
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:53 am


     Hizdrüz ousted: General Merlkai Anzlék-Zahr announces National Democracy Committee
     25 July 5473

     Generals Merlkai Anzlék-Zahr and Jlekai Pecnék participate in a Jelbic ceremony wherein they pledge to share a sword to foster good cooperation.

On the 20th of July the Kingdom of Wrnuke experienced a media blackout, the only legal national news agency H'ákat was able to send out one last message and then disappeared. Even though they assured the people of Wrnuke that nothing was amiss, many quickly started to suspect something. Soldiers were moving across the nation, in the most severe and rare cases small firefights erupted near government buildings, and so forth. On the 21st it became clear that elements of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Wrnuke had seized control of the nation. The dictatorship established more than a century ago by Küntr Lahm was no more. The commanding officer of Wrnuke's Land Forces, General Merlkai Anzlék-Zahr, and the commander of the reserves, General Jlekai Pecnék, were announced as the masterminds behind this swift operation to bring Wrnuke back to the land of the living.

Forces loyal to the liberators took control of most of the nation's media, the Grand Council, the Supreme Court, countless government offices and three out of five of the state government buildings. The residence of Wrntuhiko Jebr Hizdrüz was surrounded and armed guards loyal to him quickly surrendered. The dictator was arrested and transported to a safe location. The residence of His Gracious Majesty the King was left alone, as the chosen monarch of the nation had already given approval for the coup d'état organised by the commanders of Wrnuke's ground forces. The elderly Jebr Hizdrüz, son of former dictator Mustav Hizdrüz, failed to fill in for the much good his father brought to the nation. Mustav Hizdrüz removed many of the restrictions of the Lahm dictators before him, fostering diplomatic and economic growth while the people of Wrnuke enjoyed their liberties. Upon his sudden death his son took over and reversed most of the decisions, the recent mass arrests about political convictions prompted the saviours of the nation to act decisively against the failed Wrntuhiko.

Since then the position of Wrntuhiko (Leader) has been abolished. The two generals, Anzlék-Zahr and Pecnék, have adopted a senior and junior position. The post of Wrntuhiko will be replaced with the ancient office of Prefect of the Grand Council, which General Anzlék-Zahr will fill until elections are re-established nationwide. General Pecnék will be the second-in-command to Anzlék-Zahr while also acting as the leading minister for science and technology. The members of the pro-dictatorship Wise Council that served on the cabinet that did not flee have been apprehended. Together with the ousted dictator they will face trials in the upcoming years for their crimes against mankind. Before elections can happen the Kingdom must first be stabilised, for this reason the leading officers behind this liberating coup have established the National Democracy Committee, or Knstat Nrzilyk Kmitat. The KNK will observe all facets of the government for the time being.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of the junta.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Vanuku

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Apr 28, 2024 9:59 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Mon Apr 29, 2024 12:32 am


     Diplomatic goodwill completes Wrnuke's largest exposition
     2 September 5476

     The Museum of National History in Wrnuke's capital city of Wiel, the museum will do an annual exposition on Majatran cultures.

In the beginning of this year the Museum of National History, Wrnuke's largest museum and the one holding the 'royal approval', announced it would start an annual exposition on Majatran cultures. Starting in January of the next year the museum will have, for nine months of that year, a unique exposition on a culture from the continent of Majatra. The idea sprouted within the Ministry of Education & Culture, after a request had come from the Museum of National History for further subsidies to organise expositions. The current government of Wrnuke can at times be stingy with subsidies so extensive demands were laid out to assure the proper allotment of the approved subsidies. The minister in question, Commodore Féodr Vrn, set the demand that the expositions that the government would subsidise had to have a proper broad educational impact and have a focus on the Jelbic culture or those related to it. Further meetings hammered out the details which ended in a ten year plan for the Museum of National History. After nine Majatran cultures the museum will end with the greatest exposition in Jelbic history showcasing Jelbic artefacts. Until then other cultures are having their turn, with the first one being the Yeudi culture. For more than half a century the interests of the Kingdom of Wrnuke and the Kingdom of Beiteynu have been aligned. They may differ at times but King Wrntukai XI called the Yeudish nation "one of our truest friends", marking the appreciation the Kingdom has for its northern friends.

For the last few months state sanctioned art collectors have been travelling across Majatra and the globe to acquire Yeudish artefacts while historians have been working tirelessly to provide a full insight into the culture of one of Wrnuke's closest allies. Several Beiteynuese benefactors have loaned rare artefacts to the Museum of National History to improve the quality of the exposition. The royal family has donated several objects from the family collection to add unto the already acquired magnificence. The Son of Heaven of Yingdala made a personal monetary donation towards "Wrnuke's great national efforts at cultural education" with the stipulation that the funds would be utilised to make the exposition accessible for those with lower incomes. After this donation the Prefect announced the exposition would be free for all citizens of the Kingdom, personally thanking the Son of Heaven for his gracious donation. The King has pledged to visit the opening day of the exposition and has stated he has withheld one last artefact which he wishes to personally deliver on opening day. A thousand years ago the Banmek-Sntazed monarch of that time acquired a Yeudi sword inlaid with gold and sapphires, a spokesperson of the royal family has now confirmed that the King will donate this priceless artefact upon the opening day.

However the greatest artefact of the exposition is not a sword or any other historical item, it is the fact that for the first time one of the near-mythical Eight Gems will be displayed for the public. This gem has been in the possession of Wrnuke for several decades, a fact that was hidden until the announcement of this exposition. Furthermore the King of Lourenne, Maximilian IV of the house of Orléans-Vasser, has donated two more of these Eight Gems, which means that three of the mythical eight will be exhibited in the capital of Wrnuke - there has been no documentation of three of the Eight Gems ever being together since the ancient days of the Yeudish prophet. The Kingdom of Lourenne released a statement saying that King Maximilian IV personally decided to donate the gems to the Kingdom of Wrnuke as a sign of goodwill between the two nation states. "The recent war, the recent tensions, the recent global upheaval, it is all too much to bear. Lourenne wishes for peace and prosperity, may these gems bring that between our two ancient Kingdoms," were the quoted words of the Lourennaise monarch. There are rumours that the donation of the gems was not unprompted, citing a backdoor deal between the junta of Wrnuke and the government of Lourenne, though these rumours have not been confirmed.

The exposition on Yuedish culture is set to open on September 9. Controversially the Kingdom of Wrnuke has stated that the current monarch of Beiteynu, the Luthorian Emperor Albert, is not welcome within the Jelbic Kingdom. With the King of Beiteynu having an almost fanatical duty to observe the Eight Gems this could cause a diplomatic upheaval and national unrest within Beiteynu.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of the junta.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:34 am


     Ancient friendship rekindled: Yingdala invests in Wrnuke
     5 October 5476

     New recruits of the Taghereklemkai Krpz, the military constabulary, kneeling for the of the Son of Heaven, His Imperial Majesty Wu Fangxun.

For three days the King of Wrnuke was the host to the Son of Heaven, the Emperor of Yingdala Wu Fanxgun. The two monarchs informally call each other 'cousin', an ancient tradition between the Kings of Wrnuke and the Sons of Heaven. For centuries the dynasties of both monarchies would marry into each other, a tradition only stopped by the fear of causing genetic defects. Nonetheless the dynasties recognise an ancestral blood-bond between them and as such have accepted that the sovereigns of both nations, if they are of the proper dynasty, will refer to each other as cousin as an informal gratitude towards the ancient connection between the two nations. The Son of Heaven arrived on the 2nd of October and was greeted at the Wiel International Airport by King Wrntukai XI, while our great nation's monarch often delegates his duties to the Prefect it is said that for this occasion he personally insisted on meeting his 'cousin'. As it was the Son of Heaven's first visit to Wrnuke the King took his good friend on a tour throughout the capital, visiting several monumental sights before retreating to the New Palace on Wiel's largest hill.

There the two monarchs were joined by several ministers, diplomats, and other bureaucrats. Pleasantries were set aside to make way for talks of trade, commerce, investments, mutual defence, and future ambitions. The true words spoken at this meeting will never be known to the public but after a royal dinner the Son of Heaven, during a special ceremony, announced that Yingdala would invest greatly in the Kingdom of Wrnuke. The Emperor spoke to the guests with wise words: "Eons ago our two nations stood side by side, two of the most powerful monarchies across the globe. When Yingdala required help, the Jelbics would answer. When the great men of Wrnuke requested aid, the Son of Heaven would send their best. Now we see that the greatest of the Jelbic states needs a firm hand to pull them back to where they belong. Fear not, my cousins of the true blood, Yingdala stands by you. We will invest, we will train, we will be there right with you. Támnr!" After this the often quiet King of Wrnuke took his turn to thank the Son of Heaven for His generosity. Then the two monarchs signed a mutual document stating the intention of Yingdala to invest in the further recovery of Wrnuke.

On the days after the King took the Son of Heaven upon a tour of Wrnuke. The two visited a military exercise in the North of Wrnuke, where dozens of proud warriors were being sworn into the Taghereklemkai Krp. Their day was made extra special with the Son of Heaven giving them His personal blessing. After this the pledge was made to have soldiers of Yingdala and Wrnuke exercise together before the end of the year. Besides that the Emperor of Yingdala was shown the special exposition on the Yeudish culture, a special moment occurred when all museum staff gathered to bow before the Son of Heaven to thank him for his personal donation. The last day was mostly spent with the two royal families rekindling their ancient ties, with certain rumours suggesting that after several generations of a 'marriage ban' the two dynasties will once again introduce the younger scions to each other.

The special agreement signed between Yingdala and Wrnuke will see billions invested into Wrnuke's economy. The decades of the isolationist dictatorship have not been kind for Wrnuke, even though the already established trade agreements significantly grew the previously lagging economy. Just autarky however will not turn Wrnuke into Jez Wrnuke, the hope between the two ancient allies is that the new investment will make that possible. Further financing has been allocated to education, to revive Wrnuke's long-standing academic history, as well as the defence industry. Prefect Anzlék-Zahr stated he wishes to move away from the defensive doctrine of Wrnuke's navy which currently focuses on a large submarine force to counter aircraft carriers - instead the Prefect wishes to once again deploy Wrnuke's own aircraft carrier. For now Yingdala's investments will prove a well-needed boost to the economy and defence industry, but a lot more will be needed to fully recover for the Kingdom of Wrnuke.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of the junta.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:44 am

The Terran Times
Also being that guy who's pretending to be this guy.
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Tue May 07, 2024 2:29 am



     Wrnuke receives large Beiteynuese investment amidst protests
     28 September 5479

     Minister of Foreign Affairs Vice-Admiral Hillesko Vrnkrt during the national press conference about the new investment deal with Beiteynu.

With the Kingdom of Beiteynu not being able to kickstart their economy and having their investments and efforts end into stagnation many expected the long negotiated deal between Wrnuke and Beiteynu to fall through. Against all expectations however an arrangement between the two nations has been agreed upon. The Beiteynuese monarchy will invest an undisclosed amount into Wrnuke, which is mainly focused on economic strengthening. The negotiations took several years and started shortly after a deal had been reached between Yingdala and Wrnuke. A main point for Beiteynu was to assure investments into 'worthwhile projects', ergo economic efforts that would in the long term benefit Beiteynu as well. This ambition was complicated by the fact that the Ministers of Finance and Trade & Industry, the brilliant economist Captain Aldrmai Sardnpal and veteran administrator Lt. Colonel Míhalj Wrnuszkus invited about a dozen representatives from Wrnukaék companies to join the negotiations. At the time it simply stalled the talks, but in the end it seems to have forged a deal that has satisfied both parties. Major winners were the steel, shipping and brewing industries of Wrnuke. Trade remains the single greatest strength of the Yeudi state and it is also something the Jelbic kingdom wishes to grow in. Besides that beers from Wrnuke are becoming increasingly popular in the more opulent states across Majatra, as Wrnuke can deliver quality for slightly cheaper prices. Though with the increased demand it is expected that Wrnuke will have to seek out grain suppliers to maintain its domestic beer production.

The economic financial injection has not come without controversy. In Beiteynu experts have protested against it, stating that it is Beiteynu's economy that requires investments. In Wrnuke there are also protests but for entirely different reasons, nationalists fear that foreign nations investing in Wrnuke are gaining too much of an influence over the Jelbic nation. A spokesperson of the junta has assured critics that the deal favours both the economy of Beiteynu and Wrnuke, while giving further assurances that Wrnuke remains fully independent and sovereign. The government believes the independence and sovereignty of the Kingdom will only grow as its economy recovers from decades of authoritarian neglect. The signing of the deal was a business-like but joyous occurrence as Vice-Admiral Hillesko Vrnkrt, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, hosted a delegation of the Kingdom of Beiteynu. Several anti-Yeudish protestors were outside of the venue, propagating their belief in the Yeudish Conspiracy and stating that it is the fact Wrnuke has 3 of the 8 gems which sealed this deal, implying that Wrnuke has major control over Beiteynu with the mythical gems. The governments of both nations have denied these far-fetched allegations.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of the junta.


     Ministry of National Defence requests tenders for new equipment
     10 October 5479

     A new submarine of the Froahiko-class, the advanced silent killer of Wrnuke's naval forces carrying both conventional and nuclear arms.

As the Kingdom's economy recovers the military junta currently in control of Wrnuke's government has announced major investment plans to "revitalise" and "reinforce" the nation's Armed Forces. During the authoritarian dictatorship significant investment plans were drawn up yet only a few of these became reality. The Froahiko-class submarine has become the crown jewel of Wrnuke's naval forces, being one of the most modern submarines across the globe. The existing fleet is undergoing a refit with further modernisation efforts to keep the heavily armed silent killers as modern as possible. Meanwhile the dockyards of Jadjohydwasfabrk Hafndam are hard at work at producing more of these cutting edge submarines. The submarines are capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear arms, though the Kingdom of Wrnuke has in recent years always denied possessing weapons of mass destruction. Originally designed as a counter against Beiteynu's aircraft carriers the underwater boats now function as a deterrent against all enemy ships. Wrnuke's naval experts reckon that the Froahiko's can outmatch any submarine across the globe. This has prompted one submarine commander, Captain Shlajkai Kwkh-Ílja, to challenge submarine commanders across the globe to 'battle' him and his crew during military exercises. The Captain has pledged to relinquish his command and become a Shaman if a foreign submarine manages to defeat him.

Even though Wrnuke's submarine fleet is of excellent quality the other parts of the authoritarian government's naval 'Plan H' were never completed. With the economy recovering and the return of the Zoo Alliance looming the junta has decreed that Wrnuke must have an aircraft carrier to act as the flag ship of its surface fleet. The frigates and supporting vessels in service are still deemed 'good' to 'adequate' by the Ministry of National Defence's list of requirements for equipment. Nonetheless the lack of a mobile platform for both helicopters and multi-role fighters is seen as a severe lack in projection of power by the junta. An attempt to acquire Beiteynu's aircraft carrier BEINS Nahshol to refit has ended in failure after the Yeudi state refused to budge, abiding by its mission to turn it into a memorial. This has been stated as a blessing by some, who declared that a refit may be cheaper but always results in an inferior product. As such the Ministry of National Defence has posted a tender for a new aircraft carrier, inviting the nation's own Jadjohydwasfabrk Hafndam to submit a design but also welcoming foreign dockyards to make a bid. The new aircraft carrier will be selected on quality, modular design, long service life, and affordability. Another tender has also been approved for new frigates based on the requirements of the Future Air Defender, a project already named the Péashro-class. These new frigates are expected to reinforce the existing Snba Prtastat frigates.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of the junta.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri May 10, 2024 1:49 pm

Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Sat May 11, 2024 1:36 pm


     Foreign Affairs ministry denies Luthorian claim about visit
     20 July 5481

After repeated inquiries the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Wrnuke has released a statement denying the claims of Luthori's The Times newspaper. On June 25th an article was published in The Times wherein the monarch of Luthori apologised to the people of Wrnuke after receiving Beiteynuese backlash for His Majesty's absence at the exposition of three of the Eight Gems in Wrnuke's capital city of Wiel. After having no comment about the situation for five years Luthori's reigning monarch, who is also the King of Beiteynu, announced his ambition to visit Wrnuke. Previously the government, after increased tensions between Luthori and Wrnuke, announced it would not welcome King Albert in the Jelbic kingdom. The statement quoted in the Times article were well-received in Wrnuke, with many complimenting the ambition of Luthori to mend the increasing gap between the two nations. The same article also mentions a letter that was supposedly sent to Wrnuke, penned by the King himself. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has now announced they never received this letter.

The announcement came after increased pressure on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On social media people were quick to conclude that Wrnuke was ignoring Luthori's request or refusing to accept the apology. Minister of Foreign Affairs Vice-Admiral Hillesko Vrnkrt urged people to wait patiently which raised suspicion about the entire ordeal. Nonetheless, a month after the article in the Times it is now clear that the letter was never received. In a statement the undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Brbrá Karák, explained that during the four weeks the government patiently waited to receive a call, the supposed letter, or any other form of diplomatic contact. "We received no word from Luthori's government nor their ambassador," was the official statement given. Karák explained that the Kingdom was grateful to receive the apology and that they are confused as to why the letter was never sent. "We hope it is not regret from Luthori's side, we eagerly await their message to start negotiations on bettering the ties between our nations." The Prefect has refused to comment any further on the situation, stating only that the matter is dealt with by people he trusts.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of the junta.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby BananaZebra » Tue May 21, 2024 1:06 am

Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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