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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sat May 25, 2024 3:26 pm

Xsampa begins agriculture modernizations; Support of the peasantry.
January 4th, 5489
The New Economic Plan saw a shift in policy towards the peasantry of Xsampa. It saw a shift towards support of agriculture and the general peasantry, both to improve extremely rural lives and prevent the risk of famine that comes with mass industrialization. However, as great as the NEP was, it saw an miniscule improvement in Agriculture. With no way to modernize the agricultural sector, it was inevitable that it would struggle, if not collapse if mismanaged. However, that has changed. As apart of the Pan-Dovani Foreign Policy that Xsampa follows, it has allowed trade with capitalist nations, and this has resulted in a trade deal with the Kingdom of Great Bae a decade or two ago. The end results were Xsampa gaining modernized tractors to assist in agriculture endeavors.

This has allowed a new focus on agriculture to occur and as such, efforts are to be made on improving agriculture in the nation, to prevent a famine and ensure the agriculture sector is a reliable sector of the Xsampan economy. To that end, the first step is the equipment of farms. The tractors provided by the KGB will be distributed to farms across Southern Xsampa to replace any old defunct equipment and ensure better yields for farms.

Furthermore, akin to the effort with industrialization, subsidies shall be provided by the government to farms that are deemed in dire need and said subsidies will remain until local worker councils determine whether the subsidies are needed or not. The ultimate goal is to ensure adequate growth and support of agriculture in Xsampa, both to raise quality of living for farms and fight any chance for a famine to possibly occur. With that in mind, the government has also begun enacting modernizations of facilities to ensure adequate working conditions across collective farms.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Rogue » Sun May 26, 2024 8:14 pm

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Tue May 28, 2024 3:11 pm

Unader-Metz Line completed; Amidst this, southern ports to be modernized.

July 5th, 5490
5 years ago, efforts began on the Unader-Metz Line, with the goal of bringing northern prosperity to the South, and particularly connecting Unadertowan to Metz-Leonid. Today, that goal has been accomplished. At least, the goal of connecting Unadertowan to Metz-Leonid. As of today, the line can now bring both people and goods back and forth. This has seen yet another phase of the Great Leap Forward accomplished and the question is soon to come up; what is to become of the Great Leap Forward? While it is expected Comrade Tsemo will address these questions, for now many near Unadertowan can celebrate for the prosperity that is to come to the region.

With the results largely anticipated to be successful, the idea of connecting other cities to the Unader-Metz Line has been proposed in the Supreme Council, to further expand economic development of the South. While it certainly would be expensive, Comrade Tsemo has not shot down the idea. But Comrade Tsemo has begun a different focus. A focus on the Xsampan Ports. As it stands, most ports remain underdeveloped. The y received brief upgrades to accommodate for the now abandoned Project Terraway, but ultimately they have potential. Comrade Tsemo has focused on modernizing the ports first and foremost before connecting them to rail lines. Regardless the goal of modernizing the ports is to expand the capacity of the ports in handling goods and exporting goods to ally states.

Alongside modernizing the ports, in line with the recent ambitious goal of the New Verhamese government in assisting Xsampa in transitioning towards a more modern workers economy assisted by AI, it has been determined that sensors will also be constructed in the ports, connected to the Xsampan Internet Network, to allow data gathering. While not the main focus for port modernizations, it will certainly be helpful. Regardless, these ports are vital to the southern economy for what is exported to allied states and by modernizing them and increasing the capacity, the potential for the South is ripe.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Thu May 30, 2024 6:36 pm

General-Secretary Tsemo resigns; Kelden Gurung voted in as General-Secretary; Pledges to continue efforts to develop Xsampa.
July 16th, 5491
Comrade Tsemo, General-Secretary of Xsampa and the Communist Party of Xsampa has formally resigned. After serving Xsampa for nearly 2 decades, he has overseen the construction of the Unader-Metz Line, agriculture modernization, enact sweeping reforms such as giving the Supreme Council a stronger voice, developing a tourist industry for Xsampa, judicial reform and the Educational Assistant Plan. All of these developments have helped Xsampa immensely and without Comrade Tsemo, Xsampa would not have seen any growth. However, Comrade Tsemo is simply a man. Nearly 2 decades of ruling an entire nation is no easy feat and Comrade Tsemo has chosen to resign, both to manage his health and enjoy the fruits of his labour. In his place, the Party, and subsequently the Supreme Council has voted for Comrade Kelden Gurung to be nominated as General-Secretary.

Comrade Gerung has vowed to continue the Great Leap Forward, raise living standards in the South drastically and continue reforming the nation to properly achieve Metz's dream. With most aspects of the Great Leap Accomplished, Comrade Gerung has looked to expand upon the Great Leap Forward, calling for a complete reconstruction of all of Xsampa. Comrade Gerung has laid out a rather comprehensive plan on what is to come.
Healthcare Initiative; A More Healthy Society
As it stands, prior General-Secretaries have only briefly touched upon Xsampan healthcare, focusing on the infrastructure of healthcare, such as hospitals and such. This simple measure is only one step to a robust modern health system. Comrade Gerung has instead proposed a full restructuring of the Xsampan Healthcare System, believing that it must be modernized. While there are efforts to encourage nurses and doctors, more must be done. As it stands, the current system is too confusing, for doctors and patients. Comrade Gerung has looked to challenge the status quo and reform Xsampan healthcare. Digitalization of medical records, increased access to medicine, simplification of bureaucracy and among other reforms are planned for Xsampan healthcare.
Business of Socialism; A Socialist Economy
While the South has received special attention, Comrade Gerung has looked to expand upon the economy of Xsampa, through rather simple efforts then Mega-Infrastructure Projects and Mass Industrialization. Support of businesses. As it stands, local businesses in Xsampa don't exactly operate in a way akin to what one would expect from capitalist nations. However, they pave the avenue to development. The worker councils in these businesses certainly require support and Comrade Gerung will not neglect them. Whether by supporting local infrastructure to encourage development, various measures are planned for supporting the Xsampan local economy.
Taming of Nature; Ecology and Socialism, Inseparable
As it stands, Xsampa is a beautiful country. From the forests of the South to breathtaking mountain ranges of the North, Xsampa has natural beauty. One that would normally be exploited by capitalism. Comrade Gerung however, has looked to tame nature. Whether it be expanding the tourist industry by creating commercial means for leisure or even preserving the nations environment with national parks, Comrade Gerung is determined to ensure the nations environment is not taken for granted.
Welfare and Roses; A Proper Socialist Welfare System
The Xsampan Welfare System is flawed. This cannot be ignored and Comrade Gerung has looked to fix this mistake. As one of the few communist states on the planet, there is an immense opportunity to showcase how Socialism can truly work for Xsampa. Welfare is one of those ways and it must be reformed, to both tackle poverty and truly come a step closer to Communism. Whether it be reforming how one qualifies for welfare, or what that welfare even entails, Comrade Gerung has looked to ensure that the Xsampan Welfare System will be drastically reformed.
Cutting the Empathy Deficit; Creating a truly Proletarian Society
Across Xsampa, there is a deficit of grave concern. A deficit of empathy. One that Comrade Gerung is determined to resolve. A true proletarian society must be created, where everyone looks out for each other and not themselves. This underlying societal issue must be resolved and Comrade Gerung is determined to do so by any means necessary. While education is already teaching the values of empathy, more must be done.
A New Xsampa; A Digital Xsampa
In an effort to modernize, Comrade Tsemo has begun cooperation with New Verham on creating a new form of workers economy. One supported by Artificial Intelligence. While New Verham has spearheaded efforts, Xsampa must take the initiative. Increasing digitalization, access to Internet and increasing avenues for this AI to gather data must be done. For too long has Xsampa been stuck in the past. No more says Comrade Gerung. Xsampa must experience a digital revolution. No more must Internet access be limited to the North. All of Xsampa must move towards this Digital Revolution.
Law Enforcement; A Proletarian Police
Law Enforcement has often always been the bain of revolutionaries and Xsampa must once more prove to be an example. The Law Enforcement of Xsampa must be reformed, not as servants of tyranny but as representatives of the community. They must defuse situations, not escalate them. Alongside that, the prison system must be reformed, alongside the rather infamous re-education camps.
Overall, Comrade Gerung can consider himself far more radical in wanting reforms then Comrade Tsemo and Comrade Ladakh combined. Whether he can go through with these reforms is yet to be seen but what's certain is that Comrade Gerung will go down in history as a radical idealist for Xsampa. His ambitions will certainly create a busy tenure as General-Secretary but if he can enact his reforms, Xsampa may be propelled to the promised Eternal Golden Future. For now however, he must focus on one reform at a time. Either way, Xsampa is sure to continue experiencing growth of some form. The Great Leap Forward shall certainly be great should these reforms do as anticipated.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:01 am

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:55 pm

Environment of Xsampa to be protected; Xsampan National Park established.
January 3rd, 5493
One of the promises within the renewed Great Leap Forward has been the protection of the Xsampan environment. Comrade Gerung has not forgotten this promise and has made an explicit focus on what he has described as "harmony between Metzism and Ecology". To that end, while more environmental restrictions have been placed on heavy industry, he has also looked to take advantage of the nations beauty and protect it by creating the nations first national park.

First, the new industrial regulations. As stated prior, environmental regulations have been applied to heavy industry to limit pollution and ensure the environmental impact of heavy industry is minimal. Whether it be air pollution, water or ground pollution, the new found regulations should do well to discourage pollution. If not the regulations then certainly the consequences. Besides potentially heavy fining, those found of directly enabling pollution within Xsampa can be charged on "destruction of nature" and potentially imprisoned.

Now, moving onto the nations first national park. Dorji National Park, named after Comrade Dorji, who had led the nation through the NEP. Established in the Dkarlakha Canton, Dorji National Park is to be the nations first national park, where visitors can see a protected natural environment, free from pollutants or urbanization. Open to all visitors, the National Park will also not only be a victory for environmental protection, but also an expansion of the nations tourist industry. Whatever the case, this is certainly a victory for the protection of Xsampa's natural beauty. Whether you're a tourist from an allied state visiting or a native to Xsampa, the Dorji National Park symbolizes what must be protected. At the end of the day, behind the veneer of modernizations, and the march to progress, it is nice to take a step back to unwind in the natural beauty of the world.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:19 am

Xsampan police to be reformed from enforcers to community representatives; Besides law enforcement, community service is added onto the agenda.
An officer assisting a wounded bird as a part of her new duties as a representative of her local community.
October 9th, 5494
In most countries, and to all revolutionaries, the police is nothing but a symbol of oppression. The whip to which the bourgeoisie keep the proletariat down. A symbol of the reactionary state apparatus. In Xsampa, that is not the case. In Xsampa, law enforcement has undergone a major reform, focusing itself on being something more then just enforcement of law. A representation of Xsampan communities. Each officer is not a cog in the machine, to uphold the states will or maintain the status quo. Each officer is a representative of their community. Something worthy of respect and praise, not resentment. As such, reforms have come to the men and women who consist of Xsampa's police force.

First and foremost, representatives of communities. Too often we hear of cases of police brutality in the West. Too often we see the police as nothing short of tyranny. Xsampa presents a unique opportunity to ensure that the police here do not fall to that trap of tyranny and oppression. Each officer is to be an esteemed representative of their community. They join the force, not to empower themselves or oppress the Proletariat but to better their community. To this end, the gap between police and proletarian must be bridged. Officiers must not be someone you see once or twice but as often as one sees their neighbour.

To that end, training must be redone. No more can incompetent fools damage and destroy families because of trivial reasons. The training may be more extensive but if it means keeping officers who will certainly do damage off the streets then it is needed. Not only this, but officers must face accountability. Sadly there are cases of police corruption and this must be tackled. The police are not above the law and transparency must be established. No community should feel their representative is having information being withheld during an incident.

Now, onto the main focus, community representation. Each officer is given a single task besides upholding the law. Bettering their community. Whether it be something as simple as picking up trash, offering tutoring when available, or even hosting an event for a neighbourhood, these are vital to any community and community service is vital to understand a community. To that end, when not on active duty or patrolling, it is encouraged that officers spend time bettering their community. Whether it be as simple as picking up litter or as extravagant as helping the local wildlife, it is encouraged that something is done. Officers should be proud to serve their community.

While it certainly will take a while for the public to openly trust the police due to common misconceptions, this is a step in the right direction. By encouraging officers to actually meet with the community and help it in other ways besides keeping the peace, a harmonious society can be established for the betterment of Xsampa, and perhaps as an example.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:14 pm

Luthorian Prince Charles visits Metz-Leonid; Luthori to properly apologize for past colonial sins.
July 14th, 5495
It would seem that Luthori has finally swallowed its pride. Luthori has finally begun efforts to apologize for the inhuman act of colonization from the past. Yet, it was widely expected that this was all mere words and nothing more. Words to just satiate the need for justice. It is safe to say that this expectation was horrible misplaced when Prince Charles arrived in Metz-Leonid.

With the Prince thoroughly apologizing for the past deeds of colonizing Xsampa, placing our people under the tyranny of the colony of "New Mordusia", and ultimately stressing that the Luthorian government does mean to apologize to all former colonies. With that in mind, it was well expected the Prince would slip up somehow and yet, that slip up never came. The Prince remained cordial, respectful and genuine about apologizing to the people of Xsampa. Prince Charles went so far as to even respect Xsampan cultural customs. There were expectations of wealth flaunting yet that never came. Prince Charles remained respectful to the people of Xsampa, both during his stay and during the apology speech.

Overall, it went well. With the Prince leaving Xsampa and heading on to other Dovani countries, most Xsampans felt the apology was satisfactory. While it may take a considerable while for relations to improve to normal diplomatic levels between Luthori and Xsampa, this "thaw" is a good start. Comrade Gerung was noted to have been exceptionally pleased at the apology, believing that, "should Luthori want to continue efforts to thaw out relations, they can certainly try." While Luthori certainly does remain a mess of capitalism and reactionaries, at the very least Luthori is owning up to it's imperialism and apologizing for it.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:31 pm

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:13 pm

Cutting the Empathy Deficit; Welfare reforms to come to millions of Xsampans.

July 8th, 5498

All across the world (except the luxurious state of Narikaton and Darnussia, among others), welfare is a critical aspect of society, necessary for any growing society to ensure the lowest amongst them are helped. To ensure those who slip through the cracks of society that so often plague it are given a soft landing and the needed support to thrive once more. Yet in Xsampa, there is no other struggle then being amongst those at the lowest of low. Comrade Gerung has looked to change this. As it stands, Xsampan welfare is woefully ineffective and hardly effective in helping Xsampans get out of poverty. This cannot be allowed to continue.

To that end, the entire system must be reworked. First, what is covered by welfare? There are several aspects of welfare that can be covered by welfare but ultimately it goes down to these; Disability Benefits, Unemployment Benefits, Pensions, Minimum Basic Income, Food Stamps, Housing Support, Child Support and the controversial Universal Basic Income.

Disability Benefits are self-explanatory, benefits for those who are physically, mentally and intellectually disabled. This is to ensure those who struggle, whether it be from accidents crippling them or those with mental challenges are able to thrive in society and not be left behind. To qualify, family members of a disabled citizen or the citizen themselves simply need to register with the People's Committee of Human Development and upon finishing that are fully entitled to disability benefits. Due to the nature of those with severe mental disabilities, the allocated funds to welfare is significantly increased due to inability to properly work. Whatever the case, for Disability Benefits, these last a lifetime and shall be high enough to ensure a comfortable life for those who have struggled. Never must the disabled be left to get in the streets for scraps. Never in Xsampa shall we allow that tragedy to happen.

Unemployment Benefits are as the name says. Benefits to the unemployed to ensure they survive. While it seems counterintuitive with the Xsampan Job Corps, it is necessary for any high functioning society. These benefits shall not be as large as the Disability Benefits due to the existence of the Xsampan Job Corp but enough to ensure housing can be paid off (State Housing may be incredibly cheap but the unemployed may struggle to pay). Ultimately it is to act as a crutch for those in need of a job or in this case, awaiting approval for the XJC.

Public Pensions are arguably the most important aspect of welfare. With the professional retirement age at 60, this would leave many with adequate time to save up but how can one plant a tree if they have no seeds? To that end, the state will intervene and help. A portion of a workers paycheck will be allocated to this pension, which will be available upon retirement, and this will ensure that everyone is guaranteed a comfortable retirement of sorts. This will ensure old age poverty is given a major blow to ensure those who have toiled for the nation are properly repayed by the nation.

Food is the most important thing in life. Without it, you simply die. Hunger and starvation cannot be allowed to stay in Xsampa. To that end, food stamps. By directly subsidizing the cost of food (that is, healthy food), it can be ensured that starvation is cut down drastically. To the point of being incredibly cheap, this will only be available to those with low to no incomes to ensure the state doesn't outright bankrupt itself on food stamps.

Housing Support remains one aspect of Xsampan Welfare that does not need to be changed. Comrade Ladakh was the one who spearheaded Public State Housing in the South and as such, not much needs to be changed there. With low rent, somewhat comfortable living and easy qualifications, this will ensure every Xsampan has a roof over their heads until they can stand on their own feet and thrive on their own.

Child Support is something vital as well. After all, it is the youth which lead the next generation and without them, a nation fundamentally dies. To that end, the state must supports struggling parents. Depending on the amount of children one has, the state will directly pay the legal guardian(s) of those children a sum of money every month to ensure all necessities needed to raise a child healthily are met. Furthermore, should these not be enough, state runner daycares and youth centres will be available to ensure that the guardian(s) can work whilst the children are given care. This will ensure parents and those who adopt children aren't punished for simply starting a family.

The last aspect is rather controversial. A Minimum Basic Income and the Universal Basic Income. With the MBI being a minimum guarantee of income no matter what to every citizen not supported by another. While this has received support, it can be argued it's just an extension of the Unemployed Benefit. The Supreme Council will certainly continue to debate this one. However, the controversy raised here is minute compared to the controversy over the Universal Basic Income. A guaranteed income, no matter what, to every citizen. Something truly utopian. However, let it be known that the concept of a UBI is not opposed due to the eventually of transitioning to Metzism. However, the issue lay in its cost. Most of the welfare reforms can be paid with support from the REPAIR Fund however it is recognized that a UBI would simply be far too expensive for the nation to maintain on its own. So most likely, the Supreme Council is to shoot down the idea of a UBI until Xsampa is properly capable of paying for it.

Regardless, these welfare reforms will help millions of Xsampans and the People's Committee of Human Development will be hard at work ensuring families across Xsampa thrive. The War on Inequality rages on and welfare is but another weapon of the proletariat to fight poverty. Soon, we shall reach that Eternal Golden Future but the journey there involves ending poverty. With welfare reforms underway, Comrade Gerung can continue the next aspects of the Great Leap Forward.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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