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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:18 am

Salma Beir al-Qasseem, the new head of MCR and president of the Public Affairs committee

Reformation of MCR under the helm of Salma Beir al-Qasseem, radical reforms and widescale investigations promised: new hope for Beiteynu?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. To the suprise of many within the Beiteynuese political arena, the formally defunct party known as the Movement for Cultural Renaissance has been reformed after decades of inactivity due to its leadership council remaining empty even after multiple attempts were made to reshuffle it but it seems that one person has managed to unite all of the party's commitees and faction under wing as Salma Beir al-Qasseem, president of the Public Affairs committee has been elected president of the party with the unanimous approval of all the committees alongside an internal election being held to appoint the new leadership council.

Notably, the 4 major political families composing the party are back at the council especially the Sylvester and Eroncourte family promising to bring radical change to both the party and Beiteynu as a whole especially the field of education and science given the Sylvester's background as scientists with the famous Veronica Sylvester spearheading scientific reforms. Both the Dörvik and Winky have stayed more grounded compared to the other two as they have promised to bring justice to the wronged alongside expanding Plan H.O.P.E to all corners of Beiteynu while still ensuring the well-being of the nation is maintained. In addition to the pre-existing 4 families, two new ones have risen to the top being the Ford William family and the Beir al-Qasseem family, the former being known for handling the party's financial management committee and the latter for handling tbe Public Affairs committee in which they successfully built relations and managed to unite the party once again.

Finally, the newly reformed leadership council has released a press statement in which they promise to plug out the roots of corruption, nepotism, and favoritism rooting the Beiteynuese government and its agencies alongside seeking to completely reshape Beiteynuese diplomacy by dismantling the concept of the "Yeudi shitlist" alongside slashing the expenses spent on the private sector to redirect them toward the people coupled with the preparations within the party to create the Judicial and Universal System for Transparency also known as the J.U.S.T plan.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Tue Apr 30, 2024 6:22 pm


Meleh Elias Ishmael IV has died at 89
The former Meleh of the Homeland State has passed away peacefully in his sleep.
1 June 5477

YISHELEM, ENDILD - As our newsroom is filling with sadness, we're sure soon it'll be the shared sentiment of our Homeland. We just received a report from the House of Aristocrat-Goldbloom, one of Beiteynu's main nobility families and fourth in the succession line of the Throne of Yishelem, which states:
Dear Beiteynuese, it is with outmost sadness that we notify you of the death of our beloved ancestor and first Meleh of the Homeland, Elias Ishmael IV. Elias was unwell ever since his abdication, and his health status decreased even further in the past two years. We invite everyone to celebrate the Meleh's life at the State Funeral to be held in Yishelem.

Born on May 31, 5388 as the first son of the Princess Aviv Imo (of Aristocrat-Goldbloom) and Prince Edward Albert Patrick (of Orange-Villayn), the first nobility Beiteynuese couple in centuries, Elias would later become Meleh of the Yeudi Homeland in 5406 until his abdication for heart issues in 5449 - in these years he managed to recover strong enough to restart public appareances, but he would never play a significant role anymore. We hope everyone agrees although, that Elias Ishmael IV is probably one of the most important figures in Beiteynuese history, as the first modern King of a long-lost kingdom, and as the patriarch of the Yeudi Monarchy.

To yoter lehoulam, Meleh Elias Ishmael.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed May 01, 2024 10:13 am

Marianne Valoise Eroncourte during her visit of a local art exhibition in Tel Bidzhan

Eroncourte promises to revive Beiteynuese justice during her visit of Padika, Plan J.U.S.T discussion phase started: is she truly like Eroncourt?

Tel Bidzhan, Beiteynu. In an unexpected turn of events, MCR's head of the Minorities and Foreing Relations committee, Marianne Valoise Eroncourte has visited the Padika district and more specifically the city of Tel Bidzhan where she was born and raised there before she moved to Eroncourt to study law and secure a doctorate then moved back to Beiteynu to work as a judge for 5 years as she then quickly decided to enroll herself in the Beiteynuese University for Politcal Science where she also secured a doctorate in foreing affairs making her the best candidate to be MCR potential future Foreing Ministre if they ever got a sizable chunk of the knesset under their control.

During her visit of the Mariana Straus High-school where she studied when Plan H.O.P.E was during its prime age, she met with her former now retired Humanities teacher that used to keep alive the different Humanities club that were in the school as a way to maintain Beiteynuese culture in a world being gobbled by the corporate assimilation machine that prioritizes STEMs over any other field due to their profitable nature, they discussed the possible initiatives to use as a way to revive the cultural sector given the state of the Almouti agency that has been left untouched ever since rhe dissolution of the leadership council of MCR. Marianne then promised to revive Beiteynuese justice and culture through the use of agencies alongside toppling any corrupt politician from all the parties, including MCR themselves and the lobbyists.

After her visit of Tel Bidzhan, the leadership council released a press statement declaring the start of the discussion phase for the J.U.S.T plan before it's proposed to the knesset, the statement also confirmed that the proposal will include the creation of 2 new Supreme courts alongside the redrawing of judicial circuits with the Endild district expected to have its own circuit while the other 4 districts will be divided into 2 circuits to ensure the weight of the capital doesn't pressure the other judges during their sentencings. Finally, the leadership council assured that justice will be brought to all the victims of predatory companies and politics alongside trials that will be held concerning the unexpected warmongering witnessed during the war with the United Kingdom of Lourenne.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri May 03, 2024 3:44 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Barrage of amendments marks the MSCO's pivot
August 5478


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - Following the unanimous support of active member states in amending the core nature of the Majatran Security Cooperation Agreement in the aftermath of the Beiteynuese-Lourennais conflict in the Sea of Lost Souls that created insurmountable cracks in the organisation's very essence, a series of mandates were rapidly instituted by Beiteynuese Emergency Secretary-General Yeshua Shavit, thus confirming the MSCO's pivot to a new framework.

The mandates include but are not limited to the disbandment of the MSCO's permanent military force, the official barring of Kundratijan military forces in Majatra and the establishment of security zones currently split between Beiteynu, Deltaria and Badara.

The new framework has essentially moved the MSCO from a collective defence pact to an emergency vehicle, also establishing a commitment from each member state to dedicate a significant number of military forces in "times of crisis", largely deemed external threats; that is, from outside the continent.

Yishelem has confirmed that the JAMS Agreement and the Migrant's Pass will continue to remain top priorities for the Beiteynuese Government.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat May 04, 2024 9:57 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Recession turns to stagnation as counter-measures fail to pick up momentum
December 5478


Tel Bira, Beiteynu - One of the Jacobstone Administration's immediate actions in the aftermath of the whopping 2 trillion GDP loss was to trigger the Bannerpakt Fund with Bannerhafen, beginning an injection of capital into the manufacturing industry revolving around the Equifund's increased demand.

Beiteynu's economy is a rather unique one, in that it relies on the flow of international capital, making its GDP more of a virtual one.

The blowback from the loss of the Kundratijan markets - an integral cog of the Yeudish Neset for shipping and manufacturing, as well as the halting of maritime trade in both the Sea of Lost Souls and the Union of Canrille and via the Aldegarian canal was tremendous, considering Beiteynu's lack of industries (i.e. manufacturing) in domestic markets on a level that could sufficiently balance out any fluctuations on international capital going through Tel Bira.

And Yeudish banks are still reluctant to open their wallets, even as the Lourennais economy gets steadily back up on its feet.

Less money flowing, less growth; less growth, less demand; and less demand leads to less money flowing.

With the Vamaj Network and the Equifund staying mostly intact and acting as a lifeboat for Yeudish shipping and the Beiteynuese information technology industry, the Beiteynuese Government naturally decided to focus first on the primary complimentary industry for both: manufacturing.

A war economy, but once again driven from international demand, as all things Yeudish.


Passschiffe Bau AG has taken the lead in the joint efforts of the Bannerpakt and the Equifund, working together with Badaran-based Soleimani Industries and Beiteynuese-based Beir Leshet and Shafir Koalit, as all 3 scramble to introduce 1 aircraft carrier, 2 frigates and 1 submarine to cover both the increasing demands from Narikaton and Darnussia and Badara as they rush to "up their naval game" in the aftermath of the Beiteynuese-Lourennais war, as well as the investment capital pouring into the Beiteynuese manufacturing and shipbuilding industries, to balance out the damage from the plummeting of the Kundratijan economy.

A Yeudish Lobbyist, however, was keen to pinpoint that the Beiteynuese Government needs to pivot away from a ridiculously high defence budget and realise that the nature of international Yeudish capital requires more focus on finance and trade and industry.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat May 04, 2024 2:27 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Equifund begins sea trials of "Retaliation" cruiser as part of classified contract
December 5478


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - Beir Leshet's CEO Eliana Tzafrir announced yesterday afternoon that the company had commenced sea and shock trials for a new cruiser prototype dubbed the Nekama-class (Retaliation). The project is evidently part of a classified defence contract initiated by the Ministry of Defence during the war's peak at the beginning of the decade; a contract which, as usual, includes Black Beisa's signature - this time, however, as "Project Lead".

A fact that has raised eyebrows all across the spectrum, considering Black Beisa's notorious involvement in controversial projects such as the Yeudicho ICBM.

Undertaken under a "hush-hush" policy even amongst the Equifund's circles, the Nekama-class cruiser seems to be the child of some of the marketplace's titans: Beir Leshet, Canrille Defense Enterprise of Lourenne and Passschiffe Bau AG from Narikaton & Darnussia leading the charge of a consortium of naval related manufacturers and suppliers and Sato leading missile weapons systems.

The latter has raised even more eyebrows; coupled with some leaked imagery of the vessel's trials in the Red Bass Ocean to the northwest, Sato's involvement has led weapons experts to believe that it will specialise in anti-ballistic and medium-range ballistic capabilities based on the company's Hetz and LORA lines.

MOD spokesperson Angela Leeman declined to comment earlier this morning when asked whether the prototype will include either Lourenne's infamous Soteria anti-ballistic weapons system or a variant of the Yeudicho ICBM itself; you guessed it, developed by Sato and Black Beisa.

Although unconfirmed, it seems that this new, highly specialised cruiser is part of the MOD's naval-centric pipeline, rumoured as the "Tafsik Doctrine" (Deterrence).

Shahar Fleets and the illusive "3rd Point" project mentioned in Narik & Darnussian media earlier this year, notwithstanding.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat May 04, 2024 10:01 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Valoir Studio drops teaser of upcoming "War of Lost Souls" film
December 5478

Valois, Lourenne - Prestigious film producer and distributor Valoir Studio from Lourenne dropped a teaser last night, confirming the name of a highly anticipated production on the Beiteynuese-Lourennais conflict. The movie, titled "War of Lost Souls", will go through the background, peak and all the way to the aftermath of the war through the lens of different characters from different viewpoints; painting - amidst blockbuster scenes featuring naval warfare, missiles and protests - the heartbreak of a "brotherly war" fought between the Yeudi, Canrillaise and Kundratijan peoples.

Valois, the world renowned home of the Valois Film Festival, seems to be working, yet again, on a masterpiece.

The film has no release date, yet.

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun May 05, 2024 9:21 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Teaser 2 of "War of Lost Souls" hints at Meleh Ishmael IV and Princess Helene
January 5479

Valois, Lourenne - Another teaser has dropped for the upcoming movie "War of Lost Souls" by Heritage Films, Valoir Studio and Sinama Eayn al-Nasr (Eagle Eye Cinema); this time hinting of a discussion between Meleh Elias Ishmael IV and Princess Helene of the House of Orleans-Vasser.

"Do you feel a sense of achievement", asks the Princess, presumably decades before the war took place; to which the young King responds "in what regard?".

And then, in whimsical curiosity, he asks the Princess how Yeudish endeavours "have been forged falsely".

This is, of course, still speculation as Valoir Studio has yet to release any details.

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun May 05, 2024 10:33 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun May 05, 2024 2:00 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Teaser 3 of "War of Lost Souls" taunts of secret Canrillaise-Yeudish agreement
January 5479

Valois, Lourenne - Meleh Elias Ishmael IV's ascension to the Throne of Yishelem was one of the most pivotal events in Yeudish history; and one of its most controversial ones, heavily tied to the secrets of a House of Elior that's been plotting for 3000 years. But to what end?

His marriage to Princess Helene of the House of Orleans-Vasser was a love story born out of legend, hundreds of years in the making.

So why does the King ask his Princess "to speak to him clear and true"?

Is there a backstory to the backstory of the war?

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