
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Wed May 15, 2024 7:04 pm


Government Passes Landmark Agricultural Reforms


With the support of the Opposition, the ULG has successfully passed a set of comprehensive reforms to the Gaduri agricultural industry in order to make it more competitive on a global stage. The reforms centre largely around the idea of organic market growth and free trade, and also introduces an organisation called the Federation of Agriculture.

The first reform ends the practice of repossessing and redistributing large farms, a process which has been stifling economic growth in the sector. Instead, the size of farms shall be left to the free market, though restrictions on monopolies still apply, as in the rest of Gaduri industry. Farms will now be allowed to grow to fill the needs of both the Gaduri people and the trade interests of the nation. President Romano hailed this reform as the “beginning of the end of the socialisation of rural Gaduridos”.

The second reform creates a new independent agency called the Federation of Agriculture, which will be run by appointed industry experts. An appointments commission will be responsible for appointing high-level officials within this organisation. The Federation will be organised on a state-wide level, and will offer local and personal advice to farmers. It will also be responsible for mediating minor disputes between farms before they reach the coast, and for mediating with the Ministry for Industry and Trade about agricultural trading. The Federation’s most important function however is to allocate and award government funding for agricultural growth and investment. The government will be mandated to annually allocate funds to the agency to then reward to farms for projects and the development of farming. This will allow experts to decide the best way for the industry of agriculture to grow in Gaduridos.

The way that this funding is decided has also been reformed. The Federation of Agriculture will primarily consider the benefit that investment into particular farms will give to the industry as a whole and how it will benefit the economic condition of the nation. Prior to this, only small family farms were given any government funding. This aims to industrialise Gaduridos Agriculture.

The Federation will also attempt to protect the culture of family farming in some respects however. Advice will be offered to farmers who desire to remain traditional on how to do so. Small farmers who do not earn enough profit are also still guaranteed a minimum income under Gaduri law. Furthermore, the Federation of Agriculture will in part consider cultural preservation when awarding funding, however this should not get in the way of the priority of agricultural growth.

The reforms are controversial, even splitting government down the middle. Criticism has been drawn because many believe that the plans will end Gaduridos’ rich history of small family farming. However, the government believes that the plans will open up new avenues for trade and will help to mechanise and grow the industry to provide economic benefit and deliver on the government’s priority of economic growth.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Wed May 15, 2024 10:10 pm


Popular Marligantos Band ‘Maria’ Selected as Gaduri FOMAT entry

The Gaduri Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the Assocation of Gaduri Broadcasting, have selected the locally popular band ‘Maria’ as the country’s FOMAT entry. The band will be performing their new single ‘Nada’, which is sung entirely in Egelian. The band are led by their lead by their lead singer, Jose López and are from the capital of Gaduridos, Ciudad de Gadur. López had the following to say about their entry:

We are immensely proud to have been entered into the FOMAT competition to represent Gaduridos. We take pride in our music and hope to showcase this to Terra. It is time to make it known that Gaduridos can do rock and roll.

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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Wed May 15, 2024 11:24 pm

Pan-Seleyan Diplomacy; Gaduridos to trade with Lodamun and Tukarali.

In an effort to increase the nations avenue of development, the Romano Administration has looked to expand the nations trade volume and to that end, the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) has been busy at work looking for potential trade partners for Gaduridos, starting with Seleyan states.

Looking to nations north of the Aldegar Canal, the first nation one would expect is Aldegar itself, however as the two states already conduct trading, there was no need to rehash that and so, the MoFA looked north, to Tukarali. With the Tukarali government already being receptive to diplomacy with Gaduridos, such as with the Trans-Seleyan Railway, talks for trade were quick to occur and succeed. Gaduridos will trade iron and oil to Tukarali, and in exchange, Tukarali will trade both uranium and phosphorus. While the usage of both materials can be controversial if used poorly, uranium can potentially allow for a diversification of the Gaduri Energy Sector, should there ever be a desire to transition to nuclear energy. As for phosphorus, it can support Gaduri Agriculture with fertilizers and animal feeds.

Looking even more northward, Valruzia was not considered for diplomacy due to the lack of a proper government, and Likatonia was just outright ignored as an option. This left Baltusia, Kalistan and Lodamun. To that end, the MoFA looked to Baltusia to negotiate, however unfortunately, trade talks fell after no side could find an agreement on what exactly to trade. However, it is worth noting that Baltusia left the idea of mutual military exercises on the table in the future, should Gaduridos ever look to do such a thing.

This has left Kalistan and Lodamun left. However, while Kalistan has shown a strong interest in expanding it's trade volume with Gaduridos, ultimately trade negotiations failed to go anywhere as the Gaduri offer of trade ultimately wasn't within the Kalistani interest for trade at the time. Diplomacy with Lodamun found more success however, as a deal was struck. Akin to Tukarali, Gaduridos would trade oil and iron to Lodamun, and in exchange receive semiconductors and silicon.

With trade at least being expanded with 2 new nations, this is expected to help the Gaduri economy continue growth and bolster friendly relations across Seleya. With the Vandam World Economic Report taking a notice of Seleyan Stability, it has noted that among Aldegar and Kalistan, Gaduridos was also dubbed a higher riser, showing the rising economic growth of the 3 nations. With an optimistic atmosphere in the government for the Gaduri economy, many can expect further improvements to living standards.
In other news:
Beitenyu goes to court! As the nation finds itself drawn into an increasingly elaborate court case, one wonders the results.

Lodamun and Aldegar begin trading; New horizons for the two nations.

Eastern rumblings occur; Xsampa begins reforms, the right win in New Verham.

La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Thu May 16, 2024 9:56 pm


Government Announces New Arts, Music and Culture Programme

There are plans for a globally attractive Egelian-language music festival.

The Minister for Education and Culture, Sophia De Luca, has announced the creation of a wide-reaching arts and music programme. The scheme is to be known as the Programa de Desarrollo Cultural, (Cultural Development Programme), and involves efforts to establish Gaduridos as the centre of Egelian-language music and Egelian-centric culture.

The first aspect of the scheme involves a significant injection of funding into the music industry, rising to almost 10% of the Ministry’s annual budget. Most of this funding will be pooled into a pot from which music artists and record labels can apply to for funding. Funding will then be allocated by the Ministry based on a list of specific criteria, with the promotion of Egelian-language music a priority. This fund will also be allocated to upcoming artists thought to have global potential. A proportion of the funding will also be used to finance small-scale and community-based music venues.

Under the programme, the government has also announced that indirect taxes, such as value tax, will not apply to sound and recording equipment, allowing for cheaper purchase of better quality technology. The government will also be offering tax breaks to record labels who produce internationally successful music, giving them an incentive to invest in talent and promote them globally.

The Minister also announced a series of major construction sites that will help to produce excellent music. Firstly, the government will be investing in building a state-of-the-art, specially designed music arena venue in Ciudad de Gadur. The arena will be called La Esfera Sonora - The ‘Sound Sphere’, and will be a 360 degree, 22,000 capacity stadium, specifically designed to host live music. There was also the announcement of an annual music festival - Festival de Música Egeliana (Festival of Egelian Music), which will aim to be the largest Egelian-language music festival in Terra. The festival will hopefully draw in global tourism and will hope to showcase the best Egelian-language acts in existence. The festival will be held in Montedios and will also involve events such as carnivals.

In addition to this, there will also be an investment into Egelian-language literature produced in Gaduridos. Similar tax breaks will be offered to publishers who publish internationally successful books. There will also be an investment into higher education courses that are targeted at producing authors, such as creative writing courses. In addition, Gaduri television and film will also revive some tax incentives, with the amnesty on spinde equipment also applying to the industry. This tax break will also be extended to camera equipment purchases for the purpose of creating television and film. There will also be an annual Egelian-language film festival held in Las Vistas - which will simply go by the name of the Las Vistas Film Festival, to promote new films and the best films in the Egelian language.

Furthermore, local governments have been advised to make arts and music a larger part of the school curriculum. The three Liberal-controlled states, Manzamal, Cancon and Sonara, have already implemented this, though the Traditionalist controlled states have not yet taken this advice. The purpose of this will be to encourage students to engage with and produce arts and music for a young age, beating a wider talent pool for the industry.

The government hopes that these investments through the Programa de Desarrollo Cultural will produce significant economic benefit, as well as create a sense of national identity. The export of Egelian-language music and culture from Gaduridos is seen as a fast-expanding industry, with this investment spending that process up further.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Sat May 18, 2024 4:05 pm

Alma Collazo and the PSSG goes to the campaign trail; Promises of prosperity, peace, welfare and bread.

With elections only months away, the Triarchy of Gaduridos has moved to sway the masses and get elected. With the ULG looking to continue a second term, the UNdT looking to get into government and the PSSG looking to recover, many are left wondering who will win. However, instead of simply hoping that the people elect the PSSG, Alma Collazo, the current presidential candidate for the Seleyan Social Democratic Party of Gaduridos has gone on the campaign trail, looking to rally voters and empower the PSSG.

Looking to appeal to left-wing voters, progressives and Pan-Seleyanists, Collazo has decided to run on a campaign of keeping prosperity, keeping the peace, expanding welfare and fighting hunger in rural and underdeveloped communities. Collazo has made a focus on fighting Gaduri poverty should she be elected, continue national development, and ensure democratic institutions are safeguarded from "undesirable extremists". Collazo has also focused on preserving Gaduri Neutrality in the world, and ensure peace in Seleya, with mutual cooperation between all Seleyan states.

However, despite running an almost aggressively optimistic campaign, Collazo is not without flaws. While we at the Rosa Nacional do support social democratic ideals and the progressive ideals the PSSG espouses, we do recognize the flaws Collazo has. One simply has to look 4 years ago where she failed to not only keep the PSSG majority but also lead the party to third place, the smallest in Congress. Furthermore, her Pan-Seleyan rhetoric may be a turn off for most voters with an increasingly nationalistic outlook becoming more popular.

While Collazo is going across Gaduridos, it remains to be seen whether she can save the PSSG or lead it to further ruin. Regardless, she does have appeal to progressives, socialists and Pan-Seleyanists. It remains to be seen if she can capture the vote of the working class and the downtrodden as that vote seems to be split with the UTdN and the middle and upper classes largely voting ULG. One voter bloc the PSSG used to appeal to massively was the student and youth vote. That has long since passed as the ULG can contest those votes from the PSSG.

Regardless, the 5485 elections will certainly be interesting, regardless of who wins. Whether it be the Nationalists, the Liberals or the Social Democrats, Gaduridos is sure to continue on the track that has been laid forward for growth and prosperity.
In other news:
New Endralon and Kizenia trades with Xsampa; The Red Movement spreads further.

New Verham and the Dual Republic work together to resolve ongoing refugee crisis in Eastern Dovani.

Dolgavan PM resigns; A new direction for the Northern state?
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby imperialpearl » Sun May 19, 2024 12:27 pm

Harrington Times
Digital Instruments expands to Gaduridos with chips plant
By Hector Romero • 11th December, 5485
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon May 20, 2024 6:56 pm

The Terran Times
Also being that guy who's pretending to be this guy.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Wed May 22, 2024 5:16 pm

Gaduri Health Modernizations & Reforms; A More Just and Accessable Health Service.
Gaduri Healthcare has, compared to the rest of Seleya been lacking. Compared to Kalistan, Lodamun or even Baltusia, Gaduri Healthcare is extremely subpar. However, that is changing it seems. The current Ministro de Salud (Minister of Health), Soledad Feijoo has looked to modernize Gaduri Healthcare, giving it the necessary support and ensuring the nations healthcare is equal to the rest of the continent. The question is, how?

The first step is simply expanding access to hospitals, nurseries, retirement centres, etc. By expanding access, whether via infrastructure or construction of new centres, it will allow more Gaduri to get the healthcare they need across the country. So how can this first step be implemented? Construction of medical centres, particularly in rural areas. While urban areas enjoy high quality healthcare, the same cannot said for rural areas or even some states entirely that are impoverished. The construction of new medical centres, such as clinics in rural areas will drastically increase access and contribute to saving Gaduri from preventable deaths. With a general focus on Rural communities, both on continental Gaduridos and the islands, rural healthcare inefficiencies has been viewed as priority.

However, this does mean urban communities and developed areas will be neglected. For healthcare centres such as in Ciudad De Gadur or other developed cities, medical records are to begin being digitalized, to allow easier access for doctors, and especially patients who desire to see their records. This will not only help patients in getting their records for a variety of reasons, but will assist doctors immensely in adequately helping a patient. While these developed communities often have no need for the construction of new hospitals, it goes without saying that they would benefit immediately from Modernizations and upgrades. Something the current Ministry of Health has begun enacting. Whether it be new modern equipment, or medicine on a modern basis, this will undoubtedly raise quality of healthcare and even quality of living in Gaduridos.

Overall, these are only just the first steps being done to make Gaduri Healthcare equal to the rest of Seleya, and perhaps even the rest of the world soon. Many expect the next reforms to involve increasing the number of nurses and doctors in Gaduridos via potential scholarship programs to encourage and incentivize. However, for now the focus lay on modernization and accessibility. Simple efforts but ones that will help Gaduridos immensely.
In other news;
Xsampa begins tourist efforts; should Gaduri tourists avoid the communist state?

Beitenyu adopts the LFR; Could the Franc come to Gaduridos?

Kalistan and Lourenne cooperate on bio-polymers; New horizons for Seleya and Canrille?
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Wed May 22, 2024 8:59 pm


Government to Invest in Oil Industry


The Minister for Trade and Industry, Valentina Silva, has announced new government initiatives to develop the country’s oil industry. Though controversial with environmental groups, particularly within the Liberal Union, the economic liberal faction of the party is optimistic that this will help Gaduridos in its goals to achieve economic growth.

The Minister announced a new program of oil exploration, searching for new sources of oil within Gaduridos, both onshore and offshore in Gaduri waters. The program will be run directly by the Ministry for Trade and Industry, and will include a comprehensive search of potential sites. Whilst targeted towards oil exploration, the program will also help to uncover further natural resources, such as diamonds or gold. When discovered, the government will subsidise further exploration, mining and drilling.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry will also work with private drilling firms to develop more efficient and reliable methods of oil drilling. Furthermore, they will intervene if labour shortages arise in the oil industry, providing wage subsidies, or in extreme cases, by employing workers as public employees.

The government has also announced the creation of a government-run Higher Education Engineer Apprenticship, run in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture. The apprenticeship shall train students in working on oil rigs and other such workplaces, whilst also awarding them with a degree in Engineering. A number of universities have signed up to the program, with local universities actually awarding the Engineering degree.

These reforms are expected to grow Gaduridos’ biggest and most promising industry. Though environmentalists are concerned, the government does have a clear track record in taking climate change seriously. Oil however is a major player in developing the Gaduri economy into a major player.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Sat May 25, 2024 11:52 pm

Gaduri Armed Forces reorganized into the Gaduridos Self-Defense Force; Rearmament for defense on the horizon?


The question of the military has always remained rather controversial in Gaduridos for a solid while. On one hand lay those believing that the nation should fully commit to disarming and dissolve any institution of an armed forces. On the other lay those who believe in carefully rearming entirely and maintaining the Gaduri military. Today however, it seems that debacle has come to an end as the current administration has looked to reorganize the Gaduri Armed Forces into the Fuerza de Autodefensa de Gaduri (Gaduri Self-Defense Force).

As evident by the name, the newly established FdAdG (Our editors tell us to not use or shorten an acronym here) will focus on solely the Self-Defense of Gaduridos. The former branches of the Gaduri Armed Forces have been reorganized into 3 distinct branches.

The first is the Ejército de Autodefensa de Gaduri (Gaduri Self-Defense Army), consisting of ground forces. The goal of the EAG will be to defend Gaduridos on land and ensure adequate security for the nation should Gaduridos somehow ever become involved in war. The second branch is the Fuerza Aérea de Autodefensa Gaduri (Gaduri Air Self-Defense Force), focusing on air units (whether it be helicopters, jets, etc). The third is the Fuerza Naval de Autodefensa Gaduri (Gaduri Naval Self-Defense Force), tasked with arguably the most important task of defending Gaduri waters. Due to the fact half of Gaduridos is island based, the FNAG will be undoubtedly helpful in defending Gaduridos, whether it be from pirates, warmongers, terrorists or even just peacekeeping missions.

So the big question is at hand. What's the doctrine of the FdAdG? As can be expected of a Self-Defense Force, defense in depth is the doctrine of the FdAdG, allowing a focus on ensuring in any state of conflict, Gaduridos will focus first and foremost on defending itself. With a proper focus on defense, it can be expected that the FdAdG will largely be trained in defensive tactics to ensure a strict focus on defense. Furthermore, the FdAdG has focused on ensuring the Gaduri military is small, believing in quality over quantity, and that a more small but better trained military will ultimately be better for Gaduridos.

Overall, while this is a big step, it is a solid step for Gaduridos. There are some critics, from both sides of the debate but ultimately this should help Gaduridos and ensure an adequate ability for peacekeeping missions should the need ever arise.
In other news;
Are Gaduri wages set to rise? Some experts say maybe, others say it's likely.

Election season begins as the Triarchy moves to campaign; Will we see another Liberal-Social Democrat administration?

Is there hope for the PSSG to pull itself back up or will it struggle for another 4 years?
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos
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