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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:08 am

Parliament, business, union and military convenes for "Industrial Revitalization Program" debate.
Lawmakers, unions, business leaders and government official all are coming for a big "round table" in regards to Luthori's economic recovery - and industrial recovery.
4th, November 5474

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Today, in the Palace of Darlington came a big, prepared meeting between influential politicians, medium to large business owners, unions representatives and finally - even a military delegation came to discuss with all other representatives. This is considered as one of the most important meeting - if not the most important happening in the Economic Development Committee - committee that needs to draft a parliamentary-governmental united plan on the topic of economic recovery of the Holy Luthori Empire. In that aim, numerous invitations were sent out to seek a profound, cohesive plan that would handled perfectly by all its actors, that's why today we are seeing numerous CEOs of big companies (technology, automobile, shipping, agriculture, finance, military), numerous representative of mostly right-wing trade unions, since the right-wing, more religious trade unions are seeing more popularity within the Luthorian public than left-wing trade unions, especially since the passage of the Democratic Process Stabilization Act [DPSA] - 70 years ago. With them, numerous military leaders, like the Chief of Defence Staff (CoDS), Gen. Mawell Major, and former ILA, ILN and ILAF ministers in the Derby Ministry. From what we are today knowing here at the Telegraph, it seems that this meeting will be about drafting the Industrial Revitalization Act, a cross-partisan recovery bill which would made much more easier the time for economic recovery by laying out a groundwork of both Parliament and the Government's objectives related to this matter, amongside with the imput of big business and unions, representating the economy and the workforce. This bill is being pushed by both the Leader of the Imperial Diet and tje Shadow Leader of the Imperial Diet - both of whom having an objective of not letting this economic crisis becoming too much of a problem for the current Day Ministry - which alreadu has its hands tied with many other pressuring issues in governance.

The bill in itself, is according to our informations - likely to include an huge military buildup, like the one seen in the United Kingdom of Lourenne after its own economic crisis and - made it more prepared than Beiteynu in the recent Yeudi-Canrillaise War or how it's known to the world, the Hubris War. What is going to be included in that military buildup is for know unknown, yet it's likely that aircraft carriers commission and the Challenger 3 commission would be likely, as well as a commission of F-15 to better equip the Imperial Air Force and the Imperial Luthorian Navy. Yet in the same time - much more long term decisions in regards to Luthori's technological progress in military and scientific matters - both of whom are Luthori's weakness will be talked upon during this meeting. It's likely that more civilian and military-orientated ports will be built to better support this economic recovery plan, as well as to equip the military with more ports to dock their ships. Infrastructure programs like the now-defunct Luthori Rail Program - a program which aimed at reducing the time for inter-Luthori connections by increasing the size of its high-speed railway network and aimed to interconnect that newly-made network with other Artanian high-speed lines. As of now, increading number of factories to lift unemployment in sole regions is highly likely as the government.considers that unemployment is the main break to economic growth.

More news about it in the following weeks or months.

The Weekly Telegraph is a liberal newspaper, describing international or national politics. It promotes constitutionalism and fair journalism by not receiving any money from great groups, except its readers.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:33 pm

Constitutionalism in surge in political spectrum.
Recent parliamentary elections showed that a significant members of MIPs elected, regardless of political affilation are considering themselves as constitutionalists.
18th, January 5475


Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Recent parliamentary elections confirmed a trend in Luthorian politics which was already booming from the day that Matilda Weddall took charge of the country in 5434. Bringing with her a new style of "constitutionalism" in total break from her predecessor at the helm of the then-known Constitutional Democratic Union (now known as the Conservative Party), which was sidelining Parliament in order to better accomplish his goals as the Prime Minister of Luthori - he led the country into the devasastating war in Ikradon - which crippled the Treasury and led to a long war in Ikradon - a war or as it is known in Luthori the "Humanitarian Intervention" (something that the Luthorian Government has used to cover its traces - something that we'll come up in a next article - about how the Luthorian Government has been creating lies in order to fit a narrative) that frankly no one wanted - not even the Ikradonians themselves. Yet, since Weddall's election - it seems that the surge in constitutionalist politicians have not stopped, worse it even grew more and more stronger by elections. It grew so strong that the Luthorian Broadcasting Corporation forcasted for this last year's parliamentary elections that a "Constitutional Wave" would be happening in the election - and if we are today doing that article - it's for the reason that it did happen.

In the latest Luthorian general election - while the Conservative Party showed a big decrease on seat - losing less than 40 seats in the last general election, alongside their ally of the Humperdinck Conservative Group (right-wing alternative party - but allied de-facto to the Tories), apart of this loss, it has been reported that either reelected Tory MPs were constitutonalists and that half of the newly-elected members of Parliament for the Tory Party (about 30 in total) were constitutionalists. This trend was because of a new - younger generation of politicians that were groomed during the "Constitutionalist Era" of Luthorian politics and took this period of relative stability - in comparaison to the Derby or Miller Years as a sign of putting more instable era for comparaison. Anyway - as they grew up during that era - they saw what a collaborative and genuine government and Parliament could do together and they are coming to Darlington Palace with the intention of making constitutionalism mainstream for the next years, decades, centuries or milleniums.

No numbers on the elected or re-elected MIPs political position have been published by either the Labour Party, the Liberal National Group or the Humperdinck Conservative Group - but showing by the Day Ministry's relative compliance to what Parliament is doing - and it's less involved approach when it comes to Parliamentary affairs, it seems that the numbers of constitutionalism within the Cabinet - and by extension inside the Labour Party or the Liberal National Group, may be high to create a bloc strong enough to pressure the government into giving in to that approach at governing.

For a little reminder, Luthorian constitutionalism is a form of governance that make the Imperial Parliament above the Government in decision-making, while also making the Emperor (as the head of state) above Parliament in decision making, it's because of the interpretation of the unwritten constitution that everything is done in the Monarch's name. In theory - Parliament is where the real decisions are made, while the Government is merely an executor of these decisions. But in reality - Weddall's Constitutionalism (the current form of Luthorian constitutionalism) calls for more genuine collaboration between all branches of government for building a better Luthori - together.

The Daily Mail is a conservative-orientated newspaper, favorable to the Conservative Party, describing international or national politics.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:47 pm

Defence Staff publishes the "Defence Operative for Economic Recovery" paper.
The Defence Staff has today released a file about all major defence decisions that have been made by the Defence Staff (all sectors of the military) - in order to play a part into the economic recovery of the Luthorian state.
7th, February 5475


Northminster, Grand Duchy of Northriding, Luthori - The Defence Staff convened yesterday on an extraordinary meeting with a group of defence industrialists and bankers/financiers. The Chief of the Defence Staff also convened the Minister of State for the Imperial Luthorian Army, the Imperial Luthorian Navy and the Imperial Luthorian Air Force to this meeting of the upmost importance - as part of the work of the Joint Group on Economic Recovery which convened in the Palace of Darlington for negociation and teamwork on handling the economic recovery of the nation. The Military has always pushed for a military expansion plan to be done in order to help with the economic recovery - for the Imperial Defence Staff - this would mean a win-win situation for both the government - which could help foster recovery programs to better economic recovery of the Empire's economy - which is in difficult since the Fort William Stock Exchange Crash - triggering the Albertan Economic Crisis. According to economic analysts, by allowing this plan to pass, it could bring economic stimulus and upgrade the military to the new 5475-level, especially as the Luthorian military has much to learn from the recent Yeudi-Canrillaise War - which is also known as the "Hubris War".

As of today, the Imperial Luthorian Army is culminating at 238,250 soldiers (all ranks confused) in active service, 1,050,000 soldiers in reserve the Imperial Luthorian Navy (due to the recent mandatory military service in place) is composed of 47,250 sailors in active service and 380,000 sailors in reserve service and 133 ships in active service (officially - do not count the ships in repair), finally, the Imperial Luthorian Air Force is composed of 30,000 airmen and women, while having 240 aircrafts in its command and having 64,000 airmen and women in reserve for the Air Force. In total, the Imperial Luthorian Armed Forces have under its active personnel more than 315, 500 soldiers, sailors or airmen/airwomen, and 1,494,000 reserve troops, ready to be conscripted as soon as possible.

What is in the General Staff's plan is simple, spearhead the military development of new "cutting-edge" weapons - in light of the Challenger 3 main battle tank or other weapon development programs, by allowing government investments into the technological defence industry and directing private investments (mostly coming from banking magnates) into the defence contractors. The Defence Staff's plan aim to put "a part of the unemployed workforce - back to work - by serving their country's military" (currently - unemployment is at 7.9 % in all the country - one of the worst result since 5400 and the beginning of the century), by allowing a part of the population to go back to work - they want to stabilize the defence industry's output, which had been inconsistant for much of the years - by the said technological investments. What is known is that the Imperial Military wants to grow its ranks, which had been falling since the abolishment of mandatory conscription into the Imperial Luthorian Army, Navy or Air Force - people now wanting to do a civilian national service - into the Police or anything of the sort, rather than join the military. The fact is - the Defence Staff do want to bring people more into the army - by this choice, but they also want to bring more personel into the military by drawing people that were never in the Military but have already done their mandatory service to the nation (civilian national service) - by attracting them to the Military through an aid campaign on television and social media.

Commands of new weapons are likely - as the Imperial Luthorian Navy stated that it'll likely create - with government and Parliament's approval beforehand - a Luthorian Coast Guard, based upon the known Lodamnese Coast Guard, this would be tasked at protecting Luthorian trade by the Artanian Sea and protect Luthorian territoral waters - in doing so, the Luthorian Navy plans to separate most of its current "Patrol" flottilas from their command (reducing the size of the actual Navy from 133 to 90 - as 40 ships would be affected by that command) and giving it to the future coast guard. The Naval Staff aim to increase the size of the current Navy from 133 to 150 into the next 10 to 20 years - by comissionning a increase of 12 "blue-water" ships. In the Navy's Commission, there is a set of 3 additional Emperor Edward-class aircraft carriers (22,8 billions), 3 additional Type-45 destroyers (£3,15 billions), 3 additional Type-23 frigates (£390 millions) and finally, 3 Astute-class submarines (£ 4,95 billions) which should be added to the current three existing fleets of the Imperial Luthorian Navy. Finally - the creation of a fourth fleet - the so-called "Eastern Fleet", which would be based in the most recent aquired ports in Mordusia is being discussed currently. (estimated cost = £31.29 billions)

The Imperial Army's program - is simple, the Army only wants a boost in material and technological advancement and a better ad campaign for the military is going to be the main focus of the Army'ss development - "better weapons for a new age". While the Imperial Air Force's program is much more big in size, the Imperial Air Force plans to create more than 160 to increase its size from 240 aircrafts currently owned to 400 by the next 30 to 40 years and as the Army hopes too, wants to draw more people into their ranks as active airmen/airwomen. An add in RMC Apache Attack Helicopters or JF-70 (F-15s), XF-43 (based on the HF-35) or even Unionfighters, currently produced by the Artanian Defence Group in Dorvik or by Luthori's ally within the NSCO of Dolgava.

The defence industrialists have stipluated that this program would cost 50 to 70 billions of pounds over the next 40 years, and have stated that more factories would be needed to continue and deliver every commissionned article at time. The Defence Staff is now awaiting for the decision of either the Government or the Palace of Darlington to carry on with their commissions and begin this long and rocky process of rearming the armed forces.

The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:47 am

Opposition tables "Industrial & Economic Revitalization Act" and "Military Expansion for Recovery Act" to Parliament.
The Official Opposition, led by Lord Derby, former Prime Minister and Leader of the Tory Party, has tabled two motions to the Imperial Diet - all of which are up for approval by lawmakers.
12th, December 5475


Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The first bill proposed by the Conservative Party's Members of the Imperial Diet - is the "Military Economic Recovery and Modernization Act 5475", an economic recovery plan focused on economic stimulus by creating more military equipment - and by this - creating more jobs into the country's ailing economy. Mrs. Matilda Weddall, the Shadow Leader of the Imperial Diet was the MID who presented this bill up for the mandatory 3-months long debate within both Houses of Parliament. As an opening remark she stated that, as an opening remarks, the following:

The Right Honorable, Leader of the Imperial Diet, Matilda Weddall said:
The work done in collaboration with this Parliament's Economic Recovery Committee, by the Imperial Luthorian Military cannot be understated, and, I strongly advice all Members of this Right Honorable Diet, Mr. Speaker, to vote in favour of this bill - by this bill passing the floor, we would likely - in the next years, wake up with a stronger economy - and a stronger military - as these times showed us the necessity of having a strong and prepared military

This Act is taking what the military adviced in its paper outlining all goals of the Imperial Luthorian Navy and Air Force. Parliament should approuve the buying of 3 aircraft carriers, frigates, destroyers and submarines for the Navy - while in the same time - increases the Air Force's aircraft numbers from 200ish as of today to 400 at the end of the century. While it has been admitted that this result wouldn't be reached at the "end of the century" as promised, it has been promised that it would be at least before 50 years that all planes would have been sent off to the Imperial Air Force. It's likely that these constructions of ships and planes would require the constructions of new factories that would likely create new job opportunities all around the Empire.

The second bill tabled by the Opposition is a bill about economic recovery - on the civilian level - this act named the "Industrial and Economic Revitalization Act 5475" - while not a bill per se - it lays out the policies that could be used by the Government in order to reached the objective of economic recovery - these policies are quite simple - (1): signing friendship agreements with other nations to help foster a positive trade & cultural relationship. (2) - investing in the following economic sectors (luxury, shipping, technology, automobile, agriculture, finance) - as all these industries are constituting the backbone of the Luthorian economy, (3) - helping Luthorian companies to better access other countries' market, as well as guiding foreign companies to the Luthori homeland - for handling one of Luthori's problems - which is weak competition. Finally, the last point was encouraging ducal governments to do solethying for economic recovery. This guideline for economic recovery was proposed by two economists - Edward Brookins et Maximillian Walther - who worked closely with the Parliament to come up with this guideline, which in their minds would help foster economic stimulus to the economy by attracting foreign capital to Luthori and attracting investments to the country.

The proposal of both these laws comes after numerous meetings between government officials and the Parliamentary representatives.

The Economic Inquirer is a newspaper detailing and dissecting all the economic and financial information of Luthori and the world. This media, independent by principle, tries at best to meet the expectations of its readers by remaining politically neutral.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:51 am

Luthori continues "repositionning" as Parliament is set to vote on withdrawal from treaties.
The Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee - Andrew Meyer, announced that the Tory Party - has proposed a bill to move away from certain "unnecessary" agreements and has announced his views on Beiteynu leaving the alliance agreement.
14th, December 5475

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The Head of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Imperial Diet, Andrew Meyer, recently spoke out about his whereabouts - something that has been greatly scrutinzed during the last days. He came out today for a big announcement. He stated that after a "fruitful" meeting with the Head of the Conservative Party, Lord Derby and the Shadow Leader of the Imperial Diet, Matilda Weddall. The Conservative Party had proposed today withdrawing from a wide range of treaties, which according to him and to the Conservative Party as a whole - do not fit Luthori's objectives in the world anywhere else. He also stated that the Foreign Relations' Committee's job was to make the transition from a foreign era to another very "smoothly" and that government is likely to meet with him to discuss the details about these withdrawing, present in the Luthori's Diplomatic Repositionning Act 5475.

As part of this repositionning, he also met with the Deputy Head of the Medinat Department, which talked with him of the possibility of Beiteynu withdrawing from the Alliance Agreement existing between the two countries. He stated that, while unfortunate, it was bound to happen anyway, and Luthori would likely look forward to "continue cordial relations" with Yishelem even with the alliance agreement being a thing of the past. The Luthorian Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary is yet to release a statement about the whole "axing alliance" affair. Yet, the Imperial Parliament through the voice of Mr. Meyer stated that "Beiteynu will remain our friend, even though this alliance agreement no longer fits both countries' interests"

The Weekly Telegraph is a liberal newspaper, describing international or national politics. It promotes constitutionalism and fair journalism by not receiving any money from great groups, except its readers.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:35 pm

The Progressive Tribune
The Progressive Tribune is a newspaper focusing on the political events at Luthori. Its editorial view is fairly centrist on economics but leftist socially.
New reforms on healthcare and social services presented in Parliament

15th February 5476

The economic policy in Luthori was for a long time mainly based on economic liberalism and free-market principles with less emphasis on regulation and welfare though they also existed to a limited extent, even during various governments led by left-leaning parties this did not much change. However, the Luthorian Health Services Act and the Social Services Act, the two Acts presented by the Labour-LNG government, represent a departure from economic liberalism as the former will reform the Luthorian healthcare system and the latter will introduce greater social welfare particularly subsistence income for the unemployed. The Luthorian Health Services Act of 5476 is focused on reforming the healthcare system. It creates a nationwide public health service called the Imperial Health Service (IHS) funded by the Department of Health and the Department of Social Services, as well as Grand Ducal Health Services (GDHS) operating on a grand ducal basis and funded by the Grand Ducal governments. With the Act, the IHS and the GDHS will collectively own the public clinics accross Luthori and provide free of charge services to the citizens and permanent residents of the country, all services except dental treatment and optical care are provided free of charge by the IHS and the GDHS. The Act also allows private clinics but has provisions for the government departments and grand duchies to regulate them so they would treat their patients well and provide good care to them.

The Social Services Act of 5476 introduces three policies. The first policy is a subsistence income for adults not supported by any other person and not employed, which will provide them a reasonable, though not high, standard of living for up to 15 years. The initial period of this income is for 5 years, and it could be renewed up to twice as long as the person can prove they are genuinely in need of the income. After 15 years, the income is reduced to a minimal subsistence income. The only exception to the reduction is when the person is unable to work, and in that case the income is provided for lifetime or until the person is able to work. The second policy is provision of integration aid for refugees who are welcomed to Luthori, the said aid will be provided at minimum for 2 years but that could be extended if the integration process is not complete. The third policy is about child benefits, which is devolved to the counties, and the counties will choose from three of policies: granting benefits to large or low-income families or both. These two Acts, if passed from the Parliament, will represent a realignment in the Luthorian economic policy towards a stance more focused on the welfare state than free-market policies.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Nileowen_ » Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:12 pm

The People's Herald
The People's Herald is a newspaper focusing on political events within Luthori. It takes a leftist editorial view both economically and socially.

Democratic Socialist Labour Party forms
4th July 5476

For many years the governments of Luthori have generally maintained a economically liberal and business oriented stance, with less focus being granted to the workforce and to regulation. While this has led to economic growth over the years, it has often left individuals of lower status without state support or aid. While unions have helped somewhat, they have been dominated by illiberal and right-wing stances, and have failed in their duty to the Luthorian workers. In this turmoil, the Democratic Socialist Labour Party has been formed in order to fight for worker's rights and status in governance, legislation, economics and society. The DSLP was formed by members of the left-wing trade unions under the chairmanship of Luke Dunn, a mechanic turned politician originating from Enlii heritage. Dunn was former member of the Labour Party, with whom he organised many strikes, protests and other industrial actions to protect workers rights, but he eventually left believing that Labour had been insufficient in their governance and legislative efforts.

As for the DSLP's stances, it takes mainline socialism for economic policy, but a considerable portion of party membership advocates market socialism instead. One thing that can be taken for granted is the party's progressive social stance, which it states is part of it's goal to support everyone. The party itself is organised in a democratic matter, with the positions of Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretary being chosen through elections by the membership every six years. The party has already pledged itself to support upcoming industrial actions and to help create new left-wing trade unions, along with promising to act as a counter to corporate lobbying that may hamper workers' movements, coming out of the protests in 5471 against such.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:36 pm

Opposition proposes "Luthori Rail" Program.
The Opposition today proposed the "Luthori Rail" programme, an ambitious programme - costing billions of pounds - but creating jobs in the construction sector - and finally having to connect all the cities of Luthori together to create an interconnected network - the Parliament should vote on the program soon.
13th, June 5476

Railway Upgrades in Suburb of Fort William, 5471.

Alchester, Grand Duchy of Erneshire, Luthori - Shadow Secretary of State for Infrastructure, the Rt' Hon. Lyda Brown and the Shadow Secretary of Transport, the Rt' Hon. Marcus Blenford, both presented a bill in the Imperial Diet - about a guideline for allowing the government’s investments into a program of railway infrastructure construction, knows as the "LuthoriRail" Program - this act aims to be a guideline about how this program would go - as the government and Parliament are working together for the reestablishment of Luthori as a respectable competitive economic power in the world stage. Honestly - this program enters into the wide range of economic programs done in order to salvage the economy - as of today - the economy has stablized, thanks to the numerous Parliamentary actions in order to rescue the economy - like the Military Recovery Act and the Industrial Revitilization Act - aimed at fostering investments from the Luthorian private sector and government towards some sectors of the economy - and, in the case of the Military Recovery Act - to help the military by producing more material and produce economic stimuls by these productions. Yet as economists pointed out, the military may be a source of economic growth and stimulus for the Empire - yet Luthori should focus itself on more civilian-orientated project, as for now, Luthori isn't going to war. It's a right point of view - something that the opposition has took into account, yet the Leader of the Opposition, Lord Derby stated that "not all policies should come from Fort William, local governments have a share of the pie to have when it comes to infrastructure project". He also stated about the new bill that, "it's merely a guideline on how Parliament/Economy Department would handle the LuthoriRail Program at the national level, nothing come to the way of the local governments to make their own investments into their own economies."

The LuthoriRail program is a program which aims to renovate all of Luthori's current national transportation/goods railway network - as Luthori's economy continued to grow, no big program about infrastructure renovation or construction was made by the Imperial Government since the beginning of the century - yet this is likely to help Luthori's economic recovery plans, that's why the Opposition prepared it - and pull it into a vote today. To be fair, the LuthoriRail program was already planned by the Derby Ministry in 5368 - yet the outbreak of the Hubris War changed the Ministry's plans - which was mostly focused away from domestic affairs towards foreign affairs. With the LuthoriRail program - it seems that the local governments and the national government would likely meet to fix objectives of constructions for new railway lines - although the Orange Government, already have projects of expanding the Fort William-Sewallston classical line towards the Narikaton-Darnussian-Luthorian border, and upgraded it into a new high-speed railway line. The other thing that is being considered by the Orange Government is the possibility of creating 2 more underground network in Sewallston and Lorcaster, two cities which currently lacks this type of railway network.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Kubrick » Mon Apr 29, 2024 12:34 am

"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:45 am

The Terran Times
Also being that guy who's pretending to be this guy.
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