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Re: Hanzen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 7:28 am


The New King of Hanzen Daranpob Udomprecha

King Daranpob Assumes the Throne as the Country Heads Towards an Unknown Future

May 10th 5464

The Crown Prince is now King as Daranpob succeeds his mother Saowatharn Udomprecha as she resigned her position as Queen following poor health. Once considered to be one of the safest monarchies in all of Terra the firm grip of the Udomprecha family on the country and the government and the absolute monarchy that ensures peace and stability in Hanzen has been worn down by growing fervor towards a Democratic system. Pro-Democracy protests have been commonplace across the country for months now as more and more people make their voices heard. It is assumed by many that the Queen's health has deteriorated following these protests and especially as they grew in tenacity throughout the latter part of her reign.

The monarchy despite this remains popular and a vast majority of Hanzen's citizens believe it holds a place in Government but it is clear that more and more people are seeing the monarchy's control over essential government functions as outdated, and undemocratic. Leaders of the so called "Hanzen Democracy Movement" have begun calls for the new King to hold elections to determine the next government, something he has yet to respond to. As the King becomes the next in the long line of Udomprecha's to rule over Hanzen, he will be under unprecedented pressure from the people of Hanzen to make a change. Leader of the "Hanzen Democracy Movement" actor and documentary filmmaker Mokkhavesa Kosaisook made it clear that

We do not want revolution, we do not want the Monarchy to go away, we just want the people of this country to have a voice. We have had elections before and we can have them again. This policy of constant control and zero elections is so antiquated and outdated and frankly oppressive to the people of this country. All we want is free and fair elections.

The Minister of State Kimo Thammavongsa who was the first Minister of State of Sumanese decent for centuries has already said that "mass protests will be treated as a Revolution and stopped immediately", which has seemingly raised the stakes even higher. Thammavongsa is known for his many allies in the Royal Hanzense Armed Forces which has for decades been the central power of the Hanzen state, without their support any change is virtually impossible.

The Phra rāch xubāy (Royal Intrigue) is a Newspaper devoted to bringing you a Close Look at the Updomprecha Royal Family Giving you the Facts and Intrigue
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Mon Apr 15, 2024 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hanzen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:32 pm


Hanzenese Media is being threatened by the Government in a new crackdown of media and news reporting like never before

Republican Paper "Hanzen Republican" shut down by Royal Ministry of Intelligence in crackdown of Media

December 3rd 5468

In an unprecedented incident, Royal police have raided and shut down the pro-Republican newspaper called "The Hanzen Republican" in an attempt for the Government to quell growing Republicanism inside the country. This comes after months of sustained protests of people asking for a change in how Government is chosen. The Hanzen Republican has been encouraging members of the public to demonstrate and make their voices heard but not in any way as to create public disorder and revolution like many in the military government are claiming.

Police in Udon Nakhon followed on a Government warrant to search and raid the headquarters of the newspaper with armed police in armored cars swarming the site and seizing equipment and assets from the company. Several employees and news reporters at the newspaper were arrested for conspiring against the Government. CEO of the Newspaper Xuwicha Thong-oon was arrested as well with her staff reporting that the Businesswomen would "fight for freedom of press" even from a jail cell.

Unconfirmed reports show that this raid was possibly orchestrated by the Royal Police which are led by the King of Hanzen. With the new King being very traditionalist and against more liberal policies and press it could spell for more of these types of events in the future however at this point this is all just speculative.

The Phra Rath and our staff would like to not that all reporting is within the rules and laws of the Kingdom of Hanzen and we will remain within those laws in our reporting.

CEO of the Hanzen Republican and activist has been arrested for conspiring against the Government

The Phra Rath (Phra State) is a Widespread Newspaper and News Website that is funded in whole or in part by the Hanzense government
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Re: Hanzen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:44 am



Calls for Democratic Elections Grow as Cabinet Shuffles

September 4th 5469

Calls for Democratic elections have escalated and increased exponentially following a cabinet reshuffle from the new Minister of State Chesda Narkhirunkanok. Narkhirunkanok fired 20 cabinet officials citing "severe inefficiency" inside the Government. No one was safe from Narkhirunkanok's purge with Hanzen's Minister of Foreign Affairs Supp Yongjaiyut being the most high profile member sacked all the way down to junior cabinet ministers. This event was supposed to help legitimize the current regime and help them to retain power with Narkhirunkanok being the latest Minister of State to be appointed by the Hanzense King Daranpob who has preferred to put hardliners loyal to the Military and a strong centralized state. Something that started these protests a year ago when The Hanzen Republican was shut down for "speaking against the Government".

The protests have become a nationwide phenomena with citizens joining together in major cities from Suman to Phra. Protestors have recently taken the phrase "severe inefficiency" and plastered it on posters, buses and across the country as proof that the military regime cannot be running the government at any capacity warranting praise. The protests have also continued due to recent remarks of Princess Chatmanee who has been recognized as a Pro-Globalist and idealist type of thinker who is opposite of her brother in many aspects. She has spent most of her teenage and adult life in countries outside of Hanzen with leaked reports even saying that she "finds Hanzen oppressive". Many inside the movement think that she is barred from the country due to her comments on the Government.

It seems that the Hanzen Democracy movement is picking up steam and gaining ground fast, with more and more people seemingly joining the popular movement. For the first time in centuries, Hanzen faces a real internal crisis and it is very much up to the people what will happen next.

The Udon Nakhon Independent is a Proudly Independent Newspaper Created in 5388 that stops at nothing for the truth
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hanzen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:01 am


The New King of Hanzen Daranpob Udomprecha

Exiled Princess and Activist Princess Chatmanee Makes Stirring Speeches in Lourenne and Beiteynu Calling for Democracy and Globalism

March 18th 5470

Unofficially exiled Princess of Hanzen, Princess Chatmanee made two very stunning and now viral speeches to the parliaments of the Kingdom of Lourenne and the State of Beiteynu. The Princess quickly has gained international fandom from monarchists and democratic supporters alike for her strong words against Authoritarianism and her plea to the undemocratic regimes of Terra to change their ways.

The two speeches which she has made over a week time frame started in the Royal Assembly of Lourenne where she spoke to the chamber in their native language of Canrillaise which all Hanzense princes and princesses learn due to going to school in Lourenne. Her speech seemed to be aimed at her older brothers military regime in Hanzen with her calls for Democratization of the "narrow minded regimes of Terra". An excerpt of he speech is below

I have seen in my country the old traditions not make way for the voice of the people. Increasingly I have watched as the people of Terra have spoken out against the authoritarian regimes of Terra and the misguided people that believe that they know how to run a country better than the people. For centuries my country the Kingdom of Hanzen has been run in a system we know as Absolute Monarchy. My family has had complete control over the Government for many decades, which yes has led to a stable government as many in my country would argue, but it could and does lead to authoritarian regimes that have complete control over the people. The people of Hanzen have been asking, pleading for a change for a very long time and their voices have seemingly fallen on deaf ears. This is not only the case in Hanzen but across Terra. When a few get absolute power they will be prone to abusing that power and thus, abusing the people.

When we look at this chamber gathered here you all must remember that if we are to spread freedom and democracy across Terra, we must do so in a global, united front. Together we can accomplish many things but countries that are free must encourage and support those who struggle against oppressive regimes in a globalist, unified way.

Next she would visit Yishelem where she would speak to the assembly of Beiteynu in Luthorian mirroring her words but instead calling for increased cooperation and friendship as well as humanitarianism across national and continental borders.

These speeches were soon leaked throughout Hanzen where attempts to stop them quickly became futile. Pro-Democracy protestors once again took to the streets decrying the King as "illegitimate" with many people being arrested for spreading treasonous slander. The Princess has unknowingly or knowingly become the new centerpiece for the Democracy movement with now word of a member of the Udomprecha clan speaking out against the Absolute Monarchy so clearly. People in the streets have called for King Daranpob to be deposed and for Princess Chatmanee to be crowned as Queen of Hanzen in his place. The hashtags have spread across Social Media, another platform that the Hanzen Government is seemingly having trouble controlling.

The speeches have created a stir not seen in Hanzen in centuries and could be yet another sign of changes on the horizon for the country. Could Democracy truly rise up in Hanzen? One can only speculate...

The Phra rāch xubāy (Royal Intrigue) is a Newspaper devoted to bringing you a Close Look at the Updomprecha Royal Family Giving you the Facts and Intrigue
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Re: Hanzen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 9:53 pm



Protestors Mowed Down by Udon Nakhon City Police in Violent Escalation!

May 5th 5471

There is outrage across the country as 34 people now are dead after a terrible shooting from Udon Nakhon City police on peaceful Pro-Democracy protestors. The attacks came with little warning as armored trucks "seemingly appeared out of nowhere" according to survivors before opening fire on the crowds with machine guns and rifles. The crowd soon fled the scene as people ran for their lives. Several shops in the downtown district were impacted and severely damaged by gunfire as machine guns tore through the businesses.

These actions have sparked tremendous outrage across the country with the Pro-Democracy movement spreading far and wide across the country. Our corespondents in rural villages tell us that smaller rallies are starting to take affect inside of even tiny villages in solidarity with these attacks. The capital on the other hand has been eerily quiet with police now swarming the city and on high alert. There has been no retaliation from protestors but the scene remains tense and very dangerous. Everyone is expecting something to happen but what that will be, remains to be seen.

The Udon Nakhon Independent is a Proudly Independent Newspaper Created in 5388 that stops at nothing for the truth
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