lac des Lumières Palace. This caused an avalanche of events that skyrocketed the books popularity and thus the number of copies sold with many hearing about it through hearsay and gossips discussing the shocking revelations with most of the readers focusing on party that was apparently held in 5445 that had many high end guests in it. The book more specifically revealed the mind boggling times of diplomats getting freaky with a rather weird example of Peter Thaller having sex with William Jankovič Hulanevek alongside the luthorian prince having sex with the NEK princess and his well, in soheila own word, "Wanna be miniature saddle for his miniature pony" Soheila also included the point of view of other staff members such as Michelle that confirmed her stories alongside revealing new ones such as the high conception of alcohol at the part mixed with the use of cocaine. The Ministry for Culture, Arts and History then quickly heared about the rise in popularity of the book with the Minister herself stating, "This book is a groundbreaking bundle of revelations that I didn't expect to be happening in Lourenne and frankly, I laughed my ass off at the miniature pony parts" she then added, "I have came with an agreement with the president herself to grant this book official governmental support and double its selling capacities alongside granting the authors a meeting with the president."
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:15 pm

Seat of both the Aldegarian Central Bank and Aldegarian Corporate Council

Luthorian companies granted rank Prosperity alongside inauguration of the Eternal Fortuna cosmodrome, 5th edition of the Maskival underway: Green gold, masked benefectors?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. As expected from the Aldegarian People's Free Federation and its economy, the Ministry for Finance in a joint statement with the Office of the Administrator of the ACAA have announced a series of successful deals with Luthorian companies following their visit to the nation's government seeking to enter the Aldegarian market and possibly gain unlimited access to the canal, but the Luthorians didn't get truly what they wanted but rather somewhat of a watered down version nonetheless profitable deal with both the ACAA and Aldegarian government. Under the joint oversight of the ACC and RCSI, the Ministry of finance accepted the negotiation demands coming from the luthorians undrthe pretext of mutual assured benefits especially since the Aldegarian economy keeps on giving with its growth most if not all of the time exceeding the official predictions of the central Bank's governor, it led to the central bank eventually dropping their great predictions as they were considered as an understatement to thr country's quickly growing economy. The official deal between the Aldegarian government, ACAA, and Luthorian companies is known as the Pact for Assured Continued Transactions includes the granting of rank Prosperity to ships affiliated with said luthorian companies, the reason for te granting of such mid level access privileges was justified in the press statement which declared, "The Bloodline rank or any rank above rank Odyssey are only granted after official talks between the Aldegarian government and other foreign authorities, as such when it comes to talks between the government and private independent entities, they will not be granted at least rank Prosperity to satisfy their demands." rank Prosperity grants a privileged but not unlimited access to the canal with the priority going to Bloodline rank ships nonetheless bureaucratic processes for Prosperity rank ships are way less complicated compared to normal ranking ships with the wait time being drastically shorter, the press statement also announced that Luthorian companies will abide to Aldegarian economic laws and be treated equally to Aldegarian one, meaning that all economic strategies employed in Aldegar that still abide to the nonmonopoly law are lawful and unlike the Yingdalan deadlocked and secured seats at the ACC, luthorian companies will still have to follow the same path taken by companies such as Stork Foods, Cake International and Concord Incorporated to be join the ACC with the seats still eligible to be take away or the company kicked out of the ACC if they record disastrous financial numbers.
Meanwhile, President Parisa Shahi has visited the Eternal Fortuna cosmodrome constitution site that has finally completed its construction stage with staff and researchers for the ASECA now moving in their stuff to kick-start Aldegar's contribution to the Terraway project with the Fortuna launching site on its way to be used as a third one for the launching of test rockets, satellites, and hopefully manned missions to space. The cosmodrome located 80 kilometers away from Pāytakht-e Aldegār, the city was specifically chosen for its exact position on the equator, making the launch orbit way cheaper and less fuel consuming too. In addition to the inauguration, Parisa declared that preparations for the 5th edition of the Maskival arunderway with the theme being debated among the organizers and the possibility of an official invite being sent to some or one nation depending on the final agreement.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:10 pm


5th edition of the Maskival announced with Lourenne as the honored guest with the theme "Masquerade of symphonies": battle under the trumpets?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The long-awaited 5th edition of the Rememberance and Progress Festival, also known as the Maskival, has finally arrived under for the first time ever a joint leadership of Poétesse, Nymphea, and Mirrors. The press statement was shortly released earlier this afternoon with the Masked Associated Supporters Groupe kickstarting the festival under the spotlight the nation has been recently experiencing amidst its quickly growing economy and growing presence in international affairs overall, but since for the first time in the history of the festival 3 Show Masters were directing it, the question of the theme was surprisingly short as all three of them agreed on choosing a masquerade meant to be bold and arrogant, the final agreed theme was "Masquerade of the symphonies" with preparations already starting nationwide as theaters, emphitheathers, and opera rooms being booked and mobilized for the occasion alongside the construction of massive podium in front of Congress in order to allow an opera peace to be held. Already, the population is seeing real-time the mobilization of both the press and media as all of them are focused solely on advertising the festival alongside producing pieces to be played during the opera that will be held in front of Congress, and already the Aldegarian Corporate Council ordered an emergency meeting of its members. The urgent meeting was mainly to decide every company's strategy loving forward especially since the ascension of both Concord and Cake, the two giants in the Aldegarian entertainment and tourism industry, they have managed to double their profit ever since the inauguration of their casinos in the Champagne District while building up to 6 new more casinos that will continue being considered a joint investment from both companies as they move closer to merging with the two of them taking charge of the other's unexploited potential such as Cake taking advantage of the brothels in the Eden's Garden Casino by doubling their effectives and customers while Concord takes care of the hotelry party by advertising the casinos as family friendly places using newly built extensions supposed to ensure a gambling free experience for families. Furthermore, the Palace of Javaneh has finally revealed the honor guest for this edition of the Maskival and it was revealed to be none other than the United Kingdom of Lourenne, the honored guest was agreed upon by all three organizers that justified their decisions by stating, "Lourenne capital of luxury, fashion, and excellence, and everything that the Masked Fools Society stands for and as such we have decided that in order to honor our models we will make them the honor guest of the 5th edition of the Rememberance and Progress Festival." many couldn't help but notice the similarities between the second edition of the Maskival and its fifth edition as both are heavily inspired from lourenne with the latter taking inspiration from the Lourennai royal family while the later takes inspiration from Lourenne's luxury industry but still keeping an Aldegarian touch by focusing on the world of classical music by making the theme a mix of masquerading and opera, the Palace of Javaneh has declared that an official invitation was sent to the United Kingdom of Lourenne using their ambassador in Ramsāhreza alongside a bundle of gifts containing jewels, prices of arts and perfumes from Aldegar's top artists and artisans, some within the press are suspecting that the invitation of lourenne comes in perfect timing with the upcoming dissolution of the Administrative Council for the ACAA with gossips going around that the Administrator is planning to make half of the seats go to auctions for foreign powers to control while the other hals remains under Aldegarian control.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:45 am

Interior of the Administrative Council

Administrative Council of the ACAA dissolved with 225 seats up to auction, the ACC and RCSI leading the race for dominance: Golden knife, Bleu throat

Kasād, Aldegar. To the joy of some and the disarray of many, the current administrator of the Aldegarian Canal Autonomous Administration, Miss Niloofar Tahmasb has announced the immediate dissolution of the Administrative Council of the ACAA. The news came as the council exceeded its official mandate by 4 months, knowing that the official term written in the constitution of the ACAA has been determined to be 15 years with the mandate of the Administrator being indefinite unless impeached by the council or resignation, but not only was the council dissolved it was decided with the consultation of the Ministry of Finance and the Aldegarian Central Bank to make half of the seats avaliable to auction for foreign countries and companies to grab, under the "Prosperous canal, Prosperous homeland" N°3712 signed by Niloofar Tahmasb, all seats of the council were to be renewed immediately with 50% going to Aldegarian companies and representatives while the remaining half will go to auction for foreign countries to buy. The ordnance also reformed the voting system in the Council by making matters considered as urgent such as canal expension or appointment of the Administrators to require a 2/3 majority in fhe council while matters considered as non urgent such as social and economic policies applied within the ACAA will only require a 50% with the Administrator of the ACAA and Administrators of the two special authorities agreeing to sign the proposal without any of them using their veto powers as to ensure that no-one is able to adopt radical laws that would harm the population. Shortly after the announcement was made, the Aldegarian Corporate Council and the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute have came forward announcing their intentions to control as many seats as possible with the Institute's board of directors declaring their mission to "ensure the Canal's permanent and unchallenged Aldegarian control and sovereignty" and the ACC's board of Executive Chiefs declaring their "commitment to the Canal's role as Aldegar's most important economic asset that should remain under Aldegarian influence and control" both organizations have already started their campaigns to secure as much seats as possible while the Administrative Council's financial board was preparing for the upcoming auction that will be held in Kasād, official capital of the ACAA that will handle the other half of the council that will be sold for foreign powers to control, but Niloofar has ensured to impose a set of restrictions concerning the number of seats sold per nation or company as they cannot exceed 45 seats if bought by a government, and 25 seats if bought by a private company without its country's governmental approval alongside granting the Aldegarian presidency the power to seize seats and intervene directly if foreign powers are purposefully disrupting the mechanisms of the council or trying to push their agendas within the council itself but said issue will be tackled using the ACC and RCSI two of Aldegar's most famous financial institutions with the former being a sought after heaven-like for private companies to access while the latter is where all stock exchanges happen with its predictions and results shaping Aldegar's economy. In addition, the council, before its dissolution, was handling the proposed expension of the canal that consisted of the construction of a second lane along the main one to double its effectiveness and capacity. Finally, talks among the Council's financial board members have started concerning the price for seats that will be sold at the auction with the proposed prices ranging from 15 up to 50 million LFR per seat until then negotiations in the board are still undoing while the preparations in Kasād are going full-speed.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:53 pm


Heavenly Fire, Twilight Tides, and the Eternal Fortuna cosmodrome announce partnership project, oil production to increase: oil driven exploration

Pāytakht-e Aldegār, Aldegar. Amidst the countries ongoing economic boom and recent drastic changes within the Aldegarian Canal Autonomous Administration, the CEOs of both Heavenly Fire and Twilight Tides have announced a cooperation with the Eternal Fortuna cosmodrome, a first in the nation's ever-changing scientific and economic atmosphere. The director of the Aldegarian Space Exploration and Colonization Authority, mister Siavash Dehghan has met with miss Fariba Shokoohi, newly appointed CEO of Twilight Tides Corporation, and mister Jiang Xinyue CEO of Heavenly Fire, all three discussed the start of a partnership consisting of free fuel being granted to the cosmodrome with the use of TTC boats to easily transport the goods to the launching pad in exchange, the ASECA will help both companies by focusing, not all, of its engineering team to find more efficient ways to transport oil alongside locating offshore fields ready for exploitation to ensure continuous growth for all sides, it is worth noting that both Twilight Tides and Heavenly Fire are officially state-owned meaning that this so called cooperation between the Ministry for Energy and Natural Resources, the Ministry for Transportation and Mobility, and the Ministry for Space Exploration and Administration. In addition, the government has recently put a great effort in implementing the Utopian Educational Model by breaking apart old institutions and replacing them with new ones such as the creation of the Federal High Institute for Technology, Engineering, and Informatics alongside the Federal High Institute for Arts, Humanities, and Social Matters, both institutes are said to be among Aldegar's new shinning beacon for education and clas consciousness with them enlisting professors that follow a wide range of political ideologies but excluding far right professors as they ate considered "threats to the country's Harmonious ethnic and religious institutions" alongside the oversight of the Ministry for Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Bioengineering that has ensured the successful implementation of AIs in the circuit to help foster a more indepth approach for every and all students alongside guaranteeing that those students will receive the proper attention they deserve to be successful in life, and as far as number show, Aldegarians are successfully moving up the eductional ladder with the success rate for the Federal Baccalaureate Test going from 51% to nearly 78% coupled with the average yearly grade going from 13/20 to 17/20. Furthermore, due to the government recent endeavors into the shipping sector and the ACAA recent dissolution of its council coupled with the auction of half of its seats, the nation has witnessed a soar in the number of boats going through the canal and resting at either Kasād or Āzāddeh considered as the "Gas stations of Seleya" it has caused an increase in oil and gas consumption and thus forcing Heavenly Fire to release a press statement in which they announced an increase in oil production by 15% just high enough to meet the current demand for ships seeking to refuel at the Canal's two entrances.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:50 am

The Terran Times
Also being that guy who's pretending to be this guy.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:23 pm

Niloofar Tahmasb, Administrator of the ACAA, starting the Council's new term

Inauguration of the new Administrative Council, APB successfully elects a speaker as foreign representatives join the council: A battle for Aldegar's bleu throat

Kasād, Aldegar. Amidst the celebrations for the 5th edition of the Maskival, the Administrative Council for the Aldegar Canal Autonomous Administration has concluded its own election and auction, with the Aldegarian Corporate Council and Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute spearheading the number of seats in the Aldegarian side with the ACC controlling 125 seats and the RCSI with 120 seats, under the "Prosperous canal, Prosperous homeland" ordnance N°3712 triggered by the Administrator, the council was dissolved immediately with half of the seats, 225 to be precise, have been put to auction for foreign countries and companies to buy, and to say the least the battle was fierce between the foreign companies and government. As shortly after the announcement of the auction, the Council's financial board received 3 proposals from Lourenne, Kundrati, and Narikaton&Darnussia with all three wanting to buy 45 seats each and forming their own blocks in the council, shortly after Beiteynu and Yingdala found their way and purchased the remaining seats with the auction nearing its endthe luthorians made a suprise move by buying 5 seats from all of Kundrati, N&D, Lourenne, and Beiteynu, and thus making them aquire 20 seats in total alongside making them the smallest block in the council. In response to the sudden move of foreign powers in the Council, both the ACC and RCSI agreed on buying the totality of the Aldegarian seats with the ACC getting extra five more seats due to their importance to the economy. After days of talks between the board's members and the ratification of the contracts by the Administrators of the two special authorities and the Administrator of the ACAA herself, the final layout for the Administrative Council of the Aldegar Canal Autonomous Administration is'
Final layout of the AC:
I) the layout on the foreign side is:
1) Lourennais Block: 40 seats
- Royal government: 25 seats
- Noriega: 15 seats
2) Beiteynuese Block: 40 seats
- Hadayim: 15 seats
- Aristocrat Insurance Group: 15 seats
- Other Beiteynuese companies: 10 seats
3) Narikaton & Darnussian Block: 40 seats
- Thaller Industries: 10 seats
- Passchiffe AG: 15 seats
- Minenhandwerks GmbH: 15 seats
4) Yingdalan Block: 45 seats
- Yingdalan Wealth Fund: 45 seats
5) Kundrat/i/jan Block: 40 seats
- Herasymchuk Trust: 40 seats
6) Luthorian Block: 20 seats
- Imperial Luthorian Aldegar Canal Company: 20 seats
II) On the Aldegarian side, it will be:
1) Aldegarian Corporate Council Block: 125 seats
- Twilight Tides Corporation: 35 seats
- Heavenly Fire: 30 seats
- Stork Foods: 30
- Joint Concord Incorporated and Cake International venture: 30 seats
2) Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute Block: 120 seats
- Institute's Board of Directors: 70 seats
- Other Aldegarian minor companies being sold in the Institute: 50 seats

Finally, as a response to the sudden changes within the council alongside the introduction of foreing powers within it, both the ACC and RCSI have announced the formation of the Aldegarian Preservationist Block due to the two institutions' shared goal of maintaining Aldegarian control over the canal as both agreed that Aldegar's main economic output for investments must remain under Aldegarian total control, and as such, the APB swiftly made their move amidst the inauguration of the new council by immediately putting the motion to appoint Liao Jiahao, a representative for Twilight Tides Corporation, the speaker of the Council, and to the disarray of the foreign representatives that were still searching for their seats and got absolutely bamboozled by the sudden move, the motion successfully passed with a 2/3 majority as more than half the foreign representatives were missing, thus making Liao Jiahao the speaker for the remainder of the term and potentially forever as both the RCSI and ACC plan to maintain their Block alliance for as long as necessary. Now, with the council finally back to work, the important question of the canal expansion remains on hold as the debate concerning which company or companies will be in charge of building said expansion
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:43 am

Mohsen Blourian during the press conference

Aldegar ratifies Beiteynuese diplomatic and economic treaties, Beiteynuese companies encouraged to invest: Yeudi work, Aldegarian gold

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Earlier this evening, the Palace of Javaneh has held a press conference in which the Beiteynuese ambassador in Aldegar was present alongside the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mohsen Blourian, the two men were seen ratifying treaties in front of the cameras before the minister giving him a a sword made from Aldegarian steel and incrusted with jewels, shortly after the press conference started with Mohsen declaring, "Aldegar is happy to announce that we have officially ratified both diplomatic and economic frameworks establishing a clear base for future diplomatic and economic relations between both of our countries," he then quickly added, "Due to Beiteynu's pivotal role in the global shipping and trade network, we have found ourselves obliged to give them a little boost when it comes to investing in our highly competitive and merciless economy." The Aldegarian economy has seen for the past two decades a seemingly never ending period of growth kickstarted by the toppling of the old administration and establishment of the Aldegarian Corporate Council, this Aldegarian twist to the Eldorado idea of economics has allowed for the fostering of a harsh and merciless atmosphere where mistakes can easily lead to the downfall of an entire company with innovative tactics being rewarded by a seat at the ever-so-wanted ACC if the ventures are successful nonetheless a seat at the ACC isn't a guaranteed one as you cam easily lose your seat if you fail at meeting certain quotas while also being able to increase your number of seats if the company records good profit or surpasses the quotas. As such, the Aldegarian government agreed to allow small privileges go Beiteynuese companies especially shipping companies as to achieve their goal to become "Terra's gas station" coupled with the granting of the Bloodline tank to Beiteynu and all ships affiliated with it concerning canal use, we can't forget the fact that Beiteynu has recently purchased 45 seats at the recent auction held by the ACAA and sold 5 of them to Luthori and thus making them have 40 seats in the Administrative Council of the ACAA even tho both the RCSI and ACC are hellbent over foreing influence in the council, both agreed that pragmatism will remain their main policy goal if we ignore the fact they took advantage of the inauguration ceremony to appoint a APB loyal speaker amidst the frenzy of it all. The cooperation between Terra's shipping Master and Seleya's bleu throat remain to see the results of it with most economists hailing the move as the right step toward reclaiming Aldegar's position as a major trade outpost.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 3:43 pm

Jiang Xinyue adressing the ACC

Heavenly Fire to undergoes diversification process, the ACC steps in as negotiations start: Battle for Aldegar's black gold

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. To the suprise of many within the Aldegarian Corporate Council, the current CEO of the state-owned fossil fuel and energy company Heavenly Fire Corporation, Jiang Xinyue, has triggered an emergency meeting of the ACC to talk about plans to partially privatize the company and its distribution network saying that it is a necessary step toward ensuring the continuation of the Aldegarian economic miracle that made the nation a hotpot for investors and economists trying to get their slice of the evermore rising economy. He has also clarified that the Ministry for Energy, Mines, and Natural Resources has given him the approval to kick-start the diversification process but to ensure that the ACC is the one taking care of the diversification process under the Council's own law concerning major changes that happen to big council members. Nonetheless, the diversification process that is happening within HF has been met with some uproar from the ranks of Twilight Tides fearing to lose their importance in the Heavenly Fire's distribution sector knowing that TT is Aldegar's most important shipping company with it dominating the sector through its privileged access due to its state-owned nature. Furthermore, the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute board of directors has released a statement in which they stated their intention to also step-in to help the ACC in handling the diversification process by taking care of the proposals any potential buyers could put forward with the final deal proposals passing through the ACC for a vote as a way to reject or ratify them. Finally, the Ministry for Finance has hailed this decision by describing it as "a historic decision that will help keep our economy energetic and competitive while still respecting the dignity of the average Aldegarian," the Ministry has also stated their oversight of the diversification process to ensure that Heavenly Fire will at least have 51% of its shares remain under Aldegarian control to ensure its state-owned nature alongside the current cheap oil prices that help keep the canal and economy running at full-speed.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 6:01 pm


Lourennais deal passes with supermajority in the ACC, Twilight Tides ready to also partially privatize: Baguettes rule the waves and oil

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. To the surpise of the international community, the United Kingdom of Lourenne through its private companies Petro Royale and Noriega has purchased 49% of the shares and 50% of the distribution sector for the state-owned company Heavenly Fire. The move comes after the official announcement to diversify the company's shares and owners of the its distribution sector to ensure a healthy competition within the Aldegarian fossil fuel industry, the case "Heavenly Fire & Lourenne Purchase Deal" has been submitted to the ACC with the seal of approval from both the Ministry for Finance and the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute, due to its nature, Heavenly Fire representatives in the ACC weren't allowed to vote as it would be considered a conflict of interest and thus lowering the voting seats from 120 to 80, shortly after the dismissal of HF representatives the case was voted upon with a surprising 90% majority with Yingdalan representatives abstaining citing that they don't want to meddle with Aldegarian private affairs. In addition, Fariba Shokoohi, CEO of Twilight Tides Corporation and head of the TTC representatives Groupe at the ACC, has came forward after the voting to announced that her company is also open to a partial privatization plan with the approval of the Ministry for Transportation, she has also noted that the same process will be used for Twilight's case alongside the direct oversight from the presidency knowing her company's crucial nature to the Aldegarian economy, nonetheless, Twilight is only ready to partially privatize but whether or not it will actually do it is a question left unanswered with hefty promises thrown around.
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