
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon May 06, 2024 2:53 am


March 1st 5479

The Dolgavan Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has announced a massive civilian infrastructure project which will see the expansion of Dolgava's civilian rail system outside of Hodari and more specifically the Aikums area to now cover the rest of the country and also the Island of Karzon as well. The plan which will cost a massive 63 billion DOLS over 10 years will see the retrofitting and creation of 7 electric high speed rail lines that will service the more populated areas of Dolgava. The lines will be produced with Government funds as well as massive private investments to cover the costs as well. As much of the old track as possible will be used but the creation of the electrical infrastructure as well as new stations will make up the bulk of the new funding however new lines to new cities will provide Dolgavans with more access to the rail network.

Existing Railroad Infrastructure

The new proposed system of lines that will help connect and vitalize Dolgava

The existing rail networks are scattered across Dolgava but provide commuters with no real option to use the system. It is more geared toward freight and long range travel. Currently Dolgava does not have a high speed rail network between cities to connect regions. The 7 new lines will serve purposes mostly for ease of travel but it will also serve to boost the Dolgavan tourist industry as well. The Aikums-Kirzon Line (Red) will stretch between the cities of Aikums and Kirzon with trains heading to the city of Konstanja as well and with more routes serving the West Coast of Hodari as well. This line will be especially useful for Aikums to Dolgavaoplis travel as it will make the trip between these two cities much easier for travelers. The Aikums to Ebenzing line (Blue) will be a tourist centric railway and will take passengers to the mountain towns of Konstanja and Ebenzing. The Sankt Basil to Ebenzing line (Yellow) will primaily take passengers between the two cities as they are rail hubs but also will serve the city of Blöndalur as well. The Kirzon to Noversk Route (Light Blue) will serve passengers that want a quick route between Noversk and Hodari. The Sankt Basil to Dolgarburg Line (Orange) will primarily serve the West Coast of Lirath and will provide connection to Trigrad and Dolgarburg to Noversk and vice versa. The Trigrad to Vallupe (Light Green) Line will serve the northern coast of Dolgava and will connect the Northern Coast with the rest of the Dolgavan rail network. Finally on the Island of Karzon The Karzon Line (Purple) will provide connecting services across Karzon.

Once complete these lines will have seamless connections for passengers to be able to take multiple in a reasonable time frame to be able to travel across the country. The lines will have 24 hour as well as overnight service options for passengers and shorter less expensive options for commuters. The lines will dramatically shape the transportation infrastructure in Dolgava with the Government calling it a "big step forward" for Dolgavan civilian infrastructure. The Prime Minister has made it one of his key policy platforms of his administration along with a proposed addition of several nuclear power plants to the Dolgavan energy grid. The Government is confident that this system will be important and widely used by Dolgavans, and that it will quickly become a world leading example of railroad enegineering. Currently the plan is in its beginning stages but work will start on the project in 5480 with an expected 7-10 year time frame until it is fully complete.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed May 08, 2024 11:44 pm


September 3rd 5480

In a reported deal stemming from sources in the Dolgavan Ministry of Defense, the Dolgavan Air Force and the Royal Dolgavan Navy have each purchased an unknown number of land based surface to surface missiles. These will be both on land based launchers as well as on truck based platforms which will be able to be deployed across the country mainly for anti-ship defense. Dolgava is naturally a very defensible country but with the aftermath of the Hubris War looming large on Terra's mind, it became apparent to Dolgavan defensive strategist that something has to be done to ensure that Dolgava is well defended from adversaries attempting to Attack Dolgava with their warships.

Most importantly the way Beiteynu lost by depending too much on their allies for support, while lagging behind in methods of eradicating warships, was the main reason for their defeat. Dolgavan planners have studied this and have learned from it. Dolgava's allies are much more trustworthy and established than Beiteynu's were but it is clear that if Dolgava wants reliable defense, they must rely on themselves! Dolgava's main threat to invasion lies with a coordinated sea and naval invasion, and Dolgavan planners know this. Especially with the Island of Karzon being separated from the rest of mainland Dolgava, it makes both attacking and defending both difficult. Dolgava's main defense is the defensibilty of their coastlines and the ability to crush a naval invasion before they get the chance to even get close to landing on Dolgavan soil. These new cruise missile emplacements will ensure that it makes this action extremely costly and difficult for any attackers.

Dolgava will be working with Hutorian based aerospace corporations but these details are few and far between. The Dolgavan Ministry of Defense has confirmed these reports with a spokesperson saying that

We find these moves necessary to ensure the safety and security of Dolgava moving forward.

but failed to say anything substantial about the deal. Defensive and military strategists have pointed to the many sites and the secrecy of the details of this plan to be the main strength of this deal as hidden cruise missiles scattered and mobile across the country will make any attacking force nearly blind in terms of facing a well built Dolgavan defensive strategy. This along with the launching of SMS Lasis merely a few months ago, points to an increase in Dolgavan military buildup which has become apparent, is in reaction to the Hubris War. The powers at be were once trusted, but many in Dolgava now see them as aggressors and as bad actors across the globe. Hutori and Lodamun remain Dolgava's closest allies, along with Luthori and the rest of the Commonwealth coming close behind them. For Dolgava this deal solidifies, their closeness to the government in Bekenial.

The Prime Minister and the Dolgavan Government at large has been silent on this action with questions to the press being simply ignored. The deal has been announced but it is clear that that is all the Dolgavan Government wants the public and the world at large, to know...

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu May 09, 2024 7:48 am


September 17th 5480

It is the end of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere but that did not stop the Dolgavan Empress from making a visit to Kalistan for some rest and relaxation as well as spending time with her friend the Kalistani Empress. With ongoing tensions in Seleya, something that is not only stressful for the Kalistani Government but the Kalistani monarchy at the same time, the Dolgavan Empress thought it was a good time for a goodwill visit. The Empress upon landing in Kaliburg visited with the Kalistani Empress and her family. While at the Royal Palace she did not speak to the press and made sure her presence was as discrete as possible as to not attract attention.

She visited Downtown Ananto, being able to blend in with the crowd and being far away from the politics of Aikums. The Empress was able to spend time with the Prince and her children, Prince Johan and Princess Svena. She spent the rest of her visit, touring the natural beauty of Kalistan and visiting the Terran renown, Kalistani beaches. Dolgavan monarchs in the past have spent time at Kalistani resorts. Kalistan has been known as a partying and relaxation destination for many years and even Empress's need some time to relax and recharge from their busy everyday lives

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri May 10, 2024 7:57 am


Dolgavan Government Strongly Condemns Coup in Kizenia and New Endralon, Pledges Support to the Kingdom Against the Communists!

The Dolgavan Prime Minister Made a Televised Address to the Nation About the Ongoing Events in Kizenia and New Endralon

PM Calls for "Peace in Keris" - PM urges Dolgavans to Leave the United Kingdom, immediately!

March 30th 5481

In a Statement to the Nation, the Dolgavan Prime Minister Ruuben Rootare has announced that the Dolgavan Government has taken action to support the United Kingdom of Kizenia and New Endralon and strongly condemning the Communist uprisings that have left the nation torn apart and the Queen dead. In his statement he also stated that the Dolgavan Government will be accepting refugees and asylum seekers as well as closing the border between the two countries until order is restored in the United Kingdom. The Dolgavan Government is come out strongly against the Communists who instead of resorting to peaceful means of attempting to take power, they have resorted to civil uprising, and civil war.

The speech went as follows,

*The Following is a Address of the Prime Minister of the Dolgavan Empire on the Situation in the United Kingdom Kizenia and New Endralon*

"My fellow citizens,

The events of the past couple of days in the neighboring country of the United Kingdom of Kizenia and New Endralon are frankly shocking, disgusting and reprehensible. In the past week Dolgavan Intelligence can prove the fact that the United Kingdom has fallen into a state of civil war. Lead by popular uprising elements of the Far left in that country have taken to the streets in a showing of undemocratic violence. Also we have seen the murder of the rightful monarch of the United Kingdom Elizabeth I has been killed in a barbaric act, by what is believed to be elements of the radical Kaminskist movement and their party. This party known as the Popular Front of the Three People's is now at war with the United Kingdom, and threatens to delve Kizenia and New Endralon and Keris into darkness and conflict.

Let me be clear. The Dolgavan Empire unequivocally supports the United Kingdom of Kizenia and New Endralon as the rightful and only Government of that nation. We do not recognize any Government that will kill and shoot down planes to obstruct peace on Keris. In the eyes of the Dolgavan Government, this new Kaminskist movement does not want peace on this continent. Furthermore, and I am speaking to the people of Kizenia and New Endralon now. If you are afraid of persecution, of violence and of war, do not hesitate to go to the Dolgavan Embassy or to show yourself at the Kizenian-Dolgavan border with proper identification and documents. We will ensure your safety and security as well as your freedom. Next as a protection of the Dolgavan State, the border with the United Kingdom will be closed to ALL non refugee and asylum seeker or returning Dolgavan citizen traffic immediately! To all Dolgavans in the country I urge you to leave immediately! We will be sending units of the Dolgavan Home Guard to ensure that the movement of Dolgavans through the border is done in a quick, efficient and safe process.

We Dolgavans urge for peace in Kizenia and New Endralon and for peace in Keris! We hope that the old system is able to stay and that peace between our two nations is assured. However the Dolgavan Empire will not work with murderers or those that believe that violence comes before Democracy!

Thank You"

The Dolgavan Government is clear, they recognize the United Kingdom as the one true government in Kizenia and New Endralon and are extremely upset by the violence breaking out across that nation. As Keris holds its breath, it is clear that the continent is in for a bumpy ride these next few months and years. One can hope that peace finally is restored fully to Kizenia and New Endralon in a timely manner!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri May 10, 2024 11:57 am


Dolgavan Coast Guard and Merchant Fleet Advise all Dolgavan Flagged Vessels from Entering Meridian Straight - Citing "Rise of Instability" in the Region

Dolgavan Flagged Vessels have been Warned From Using the Meridian Straight After Lourenne breached Laws of the Sea and Increasing Questionable Decision making

Dolgavan Government Urges Dolgavan Flagged Vessels to Travel through the Ananto Straight

June 2nd 5481

In a deceive vote by the Dolgavan Merchant Marine Authority with cooperation of the Coast Guard, nearly 75% of Business representatives approved a plan and stance to encourage Dolgavan Flagged Vessels from using the Meridian Straight as apart of the aftermath of Lourenne's Decision to ban all foreign military vessels through the straight. This decision is unprecedented and violates the world renown treaty titled "Laws of the Sea". Dolgavan merchants as well as the Dolgavan Coast Guard have become increasingly worried by these actions and have decided to ensure that Dolgavan vessels do not even stray near to the area. One merchant Representative called the decision a "natural response to a radical decision" and a "safeguard for the peaceful flow of commerce and business". Dolgavan vessels heading to Lourenne are advised to not do so during this time and instead are asked to go north to avoid the straight. This will significantly impact Dolgavan shipping companies but it will impact positively

The Dolgavan Coast Guard made sure to make it clear that these countries would be better off instituting policies similar to the joint Dolgavan and Lodamun, Karzon Straight initiative, which unlike something like the Meridian Straight, is free for all nations to do business and commerce through, something that these nationalist treaties are starting to see the negative impacts of. A spokesperson for the Coast Guard said "It is their choice to block the straight, so buisness will move to places where nationalism and idealism does not cloud the financial impacts of their decision".

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri May 10, 2024 1:09 pm


June 12th 5481

The Dolgavan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dolgavan Government is proud to welcome the signing nations of the The Northern Security Treaty Organisation (NSTO) to Aikums to sign and be apart of the opening charter of the alliance. This defense and cooperation alliance will be a new alliance that will seek to end the chaos and disorder of the decades prior to the Hubris War and the aftermath. This agreement will bring nations together in peace and prosperity. The charter was decided to be in Dolgava, as a show that this alliance is truly international and Keris being a perfect middle continent for dignitaries to meet at.

The current signatory nations include, Dolgava, Hutori, Lodamun, Baltusia, Luthori and Narikaton and Darnussia. These nations will makeup the founding charter nations of the treaty. The details of the treaty have been worked out for months and multiple bills are being put forward to sign the treaty in a handful of countries. More details about this event and the treaty will be made once it is ratfied officially and the official ceremony will be in a matter or months. (OOC: Giving some time for people to make posts) Let is hope this is the beginning of a brighter future for the countries involved and Terra as a whole.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat May 18, 2024 9:40 am


May 10th 5485

It is heavily rumored that the Dolgavan Prime Minister Ruuben Rootare is on his way out as the leader of the Dolgavan Conservative Party and the Premiership. Rootare has increasingly become known by skeptics as "the status quo" with many saying that Dolgava is in a perpetual state of Conservative governance. However today a new party has appeared. They hope to challenge the entrenched Conservatives and make Dolgava a 2 party state for the first time in decades. The movement is led by an author Emma Cīrule who has made books about the history of Dolgavan Feminism and has been an outspoken critic of the Conservative Party. In a ceremony in Fort Karzonpils, she declared a "new age" for Dolgava. She also said that "The left in Dolgava has long been dormant, the Conservatives have been having things easy. However now they will feel the power of the people!"

Cīrule has seemingly begun her campaign by arguing that Dolgava has been preparing for a military threat that seemingly does not exist. She said that the people of Kizenia and New Endralon were "heroes". She said that the birth of the Social Democrats will "ensure that Democracy and checks exist to make sure the Conservatives cannot have their will with the Dolgavan people".

Snap polls conducted by the DBC show significant support for the Social Democrats in urban centers and on the island of Karzon, but it is clear that most of the negative press is concerned with the Prime Minister and that polls with a new Conservative Prime Minister show increased continued support for the Conservatives. Cīrule mentioned this saying that "the people of Dolgava have a long fight but it is a fight I am willing to do. This country needs an opposition and we need to ensure that one party does not have all the power!"

For now there is nothing from Conservative sources about the new party with the Prime Minister expected to speak in the coming days about Dolgava's joining into the Northern Security Treaty Organization. For now it appears that simply this party does not pose a significant enough threat to their power.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat May 18, 2024 9:59 am


PM Resigns, New Prime Minister Appointed by Parliament will be Businessman Ludoviks Veinbergs

The New Dolgavan Prime Minister, Former CEO of Haldar Bank

Former PM cites "declining health" as the reason for his resignation

May 12th 5485

In a per-recorded address the Dolgavan Prime Minister Ruuben Rootare resigned. He cited health problems as the reason for his retirement. He thanked the Dolgavan people for their continued support before leaving it up to the Dolgavan Parliament to approve a new Prime Minister. They appointed businessman and Right-Wing figurehead Ludoviks Veinbergs. Veinbergs was hte longtime CEO of Dolgavan Banking firm Haldar Bank. Haldar Bank was a Dolgavan-Dorvish investment bank which consolidated into being an entirely Dolgavan bank when Dorvik's monarchist government collapsed. Veinburg is considered to be a Reactionary politician and someone who desires Dolgava's "embrace of Hosianism".

He was appointed by a super majority of Parliament as is customary for Dolgavan Prime Ministers after they resign. Rootare had the option to appoint his successor but his deep unpopularity shows that someone was needed with no ties to the existing Government.

The newly created Social Democratic Party (SDD), which politically is still in its infancy called the vote a "turn to extremism", citing Veinbergs ties to the Dorvish state. Emma Cīrule the leader of the SDD said that fresh elections were needed citing a change in "the Dolgavan perspective". Despite this it seems that the incoming Prime Minister will enjoy a significant approval rating boost as his populist policies as well as his heavy criticism for the SDD as well as the Communists in Kizenia and New Endralon have made him a popular voice of the Conservatives and the right in general in Dolgava. Despite the SDD's best wishes it seems the Right will be the kingmakers in Dolgava for a long time to come.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon May 20, 2024 1:55 am


A Long Time Coming:

Today the news coming from Kizenia and New Endralon is dire. The country once heralded as an emerging power in not only Keris but Terra as a whole is now a shell of its former self, it is in the midst of a civil war, cut off from the rest of the continent and the world. The news stories coming out of the country are bleak with the Royal Family now imprisoned, the Socialist gangs ruling the streets and the Dual Kingdom now a long dead institution. This result did not happen overnight and despite the reactions from the rest of Terra as well as from countries closely aligned to the situation, it is clear to see what happened. This brand of extreme socialism does not pop up overnight, it takes years for it to take root before fully embedding itself into a society. It is best that Dolgava as well as the other Conservative to moderate leaning Democracies take note and remember the lessons learned in Kizenia and New Endralon, to ensure that this type of radicalism does not continue to spread across the globe.


It is easy for one side to blame the other for this tragedy but let us now take a deep dive into the many events that took Kizenia and New Endralon down this route. Before I continue I would be re-missed if I do not include Dolgava and Kizenia's troubled past as I believe this is a small part of the overall downward spiral of that country in a small way. For a long time Dolgava and Kizenia and New Endralon were on good terms both culturally and politically. Both the Dolgavan and Kizenia and New Endralonian Governments were ideologically similar, with the Kizenian monarchy stemming from the Dolgavan House of Rothengren-Ludwig. During this time Kizenia started to rapidly grow its geopolitical power forming a personal union in Trigunia. This was a major step toward something that for centuries seemed like a pipe dream, pan Kerisian cooperation. However this did not last long. In 5446 Trigunia elected a Socialist Government which declared that the ties between the two nations were broken. This was an event that was deeply traumatic to the Government and people of the United Kingdom and at the same time broke Dolgava's chances at establishing the Kerisian Economic Union in the process.

This event was dire by itself but it was the Dolgavan reaction that kicked this crisis into a full blown continental crisis. The then Dolgavan Prime Minister Veronika Witting declared that Dolgava supported the will of the people of Trigunia. Now it is believed by historians that this decision was made to lessen the tensions between Dolgava and Trigunia, as both nations have had a troubled past, but it completely and utterly backfired on the Dolgavan Government. The United Kingdom now had reason to believe that Trigunia and Dolgava were teaming up to crush their influence on the continent, and immediately severed ties. This decision not only crushed Dolgavan and Kizenian relations but it was the fist step of many that led to the Communist takeover of Kizenia...

Outside Diplomacy:

The United Kingdom at this point lost trust completely with most of Keris. As Dolgava reeled from what the Witting Government saw as a harsh reaction. Kizenia took radical steps toward ensuring their stability and future. This began with courting the Kingdom of Lourenne. In 5450 Kizenia would sign a "unique military partnership" in which Lourenne would provide support in building of bases and strengthening the United Kingdom's military. They also housed the Second Fleet of the Lournenne Navy as a deterrent, mainly aimed at Dolgava and this threat was immediately doing its part by signaling alarm bells across the Dolgavan Government, and furthering the degradation of tensions in the region. At the time Lourenne said that "Keris can only be safe and free from neo-imperialism under the leadership of New Endaralon/Kizenia". However what they didn't realize is that this would be the beginning of the end of Kizenia's moderate Government and that this act of good intention, was a major pice in the downfall of the Kizenian State.

Artania Gets It's Foot in the Door:

Luthori not to be outdone by Lourenne decided, it wanted to spread it's influence to Kizenia and New Endralon as well. Using the well known diplomacy through Royal Families, Luthori was able to position itself to marry into the Kizenian Royal Family and thus ensuring that Fort William and the United Kingdom maintain close ties moving forward. This had the complicated affect of attempting to side Kizenia with Luthori against Lourenne, in a now Geopolitical tug of war, for a major player in Keris. Despite the courting and ceremony, both states merely wanted to use Kizenia as a pawn for their geopolitical ambitions... The United Kingdom's election of 5468, despite the UnionLiberals winning the election, the Social Democrats who were openly against the Monarchy, came in second, a sign of things to come...

Communist Revolution Matures:

At this point the Communist movement was growing but needed a spark to propel it into the national spotlight. The Nationalist Attack against the Crown Prince and Princess of the United Kingdom was the spark that set the revolutionists in motion. Their deaths led the Kizenian monarchy to go to the Empress Consort who by many inside of Kizenia, seemed to be the face of a Luthorian takeover of Kizenia... The tragic deaths of the crown prince and princess were meant to instill chaos and disorder and because of the outside meddling by Luthori and others, it would bring about chaos and disorder on magnitudes that the perpetrators would have never imagined would have been possible.

With the ruler of Kizenia now deeply entrenched with the Luthorian Monarchy, it was only a matter of time before the longstanding arguments made by the radical left in Kizenia started to stick. The monarchy and the Kingdom were seen as a puppet of Luthori. The final straw came when Kizenia and Dolgava tried to make amends, this was portrayed as a move by Luthori into bringing Kizenia into Luthori's sphere, which was the straw that broke the camels back. If we know one thing about Keris, it is that the states of Keris do not appreciate being controlled by any outside power and the Communist have taken this fear and ran with it. The perfect storm was now complete.

What Can We Learn?:

Despite Dolgava's distaste for Kizenia in recent years, the two states are not entirely different from each other. They are both heavily backing of the Monarchy. They have had longstanding conservative Governance. They are both fiercely independent, and they both do not like being told what to do by anyone. With Dolgava seeing a rise in the Social Democratic Party, which has said publicly that they will support the Dolgavan Monarchy and Democracy, there are still lessons we can all learn here. The first is that Dolgava must keep a safe distance away from major global powers. Dolgava has had a cordial relationship with Luthori and the members of the Commonweatlh for some time. Some of the highlights have been Dolgava's relationship with Lodamun and Hutori. One being a relatively new ally while the other being Dolgava's oldest continued ally. Dolgava needs to shed any criticism that they are being influenced by Luthori or they want to ensure what happened to Kizenia, doesn't happen to them. Keris is deeply independent,and Dolgava must ensure that it doesn't make the same mistake.

The second thing that Dolgava must do is, ensure that foreign powers do not get a foothold in Keris again. If Dolgava wants to legitimize itself and grow its regional and domestic power across the globe. It should ensure that foreign powers including Luthori, keep themselves removed from Keris. When it comes to states such as Lodamun or close neighbors to Keris, this does not have to be the case, but for far away powers like in Majatra, Artania, Dovani and even southern Seleya. Dolgava must ensure that foreign powers cannot influence the continent, to disastrous results again.

The struggle for Keris between Lourenne and especially Luthori was an abject failure. It shows the dangers of states attempting to gain influence on states that do not want it, and it shows the consequences of these actions. Dolgava is closely allied to Luthori, it is true, but if it wants to take the next step it must stand up for Keris and ensuring that the continent is demilitarized to non-Kerisian powers completely. By being the peacekeeper of Keris, you gain both the support of Kerisians as well as international respect and prestige. By all means, keep close ties with Luthori but set boundaries! Do not let Keris become a Luthorian outpost or anyone's outpost for that matter. If Dolgava wants this, they need to stand up for themselves and their continent and ensure that Keris has the right to self determination. Self determination in Keris is better for Dolgava but for the entire continent and the peace of the continent. Political tug of war does not work, peace and stability, that is what works.

The University of Aikums is Dolgava's Premier University which has stood since 2120. Our Mission Statement is "To provide the next generations of Dolgavans with the finest classes and education they need to succeed while promoting and advancing knowledge"
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon May 20, 2024 5:58 am


April 3rd 5486

There was celebration in the Conservative ranks today as the Conservatives once again delivered a landslide victory. This time it was behind fresh Prime Minister Ludoviks Veinbergs who has promised to significantly lower taxes and cut national spending, instead shifting priorities to national infrastructure repair. For the Social Democratic Party of Dolgava (SDD) the night was one of disappointment as they had been working hard to start a get out to vote event and they had managed to put up challengers to every seat in the Dolgavan Parliament except for two. The SDD did not win a single seat with the closest they would come would be a 6 point difference in the Aikums Township seat currently held by Independent MP Fabiāns Šteins,

The Conservatives called this for what it was saying that Vienberg's Government had received a "huge mandate" from the Dolgavan people. Voter turnout was energized with many excited to back the political outsider for Prime Minister. In a speech in Aikums Vienberg thanked the Dolgavan people saying

Tonight the voice of the Dolgavan people has been clear. They want a Government that puts them first! Not one that increases spending and increases taxes but one that keeps taxes reasonable and lowers unnecessary spending! Tonight we have a true inarguable mandate from the Dolgavan people to lead and to lead this country onward to a better future! One that maintains a free Dolgava, a strong Dolgava and a safe Dolgava. We can do this by ensuring our border is secure, boosting the strength of our armed forces and maintaining law and order inside of our country!

Vienberg has also been extremely supportive of Dolgava's veterans saying that PTSD and other problems that are shared by Dolgavan military personnel throughout the decades. He has called PTSD "the scourge" of the Dolgavan military and has been vocally supportive of increased healthcare and support to Dolgavan military personnel.

Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Dolgava (SDD), Emma Cīrule

On the other side sits the SDD which won a few local elections as well as a few mayoral elections. The leader of the party Emma Cīrule said that this election was "only the beginning" and that she and her party was ready to "fight for Dolgava over the long term". Her party got nationally around 4.5% of the vote, with higher pockets of support in Aikums, Noversk and Fort Karzonpils. The party is merely a year in the making and Ms. Cīrule said that she is "satisfied" with the results and said that "the fight is not over, it is never over. I trust the Dolgavan people will give us a chance in the future".

The Dolgavan Broadcasting Company is funded in whole by the Dolgavan government
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Tue May 21, 2024 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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