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Re: Selucia

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:09 am

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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:46 am

Maximianus orders the mass arrest of political opposition
November 5466

Accused of being Modernī without evidence, Maximianus has made his first, sudden public appearance after decades and held a speech asserting his authority. He ended his speech promising that he would "clean Selucia from the dirty hands of corrupted individuals threatening the peace, stability, and prosperity of our nation" by declaring it illegal to hold Modernī views and sympathise with anyone related to them. As of now, Selucian Legionaries have been spotted in several big cities conducting unprecedented raids in private homes and keeping relevant information of citizens that could lead to their detainment. Around fifty thousand people have been arrested for "treason" and most of them put in prison for an indefinite period of time.

While the raids from the Legionaries have caused a negative reaction, the detainment of Modernī has been seen positively and received support from the people of Selucia, and any opposition to this initiative has been met with accusations of sympathising with or being a Modernī, leading to a lack of public complaint and protests against the measures taken by the government. Due to this, Maximianus has appeared in public again to praise the behaviour of his people and promising to distribute a 5% of this month's health and social services budget (a total of 750.000.000 SEL) to all the Selucian citizens who have never been arrested nor associated with anyone ever arrested, meaning that around an 83% of the population, a total of 77.671.517, would receive 9.653 SEL each person in the following weeks and months.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:16 pm

Selucia holds the first gladiator tournament
July 5472

Princeps Maximianus has decided to hold a gladiator tournament with the purpose of celebrating Selucian prosperity and distracting people from the ongoing international conflicts, particularly the war between Lourenne and Beiteynu that has been worrying Selucians. Maximianus has assured the people that Selucia will stay neutral, despite the friendship between our nation and Beiteynu.

As for the gladiator tournament, 16 volunteers will be recruited as gladiators who will compete against each other in pairs using traditional ancient equipment and tactics. People will be able to bet for the winner of each pair, as well as the winner of the tournament, and earn a small sum of money as a reward. The gladiators will receive a wage similar to that of Legionaries for as long as they participate in the tournament, and if they win (be it in one of the rounds or the tournament overall) they will receive an additional pay, as well as the privilege of being recruited into the Legion if they desire, automatically as Accensi or, in the case of tournament winners, Milites. There will be several fights in several days and months. Round one will consist of eight fiths of two gladiators against each other. The winners of each pair will proceed to round two, which will consist of four fights. Round one will proceed in 2 different days: groups one to four will fight one day, groups five to eight another one. Round two will proceed the same day. The winners of each group of round two will proceed to round three, which will be held some months later to let gladiators rest and prepare. Round three will consist of two fights between two pairs. The winner of each pair will fight each other in round 4 the day after. The winner of round four will be declared winner of the tournament.


A few rules have been added: first and most importantly, killing is forbidden and any death, intentional or not, will result in a disqualification of the opponent who caused the death and will be replaced by a reserve volunteer. However, while it is discouraged, causing serious injuries is not forbidden and any volunteer should be aware of the consequences and risks of this event. Gladiators are allowed to present their own weapons, but they must be approved by the organisation first. No modern equipment must be used. In order to be accepted as a gladiator, one must also prove to be in the proper physical and mental conditions to participate in such an event, for the sake of everyone's safety and ensuring entertainment and a fair competition. Finally, once you're in, you cannot retire unless it is justified to do so - one should not participate if they think they can't endure it or last the entirety of it.

The Princeps has announced that the period of recruiting gladiators has already started and people are free to present themselves as volunteers. Once every gladiator is selected, an announcement will be made announcing them and the day in which the tournament will start. Anyone will be free to assist the amphitheatre in person, although they have to reserve an entry for a fair price due to lack of enough space to accommodate large amounts of people. However, for those who can't assist in person, the whole tournament will be recorded live to let people watch it from their homes, including people from foreign nations who might be interested in watching it.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:49 pm

The government declares national lockdown
January 5473

Due to the recent events of Kundrati switching sides to Lourenne, the government of Selucia has decided to block any individual, ship, or plane from getting close to Selucia's land and coasts. Any unit seen near the territory of Selucia will be warned to get away or else it'll be detained/destroyed. Princeps Maximianus has assured that he intends to maintain Selucia neutral in this conflict, but having friends in both sides is making it difficult to maintain such neutrality and fears this could lead to Selucia's involvement in some way, thus preferring to block anyone from getting close to Selucia for as long as it's ongoing, including allies and friends. No one will be allowed to leave the nation either. The Princeps has also mentioned that, due to the gladiator tournament, he feels the need to protect such an important event from any possible conflict.

Additionally, he has announced that the 16 gladiators for the tournament have been selected and it will start soon. Maximianus adviced everyone to ignore the external world for now and let the government and the Legion deal with any possible conflicts and diplomatic affairs, and instead focus on enjoying the first gladiator tournament, what he has called "the best representation of the strength, power, and glory of the Selucian nation".
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Sat Apr 27, 2024 2:23 pm

Lucius Cantius wins the gladiator tournament; lockdown lifted
February 5474

Lucius Cantius has won the gladiator tournament after defeating Faustus Gabinius in the last round. As promised, Cantius has been rewarded a place in the Legion as a Miles and 500.000 SEL. Gabinius was defeated after Cantius managed to break his leg, leaving Gabinius unable to continue fighting. He is still recovering, but has accepted to join the Legion as an Accensus once he recovers from his injuries. The Princeps himself met Cantius and they had a dinner in the palace with the rest of gladiators who were able to assist.

With the tournament finished, as well as the conflict between Beiteynu and Lourenne, Selucia has lifted its national lockdown that had been in place for a year. Trade has been reactivated and state visits that were planned before the conflict will be able to happen now. The Princeps has thanked the citizens for their patience and understanding, as well as the gladiators for providing entertainment for the people during these hard times.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:37 pm

Massive investment on infrastructure project
February 5476

Princeps Maximianus has begun investing a 74% of the budget dedicated to infrastructure and transport on a project to improve the infrastructure of the nation. For a long time, the nation's infrastructure had been underdeveloped and the civil war only but ruined part of it. Due to the government's interest in improving the national economy and the fact Selucia depends on imports and exports quite a lot, improving the infrastructure is a must. Being an islands nation, the most important goal of the project is to build and rebuild existing bridges that connect Aquilonia, Sadaria, and Oleria with each other. There will be a couple important, and main, bridges built: one connecting Minianium (southern Aquilonia) with northwestern Oleria, connecting with it a road that leads to the Olerian capital of Victoria, and a bridge between Constantium (Oleria) and Iovianium (Aquilonia). Another one will be built connecting the capital of Auroria (Aquilonia) with both Oleria (leading to northeastern Oleria and connecting it to the coast between Constantium and Aquinium) and Sadaria, leading both to western (through the north, connecting to the city of Equitia) and eastern (through the north, connecting to the city of Augusta) Sadaria. Finally, a bridge between Oleria and Sadaria, through the cities of Aquinium (Oleria) and Marisia (Sadaria).

Among other goals of the project is the improvement of existing ports and expanding the amount of ships, as well as the capacities of these, building airports in eastern and western sides of each island, and the construction of new roads. Part of the project also involves the reconstruction of Hieronymium, which was burnt down and sacked during the civil war and never fully rebuilt. After this, the Princeps has planned on working on other sectors of the economy, although he has assured that he does not intend moving away from the importance Selucia has in the primary sector, seeking to improve the importance of the nation on sugar cane, wine, gold, silver, and livestock.
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Re: Selucia

Postby dannypk » Mon May 13, 2024 11:54 am

Selucia returns to FOMAT with Togati's "Canticum Orgianum"
December 5482

Princeps Maximianus has announced his interest in participating in the upcoming FOMAT and decided to use a band and a song that conveyed the spirit of Selucians and the nation, while also recovering the elements of traditional Selucian songs. Selucia expects to bring a new sound to the contest, as it has done with its entries for the previous editions of FOMAT. Thus, the band Togati has been selected to represent Selucia with the song "Canticum Orgianum", a hymn for the God of alcohol, winemaking and wine, ritual madness, fertility, and religious ecstasy, Orgius.

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Re: Selucia

Postby BananaZebra » Tue May 21, 2024 12:44 am

Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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