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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue May 21, 2024 2:40 am


September 12th 5486

In a highly contested three way race for Mayor, Independent Candidate Rainis Boka has narrowly defeated the Social Democratic candidate Emma Cīrule and former Mayor and Conservative Vivianne Fehr. The Conservative incumbent was deeply unpopular with many on the left saying her policies and extreme adherence to Hosianism was out of touch with the people of the city. Boka campaigned on being a "moderate" and "revitalizing business" into Fort Karzonpils. Some of his proposals have been labeled to teh extreme of the right wing while some of his proposals but him into the extreme left leaning camp.

For instance Boka has promised to legalize gambling in Fort Karzonpils to model the Island of Karzon better. Karzon of the only Dolgavan state which has legal gambling except for Fort Karzonpils which banned it some years ago. Boka who has made his career off of casinos on the Island of Karzon, is known for his belief in the tourism and popularity of gambling. Opponents fear he will use his office for "corporate gain and corruption". He has also promised to establish Fort Karzonpils as a cruise and tourism destination by making it a city of fun. He has claimed that he has had talks with companies about potentially green-lighting a project that would create a massive theme park on the waterfront of Fort Karzonpils.

Our DBC Official Mayoral Election Results

Emma Cīrule who led the race for some time, took second place. Her campaign as well as her were upset because they were for some of the race projected to win the Mayor's office. Cīrule campaigned on the "emergence of sanity" inside of the city, promising to boost social services in the city and combat homelessness, raise taxes on the wealthy and provide affordable housing, rent caps and increased welfare for the city's citizens. Her campaign was seen as the beginning of the "rise of the Social Democrats" by winning a victory here, the party could be catapulted into the national spotlight.

For the Conservatives tonight was a bitter defeat. Fehr was seen as a conservative mother of twins, she campaigned as a strong and stable Mayor who held her Hosian values and stood for the status quo. It is clear that his sentiment did not appeal to most voters as her voting share tanked, being defeated by both Boke and Cīrule. The Conservatives need to change their campaign if they want to win in Fort Karzonpils in the future. The status quo seems to not be working here...

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed May 22, 2024 1:07 am


March 2nd 5487

The Dolgavan Parliament passed a bill today banning all religious facial coverings and Burqa's from public places inside Dolgava. The bill is seen as a move by the Conservative Government of Ludoviks Veinbergs to pass a major campaign promise by which it is meant to ensure public safety and to make it much harder for people to commit crimes. The bill was passed by most of the Dolgavan Parliament with some members complaining that it is "anti immigrant" and "against the freedom of expression". The ban will affect a very few people inside of Dolgava, mainly those who are orthodox believers in Ahmadism as well as some radial Hosian religious sects inside of the country.

Prime Minister Vienbergs called the move "nessisary to ensure the safety of our streets, businesses and communities". The move is being praised by both the Left and the Right with more right-wing anti-immigrant politicians supporting it and left and right leaning Feminists also believed that the Burqa is infringing on a women's right of expression. The bill was authored by a Conservative MP for Noversk, Laurita Bīriņa. She argued that the burqa was dehumanizing to women and that it stood against what the Dolgavan state stood for.

The move is apart of the new Government's crackdown on immigration as well as making the process harder and ensuring that immigrants assimilate into Dolgavan society. Watchdog groups are calling it "Extremely restrictive" while others are calling it a "restoration of law and order in Dolgava's immigration system". The bill is controversial but it is what was agreed to by a vast majority of the Dolgavan Parliament. "Dolgava will tolerate the right to freedom of expression but when it becomes a matter of public safety that is when we must draw the line" Veinbergs said following the vote "It is essential that we maintain security and freedom throughout our land and discourage these anti-feminist doctrine".

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon May 27, 2024 1:11 am


June 8th 5489

Following increasing unpopularity among Dolgavan voters for the ruling Conservative Party, the Election that took place yesterday was influential to the tone of Government and policy moving forward. The Conservatives have seemingly weathered the perceived "red wave" following the announcement of the Social Democratic Party of Dolgava but now a new party has emerged looking to topple their centuries long rule. The Dolgavas Liberālā Partija (DLP) looks to attack the Conservatives from the center and get the moderate voters to side with them as well as voters dissatisfied on the left. At the same time they have proposed legislation that looks to hurt the Conservatives as the "party of the right" in Dolgava. Their campaign has been one of change with their leader proclaiming that their party would upset the ruling Conservatives, however this was seemingly not the case.

Prime Minister Ludoviks Veinbergs campaigned on "proven leadership" saying that the Social Democrats and the Liberals did not have what it took to win or lead. The elections took place with an abysmal 18% turnout, the lowest in Dolgava for years. A overwhelming majority elected the Conservatives back to power with the Prime Minister making his victory address in Aikums.

True leadership is what people truly crave. Today you have elected us once again to lead as we have done for so long and will continue to do so. It is my hope that our Government will make changes that Dolgava needs while ensuring the future for our nation.

Immediately Parliament motioned to pass a comprehensive education reform bill which will bring oversight of the Dolgavan Education system more federalized. While at the same time giving government support to Private schools and religious schools, including those that treat juvenile delinquents and troubled teens. The Prime Minister has been a major advocate for "therapeutic boarding schools" and "wilderness programs" to help teens get our of drug and alcohol addiction, with a cornerstone of his campaign supporting these institutions, many of them run by parts of the Terran Patriarchal Church. Conservative leadership has called these reforms

The next step toward a better Dolgava. By giving parents the right to choose where they put their children, it will ensure that your child gets the best schooling that truly fits their needs. Our education system is going to be one of the best in Terra and it will help shape the next generations.

The Liberal Party counterclaimed arguing that local control of elections was essential to Dolgavan education philosophy but most of this fell on deaf ears.

As for now it seems that the Conservatives are weathering the political storms put forward and are showing clearly they can take opposition. As for now the Veinbergs continues forward with their agenda and policy, supported by his deep popular support amongst voters. However one cannot help but realize that the situation with voters is going to hurt the Conservatives if they do not change things soon.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon May 27, 2024 1:58 am


September 1st 5489

Empress Konstanja III announced today that she will personally be funding 25 neonatal intensive care units across Dolgava following her birth of Crown Princess Svena II in 5470. With Svena celebrating her 19th birthday last month, it has been the only heir that the Empress has been able to birth. Her struggles with pregnancy have been a battle she has fought quietly and with the public not knowing about it. However today she made it public by telling the world her struggle and promising to "make a positive difference" in the lives of millions of Dolgavan women that struggle with premature births. Appearing on a interview in the DBC, the Empress announced her intentions as well as her story. A transcript can be found below.

I have like many women had trouble with giving birth. I thank God that I was able to have my daughter Svena. She has truly been a blessing in my life. However I know personally the struggle of having a thing such as a pregnancy go wrong. It can be extremely painful both physically and mentally and can be extremely draining. Right now too many hospitals across the country do not have the resources to be able to help mothers who find themselves in this situation, and no mother should have to worry about which hospital to go.

This is why I will be funding and overseeing the installment of hospital wings and centers across the country, 25 different locations. That will ensure that mothers have access to staff and an intensive care unit. Premature birth is something that is extremely stressful and scary. We must ensure that this is as trouble free as possible for mothers so they can be as stress free as possible given that extremely stressful situation.

The staff and centers will be personally funded by the Empress with their implementation being apart of the Dolgavan Health System. The centers will be funded graciously by the Royal Family as well. It is clear that the Empress is motivated and passionate about this and she is going to be known as someone who brought change across Dolgava. We applaud the Empress for her actions and her resolve to help those in need. Especially in a situation often under reported. The rest of the interview can be seen on our website.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon May 27, 2024 2:38 am


Dolgavan Microchip Company DisGwiss Announces New Wireless Home Security Systems and

DisGwiss has announced the new Security Systems will be using "smart doorbell" along with a full security system which can be monitored from your phone

DisGwiss CEO says "Tech Industry Boom Imminent"

October 10th 5489

The Dolgavan electronic company DisGwiss has announced that it is coming out with a new home security system which will be available through an app for your phone. This system will include a "smart doorbell" which will have a camera and will allow homeowners to answer the door digitally and remotely. Also more security cameras and door and window monitors. These will be able to alert users on the phone as well as giving more camera availability to the palms of your hands.

The home security system will revolutionize home security across Dolgava as a means of giving power to the home owner instead of subscription based home security companies. Unlike private companies this will be only an upfront cost. This and the convenience of the system, should give DisGwiss a majorly successful product for Dolgavan consumers. The CEO of DisGwiss Martin Buhner called the product a "revolutionary change" to how home security operates and said that it is the beginning of a "major change" in how the company operates. The Domestic consumer market is one that is not even close to being fully utilized. Domestic products are normally cheaper than imported goods so if Dolgavan companies can tap into this market, it would help the Dolgavan tech industry excel.

DisGwiss has been known as a civilian and military microchip manufacturer but it is starting to delve into the markets of the consumer as well. This product is the beginning of a foray into home security which is a major change for the company. CEO Buhner is doing what he can to change the face of DisGwiss and change the path of the Dolgavan tech industry moving forward.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dolgava

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:55 am

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:32 am


March 3rd 5493

The Conservatives are in freefall after several newspapers have posted about the ongoing issues at several Government supported, private "therapeutic boarding schools". These schools are designed to help troubled teens by putting them in an environment away from bad influences. Several of these schools are now federally funded by the Dolgavan Government's Prime Minister Ludoviks Veinbergs's education reforms. These schools are now being uncovered due to the testimony of survivors. Some said they were "locked in dark rooms for days on end with little food" and others were made to do obscene acts in front of "administrators" as a means of punishment. The system inside of these schools primarily brings students up from a level type system with the first level is usually without any entertainment of freedoms. Some students called it "torture". The goings on at these schools have come under incredible scrutiny and anger across Dolgava. The regulations behind these "schools" are minimal and there is no requirement of certified and trained teachers to be instructing or on site.

The Prime Minister has been noted to praise these schools multiple times with one speech he made at the opening of one saying "these schools change lives" and "the adults of tomorrow will be better off because of these programs". These statements have been widely circulated across the internet and across mainstream media as a Governmental endorsement of these schools.

A petition of 1,600 certified teachers across Dolgava both from Private and Public schools have sighed a petition saying that the Government should immediately stop funding and even ban these "torture" schools for troubled teens. Protests have now become widespread outside of these "schools" with riots occurring outside of several of them as the public try and save the kids from these institutions. For the Conservatives it has been an utter disaster, with growing skepticism of their Government now combined with deep anger, it is clear that they are taking a major political hit. Even more so the Prime Minister has not said anything about these developments merely commenting and avoiding the media. However the opposition, now emboldened has not kept silent. The Social Democratic Party of Dolgava (Sociāldemokrātiskā Partija) or SP has slammed the Government saying that "education reform needs to be public and it needs to be with a new Government". The leader of the SD Emma Cīrule is promised that as Prime Minister she would not only stop funding to these schools but completely ban them and at the same time boosting support for public mental healthcare services.

The Social Democrats are rapidly rising in polls as Emma Cīrule and her party are known but now it seems public anger is boiling over with families and parents, traditionally conservative, now completely outraged by the Conservatives.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava

(OOC: NOTE: The "troubled teen industry in the United States is fucked up and it is just straight up evil. This is not to belittle those that have survived these places. If you do not know about this industry, please look it up, awareness needs to be spread!)
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:14 am


April 2nd 5493

The Dolgavan political landscape was in for a shock today when the most recent federal poll shows the Social Democrats leading the Dolgavan Conservative Party if elections were held today. The polls come after some time of controversy and major public backlash which has included mass protests. The Government has seen a series of disastrous demonstrations, first with the Dolgavan Teachers union starting a mass protest in Aikums, calling for the end of the "therapeutic boarding schools". The Dolgavan Teachers Union along with 24 other smaller teachers unions have all supported the The Social Democratic Party of Dolgava (Sociāldemokrātiskā Partija) and withdrawn their support of the Dolgavan Conservative Party. Over 10 other unions have done the same thing saying that they have "lost confidence" in the Conservative government.

The leader of the Social Democrats Emma Cīrule has announced several platforms over the past few days with promises being made that will see all private schools stop getting Dolgavan governmental funds as well as the end of 'troubled youth schools'. They have also announced several policies to boost the stagnant Dolgavan Economy and to raise taxes on the ultra-wealthy of Dolgava, something that has wide support across the left and center. Emma Cīrule has stated that as Prime Minister she would also reopen Dolgavan shipping into Lourenne's waters and sign the agreement with Kalistan and Lourenne that would ensure their sovereignty is respected in terms of their straights. She also said she would reopen the Dolgavan and Kizenian border citing a stable government in power in the country.

The Conservatives seem to be dazed and confused with the Prime Minister promising to "investigate" the troubled teen schools but nothing else on the subject. More damning reports have come out pointing the Dolgavan Governemnt as complicit with the industry, something that has created alot of negative press for the party. Prime Minister Ludoviks Veinbergs's business dealings have also come under scrutiny by investigators saying he has misled the Dolgavan people. For him it appears the end of his political career is near as members of his party have called for him the resign and a motion of no confidence possible if he does not resign, which would spark elections. A large ultra-conservative faction would much rather see the mayor of Ft. Karzonpils Rainis Boka become Prime Minister. He has criticized the current Prime Minister heavily due to the ongoing chaos.

If the Social Democrats can keep their momentum they could do what no left leaning party has done in ages, defeat the entrenched Conservative and form a new Government. Time will tell if this takes place.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:06 pm


November 4th 5493

Dolgava has entered a new age, the Conservative Government of Ludoviks Veinbergs has had the worst election in recent memory. The Fallout of the election was tremendous and has shaken the Dolgavan political landscape to its core. The Social Democrats won 139 seats and the Conservative vote collapsed completely. The event is being seen as a monumental change for Dolgavan politics as the long time party that had mere monopoly over the country is out of politics. Emma Cīrule is set to become Prime Minister with a Social Democrat majority government.

Remnants of the Conservatives have banded together with the Dolgavan Liberals which has pushed their party to 61 seats. The Conservatives are in shock as nobody expected this surprise result to take place. The loss of the Conservatives is seen as a failure of the party to commit to the right wing as the Liberal party fought for things like private healthcare and the Social Democrats had them flanked from the left. The Conservatives were out of ideas and out of time and now they have been, basically eliminated from Dolgavan politics.

Former Prime Minister Ludoviks Veinbergs made his resignation speech today saying that

It was an honor and privilege to serve the Dolgavan people in this capacity. I hope and pray my successor leads with grace and wisdom...

The leader of the Social Democrats and the soon to be Dolgavan Prime Minister Emma Cīrule greeted cheering crowds which swarmed through the streets of Aikums. She said

What we have done here is extraordinary. We have done the unthinkable only a few short years ago and the Dolgavan people have put us in the drivers seat, to do great things! We are committed and ready to lead Dolgava forward and not only that but to build Dolgava better than it ever has been! The time for change has come and we will not stop until Dolgava can be the best it can be!

Emma Cīrule is expected to pick her cabinet in the coming days as the Social Democrats start a new chapter of Dolgavan politics. The entire game has changed and Dolgava is in a new age, an age of change!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:52 am


May 8th 5495

The Social Democrat Government of Emma Cīrule has been not making sweeping economic or social changes in the past two years since their election victory. The Government's rational for this has been to "not rock the boat" and to "show the Dolgavan people the left can be trusted with economic policy", however their first major economic plan since taking office has been announced the Government calling it the "Six step plan".

The six step plan is being heralded as a Revolutionary change in Dolgava's economic landscape. First the Social Democrats have announced a "reactive minimum wage" which will see Dolgava's minimum wage rise from 8.45 DOL to 14.45 DOL in the next ten years. Secondly the Social Democrats have also announced a "1% tax" which will see the highest 1% of Dolgava's population pay .15% of their net worth to the Government every year. This will significantly boost Dolgava's income to Governmental programs. Third, for the lower and middle class the Social Democrats have proposed sweeping tax cuts that would lower taxes across the board for millions of Dolgavans. Fourth, the Dolgavan Government will cut defense spending to balance out the budget and rearrange funds to focus defense spending on the Dolgavan navy and for strategic defense instead of offensive weapons. Fourth, the Dolgavan Governemnt will invest in education specifically for the Dolgavan technology sector. Domestic technology companies will get grants along with public technological institutions. Fifth, private institutions will be de-funded, with the funds going to public institutions instead and as an aside, all challenged teen institutions will be banned from Dolgava. Sixth the Dolgavan Federal Bank will become independent to keep the power of interest rates out of the power of Governments, to stabilize the Dolgavan economy and promote consumer confidence.

The six step plan will help revitalize and change the economy to to a left leaning perspective, something that the Social Democrats look to steer Dolgava towards. These changes are popular amongst not only the left inside of Dolgava but the center and even the center-right. This along with the repealing of unpopular policies will put Dolgava in a good position going forward. The Social Democrats have started change in Dolgava and to implement their vision of a "new Dolgava".

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