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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Wed May 01, 2024 5:49 pm


Foreign Minister Kronbach


Foreign Office, September 17, 5477: Foreign Minister Karl – Heinrich Kronbach announced that in the wake of the Bundesrepublik being elected to Seat A of the Security Council of the World Congress, Stella Bechtholdt has been named Permanent Representative to the Security Council by Bundeskanzlerin Klaudia Wahner.

It is generally recognized that it was the leadership of former Foreign Minister Stella Bechtholdt that made this election possible. The Wahner Administration firmly believes that the World Congress can be a very positive force for civilized conduct of international relations and is very glad for the Bundesrepublik to be in a posution to help make it happen.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Thu May 02, 2024 3:50 pm



Foreign Office, December 17, 5477: The Foreign Office has been working with the Foreign Ministry of Xsampa to structure a viable arrangement for helping Xsampa get some trains. ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER sources in the Foreign Office believe they understand it but the ethics of journalism prevent their saying their analysis is for certain.

The Government of Xsampa will be paying for the purchase by selling its textiles to our government owned Importunternehmen der Bundesrepublik (IdB) or Federal Republic Import Corporation which will promptly sell the textiles to domestic retailers, wholesalers or exporters or if necessary to textile dealers of other nations.

Dundorfische Umzugstechnologien (DUT) will be manufacturing railroad engines, cabooses, boxcars, passenger and dining cars and other railroad cars and getting them by rail to a port for transport to Xsampa.

It is expected that since DUT will not be delivering all the railroad cars at once that the funds from the textile sales will allow the Government of Xsampa to pay as they are delivered.

It is recognized that when DUT pays the freight charges to Xsampa rather than when Xsampa maritime transport takes delivery at an Artanian port that the price will be higher and it also recognized that things happen and time is money. So there is some risk to DUT.

In order to reduce that risk Kretsch Bank AG will be financing the actual manufacturing of the railroad cars and Schmitdgold Bank will be financing the transportation costs of DUT thereby shifting the risk to these investment banks. In order to protect these banks, the loan payments are guaranteed by Central Bank with funds appropriated to IdB.

There is a lot of money involved with the risk borne ultimately by the Bundesrepublik, but the Foreign Office is confident losses will be minimal and helping Xsampa into the family of nations involved n the international economic community is an extremely worthwile objective.

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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Fri May 03, 2024 6:43 pm



Bundestag, September 17, 5478: The Foreign Office has been working with the Foreign Ministry of the Holy Luthorian Empire to produce an agreement to regularize our relations. The Holy Luthorian Empire and the Bundesrepublik have both been working for Artanian stability during the Ikradon Civil War, the Kiralawan Aberration, the disputes over Migrant’s Pass, and the recent unpleasantness between the largest Terran economies as well as other lesser known disputes. Although both are members of two Artanian umbrella organizations, both felt it was time to regularize our nation to nation to nation relations.

The Agreement strengthens the trade relations between us. Both of us are major economies and this agreement will bolster them both as well as recognize each other’s sovereignty.

Word from the Foreign Office is that ratification is very likely to pass.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Sun May 05, 2024 6:27 pm



Foreign Minister Kronbach

Bundestag, February 17, 5479: Asked by ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER if it looked like he would be able to form a governing coalition, Foreign Minister Karl-Heinrich Kronbach responded:

Really hard to tell at this point although we are cautiously optimistic. Bundesprasident Sebastian Kranz put forward two proposals the first of which we are trying to put together. With five parties involved, negotiations are taking longer.

Do want to say my party, NDZP, was completely wrong in its estimates both on who would be elected Bundesprasident and how NDZP would fare in election. Completely wrong. Be that as it may, there seems to be support for this particular governing coalition of NDZP, DSDP, FLP and LDU. Even though NDZP probably got on the wrong side of just about everybody in this election.

The second proposed governing coalition of Bundesprasident Kranz does not appear to have support at this point so we would not expect it to not be implemented. So should the five party coalition fail to form, there is another possibility waiting in the wings that could take shape.
Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Mon May 06, 2024 11:58 am


Dundorf to restore Ambassador of Beiteynu
As Altatepec Treaty is adopted, Dundorf formally returns diplomatic delegation to Beiteynu.
May 5479

in other news:
- Niklas Weidinger set to resign as DSDP Secretary after historic blow-out in State local elections.
- Kronbach (NDZP) returns to the Chancellery leading a Grand-Coalition cabinet.
- [ADV] - Buy authentic Chontalen beer, now discounted by 12%!

DUNBURG, ODERVELD - Shortly after her inauguration, the new Foreign Minister, Elene Schwarzenberger of the DSDP, decided to congratulate our Lourennais ally and the Beiteynuese Foreign Minister on the Altatepec peace deal, which proceedings were observed by our Foreign Office and final text endorsed by former Minister Stella Bechtholdt. "In the aftermath of the Hubris War, it is important to build a Terra of peace and cooperation", said Schwarzenberger, "which is why we endorsed the newly found neutrality of Lourenne and Beiteynu, their peace treaty and commitment for a Humanitarian Terra." An ongoing issue for the Foreign Office, the treaty now allows Dundorf to restore the diplomatic mission to the north-western Majatran country which was recalled in 5471, when the conflict broke out, and a sole line of communication between two Foreign Ministers was kept - meanwhile trade suffered a major hit for both countries, causing a downturn especially for the Dundorfian alimentary industry, who used to export a lot in Yishelem.
Minister Rock of Beiteynu has been informed and he was glad that Dundorf would proceed to restore diplomacy with them, it is my belief that the post-Hubris war Beiteynu is a country with which we can develop positive relations, starting from trade.
- Elene Schwarzenberger

Schwarzenberger has also invited Minister Rock and Mr. Sneakhyeth to Dunburg to have further talks and discuss the best path forward for our bilateral relationship, now looked at with increasing optimism in Dunburg, and by our foreign experts at the Zeitung, always with a just amount of caution.
OOC: The cited Beiteynuese characters are RPed by GreekIdiot/Snizer, and not me.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Mon May 06, 2024 4:23 pm


After significant losses, the food industry is trying a comeback
The global supply chain issues and the Hubris War significantly reduced demand for Dundorfian alimentary products.
July 5479

in other news:
- Hans-Peter Julian, CEO of the "Den Zeitungs" Media Group, which acquired the Nordenhausen Allgemeine Zeitung the last month, announces the foundation of the "Daily Economy", business-oriented newspaper.
- The Börse of Nordenhaus saw positive spikes after Foreign Office's announcement over Beiteynu's diplomatic ties and ratification of Luthori treaty.
- "Economic investments in tourism are not sufficient", Op.Ed. by Economics Professor Frida Franziska Grüber.

NORDENHAUS, DUNLAKE - Once a envy of which Dundorfians were really proud, after this decade's events, including the Hubris War and the global market downturn, the alimentary industry of our country has experienced troubling times, especially because the market demand outside of Dundorf tanked and as a sector that relied most on global exports, the alimentary industries received negative reports one after another. Now, it's been some years since the conflict ended, and with a peace agreement that bolsters hope and infuses positive economic sentiments, some titans of the food industry are really trying to move past forward this moment and do a comeback.
Let's start from the agricoltural conglomerates, like Dastlesch and DKC (Dundorfische Körner und Cerealien). The latter, being an agricolture company producing corn and cereales mainly for the domestic market, didn't really suffer the lack of demand abroad, but it suffered because its domestic buyers couldn't place their products abroad, therefore impacting DKC indirectly and causing waste of unsold grain resources, a decline in profits and uncertainty for its workers - although we note there weren't layoffs caused by the crisis.

DKC, which operates mainly in Dunlake, western Oderveld and Chontalen, is now trying to adjust its production for the expected rise in demand domestically; fueled by the announcement by Dastlesch's CEO, Ms. Corinna Werder, the biggest buyer of DKC products, of resuming investments and hirings. In particular, Werder announced the arrival of new products, one of which goes in unchartered territory for the company: cat kibbles and dry foods. Futterkatzen is Dastlesch's latest attempt at expaning its reach, now wandering into petcare, with delicious food for your furry feline friend, which can come in fish, chicken or beef flavor (see picture). Similar to katze (cat), there's the Kat-Katz chocolate bar making its way into the market, confirming Dastlesch's strength in these kind of products, as the readers of our parent journal Zeitung will remember here and here.
Their main rival, Rutters, will also try to compete with them, by presenting new candy and chocolate bars, targeting the child and parents public, tempting them especially with new nuts-based chocolate and vegan chocolate bar, the latter a clear target product for the increasing share of the population who follows a vegan diet and have often to renounce to an essential good like chocolate in their lifes. Rutters has also suffered in these past years, but its leaders are hinting that the company may start producing a product for a community of niche-consumers: hummus with chocolate, which comes also in a vegan version without milk chocolate, named Tschoko-Humus.

To conclude the inaugural article of the Daily Economy, although not directly counted under food/alimentary industry, there is one sector of this economy which stood strong in this decade, and that is restaurants, bars and other catering businesses, they saw a steady number of clients attending them; confirming the tendency observed until now that the main cause of this economic struggles for the other food businesses was their reliance on export or reliance on domestic corporation which main economic source is exporting items. We note that in particular, bars in Chontalen reported an increase of beer sales, probably due to the September-Festival and to their football team losing the championship after many many years.

Futterkatzen promotional picture, by Dastlesch
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Tue May 07, 2024 4:29 pm



Chancellery, January17, 5480: For a number of years, Dundorfische trade with Burgerrepublik Dorvik has been in decline despite a partnership agreement calling for extensive trade. After a Bundeskabinett meeting concerning conference representation and civil war abroad, ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER asked Chancellor Karl-Heinrich Kronbach about trade with the Burgerrepublik, and Kronbach replied:

Certainly correct that trade has declined between us. It is no secret that the economic and international relations position of the Burgerrepublik is quite different than when the partnership agreement was made. More generally, economic and diplomatic relations between many nations have undergone considerable change.

At one time the Burgerrepublik was likely our most important trading partner particularly in exchange of weaponry, oil, gold and top of the line jewelry.

The Foreign Office and the Chancellor’s Office have been in talks with the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Burgerrepublik Dorvik led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Agnes Strack-Zimmer discussing ways to reenergize trade between our two nations.

At the moment we believe commitment to doing it and an Addendum to our existing treaty concerning tade will be a first step in strengthening our ties to the Burgerrepublik.

Increasing imports of gold, rare earth and multi role fighters is already stirring interest in the stock market.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Wed May 08, 2024 6:42 pm

A message from the Foreign Office:

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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Thu May 09, 2024 9:04 pm



Chancellery, February 17, 5481: ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER sources in the Bundeskanzler’s Office have learned that Chancellor Karl-Heinrich Kronbach met with Drusus Livius Strabo, the Abbot of Vitry le Francois on the Mainland of Kanjor, and his attorney to discuss the possible opening of a Chapter House of the Contemplative Monastic Order of Occidentalium.

The Abbot wanted to buy land in the mountainous part of Oberveld and open a chapter house. There were about 40 or so Dundorfische citizens who wished to join as Brothers and Novices. The ideal spot has been located which has a mountain stream for growing wasabi for putting a horse radish taste into their mustard which has been prepared in most locations where they have monasteries.

If allowed to operate they would have a Chapter House led by a Prior appointed by the Abbot. It would have a considerable endowment from the Order which will cover operating until it becomes self sustaining by mustard, wine and herb sales as well as growing their own vegetables and other foodstuffs. Besides working, the Monks pray and mediditate, have regular collective worship services and a weekly discussion of issues related to having a loving spirit.

The Order reputedly was founded in Badara by the survivors of a shipwreck. It has a First Master elected by the entire membership and confirmed by the Archbishop of Atyr. The First Master appoints the abbots who appoint the priors who admit Novices for training and selection as Brothers. A little over 300 years ago the Arch Patriarch of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church (APC) officially recognized the Order as an APC Monastic Order during the Eliasit ascendency.

The Chancellor indicated his understanding of current law would not bar their activities presuming they were not trying to run a school, but there was always a risk the Bundestag would ban religion. If that happened such a ban would mean no collective worship services but probably would not lead to confiscation of property or curtailing personal activity in individual cells.

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Re: Dundorf

Postby LC73 » Fri May 10, 2024 1:34 pm

Free Liberal Party Newsletter

The FLP joins the LDU

The Free Liberal Party has voted to join the Liberal Democratic Union alliance in an extraordinary conference in June 5481. Party leader Dierk Langer is happy that his motion got passed 145 votes to 55. Langer has moved the party towards the centre, proposing federalist policies and supporting centrist governance after the 5479 election gave a clear majority to right of centre parties. This is a drastic shift in party policy as the FLP had previously preferred to work with BH and Libertas where possible. However now, with the secularist turn of the party, the NLP and D95 seem like closer allies.

This alliance was not accepted in all wings of the party though as 22 board members, 8 Bundestag members and the majority of Dunlake and Grozvic party representatives have broken off from the official party to form the FLP (Rechts). This means that the current state governments will retain its right wing character. Members of this break away group are more secular and more economically liberal than the average FLP politician. It is expected that many of these members will run on BmW’s or Libertas’s list. The mainstream existing faction will be renamed FLP (Mitte) to avoid confusion and emphasise its centrist turn.
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