
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue May 07, 2024 8:47 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
"Greater good for none"; 6th teaser reveals anagram hidden in plain sight
February 5480

Valois, Lourenne - Yishelem's infamous motto, which recently came under fire as a pretentious excuse, "tov yoter lehoulam" (greater good for all), is known the world over as the Yeudi Way's unprecedented juxtaposition; Beiteynu, the only country that gets away with being double-faced, all the time.

Valoir Studio's 6th teaser points out that "lehoulam" is actually an anagram of archaic Yeudish "malouhel", which means "for none".

Baruch Lea Tzafrir's administration instituted that motto back in 5200.

Baruch, of the Tzafrirs, of the House of Elior.

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed May 08, 2024 8:13 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
MOFA travels to Eroncourt to address "Xsampan" debacle
May 5480


Eroncourt, Lourenne - The Medinat Department's recent decision to blacklist Xsampa on a Level 2 in the Reshimat Hara (Yeudi Shitlist) put the Aristocrat-Goldbloom Administration "under fire" when the Palace of Oisy of the Royal Ministry of International Affairs released a press statement as a response, following a 5479 publication by Dr. Veloute of the Universite De Lourenne (which sparked reactions in both Luthori and Xsampa); a publication that also criticised Beiteynu.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Adam Rock travelled to Eroncourt to meet with the RMIA, which claimed that Yishelem was in direct violation of the Altatepec Treaty. The immediate escalation from the Head of the Medinat Department to the Minister himself may potentially point to a pending resignation of Mr. Avodi.

It's important to note that Sneakyeth Avodi was the one who handled the Altatepec proceedings directly on behalf of the Homeland.

Mr. Rock made the following statement from the Beiteynuese embassy in Eroncourt:

Regardless of perceptions and opinions, it's important to align with the United Kingdom on optics and perspective; traits that, regardless of what Yishelem, Fort William or any other involved party believe, are universal and not subject to who's right and wrong.

Although the issuance of a HARA-2 to Xsampa is within the Homeland's right to pursue as an independent nation, just like any sovereign nation can decide with which states it maintains relations and with which states it does not, we understand that the optics are not in the best of circumstances [...], considering that the policy was applied so close after both the Homeland State and the United Kingdom signed the Altatepec Treaty.

My arrival here is meant to attempt to assuage our partners's concerns that a HARA-2 is nowhere near the deterrence policies of HARA-3 and HARA-4 and we will most assuredly not interfere nor intervene in how and where Xsampa chooses to conduct its own affairs, domestically and internationally.

We simply do not wish to engage with a state that has displayed a clear ambivalence towards nations in the West with no reparation intentions in sight.

And it is our outmost responsibility to also advise the Yeudi People around the world.

When asked whether Beiteynu would be willing to revert the HARA-2 for Xsampa, he responded:

Absolutely, should the United Kingdom continue to feel unease. We would prefer if it doesn't come to that, of course.

He declined to comment on counts of "under advisement with the RMIA" pertaining to Luthori's recent military deployment in Baltusia and whether Beiteynu, Lourenne and by extension Gaduridos, Kalistan, Dundorf and N&D would perceive this action as a direct challenge to the Altatepec Treaty.

The Kohav (Military Command) is currently consulting with Bannerhafen in regards to the massive, and unclear, recent armament from Luthori.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed May 08, 2024 9:34 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
BNC introduces Deterrence Doctrine; the navy's version of the "Yeudi Way"
May 5480


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - It seems the Tafsik (Deterrence) Doctrine that's been in the works by the MOD for a few years now is ironically the navy's interpretation of the infamous Yeudi Way that the Medinat Department swears by. Minister of Defence Ariel Tzafrir was joined by the Naval Chief in a press conference this morning from the BNC's headquarters in Himmelshtern, to announce the introduction of the new naval doctrine.

The Naval Chief's opening statement:

We got 2 major lessons from the war.

[begins to gulp a 0.5L bottle of Avienne water]

[moments pass]

[journalists begin looking at each other, gulping continues]

[finishes bottle]

First, we engaged in direct conflict, but indirect weaponry had the most effect.

Second, we did not lose the war because of direct conflict, but indirect movements.

It makes absolutely no sense for the Beiteynuese Naval Command to continue its past doctrine of trying to imitate the directness of heavyweights. Directness is simply not something we're good at, much less excel at. We never were. We never will.

We should have focused on indirect weaponry and indirect movements.

Now that; that's the thing we're good at.


The Tafsik Doctrine, is a strategic reaction plan attached to the military's Azhara Doctrine, but for the navy. However, the doctrine also institutes indirectness, meaning that the deployment of Shahar Fleets will occur in other, related locations, not where the action is.

Simply put, if the danger is in the Artanian Sea, a Shahar Fleet will deploy to the Red Bass Ocean, from the other side.

And another to the Migrant's Pass; and another to the Majatran Strait.

Preparing to, well, engage in indirect tactics.


To solidify the navy's transition to the new doctrine, the BNC confirmed the disbandment of Zaar and Moledet Fleets, essentially basing the navy's structure on 3 fleets in charge of the Homeland's defence and 4 Shahar Fleets in charge of deterrence tactics.

Each defensive fleet will consist of a minimum of 3 divisions themselves: defence, intelligence and deterrence.

Shahar Fleets, on the other hand, will move towards the newly introduced Kadima (Forward) CSG formations, with further details yet to be released, excluding the confirmed defence contracts for the intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM) capable Nekama-class cruisers announced 2 years ago.


The Naval Chief also confirmed the transformation of the Nahshol CSG into Kadima I, to be stationed in the 3rd Point Base, upon completion. Which, technically, makes it a carrier strike group deployed on Artanian soil.


Experts have surmised that the Beiteynuese Naval Command's transition to this lightweight and agile method of indirect tactics may pose a risk to Beiteynu's capabilities in ensuring the security of the Yeudish Neset and the Homeland State itself.

Apparently, the Kohav seems to hedge its bets on the repositioning of the Yeudish Neset, relying on handpicked alliances such as the Yishelhafen Pact.

And, of course, Sato's and Black Beisa's terrifying Yeudicho ICBMs that destroyed an entire fleet during the war.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed May 08, 2024 6:42 pm

Larissa Novikoviana, head of MCR committee for Information and Propaganda Resistance

MCR condems the Medinat dept, calls Luthori bitches with small dicks alongside denouncing the "Yeudi shitlist": the list in their sight?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. Unsurprisingly to many, Beiteynu's ultrareformist and radical party that could be compared to a pain in the ass of some and painkiller to some, has yet again went in the opposite direction of the government as MCR's head for the Information and Propaganda Resistance committee, Larissa Novikoviana, held a press conference, with party approval, denouncing the book in very bold and direct statement which is the following,
Those wanna be baddies in the diplomatic arena but gentelmen fucking their cousins in the sheets didn't think that maybe they should seek professional psychological help instead of going to jerk off the dick of a random person that accuses another country on baseless claims. In addition, dare i say that son of a bitch was so good at riding that luthorian dick and licking their boots so hard they reflected like mirrors is one hell of a pick me bitch going out of their way to insult their own home country on ideological reasons as if them being the capital of incestuous marriages and intellectually underdeveloped twats wasn't shameful on its own, they have also gone so far up the luthorian royal ass that the only thing they can see is the deep shit that is both the Medinat department and the luthorian publisher of the book. Because not only did riding their dick and shaking their ass for the sake daddy luthori's approval they also managed to be the bitch of the Beiteynuese too because apparently our Medinat department is way too busy throwing a tantrum like a toddler because a country rightful banned a book insulting it and comparing it to horrendous regimes, I don't say this as the head of the Information and Propaganda Resistance committee but also as a doctor in the field of Propagandism and its use by multiple governments including ours and this book is the wannabe version of those "Hero go fucks his mom and ends up liberating his country while being a bitch to everyone" that's if we put it kindly, I have read the book and let me tell you DOGSHIT it is riddled with mistakes outright lies and literal sponsoring because those counsinfucking teamunching orangetoothed cunts don't like having a SOVEREIGN nation chose the path of communist since their weak ass institutions can't handle having their visions challenged. To finish this rant, all I can say is that they can go fuck themselves and shit in their hands before clapping to the fact that Luthori is the only nation that managed to make all of it family trees a circle instead of an ACTUAL tree.

In addition Larissa called for the abolition of the Yeudi Shitlist at least demolish the last tier given its "threatening nature to international harmony" alongside calling for the enactment of laws ensuring press neutrality to become mandatory just like the Lourennai law forcing all news outlets to remain neutral.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri May 10, 2024 6:32 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
MSCO Representative criticises Luthorian Minister of State
May 5481

St. Cedric, Narikaton & Darnussia - Yeshua Shavit, the Beiteynuese Permanent Representative to the MSCO and former Emergency Secretary-General, was met with extensive media pressure while visiting the 3rd Point Base in Narikaton & Darnussia, regarding Fort William's recent response to the MSCO.

The Minister of State for Commonwealth Affairs heavily criticised the previous comments by Badaran Secretary-General Ismail Tzafrir, who is actually a member of the House of Elior and a Duke of Amshinov himself, calling for the MSCO to "mind its own business".

He ultimately decided to respond to one of the questions posed by one of our journalists:

Central Artania has failed again and again to present a coherent policy.

Kundrati's devastating actions during the war were the latest testament to that, Luthori's direct challenge to the Altatepec Treaty is now the most recent one in a long line of inconsistencies; inconsistencies, in fact, that constantly pose security challenges.

Artania's state of regional affairs was in fact so dire, Majatra itself had to lead Artanians with the JAMS Agreement.

I'd argue that what is actually "unacceptable" is the lacklustre enthusiasm for cooperation, to put it mildly.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri May 10, 2024 1:46 pm

Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Fri May 10, 2024 9:03 pm

Currently in:
- Dundorf: Dundorfs Sozialdemokratische Partei
- Beiteynu: Ha'mahaneh Ha'demokrati Beiteinu
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri May 10, 2024 9:29 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Valoir Studio implicates Thallers in latest teaser for "War of Lost Souls"
August 5481

Valois, Lourenne - The film producer and distributor from Lourenne has dropped the 7th teaser (we assume there'll be 8 for obvious reasons), implicating the Thallers from Narikaton and Darnussia in a mysterious undertone that hints at multiple sides knowing about the war, years before it happened.

Catch the previous teaser, here.

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun May 12, 2024 9:20 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Navee with "Lost for you" to represent Beiteynu in upcoming FOMAT
May 5482


Tel Bira, Beiteynu - Navee, a local Kundratijan-Yeudi from the West Bank jumped to stardom when in 5478 Valoir Studio dropped the 1st teaser for upcoming film "War of Lost Souls" using his song, "Lost for you". Navee was inspired by the 5471 "Marching off to Lourenne" poem by an unknown Yeudi sailor called "Hyrvi", which captured the heartbreak of what almost everyone now considers a "brotherly" war that happened for no obvious reasons.

Navee and "Lost for you" have been selected to represent the Homeland in FOMAT XXV, hosted by Baltusia.

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sun May 12, 2024 7:51 pm

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- Dundorf: Dundorfs Sozialdemokratische Partei
- Beiteynu: Ha'mahaneh Ha'demokrati Beiteinu
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