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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Apr 12, 2024 2:24 pm

State Housing to begin construction in Southern Xsampa; New efforts to resolve the "Forgotten South" from unification woes.


June 5468

There is a sad truth that must be admitted. Even decades after unification, we have failed to properly tackle inequality in Southern Xsampa. However, we have not sat back and done nothing. Various efforts have been made to bring Southern Xsampa the prosperity that the North has. One of the first issues to resolve is quality housing. To that end, Comrade Ladakh has begun the "Social Housing Project", with the explicit goal of ensuring housing for all Xsampans. With the state housing being constructed across Southern Xsampa, particularly in Bajoum.

With these houses being provided to those in needs for little cost with the government subsidizing rent to keep it low cost and provide subsidization for utilities such as water and electricity. While cities like Bajoum will mitigate the worse problems from the "Forgotten South", the SHP has been focused on more rural and underdeveloped cities in the South which absolutely need the SHP and state housing. By providing low cost government subsidized houses, the scourge of poverty and inequality will be fought back against, with the SHP allowing Xsampans a warm bed and a roof over their heads while they begin trying to get on their feet. While a comprehensive job plan is yet to arrive, Comrade Ladakh has begun the first steps to bringing prosperity to the South.

Xsampa wages two wars, the War Against Ignorance and the War against Inequality. Defeat is no option in this war and Comrade Ladakh has looked to ensure that. The SHP is the first step in the War against Inequality and with both being in twined, a victory in one is a victory in another. With the first steps being taken for both wars, Xsampa will come out stronger then ever. The next step for winning the War Against Inequality is providing quality jobs to both ensure a stable income for Xsampans and provide support for the national economy. But for now, dear readers, rest easy for every Xsampan will have a roof over their head tonight.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:20 am

Xsampan Healthcare to receive support and modernizations.

New Hope Hospital, Unadertowan
April 5470
One of the most critical aspects of any society is healthcare. A nation is often judged for its success, not on how strong its military may be, or how strong its economy may be, but by how it treats the lowest in its society. Ensuring adequate equal care for those suffering is the pinnacle of what a good society can achieve. For Xsampa, this fact is no different. While Xsampan healthcare has not been corrupted by capitalism and remains entirely free, it is in a rather poor state. Comrade Ladakh has looked to change that. In the War against Inequality, healthcare is an invaluable weapon in this war and must be made as best as possible. Comrade Ladakh has looked to drastically change how Xsampan healthcare is operated.
Modernized Equipment.
Should you get healthcare in Metz-Leonid or any other Northern City, you would find modern equipment, up to date. Go South to Bajoum or Unadertowan, and you'll find equipment less then modern and even unideal. Comrade Ladakh has looked to change this fundamental flaw. New modern equipment will be brought into the hospitals across Southern Xsampa. Whether it be medical equipment, medicine itself or simple the basics like proper gloves, these modernizations are vital for Xsampan healthcare. Modern equipment will undoubtedly allow higher quality for patients to experience.
The Call for Doctors.
As it stands, becoming a doctor, or even a medical professional in Xsampa is a lengthy process. This unfortunately leads to a decrease in those willing to become a medical professional, simply because the system makes it nigh impossible. This is to change. By providing more opportunities to aspiring medical students, this can ease the burden and allow new faces into healthcare. How can more opportunities be provided? By upgrading both the quality of student education in healthcare fields and allowing on ground training programs by professional experts to ensure no one slips through the cracks. Furthermore, direct government intervention, via sponsoring healthcare scholarships and such to encourage medical students to take up the mantle.
Ease of Access.
Ambulances are a rare sight in Southern Xsampa compared to the North. Unfortunately this means that those without a vehicle, which is often in more rural areas of Southern Xsampa are unable to reach hospitals effectively, if at all. By directly providing medical centres ambulances, this can allow them to adequately adjust and reach remote communities in situations where those in need could not come to them. Not only that, it will allow them to properly respond to emergencies in urban areas adequately as well.
Construction of Hospitals in Remote Communities.
To help ensure a proper transition for the prior clause, more hospitals, or specifically rural clinics, absolutely need to be constructed in demote areas. Doing this will not only increase the effective range of healthcare but reduce the burden on overstretched hospitals and expand access to otherwise isolated communities.

With these efforts underway, Xsampan healthcare must be able to act as a viable tool, to raise quality of life in our Proletariat haven and as a weapon against Inequality and disease. Supporting healthcare will no doubt benefit the nation long term, and support the population immensely, especially in the "Forgotten South".

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:24 am

General-Secretary Ladakh resigns for health reasons; Damchoe Tsemo to assume leadership.

March 5471
Nearly 2 decades has Comrade Ladakh guided Xsampa, bringing about the message of equality and working towards modernizing the nation is a thankless task and one that is quite stress inducing. Even Comrade Ladakh has her limits. To that end, she has chosen to formally resign from her post as General-Secretary, citing health concerns. She will spend the rest of her life enjoying the fruits of her labour in Metz-Leonid. However, with her resignation, the Party has been quick to elect a successor to Ladakh, and have chosen a moderate within the Party. Comrade Damchoe Tsemo.

Comrade Tsemo has been elected as the new General-Secretary of Xsampa and has laid forth a vision going forward.
Comrade Ladakh has set the foundation for Xsampa to continue the march forward. Comrade Dorji was a visionary, Comrade Ladakh, the Idealist. They both have done the absolute best they can to propel Xsampa forward.

As the world clamours in tensions, as the West looks to spread its tendrils in its infinite quest of imperialism, as the future looks bleak, I promise a future worth looking forward to. I promise a grasp at utopia. A future that is golden and eternal. But empty words do not satiate a starving stomach. Our proletarian haven should know that more then anyone. We will continue the march forward, we will continue showing the world the best the proletariat can achieve.

Comrade Tsemo has laid forth an optimistic vision for our glorious democratic republic. The work Comrade Ladakh has done will not be disregard by Comrade Tsemo and while the world is focused on the imperialist actions Beitenyu has undertaken, Comrade Tsemo has chosen to focus on Xsampa, and focus on developing our proletarian haven. Being a moderate within the Party, Comrade Tsemo may not be as radical as Comrade Ladakh was with her reforms but it doesn't mean Comrade Tsemo will neglect reforms. Regardless, Xsampa enters a new era with a new General-Secretary.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 10:30 pm

Xsampa denounces government of Hanzen; Pledged support to the nations democratic opposition.

September 5471

News has reached Metz-Leonid about a tragedy in our western neighbour, Hanzen. The nation has been embroiled in a struggle against movements for democracy. While not a movement for proletarian democracy, it is a movement for democracy nonetheless. However, it would seem the struggle for democracy is with a cost. In Udon Nakhon, the city police would result to fascistic barbarism, slaughtering the protesters, leaving 34 dead.

To say this is outrageous is an understatement. Comrade Tsemo has vehemently denounced the government of Hanzen, comparing it to nothing more then a fascist bourgeois dictatorship, oppressing the Proletariat. Comrade Tsemo has voiced vocal support for the democratic protests across Hanzen.

While the protests are minor in scale, it is hoped they will escalate to have the ability to overthrow the fascistic autocracy in Hanzen. Obviously this will damage relations heavily with Hanzen but will this disway us from our mission of a freed proletariat? Never. Comrade Tsemo has chosen to be adamant in supporting the Hanzen protests, believing them to be the best instrument for the working class to fight against the autocratic regime.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:47 am

Xsampa urges critical support for Lourenne in the War Against Western Imperialism.

[October 5471]
Lourenne, an esteemed vanguard against Western Imperialism has been struck by Beitenyu. This attack came unprecedented as Lourenne acted in the defense of Seleyan Sovereignty, moving against what it rightfully saw as Western Imperialism. It would seem however that Beitenyu holds no regard for the fragility of peace and has gone forth, provoking Lourenne to formally declare war. This has seen Badara follow suite in declaring war against Lourenne, the Vanguard against Western Imperialism.

As many other nations begin to draw up plans on what to do, Xsampa will be the first to take the bull by the horns and urge other free nations to support Lourenne. Whether it be militarily, economically or even with words as Xsampa is doing. Lourenne has stood as a vanguard, a noble guardian for all of Terra to unite behind. Idealism, democracy, freedom, humanity. Who would oppose these? Beitenyu. The imperialist scourge will lie, cheat and backstab to get it's way. It backstabbed our comrades in Lourenne by wrongfully kicking them out of Allink and preying on neutral Seleyan nations. Wherever war has erupted, Lourenne has been there to support justice, peace and prosperity. Lourenne would always be among the first to support a shattered nation. Beitenyu on the other hand, remains an oligarchic plutocratic state where democracy is a sham for its corporate overlords. They claim to help nations yet let inequality and despair run rampant on the continent they claim hegemony over!

Can we really trust Beitenyu to safeguard Terra? Compare that to the track record of Lourenne. A prosperous, democratic nation, where the people live in prosperity, where everyone is truly free, and equal. Corporate interests hold no place in politics, and inequality is a foreign concept to Lourenne. Lourenne has supported the poorest amongst us, regardless of ideology for centuries. Now, with the treacherous West revealing itself a serpent, we must repay that favour and support Lourenne in this critical time. After all, it was Beitenyu who tolerated Slavery across the Migrants Pass in Malivia for several decades, it was Beitenyu who spread its imperialist tendrils to Seleya, it was Beitenyu who meddled in their own ally, Kundrati!

In this time and age, the world must unite together against Beitenyu, a threat. ICBMs, subterfuge, you name it and Beitenyu has done it. Lourenne? Nothing. Lourenne is the nation for peace, progress, prosperity. Turning your back on Lourenne is turning your back on a better future. Any available nation must support Lourenne in any way! Words, guns, fuel. It doesn't matter if you join the war, provide economic support or be vocal about support for Lourenne, you are supporting a better future. We urge all nations of all continents, unite against the imperialists who exploit you. For behind the flower lay a serpent ready to bite.

The Democratic Republic of Xsampa is a nation that is honoured and proud to support Lourenne, the nation that can lead to a better future. We are urging all nations to join us. This is not about ideology or race, wealth or status. It is about the possibility of a free future, or a future under the shackles of Beitenyu.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:25 pm

Xsampa begins the "Great Leap Forward"; Xsampan Job Corps created.

Metz-Leonid, Karoboro
February 14th, 5473
Comrade Tsemo has laid forward a promise to the Proletariat of Xsampa. A promise of an improved nation. A promise of a prosperous nation. Today, Comrade Tsemo has announced the plan to achieve that promise. The Great Leap Forward. A mass economic plan, akin to the New Economic Plan enacted by Comrade Dorji. Consisting of mass infrastructure projects, including a mega-infrastructure project, expansion of industries and the creation of quality jobs, the Great Leap Forward will see Xsampa march to new heights. As ambitious as the plan is, Comrade Tsemo has made it clear that he expects the Great Leap Forward to last beyond his time as General-Secretary and has looked to focus on one portion of the Great Leap Forward, so as to maximize the efficiency of all aspects of the project and to not bankrupt the nation.

To that end, Comrade Tsemo has looked to see the creation of the Xsampan Job Corps. The goal of the XJC is to ensure the creation of quality jobs for Xsampans, and ensure that other portions of the project have adequate manpower. Furthermore, the XJC will ensure that, for projects such as the mega-infrastructure, and general infrastructure, there will be an adequate amount of workers available to assist with the project. The Xsampan Job Corps has been assigned to focus on general infrastructure, raising the South to the development of the North, ensure quality roads are maintained and help with the construction of hospitals and schools around the country. Not only will this help quality of living continue to rise in the South, it will allow mineral extraction efforts in the North to receive better quality roads, able to withstand the loads and the rough terrain to ensure an adequate supply of minerals to allies against imperialism, such as Lourenne.

While cities such as Metz-Leonid in the North remain the most developed in the country, and the concept of poverty is rare in these Northern developed cities, the South cannot say the same and combined with State Housing, and the XJC, Comrade Tsemo is determined to create a machine that is self-sufficient. By allowing an honest quality earning for Xsampans, and a roof over their head as they build themselves up, every effort is being taken to win the War Against Inequality. With the goal of enriching not just the South but also the entirety of Xsampa, the Job Corps will be essential in ensuring the Great Leap Forward is successful. Picking up where the New Economic Plan finished, the Great Leap Forward will be a major effort to raise the Xsampan economy.

The ultimate goal of the Great Leap Forward is a well developed modernized nation, where the prosperity of Metz-Leonid is equal to the rest of the country, from the most rural village to the bustling cities, the goal is complete prosperity across the country, where no Xsampan is left behind and inequality is a thing of the past. Comrade Tsemo has put forward a basic plan for the Great Leap Forward, where once the XJC completes it's task of road renovations and support for school and hospital constructions, the XJC will be redirected to supporting the expansion of industries such as the mining industry, textile industry and lumber industry, ensuring adequate jobs that can thrive without the XJC. Afterwards, a focus can be placed on the possibility of a highway or even a railway from South to North. However, these plans are simply plans, and it remains to be seen when they will be implemented but the focus for now is on the Xsampan Job Corps.

Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Apr 28, 2024 5:14 pm

Xsampan Industry to be supported; The push for industrialization in the Forgotten South begins.


July 22nd, 5476
The Great Leap Forward has seen it's first phase concluded with the XJC providing adequate results, and as such, Comrade Tsemo has looked to the second objective of the Great Leap Forward. Expansion of industry and industrialization in the South. While the South remains partially industrialized, only in major cities such as Unadertowan, rural areas or even less major cities cannot say the same. That must be changed and challenged. The Great Leap Forward will see an industrialized South.

To that end, Comrade Tsemo has ordered subsidizations of factories, whether they be producing quality lumber, refining minerals or working with textiles, they will be supported by the government in modernizations to increase efficiency. No more should our factories be in poor condition, no more should our factories be awful work places. To that end, by directly subsidizing factories, efforts can be made to raise the quality of efficiency and general work conditions in these factories. Regardless of what industry they are apart of, they will be supported. To ensure the scourge of inequality and unemployment is defeated, a quota is to be established. Not on production, but on the amount of workers hired, to ensure that every Xsampan can get a job.

By ensuring a quality job for every Xsampan and supporting the modernization of factories, the expected boosts are economic growth of some form and the first step to moving Xsampa away from an agrarian economy in the South and a semi-industrialized economy in the North. By creating a uniform set economy in the North and South, Xsampa can successfully begin moving forward, and with the need to create higher quality living, Comrade Tsemo will do whatever must be done to ensure Xsampa develops.

To that end, this phase of the Great Leap Forward will have no deadline, as the Party will review yearly progress reports from each province on industrialization and economic growth and determine where subsidies are needed most and where they aren't needed. This is to ensure adequate development and ensure government funds aren't wasted on over-development. Regardless, with factories being modernized, constructed and workers being employed, this Phase of the Great Leap Forward should provide bountiful results for Xsampa.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Wed May 01, 2024 2:50 am

Xsampa opens door of diplomacy to Western nations amidst foreign policy shift; Pro-Lourennais nations viewed favourably.

August 7th, 5477

Comrade Tsemo has made it his mission to raise the economy and subsequently, living standard of Xsampa by the end of his tenure as General-Secretary and it is no secret that the Great Leap Forward is a major effort to raise both factors, however Comrade Tsemo, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Xsampa have come to the realization that another factor can play into economic growth; trade. With that in mind, the question was raised of trade with who? Dysfunctional governments grip most of Dovani and while trade with Yingdala and Lourenne have benefits, two trading partners is not good for the nations trade volume. To that end, Comrade Tsemo unveiled an idea that only has emerged from the end of the Hubris War. That being diplomacy with the West.

While at first, this sounds like a betrayal of the Revolution and the Xsampan Proletariat, Comrade Tsemo has specified that this can only extend to anti-imperialist nations, such as those that supported Lourenne during the Hubris War, whether verbally or directly. Such nations include Dundorf, Dolgava, Aldegar, etc. While diplomacy with nations that were pro Beitenyu in the conflict has been thoroughly discussed and disregard by the Party, diplomacy with nations such as Dundorf, is expected to fit in with the new foreign policy. Instead of full anti-west sentiment, a staunch anti-imperialist sentiment shall be molded from it, and while the nation remains in favour of Pan-Dovanism, other nations that are anti-imperialist are valuable nations to cooperate with.

With all this in mind, Xsampa has opened the door of diplomacy to nations that supported Lourenne, such as Dolgava, Dundorf, Kalistan, NEK, and Aldegar, among others. Whether it be basic embassies, trade or anything else, Xsampa is moving forward in securing allies in the struggle against imperialism, and the War against Inequality by increasing the nations trade volume.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Drax » Thu May 02, 2024 3:51 pm

Xsampa Buys Trains with Textiles

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
Deltarianska Narodna Strana (DNS), Deltaria, Active
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sun May 05, 2024 1:23 pm

Trade Delegate sent to Kalistan; Expansion of Xsampan diplomacy

December 29th, 5478

In an effort to increase trade volume, Comrade Tsemo has opened up diplomacy with various states opposed to imperialism, such as Dundorf and Kalistan. While Dundorf has been a success, providing trains for textiles, which will help the Great Leap Forward once the mega-infrastructure project begins. For Kalistan, the nation holds an interest in Xsampan made textiles, in exchange for Kalistani cotton and hemp. To that end, a trade delegate has been sent to Kalistan, as apart of the People's Committee of Foreign Affairs.

The expected benefits from expanding the nations trade volume is allowing trade, and new goods into Xsampa, which will benefit the proletariat and expand the opportunity for economic growth. However, the trade will also help development, such as the trains being able to allow the creation of a railroad from North to South. Whatever the case, with a trade delegate sent to Kalistan, the nations trade volume will increase further more.
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